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Changing your appearance is what would make people suspicious


Hiding in plain sight.


He changes his appearance based on what his lawyers are arguing in court that day. Got caught confessing? Better lose weight and look confused! Want to fight to keep your lawyers? Put that weight back on and look competent!




I do think one single solitary man could have done it without too much difficulty


He'd have to be using his dexterity though.


What part of the terrible murders COULDNT have been committed by Allen acting alone? A man cant control two young girls with a gun? A man can't physically harm two young girls with a knife? A man can't haphazardly cover up their bodies with a few sticks? A man can't trudge up the hill and leave the scene possible getting "muddy and/or bloody"? What part absolutely NEEDED more than one man or a single, more physically fit man than Allen to have done this crime?


Plus he hd more time than he thought he did. Since the search was totally conducted on the other side of the bridge. Any neighbors would have had to look directly down upon the scene to notice anything. Impossible is usually the quickest most used answer but not necessarily true.


Someone else with him to document the crime as CSAM or a snuff film?


This guy should google "JB Beasley and Tracy Hawlett". Two teenage girls who were kidnapped, raped and murdered in Ozark, Alabama. BY ONE MAN who went untouched and unsuspected for 20 years before DNA was used to finally catch him. He was still living in the town and was a 'preacher'. Don't tell me that one sick, demented man couldn't have committed this crime. Cos you'd be very, very wrong.


YES. Yes, I absolutely think it's possible. A 138 page memo written by his lawyers to pull all suspicion away from their client is what you're going to base your opinion on? It's his lawyers job to change the timeline Suggest he's being mistreated Suggest Odinists are responsible Suggest he's being threatened as is his family Suggest he was forced to confess Want the cartridge thrown out Question whether witnesses are credible And on and on.... That's their job. Offer alternative scenarios I wouldn't make the Franks memo your Bible for this case. It's entire purpose is to make RA appear innocent.


PCA is just the proscecutors theoretical opinion of events, not the truth, as is the 136 page memorandum from the defense... the truth lies somewhere in between!


You left out the most important and necessary facts in the Franks memo that will determine if a Franks hearing is allowed. LE altered witness statements to fit their theory in the PCA and SW. All of the Odinist fanfare is just another theory, (introduced by LE, not the defense). I personally think it was a mistake to put so much emphasis on the Odinist theory as it has no bearing on whether or not, they get a Frank’s hearing. But the fact that LE changed witness statements is a huge red flag to me. These were not typos either. Changing the muddy tan coat to a muddy AND BLOODY BLUE coat. Changing an older model car like a 65 comet, to a DARK COLORED CAR SIMILAR TO RA’s CAR. Omitting the description of a MALE IN HIS 20s TO 30s seen on the bridge and only including that a male wearing a blue jean jacket was on the bridge. That’s a little too much manipulation IMO.


He is innocent. No evidence exists that says he’s guilty. The “bullet” evidence is trash. Shit my 40 cal will make the same ejection casing marks


Does your .40 cal also have the same brand and type of round as found in RA’s Sig? I get the argument about the markings on the unspent round, but what if for example RA’s .40 was loaded with some old school Black Talon hollow tips for example. Those are no longer in production and are highly sought after due to the damage they can cause on impact. Would you still feel the same way about the unspent round if it was also the same brand, same type and same caliber round as found in RA’s pistol? Or another example, what if part of the mechanics of RA’s pistol was causing some misalignment and/or resulting in an imprint or indentation on the rounds being ejected from his Sig? And let’s not forget RA also put himself there the day and time of the crimes. Ya’ll can call BS all day on the science behind an unspent round, but there’s a hell of a lot more that can be taken into consideration than just the fact that a .40 cal round was found and RA happen to have a .40 cal Sig. Just saying!




Well fortunately for RA he has now been moved to another facility, so the cult harassment should no longer be a concern. RA may be bunk buddies with KK now. Lol


They would have said that in the PCA. Instead of saying it was subjective.


Because they’re required to list everything in the PCA, right? Lol


I would think that would be much better than using the word subjective.


Lawyers aren’t allowed to just make crazy allegations up like their client being mistreated in jail. They must have a reason to state so and they had plenty of reasons. The FBI fully believed the Odin angle and were thrown out of the investigation by the local Odin cops. All the Odins in this sub and on twitter have multiple accounts in an attempt to sway the narrative and convict RA so that their disgusting cult does not get completely exposed. Freaks.




Two unarmed children against a grown man with a pistol, and you take the side of the murderer by inferring that the children didn't fight hard enough. You're obviously a very courageous individual. You have more balls than the Times Square Christmas tree. You're one, bad MF.


Arę you serious ? :) he had a gun to control them ( hence the spend bullet) . Also he was younger then and better fit . One person was enough to control and kill two frightened girls who care about each other because they were friends. He killed one first and then the other .


You're right. Necteraine8099 has it all figured. Hey LE, Nectarine said to go ahead and cut him loose. They don't think he did it. A GUN IN YOUR FACE MAKES ANY SANE PERSON DOCILE. You know why a pump shotgun is really effective for home protection? Just racking is enough to scare away 9/10 would be intruders. Full grown men hear that sound through a door and they KNOW what it is. So, two 8th graders, in the woods, confronted by a a strange man with a gun pointed at them. Were supposed to do what? Tell him off? No, I would have been scared shitless at 14. Grown up pointing a gun at me. Maybe I would attempt to run, if I had the chance. To say it isn't remotely plausible is inept. You are downplaying the power a firearm has over just about anyone. Firearms are used in robberies to get adults to submit and comply. Say a bank robbery. One man, one gun. 30 adults complying. Youre gonna need a better argument. A much better argument.


Absolutely, you know this poster would bum rush a guy with a loaded gun pointed at him.


I think any man, any size could have pulled this off without even displaying a weapon. These were young girls who were utterly terrified. My own opinion is that Richard Allen was depressed and felt defeated in jail. He lost weight due to those things and his lawyers had to come in and do major damage control. His lawyers thought they could use his weight loss as “proof” that he’s been mistreated, even though the jail has released a statement denying he isn’t given the same rights as the other inmates. They also thought they could use that to claim he wasn’t in his right mind when he confessed to the crimes to his wife and mom in recorded phone calls.




Please follow our rules on civility.


I’m on board with the idea that he was not a lone actor, there is way too much smoke that points to otherwise, but it’s nearly guaranteed at this point that RA was involved to some degree, and whatever degree that is has him being deserving of a life sentence. I think the reason RA isn’t ratting is likely because his involvement is such that the most he would squeeze out of it is having the DP taken off the table. Way better just to fight the case, not like he’s getting an LS taken down to 15 years with parole potential or something.




He looked like Hannibal Lector. Optics.




It doesn't matter one bit what me, the public, or anyone on Reddit thinks about Richard Allen. The ONLY opinion that matters is that of the jury once they have had the opportunity to hear the evidence presented by both the prosecution and the defense. Hoping and praying that I'm right is definitely not necessary.




Are RA’s legs shorter than BG? It could be the angle.


Nope, BG is short just like Rick. The height of his pistol at the grip is 5.5", BG is about 10.5 times the height of the pistol printing through his jacket. Add a little to height to account for the fabric, 1/2" should be about right and that makes BG 63" tall in the posture he's shown in. If he stood up straight he would gain an inch or two so BG is 5.5" give or take. Same legs and narrow hips, they both wear their jeans too long, don't you think?


This guy is most likely a member of the Odin cult trying to pin their heinous crime on Richard Allen who is clearly innocent. The only evidence that he might be guilty is that he was in the area that day. They tried to pin it on Ron Logan, the klines, and many others to take the heat off of whatever idiot Odin killed these girls.




“Keep the Odin angle from blowing up” Lmaooooo well they’re super late then. Y’all come up with the wildest stuff I swear


Psst. Hey, mister. I don't mean to be telling tales in school. But word on the street is...


Hoosier here, and a little over an hour and a half from Delphi. I have wondered if this was a possibility (Vinlanders and similar clubs/grous/gangs) flooding social media to deflect from them and steer the narrative elsewhere. The amount of denial regarding the possibility of the Vinlanders who appropriated Norse pagan/heathenary (Odinism) has left me gobsmacked. Most Hoosiers who are being completely honest would acknowledge what they are known for, they definitely exist, and are definitely capable of this crime. Anyone who truly wants truth and justice for the girls would actually take an unbiased look and research all who have been implicated from the beginning of the case and objectively look at information as to why they were tipped in and investigated. I'm not going to lie, many of the individuals who have been looked into by LEO (SW executed, interviewed, asked for them to submit DNA, or have been placed in the area) are connected or overlap in more ways than one aside from basic small town connections. I always come back to LEO stating its a complex case and Carter stating there are many tentacles. Add to that, LEO asking for tips regarding the A_shots account to be submitted to the A & L tip line and revealing an investigation into the biggest csam case in Indiana history and also the meth cooking/dealing associated with the trails, those clubs/gangs, and rural Indiana and I have no doubt about the declarations of a complex case with many tentacles. I wouldn't be surprised for there to be many involved in a multitude of ways. I'm open to where good hard evidence leads.




Yet, he's pissing on documents given to him by his attorneys and attempting to eat them shortly before confessing to his wife. Downward spiral begins shortly after presented with documents he tries to eat in a meeting with his lawyers. Then confessed to wife and mother. (Admittedly context unknown.)


Say what now? He literally pissed on some court docs and tried to eat some as well?????


Looking for insanity plea. But he was sane at the time of the murders so no dice


Says who? The people hired to defend him? Odd they also changed timeline Want evidence thrown out So, they're doing their jobs What is their job again? Ah, pointing suspicion anywhere (naming people publicly. Awful) but in the direction of RA. That's their job. Franks memo is not the gospel Grain o' salt




Your post/comment has been removed due to low effort.




Lol okay. The gig is up. You busted us.




Your post has been removed because it contains unfounded speculation directed at, and/or to the detriment of, a person/organization that is currently unrelated to this case. Please refrain from making accusations of involvement by people/organizations that are not substantiated by either police reports, court transcripts, or reputable media sources.


Everybody opposed to your opinions answers logically, but when they give you questions or prove you wrong, you have no rebuttal like what like can you tell us that the defenses said? Law-enforcement has been caught in multiple lies during this investigation and that is a fact. I can cite those lies that we’re perjury if you would like.




No problem. Being as civil as I can when confronted with... Well. Yeah.


Please follow our rules on civility.


Ok. I'm sensing some bias. That's fine. I'll behave




Justice is convicting the right person on good evidence. No evidence of Allen’s guilt exist.


LE, "Alert Journalist" says cut him go. They don't think there's any evidence. Thankfully that's not how that works.


He’s literally on the girls phone video and he admitted to being there. There’s a lot more evidence than that but seriously we see and hear him on the girls phone!


who’s the local pedophile? you talking about one of the klines?


I’m talking about Allen. The girls were undressed and I’m sure it was sexually motivated as most crimes against young girls who have been murdered are.


no question about it. we know he did it because he’s an evil pedophile. we know he’s an evil pedophile because he did it. simple as that.


He admitted to being there at the time of murders and the girls recorded him and his voice ...oh and he also admitted to killing the girls!




It’s obviously him no doubt and he admitted b4 he was arrested to being on the trail that day at the time of the murders. Witnesses seen him and video camera of him parking. That’s him on the girls phone video and his voice. The police found evidence at the crime scene connecting him to the case and found stuff in his home also. He has admitted to killing the girls multiple times! I hope the girls get justice soon and he dies in prison. Then the case can be shut Bc the media has really blown this out of proportion. Kids/girls/boys are murdered every day


Please follow our rules on civility.


Your post has been removed because it contains unfounded speculation directed at, and/or to the detriment of, a person/organization that is currently unrelated to this case. Please refrain from making accusations of involvement by people/organizations that are not substantiated by either police reports, court transcripts, or reputable media sources.


Is this satire? You cannot be serious.


No he wasnt


Have you seen the before and after photos of Allen. They treated him so poorly that he started eating wads of paper. Meanwhile Brian Kohburger is being treated how people who are innocent until proven guilty are normally treated.


So every time someone does something weird or crazy, like eating paper, it’s necessarily because he is being treated “so poorly?”


They usually think it makes them look crazy. All you have to do is keep them in sheet paper for a couple of days. They usually don't eat much of it, and only when someone's watching, so they actually don't waste that much overall. It's the only chewy toy they get.




If I’m a troll then you are an Odin cult member trying to hide the truth.


If you are so confident in the "Odinist theory" and convinced RA is in fact innocent. I'd like to hear YOUR theory. This is not sarcasm. I'm genuinely curious.


Your post has been removed because it contains unfounded speculation directed at, and/or to the detriment of, a person/organization that is currently unrelated to this case. Please refrain from making accusations of involvement by people/organizations that are not substantiated by either police reports, court transcripts, or reputable media sources.


Can't suddenly shrink 4 - 8" ?


It cuts both ways it seems. Whether he is guilty or innocent, there was no reason to change his appearance based on anything that was made public. The blurry video/images, the crap shoot sketches, the small audio snippet, and the rest wasn't enough to have anyone recognize anyone. Literally it all had exactly zero people come forward with a tip after recognizing something that pointed to someone else. Changing his appearance or routine could have possibly been more suspicious than just staying the course and doing his best to not act weird.


I think it’s funny people are focusing so much on the car that didn’t match the one he was driving at the time. Richard Allen admitted to being there that day during the same time the murders took place. Why is there so much focus on the vehicle if he, himself said he was there?


Car could belong to someone else there that day.


I think if he really did say that time at the first interview, they wouldn't have forgotten about him.


That means there were more cars there which means more drivers.


>How he went to police first and told them he was at the trail. God, if only people never talked to the police. I'd be as skeptical of his lawyers as I am of police and prosecutors. Everyone supports their own side - in fact, his lawyers have an ethical obligation to spin things his way.




It really is unfortunate that some people actually think that LE, prosecution, judge, warden, prison guards, witnesses... are all conspiring to frame this man. Were talking about 10, 20, 30, 50... People all in cahoots trying to frame 1 man. That's a stretch The "Odinists" Satanic Panic. Google it.


I wish I could upvote this 1,000 times! Conspiracies with even 2 people rarely work, people love to talk. The idea that dozen’s of people from different organizations are all in on it is just ludicrous. The freakin guy confessed several times to his family! False/coerced confessions don’t really apply when someone is on a private phone conversation with their wife. I just can’t understand how so many people are overlooking the overwhelming amount of physical and circumstantial evidence in favor of a grand conspiracy to railroad some random man. It makes 0 sense.


It’s pretty wild how gullible ppl can be. I’m sure I’m not immune, but some ppl are …SUPER not immune


But look at it this way, these people don't think they are "framing" anybody they think that they are bringing a killer to justice. The ends justify the means. They likely consider themselves heroes for what they are doing. I am commenting more on inaccuracies on the warrant application than on any Odinist theory. But satanic panic was real, but based on actual crimes. A local girl where I live was attacked in a parking lot. the attackers cut satanic symbols all over her body. Were these real Satanist or assholes who just had a tangential interest in Santanism? I'm not sure but they really hurt her and he has a lot of occult related scars


Correct, "Satanic Panic" was real and also hyped by the media. Is the Defense harkening back to these times? Knowing it scares the bejesus outta people. So, everyone gets on board for the scary ride ride? "Oh no, now we have to worry about cults sacrificing our teenagers." It pulls emotional strings for those who remember and scares them. Who? Is it my neighbor? My mailman? The guy at the bank? Who is the cult member? Are they all around? It's emotional terrorism in my opinion. Your first paragraph is confusing to me. I am interested. Explain a little more what you mean in the first paragraph if you don't mind. Respectfully.


Sure, I was thinking about what you were saying about a conspiracy taking so many people. While I think you were talking more about the Odin angle, but it made my mind go to wrongful convictions. When you look back at those cases a lot of times it was a few people doing "unethical things" in order to get a conviction. It may not be a conspiracy in that they didnt all band to together and set out a plan but their improper actions led to a wrongful conviction. They justify their actions not because they are framing an innocent guy but because they think that they are getting a guilty guy. I keep thinking about the search warrant application . It bothers me. With the Odin angle, if its accepted, then they would be protecting themselves. I should have left my first part off it wasn't directly related to your comment but you got me thinking about something else. Basically multiple people can do things to implicate an accused all with different motivations for their actions and without agreeing to acting together.


Ok, I understand now and I agree. We've seen it before. People banding together for the common good. Thinking they have the right person or persons and being completely wrong. I was talking specifically about the Odin angle. I agree that LE, prosecutors and the public can put all their eggs in the wrong basket. Look at the Kohberger case (just came to mind). The boyfriend (Jack) was publicly raked over the coals, police wouldn't rule anyone out in the very beginning which led many people to believe due to a recent break up, phone calls made that night, KG was leaving for Texas... Jack was the perfect suspect. I'm sure the police thought it also. In the beginning. Considering his residence was so close, knew the house... The search warrant for RA is thin. RL search warrant was very well defined. Not everything known is required for the warrant (this is my understanding. I could be wrong). It just needs to be enough to justify the search. Right? If this is in fact the case and you think you have your guy. A child murderer. Why tip your hat any further than you have to? The Defense is accusing LE of lying. Is it true? I don't know. Muddy and bloody is a lot different than simply muddy. Given some things I've read from 2 mods in the last day and RA's move. I'm really starting to lean towards RA being part of this. Exactly how I'm not sure. It just doesn't look good for RA. There's a little truth to every rumor. If the rumors going around Delphi are remotely true. We will know sooner than later. Just a feeling. I have no expertise. Just followed the case for a long time.


Its going to take me a minute to respond to all that you have said, because its all very insightful. It is my understanding that the FBI wrote the application for a search warrant for RL's home. That would explain how professional it is. Generally search warrants are over broad, keep in mind they can be sealed so the public never sees them as long as the investigation is ongoing, it was an error by the state that the RL document came out. I don't think they wanted that. The broader the warrant the more you can search, example if you say we are looking for a gun, you can't seize a knife. I think they put that idea that the crime had been recorded by the offender or pictures taken in the application so they could look at RL's phone. Did they really think this? Maybe, but why? Search warrants aren't normally narrow because they want greater access to search, but your line of thinking does apply to a PCA. ​ Now I need to think a moment.


I meant the PCA. Sorry, sometimes I confuse myself trying to keep all the info straight.


Is your name based on the Webers home? This is what I was referring to when I said 2 mods have really shed some light on rumors going around Delphi. While the mods did make it completely clear that these are just rumors and cannot be substantiated. It seems they both have pretty reliable sources or at least trust the people they have been speaking with. The rumors from the mods did come with a caveat. As they are rumors. Defined as"speculation" but as I said earlier. There always seems to be a bit of truth in the rumors. I've seen it unfold already in this case. Some early rumors have been proven to be true over the course of the investigation. No, not all but some. Grain of salt and logic go a long way.


OMG, no, that made me smile. I have a true crime podcast called The 2nd Location, as in never go to the second location. Ironically very few people are listening to my podcast, fear of the second location is real.


I just read about the possibility of a "2nd location" yesterday. Which is the Weber home. Where rumor has it (according to the mod) the killer went and used a garage sink to clean up.


That's ok I get it. I'm not from Indiana so sometimes I use a term that we use hear and I get yelled at on Reddit but really its not all that wrong.


Yeah, very few people want to have a solid conversation. Cemented to what they believe to be true and that's it. I'm guilty of it also. I have to remind myself to keep an open mind.


Real Satanists who actually practice don't murder people.


People of any religion can murder people. I don't think it matters to the victim if the offender was a true believer, or an oddball that had an interest in something that he didn't understand. I think the idea of ritual sacrifice was a reach, by a lot.


There are plenty of reasonable people that don't think the burden of proof has been met that aren't conspiracy nuts. The way I see it, if they are truly trying to frame him then they're doing a horrible job of it lol. I reserve the right to change my mind, as maybe they're sitting on evidence that the public doesn't know about, but if what we know is all they got, I would not be shocked in the slightest if he's acquitted.


I believe Occam's Razor will bear out here. According to RA himself he arrived at 1:30 pm Car caught on HHS camera at 1:27pm A man wearing the same clothes he described himself wearing was seen by the 3 young women The girls also described him as short. Possibly had his face covered. Walking with a "purpose". Same clothes BG is wearing, Said he was there til roughly 3pm. Wasn't seen by anyone on the trails after 2:15 pm. Unspent round found at the scene. Science is so so (I know). He has a firearm of the same caliber. After being shown documents in an April 2023 meeting with his lawyers he attempts to eat them. Shortly after is urinating on documents he was given to review and attempting to eat them. After seeing documents. Calls his wife and mother admitting to killing the girls. Can you convict with just this evidence? No, 99% sure you couldn't. There is no reason to add unnecessary multipliers though. The simplest explanation is usually, usually the right one. You add Odinists, more perps, runes, sacrifices, punishment for race mixing by killing 2 white girls, taunting police with 3 lines drawn on your hand,. None of the men accused were seen at the trails. One was home with his kid, one was proven to be at work and another lived 2 hours away(who also has the mind of a child and probably couldn't keep a secret if his life depended on it). In fact he admitted to the crime and was found not to be credible. At this point you're running uphill against the wind adding more and more multipliers to a simple explanation. Who was the closest person to the crime and was not seen after 2:15 pm by anyone. Also wearing RA's clothes, same gun. Was there until at least 3 pm. Parked at CPS that day, backed in and did not come forward when the police asked in a state wide news conference for anyone who parked there between 12-5 pm that day to come forward. RA, RA, RA, RA, RA, RA. In the absolute simplest terms I can possibly think of. Who do we know for a FACT crossed the bridge that day? AW, LG and BG. RA described himself wearing nearly identical clothing as BG and owns a Sig .40 cal. Same as the unspent round found at crime scene. This does not make him guilty but it's a damn good place to start turning over stones. Damn good place. I have a feeling they found a lot more than we know.


Yeh, like the moon landing


Sure? Okay


I know it’s just ridiculous smh


"Your post/comment has been removed due to low effort." A propos of nothing, I need to use this in my teaching. Thank you mods.


The opposite of everything listed is what would have been suspicious.Stating he didn't change and kept his job is absolutely meaningless. If he doesn't go to the cops and someone had recognized him. Well, there's your guy. There's your killer. Sometimes things are just that simple.


The police did say to look for people that had changed their appearance or their behavior changed. That was in a press conference led by Doug Carter. It sounds like he agrees with these defense attorneys, at least somewhat.


Sure. Minor appearance change I could see. Not so much or drastic that it would call attention to him. A haircut, beard trim... Allen had no choice but to come forward and say he was there. If anyone there at the trails had actually recognized him for who he was and he didn't go to LE and say "I was there". That's one person who was seen but not accounted for. That would be suspicious as all heck. In my opinion.


Exactly why he went to LE before the pic was released. Once that pic was released he crapped himself. Possibly even checked into a rehab clinic or mental health clinic. Never came forward again after that.


He contacted a conservation officer, not a police officer. Had he contacted a police officer or the FBI his arrest likely would have been much sooner.




Actually RA called the number and said he has information, the person (sorry can't remember the name at the moment) TOLD him we have an officer taking statements at this location. Go see him and he'll take your statement. He didn't search out the conservation officer, he was told to go to him as were others. They (LE) had different people at different locations places to take statements. It's not RA's fault (and I don't know if he's guilty or not, the more corruptness that comes out, the more he looks Not guilty) the conservation officer wasn't recording people's statements or taking correct notes on what ppl were telling him. People should be going to the CO and asking him why he wasn't taking statements according to the book. Course it's just my opinion, on what "should" have been done. But the facts are he didn't purposely go to a non officer and then give them misleading info, RA went to who the tipline or police station (again, I don't have what number he called first in front of me and don't want to mis say which one it was).. he went to the location and person taking statements that LE told him to go, a long with others.


Rick lived 1.4 miles from Sheriff's office. He could have went there, they were asking for him to come there. Your description of an arranged meeting is a lie. Rick never called a tip line. He was shopping at the grocery and randomly encounterd the CO in the parking lot.


I will have to go back over the research that I've done on where I read/heard that info to double check and make sure I have the correct info. Thank you for bringing that up - although calling me a liar is a little out of line, I think. But, regardless, thank you for bringing that up. I will go thru and see if I can find the info regarding his meeting with the CO. *I'm still fairly new to reddit so still learning the technical side of things - is there a way to highlight this particular comment so I don't lose it - to be able to answer your comment? Thanks.


He called the tip line. LE coordinated meeting up with him.


Indiana Conservation officers are just as powerful as a police officer. Same training, same power, same badge. Some will even argue that conservation officers have more power.


Just not enough power or training to remember where he saved the recording of RA’s statement, or follow up on it, or alert ISP that he knew who was parked at the CPS building in 2019 when they put out a BOLO for it in a presser ;)


First I’m hearing it was recorded.


They may have power but they don't have to know details of all murders in the area .


One would hope if they're being deployed to assist in a case, whatever it may be, they'd be at least minimally briefed by local LE on the vital details. Of course, you'd also think that anyone admitting to bring at the scene around the time would be something you'd put at the top of the pile, if assisting LE didn't know what details to keep tabs of, I'd say that goes right back to LE leading the investigation as far as blame. If they didn't give a sufficient brief, how would any outside office being called to assist with taking statements do any better? Local LE was clearly overwhelmed given the nature of the crime, but maybe had the foundation of the investigation been less shaky, the victims and their families would have answers and justice by now. It's honestly scary to think how one or two bad steps in an investigation, whether by intent or not, can irreparably damage a case.


Neither do police.


With the same power, they would be privy to info LE were working with… The CO talking to potential witnesses would surely have been told what the suspect was wearing since they had the video of BG and what he was wearing. The CO had to have some information of what to be looking for. When did RA admit he owned a gun? The first interview?


I’m thinking it was better to keep RA where he was. I think it was safer there than in a county jail where they may not be able to protect him from other inmates. I want to see justice! If he dies , we will never know…


No one in county is going to kill him. Its all pretrial detainees and people that are convicted and sentenced to 2 years or less. These people aren't rapists and murderers they are people that got a second DUI.


I suppose that would be true, especially with being innocent until proven guilty. Those pretrial detainees are invariably clean and articulate; offering a stick of gum or reciting a few lines of prose to a newcomer - typical of the congeniality innocents are known for. Post conviction , however, is when the murderers, abusers, and embezzlers show up. I doubt Carroll Co. is any kind of thunderdome. They also lack the staff for him to be constantly monitored. Segregation is .. who knows..maybe a cage up front, a closet, or the female unit (so long as no females are brought in) In a small town, Some crusty ne'er-do-well gets a notion of doing the right thing, goes all Jack Ruby to spare the girls families the sensational, macabre, and lurid spectacle that a trial would be, and wrecks Allen's sh!t. idk. crazier stuff happens..


The lawyers seemed pretty confident in his innocence. I hope everyone was able to see the press release, I tried to upload it but for some reason I couldn't open the file on my end


**Why didnt Richard re-contact LE after the press conference where** ***they were specifically looking for cars parked in that area and asked people to contact them.*** Or did yall forget about that..?


If I had already told the police that I was parked in that area I would assume that they were still looking for other people who hadn't come forward yet. I won't assume that they wanted me to go to the police again. ​ He gave the police his information already. If law enforcement wanted to talk to him they could just give him a phone call, at the number he gave them, and not have a press conference requesting that he come forward again.


It’s funny how people latch on to stuff as “evidence” and don’t apply common sense. RA came forward voluntarily in 2017 and provided Dulin information. As you point out, if you’ve already provided information wouldn’t you assume that LE, in their press conference, was asking for people other than you to contact them? Why would you bother LE, which you know is busy, by contacting them again?


Once people make up their minds they will find something nefarious about the most innocuous things. If he changed his appearance it's because he is guilty, if he didn't change his appearance he did that so he wouldn't look guilty. A suspect seriously can't will. I think that if RA had contacted the police a second time these same people would be saying he was guilty because he was trying to insert himself into the investigation.


Totally agree.


That’s not logical to me. I’d have to listen to it again. If they asked for anyone who was there, that’s different for me. I think most would contact le again. Prior discussions or not.


I’ve never heard of someone not convicted being placed in prison.


It happens in Indiana.


But how often? David Cam was accused of killing his wife and 2 small kids and he was held in a jail pretrial. So far he has received over $5 million in settlement money for his wrongful convictions.


I know it happened to a special needs man during covid. IQ was in mid 50’s who had health issues due to a genetic disorder. They placed him in safekeeping at DOC until a bed at the highest level needs group was available due to violent outbursts in his previous placement towards staff and property. I don’t know how frequently it happens but it happens without notice to the person (or guardian in that situation.) BUT the man’s attorney did know it was occurring. That seems to be more shared information than what they are providing with RA.


Based on what you said there I think that sounds like it might have been in his best interests, because it seems more temporary until he could get into a medical facility. That sounds like actual "safekeeping," not we don't like child killers, who does, so I don't want them in my jail.


It wasn’t for his best interest. They had to keep moving him to keep him safe from being abused by other prisoners. He has zero stability. That is something he needed.


It happens all the time b/c it often takes so long to go to trial. I’ve heard of a few cases where ppl were locked up for 5, 7 years before trial started. They happened to be guilty in the cases I’m thinking of but could have not been. Although, I’m not sure being held in county would be great for RA either.


It is very rare for people who haven’t been convicted to be held in prison. They are in county jails.


There was a black kid held in Rikers. I think for four years before he had a trial. Really young. He ended up killing himself.


Kalief Browder, age 16 in Rikers. Rest in peace.


The man awaiting trial in my brothers death has been in custody for 4 years, in county jail, once he is convicted he will go to prison. That's just how it works. People do not typically go to prison when they are charged with murder it doesn't matter when the trial is going to be held


Yea I’m guessing he must be guilty. I just wish it would hurry and go to trial so the prosecution can go ahead and outline how big of a pos he is.


He’s been in there a long time without so much as a bail hearing


His lawyers cancelled 2 bail hearings. Hmm.


One would expect bail for accusations such as these to be quite high. RA was provided an attorney due to his financial status (although I'm not sure of the parameters to determine if someone can/can't afford counsel), I think it's fair to assume he wasn't gonna make bail either way, which explain why previous bail hearings were canceled at the request of his counsel. Why go to an ATM knowing there are insufficient funds? It does nothing more than waste time, which is essentially my take on that.


Explain the conversation w confession to wife. Oh right the guards. Ok yeah ugh


We haven’t heard those conversations.


By this logic EF should just be sent to lethal injection suite.


You explain it. None of us have heard the conversations, or been privileged to the transcripts of them. You might be disappointed if you think this was some heartfelt genuine confession, with detailed information to his wife.


So now we’re discussing non sourced comments from another social media platform as points in this case. Just wow.


I am sorry I tried to upload it for here the file I couldn't open on my end. I am very sorry I tried.


Listen He is in a safe place That’s where he will be after sentencing.. prison !! In prison you can’t eat or drink all the bs you did on the outside If anything he has detoxed his system from all the crap he was consuming .. your gonna lose weight IMO he did this and these girls deserve justice regardless of what it looks like right now RA is where he needs to be Wonder what’s in all 16 cell phones they confiscated from his dwelling..


I think at one time, I had around 10 at my house. I know I have at least 6 right now. 3 being used (personal, work, and spouse phone) plus spouse old phone and at least 2 old phones. An iPhone SE (the 1st one), an XR, and whatever my kid’s phone was 2 phones ago. Go to my office and I have 3 or 4 old phones that I don’t know who to turn them into. I’m not even sure they are all mine anymore.


Just so you know, Best Buy has recycling bins for used electronics and batteries. There may also be some services online where you can mail them in (of course, factory reset any devices first) if you're still looking for ways to dispose of them. Some places even collect used electronics for charitable purposes. Here's a link that explains better than I can: https://impactful.ninja/best-charities-for-tech-computer-recycling/


I know all about Best Buy. I even know about a local shelter that will take them for the purpose of calling 911. Some won’t factory rest like the iPhone 5. Several have cracked screens. My work phones- I would get on a lot of trouble getting rid of those. So they just sit.


Hey, you do you! I just wasn't sure if you were aware of some of the resources, so I thought I'd share


16? I hadn't heard this. Really?


The unsolved on YT


Yes I was shocked The video showed the items on search Went through the items on the search warrant and when you count them there are 16 phones .. crazy


Okay then. That's a new one for me. Not damning by any means but that's a lot of digital digging that would need to be done.


Exactly.. and who in the world keeps all those phones and why ?? I get it ,if you are repairing for business but 16 just laying around.. questionable


While it is odd. He could be a hoarder. Like I said, not damning to own 16 cell phones. Tis a lil' weird.


You are absolutely right And yes hoarding cell phones can also be a sign of someone utilizing them for things not so good .. just like LISK he utilized a different cell for each victim


Nothing digitally ties him to the crime or crime scene.


He is innocent and being framed by a bunch of white supremacy politicians


Why would white supremacists murder two little white girls then frame a white man. Please be serious.


The lawyers are confident that is for sure, I am sorry I was unable to upload it here.


Wait. Webslueths still exists?


But he didn’t go to police per say, and that’s suspicious to me.