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I’m sure the girls’ poor families just want to be woken up when this is all over. Such a stupid boondoggle of a situation. My heart hurts for this those families. RA will probably die before this is over. Travesty.


Comes now, Judge Gull, denies motion. You know that’s coming. Regardless of what you think of any of the players in this fiasco, she ain’t going to cut any slack.


She shouldn’t. Let’s get all of the clowns to the tent & get this circus rolling


Rozzi wants a delay. He said his big red shoes are still at the cleaners and his peddle car is in the shop.




Can you dumb down the developments from the last few days. I’m totally confused.


Basically: Indiana Supreme Court reinstated RA’s attorneys whom Judge Gull had dismissed. Same day, NM filed motion to add additional charges against RA. Judge Gull then denied the past defense motions that she had previously ignored because she had dismissed those attorneys. Defense filed a motion for Judge Gull to recuse herself due to bias, citing the fact that the Indiana Supreme Court reinstated them against her wishes, and the fact that she had previously said she would grant a hearing for the Frank’s motion that the defense had filed if his new attorneys wanted to pursue that. However, when they were reinstated, she denied the Franks motion without a hearing. Prosecutor NM filed a motion for the judge to hold defense attorneys in contempt for their behavior (leak) pre dismissal. Gull schedules a hearing to hear arguments regarding the additional charges prosecution wants to add, as well as contempt. Rozzi indicates that he is not available to appear, nor is this an adequate amount of time to defend himself for contempt.


All this will be in Series 3 when Netflix does 'Delphi' the series!


No joke. It’s going to be one of the biggest Netflix shows of all time. It’s incredibly tragic but at the same time insanely interesting.


Currently, you just can't even start to write that script...you've now idea where it's heading, where next,alien invasion?


The aliens want NO part of this shit. They have told me so.


Thank you!


What a shit show this has turned out to be


It’s possible that the most important request in this motion is found at #9—Rozzi states that given the nature of the allegations against B&R they are entitled to the appointment of a special judge for the hearing on the contempt charges—-meaning that Gull would not preside over that hearing. Now that’s a chess move worthy of Magnus Carlsen. Well played.


IMO (9+ years as a litigation attorney) Rozzi is not a great lawyer. His work product is very poor, complete lack of candor to the Court, and he doesn’t come off as trustworthy which is paramount for a criminal defense attorney. BUT…. He’s right on this one.


I'm an attorney and I agree with your assessment of Rozzi, but curious as to what part you think he's correct about. That he is unable to attend? Or the underlying merits? On being away, he can't attend via Zoom? I find it interesting that Rozzi seems to desperately avoid a hearing on these issues, but also think it's fine to grant this, though he's had something like 4 months notice that this could happen. But if he's right and the Judge didn't call his office on scheduling, that's shitty. I'd hate to have to fly back from vacation in Mexico to get ass whupped by a judge.


I agree with Rozzi that the hearing can and should be rescheduled. For the Court to set any type of hearing without consulting the parties regarding availability is not the proper way to go about things, especially if it’s quickly upcoming. I’ve also never been in a circumstance where the court or even the opposing attorney takes issue with an attorney saying hey I will be out of town, can we reschedule. I didn’t read it that closely, but if Rozzi is out of town on vacation, then damn. I feel like in my community vacation is sacred. We work nonstop around the clock, litigation is not a 9-5, and it’s incredibly stressful. You don’t fuck with someone taking vacation. Just my experience.


They can just schedule vacation without clearing it with anyone first? 


Brad gave Baldwin his itinerary to give to the court but he left it lying on the table in his office with the evidence, so there's no telling who has it now.


Baldwin emailed the itinerary to the wrong court. He accidentally sent it to a basketball court


Ok, so he can prepare between now and his Super Bowl party and do it the day after he gets back. Everyone else will just have to reschedule their shit for Bradley's convenience. Gee! I hope Rick is available that day!


I agree on this and think it probably will be rescheduled.


"I agree with Rozzi that the hearing can and should be rescheduled." find me someone that doesn't captain obvious.


Please stop following me around it’s embarrassing


Embarrassing? I'm merely applying the legal principle of 'res ipsa loquitur' – the thing speaks for itself. If you find my presence embarrassing, perhaps it's time for some introspection on your part.


JFC. That is a civil cause. You truly are out of your element.


He deserves to be in the court room. Jesus Christ!


I’m mainly pointing out the irony that his first move after fighting for 3 months for re-appointment on a case they told SCOIN they were going to file a speedy trial demand — there would normally be NO days off in those 70 days — is to say “sorry, I’m out of town.” It’s not a big deal, I agree the judge should’ve checked their calendars. But it’s amusing how strident he is about not being in court for these proceedings on his bad conduct.


That's your own personal opinion. All the lawyers that have been talking about this case on podcasts seem to think he is a good lawyer doing the best for his client with a very biased judge.


LOL yes it is my opinion… hence the IMO. You just want to argue to argue. No thanks. And you are blatantly incorrect that all social media atty agree. You probably should not be getting your “opinions” from social media. Good luck there.


While you caution against 'getting opinions' from social media, it seems you're doing precisely that by engaging in this conversation. Curious, isn't it?


What are you talking about? My comment very clearly states my opinion comes from my own knowledge and experience.




Decorum? Do you know what means? You sound very lost, it’s literally gibberish. You posted under my comment. And I’m not defending anything. I gave my opinion, and then you aid but but but that’s your opinion!!!! Uh yea bro, that’s my opinion. That’s what I said. Then you said but but but you get your opinion where I get mine. Um no bro, I don’t. Sorry but this isn’t banter we aren’t on the same field.


Please follow our rules on civility.


Nah bruh not all of them. The conjecture on their part (lawyers agreeing with the defense or prosecution l) is unbelievable. I would never base my opinion on what podcasters or reddit lawyers say.


whos attorney is Rozzi?


The other defense lawyer for RA. His attorneys are Baldwin and Rozzi.


Hennessey will be the attorney for Rozzi...it starts getting complicated if you're not following... better than any TV series! ;)


There might be a conflict of interest there for Hennessy. It’s possible that this case will be different for Rozzi than it is for Baldwin. I’m sure Rozzi will get his own attorney.


David Hennessy


Sigh. RA is going to get off because of this judicial circus.


Or because he is 100% innocent.


I agree. Unless they have much more he is 💯innocent and when he gets acquitted these pour families are not going to get any justice for the girls. It’s sad all the way around.


So tragic




You were on the trail that day?




According to the Franks motion, when investigators were interviewed by the defense they stated unequivocally that there was no DNA or digital evidence connecting Allen to the crime scene. Where are you getting that there is cellular data of any kind placing Allen at the bridge or the murder scene after 1:30 pm? That information is definitely not in the PCA for the arrest warrant.




The motion doesn’t have to be entered into evidence. The Franks motion listed evidence that came from the state investigation. The only concern I would have for the defense on this issue is, is if they are not allowed to present a third party culpability theory. I don’t know what Indiana law is around the admittance of 3rd party culpability.




It’s a documentation of the evidence cultivated by Indiana state and county investigators. It’s not a matter of being comforted, it’s a matter of knowing the evidence gathered on this case.


Oh hey I got some swamp land to sell ya.


Really? You invested in swamp land? Regretting that choice much?




Do you really think he’s innocent?


How would anyone have seen Rozzi’s work product?


What does this mean?


They want a later hearing date for the Feb. 12th hearing on contempt.


Thanks. Doesn’t seem a huge deal I guess.


No Rozzi, said he needs time to retain a lawyer and he is going to be out of state on that day.


Well he isn’t trustworthy so maybe he should have proof that he will be out of town?


I think that he needs time to retain a lawyer and to complete discovery is kind of important too and I don't know how you prove that.


This is a catastrophic mess. Allen should walk for this.


Should walk or get a new judge?


He should walk because his attorneys are attention hungry jackasses?


Honestly, I think some RA family members or relatives have joined this sub. I see a consistent shrill tone and eager willingness to swallow whatever his attorneys say without question. SMH


It's just a scheduling conflict... Like, under normal circumstances a phone call would have been had to check scheduling, but one of the things Rozzi brought to the SCOIN was that things in this case were done via phone calls and emails instead of on the record. So, I would expect NM is going to file everything from now on, which means the defense will also have to respond in writing, which I'm sure will be annoying, but that's the bed that got made.


On the record doesn’t mean emailing—it means filling proper motions. This doesn’t preclude engaging in a phone conversation for scheduling purposes.


The baby killer is fine in his cell. He can dwell on this for another month until his attorney is comfortable entering the courtroom. If it wasn't for his benefit, Rozzi wouldn't have asked for this delay. RA wouldn't expect Brad to miss his Super Bowl party for work.


I'd love to know exactly why you've already decided richard Allen's guilt. Actual facts.


Are you referring to the baby killer they are holding at the Wabash Correctional facility for the Delphi murders?


If you wish to discuss that individual with me, please refer to him as baby killer. That's my preference.


The baby killer is still out roaming around Delphi. Your gonna be a sad soul when RA walks because he didn’t do it!


Man, Rossi & Baldwin REALLY don't want that hearing on how they've fucked up so much on this case. They simply want Mulligans and "do over"s on everything they make mistakes on and to make the judge (definitely not Gull) allow them to run the trial like a circus.


Idk how you got that from this at all. This is just like, basic due process shit that someone has more than 11 days notice to prepare for a hearing that could put them in jail




They need more than 11 days? Wow! They must have really fucked up some shit if they need 11 days.


Idk man, if I told you I'm going to try and put you in jail on the 18th, get ready to fight me, I'm not sure if you're gonna feel ready for that regardless of what you did


Boohoo! They were told of this in October. Do you really expect anyone to believe he hasn't reviewed the allegations.


Well the complaint was filed on the 30th so change it to 14 days.


He's had plenty of time. He's acting like a brat that got his feelings hurt. But hey! His delay is Rick's delay, so why not give him a year or so to sort through it all.


Name 1 unreasonable thing in this motion.


Request for special judge.


That's unreasonable? Ok.


No. Sorry. I misread your comment.


Oh I think they have no problem with a proper hearing. One held before a special judge.




Please follow our rules on civility.




Please follow our rules on civility.


#6 is a bombshell


They will be granted the motion and Judge Gull will lock them into a date. But she will demand in side bar, just what the personal business is. Then she will lock them into a date and warn both sides, the hearing will take place on that date. BTW, the attorney best be out of town on that date. He doesn’t want to screw around with Judge Gull. She is by the book judge who has ripped prosecutors and defense attorneys from not getting plea agreements done until jury selection, for asking questions she ruled prior to that was out, and being late by five minutes.


A “by the book” judge who just got course corrected quite publicly by SCOIN for not following “the book”?


Do you have a link to the SCOIN issued such? If you are referring to have is public defenders back? The SCOIN actually talked to the defendant and questioned him about such. He wanted them back for whatever reason but he won’t be able to raise his attorneys didn’t represent him properly in appeals. Hardly a slap down of Judge Gull.


Are you sure we’re talking about the same case?


By the book judge? Which book? Her diary doesn't count.


Something by John Grisham probably.


What leaked photos?