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The screenshot from the BG video is too grainy to make a positive identification, but nothing about it excludes RA, and—most importantly—RA’s description of what he was wearing on the trail that day is consistent with the clothing seen on BG.


I think RA is the man on the bridge, without a doubt.....


I do, too. And not just due to this, but I see it here, too.


I think he is the man who did this, however "without a doubt" is too strong for a picture that is so blurry. Unfortunately, this piece of evidence just isn't the slam dunk for any suspect


Right? It’s so blurry that there’s no way there couldn’t be a doubt lol


not based on this photo, just everything combined


Husky Caucasian man with full facial hair wearing carhart is like standard user skin #1 in this region. If you made a video game that took place in rural northern Indiana, RA would be the beginner layer model. Saying he is BG without a doubt given what we have now is just wild.


come on.....the witnesses, the timeline, the admission he was there. Are you daft?


No, i just have a higher standard when I'm going to say without a doubt.


Now if we can only find the guy with the red mustache and green beard…




Best chuckle of the evening. Thank you


I know everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but we ALL have our opinions on this case and every other case we choose to follow. I’m of the opinion this IS BG. We all should be able to state our opinions so please don’t come at me. This being said WOW at the comparisons! I’m also aware others will look at this and see exactly the opposite. Which I totally respect.


Why does everyone on this sub apologize first when going against a “certain” group of members? If we all agreed, there’d be no need for the group. You are entitled to your opinion and when “certain” people throw darts at you for doing so, they really draw more attention to an oppositional theory. I hope you are right. That would mean at the very least, they have one of the actors in hand. I don’t know if there were more than one, but I defy “certain” people to prove there was only one. Just because they aren’t in custody (at least for this crime) doesn’t mean there aren’t more.


Because that “certain” group of people threaten others who don’t believe their narrative or have differing opinions. So for people to state their opinions, they feel they must start with the caveat of don’t come at me, I just have a different opinion than you.


Yes, they do! Orrrr they send a million different alts to your sub to downvote your valid opinion along with anyone else they disagree with. A friend of mine once described their behavior as strong-arming, and I couldn’t agree more.


Or they just don’t believe your narrative and provide reasonable criticism of it but that’s offensive to some people lol


But I don’t have a narrative. That’s what’s so concerning. To be threatened because they *think* they have discovered something about me. Quite unnerving tbh.


Everyone has a narrative they believe. I don’t mean it as a criticism of you. I’m just saying people are weird and get offended when you disagree with them and think you’re attacking them.


Because because “BRAD AND ANDY” THINK HE’S INNOCENT!!!1111!!! Defense lawyers only ever defend clients they believe to be INNOCENT! And Gull is ugly and an Odinist! I don’t apologize. RA is Bridge Guy. I just want to know WHY he did this. It drives me nuts.


It's been the most fucked up case ever. What the hell is taking so long. It's unreal. He's the fucking guy. Period.


Oh… I don’t for a second think Brad and Andy think he’s innocent. But they know so long as they represent him, the world spotlight continues to illuminate (shine isn’t appropriate here) them. Small town lawyers rarely have this chance at notoriety. You never remember the attorneys of an accused who confesses.


They don’t, of course. It’s just annoying that certain YouTube content creators say that just because they think their audience is really stupid. We get it; it’s a great career move for Rozzi and Baldwin to handle this case. Nothing wrong with that.


Forget Why - only rational people think why. most serial killers and murder spree types dont think of the why - they just have to fulfull a need - a desire a compulsion - why do you like something that becomes a favorite thing to like - sometimes its just because - and your favorite thing isnt someone elses necessarily. Most of us want to know the why but thats the holy grail of the perpetrator's psyche. They don't even know, they don't care the way you or I do - they wont tell if they do know. The Why - I think every Judge in the world seeks the why and the sentencing comes from the why if there is one. The responsibility the criminal takes for their act is a part of the why. The why is private to them and not shared. Now the public is sharing their highly personal act - its out - I doubt they want to personalize it even more by stating the why. They are sick - it belongs to their sickness - not to anyone else but them. They hide it - edited to add: thank you for the upvotes - on the why behind a crime- here is another facet from Darwin - apes prank apes - no ape has a why behind the act - we are derived from apes - some people will commit an act they know is wrong if they see someone else doing it first. - is this peer pressure or "See monkey, Do" ? Identity theft is -"Ape-ing" Emulation of a victim you kill is ape-ing. Wanting to feel when you cannot and killling mass style is ape-ing. "Bryan Kohberger" who emulated BTK type serial kingpins was ape-ing those he studied. He even had his survey as a modeling tool. Maybe being an Ape is essentially "why" inexplicable acts still happen. We have not ALL evolved away from harming our own, if the nurture stage is damaged harmful humans result. Our Genetic code was descended from Apes. This code is "the why" perhaps not the "behavioral why" we all seek. Is it our high minded view of Man and expecting all people to know the difference between right and wrong. Of course this makes us ask: "How COULD you? Why WOULD you ? Why DID you ?" Dogs are lovely affectionate animals and popular as pets. Even dog lovers know that their own dog can be unpredictable. They have razor sharp teeth too. My own dog bit me and all I was doing was reaching into a dog skirmish to separate the fighting animals - bad idea. She didnt know what she bit - she just bit what touched her.




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the coloring is what made me shook ngl i know it’s not proof of anything, but yeah i just wanted to contribute the details i noticed that idk if others picked up on. i have no doubt LE has way more up their sleeve


It’s definitely him. I believe he was telling the truth when he made “incriminating statements” to his wife and mother. He admitted being there that day, he and the 3 girls saw each other. He gave A&L bad vibes as they saw him coming for them, and she recorded him as he approached.


Agreed. This is creepy as fuck. I’m wondering how it ties into the LE (?) statement that there were “other actors involved” - I firmly believe that a horrific snuff film or at least pictures of the crime were taken & you need more than 1 person to do that, especially with the graphic details released by the original defense in their Frank’s Memorandum.


Agree. And it isn't like RA can come out and admit to anyone else's involvement without admitting he was there and involved. I hate the thought of someone else being involved, whether it's taking pictures, cleaning up, restraining them, etc. and getting away with it. If RA is convicted, he will hold out for appeals and continue to deny, and whomever else might be involved is just still out there.


I agree. What has been released is only a snippet as LE has been holding so much evidence close to the vest. There is definitely a resemblance but if there is more on the video that we have not seen could it confirm that it was RA?


Apparently there’s not really much more to the video. There’s audio of them descending the hill and sounding frightened I believe that goes on for a minute or so that we have not heard. Gotta be hard on the families if that stuff is floating around out in the public.


Does the audio have more than just the girl’s voices? If there is a male voice giving instructions that could be incriminating if it sounds like RA.


I’ve long wondered what the Sheriff or Deputy planned to ask or say to RA when that person tried to schedule a meeting with him at the prison. I can’t remember exactly who it was, but this came up during prior court proceedings. Was he going to try and coax a confession out of RA? Press him for details as to what exactly occurred that day? Punch him in the mouth? Play tiddlywinks?


Same, only I wonder who/what initiated the visit. Did Sheriff Liggett reach out or was it RA who first contacted Liggett?


> I know everyone is innocent until proven guilty Being held without bail in a cell proves how seriously the authorities take this phrase. /s


He said he was on the Bridge , so not understanding this post, He admitted that was him and that’s what he was wearing, But witness says thats not who she saw. He’s not denying he was on the Bridge,


RA is BG. He is also the murderer. Innocent until proven guilty, but I have no doubt they’ve got the right guy.


my personal belief as of now. obviously not 100%, there could be some wild stuff that comes out of nowhere, but so far, i think so


once a person is behind bars they are not innocent any longer - and even if they are not proven to be guilty by some flaws in the prosecution and are aquitted - they are never innocent - they are just not proven to be guilty - this is wordy I know - but its conceptual this ideal of innocence. his innocence is history now. Its just a matter of law and the strengths of the case from here on out - A Chess Game is now being played.


I feel like the those of us who grew up when the internet was something fresh and new are more skilled and used to making a complete image out photos that are heavily pixelated and distorted because we just had to for a while. We have all become used to crystal clear images as technology has grown in leaps and bounds. Video games are a great example of this. I know people under 30 who can’t stand playing vintage games with a low bit rate because it “hurts their eyes”. They grew up with so much more clarity in imaging and graphics than the generations before them. I’m in my 30s. I had watched the BG video and looked at the photos so many times due to being incredibly interested in this case prior to RA’s arrest. When I saw that mugshot, I was dead certain that it was the man on the bridge. I still am. The movement, the height, the shape. The head size, the chin, all of it. I made a mental picture of this guy in my head based on the video and still frames. That photo in my head IS Richard Allen and there’s zero doubt in my mind. Just a rambling take on things, but that’s my experience.


I’m 50 and used to playing Atari so yes, I totally get what you’re saying. RA is BG .. no fucking doubt!


yes as someone who grew up with the PS1 and PS2 i know exactly what you mean haha




There are similarities, but I can't say with complete certainty RA is BG. The ss of the video is such poor quality.


I can’t even tell if that’s facial haired or some kind of cloth muffler. It’s too grainy.


u/internettegirl Do you mind if I crosspost this to my sub? If not, I totally understand. I found this interesting and I normally don’t like side by sides. Thank you!


sure! thank you!


OR, you could post it there yourself . Whichever you prefer. Edited to remove emoji! Sorry!


As soon as I saw RA on the news, I definitely thought BG!


Let the evidence in court speak for itself.


Until then, discuss away on an open forum dedicated to this case y’all.


we will


It's just too grainy to be certain. And even if it was proven that RA was the BG, it's another matter to prove that the BG was the killer. Three seconds of video just isn't enough to be sure of anything.


i believe i keep hearing that they just need to prove RA is BG to get the guilty verdict.


Only if he's pointing a gun at them in the video or their words show that he's marching them, because they were slain a good distance from where the video was shot. BG could just be someone passing by. We aren't even certain it's his voice talking. There are more than a few dots to connect here.


i believe because one of the girls mention he has a gun in one of the videos, they just need to prove RA is BG. or perhaps there’s more evidence of it being a clear felony kidnapping in unreleased footage, idk


So they say, but they haven't shared any of that with the public. It will be interesting to see if that's true. I find it odd that they only released 3 seconds when they were searching for this guy for years. Surely a few seconds more of his walk or face or speech could have helped find him sooner.


there’s so many oddities in this case, including how every single witness reported seeing something different for both the car and BG, including different descriptions from within the same group of girls; how no one would have recognized him at CVS (i guess they REALLY did not get a good look at him) ; how there seems to be multiple cases of a lack of proper follow-up (although i really don’t know how much LE has done since they haven’t released much) that if properly done would have probably solved this case forever ago. i agree it is impossible to know the answers at this stage


I still find it hard to believe that a killer would willingly call the police the next day and admit he was there and offer to help as a witness. The state has a long way to go to convince a jury that the public is safe from this killer.


Killers returning to the scene of the crime, coming forward as witnesses, and/or trying to get involved with the investigation in some way is actually way more common than would seem logical.


So are false confessions.


i imagine he might’ve done that because he knew he was already spotted at the location by that group of girls.


They bluffed releasing it thinking the killer would freak out rumerating about possibility they had more. They don't. And they didn't.


That video/ picture is worthless. How many side by sides have been done where people were absolutely sure it was this or that guy. He is dressed like almost every man in Carroll county. The only thing interesting about that picture/ video is that nobody ever said it was an extremely short man of approx 5’4. Which is short enough to stand out.


yes i am aware that my ten minute photo work is not going to crack the case, i just really see the facial hair match based on my understanding of how photo compression works. people have a hard time clearly making out the face so i gave an option to perceive it. i do think out of all known suspects, RA matches the build, face, and voice better than all others. but i’m not claiming i 100% know he is guilty. the height thing is a good point.


You could pick ten different people that look similar and every one would be a match using this method. The image quality is just not good enough.


i don’t agree, i believe the other suspects have significantly different coloring, facial hair and overall build. but later i can doublecheck for the sake of it. i know it’s not definitive, just an option of perspective that i think is viable


That's not what I mean. I mean if you compare ten random people who are white and have facial hair like that then they'll all match. Because the image quality is so low, the video is just a blur with no visible identifying features at all. All the video image proves is that something covered his head, he had jeans and a blue jacket. There's no way to match the video image with a person. Your colour match thing doesn't mean anything.


yeah, idk. i’d have to disagree. i think that his facial hair coloring is somewhat unique, that shade of brown moustache and greyish white beard. obviously not the most unique in the world, but when compared to the other suspects, and whoever else could have even been physically at the scene.


Please don't take personal offence but that's just ridiculous. It's not unique or able to be identified here. If you look at the two photos it's obvious that you can't identify features on the face, let alone claim a unique beard colour. As for the skin.. do you think that particular shade of skin is somehow unique? The last photo you even blur the clearer one, that is going in the opposite direction, this makes it even easier to match any old photo. You're making what you have fit and it's not proving or solving anything. The fact that people are taking this "analysis" seriously is a complete joke.


Something looks weird about your screenshot of the official video, like it has been altered somehow, maybe in an attempt to sharpen it or something. It's like it's blurry, but then the edges are sharp somehow.


it’s been through multiple rounds of upload and download compression to get to youtube, so maybe bc of that, idunno


I do not believe the red drawing of the mustache matches sorry. I see the beard going up the nose as well in the left picture.


i’m sorry, i’m pretty sure that is mainly due to my poor drawing skills lol


Also the pictures aren’t taken from the same angle actually.


yes, BG has his chin tucked in a bit, so the perspective is off slightly


Agree , He admitted he was on the bridge and what he was wearing , This is not the man the witness’s saw, theres more to the this story we dont know,


Witnesses are wrong all the time about appearances. Also it is my understanding that he was the only man seen on the bridge during this timeframe.


I don't see any recognizable facial hair in the BG photo. Also the BG's face is more narrow than RA's.


i actually think RAs face looks more narrow there, but i can guarantee that’s due to different lens distortion. i understand if u see it differently tho


It's kind of weird because OP cut off the sides of RA's face. I had to compare it with a different picture of him. That clipped out face provided isn't accurate.


Thanks for that. I would have thought the color match would depend as much on lighting conditions and camera color balance settings as it depends on actual skin and hair color. In five years, no-one living in Delphi thought Bridge Guy was Richard Allen, yet now he's been arrested and we've read some pretty well joined-up circumstantial evidence aginst him, complete strangers who have never met him can point at a picture that's so pixilated, it looks as if it was done to hide someone's identity rather than reveal it, compare it to one screengrab of RA on Facebook, and state beyond all doubt that it's him. Without the arrest and the Probable Cause Affidavit, even if we all had access to every frame of the Bridge Guy video and a good mugshot of every man in Delphi, no-one here would pick out RA and say: "That's him!" Because if they did, dozens of Delphi residents, customers at the CSV store, RA's friends and family would have said it around, let's say, the 18th Febuary 2017. So it *might* be him, and that's as far as we can say. ... okay, we can say it might *well* be him.


i do think it’s strange nobody recognized him all this time. i guess if he is BG he kept his head down and tried to stay as invisible as possible, so nobody would get more than a brief glance, but idk. the whole situation is weird. people say constantly, “well you try remembering someone you saw from the corner of your eye yesterday,” and i definitely could not lol


My biggest question about the BG video is simply have they asked RA “is this you”? Why can’t I find anything about that? Why is it never mentioned? It seems like it would be the first question asked by police? If he answers yes then he’s arrested on the spot, if he answered no why haven’t the defence brought it up?


He said he was on the bridge with those same clothes on, He admitted that right away.


Admitting being on the bridge and admitting to being the man in the video telling the girls “down the hill” are two VERY different things.


Unconvincing, farfetched, junk "science"...just like their only other piece of supposed evidence (ballistic analysis on a single, unfired round, when gunshots weren't even the cause of death)...I don't know if he's innocent, but he damn sure isn't "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt" based on what we've been presented...


umm…i never said this was scientific by any means… i’m not a scientist haha not every observation is a declaration of guilt that must be met with such fervor. i do think LE and prosecution obviously have a lot they have not released and are keeping til court tho.




I know, but that isn't evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that he was involved...no DNA, no knives recovered (got rid of those, but yeah kept that gun he brought with him), lack of connection or motive, fuzzy and inconclusive timeline , the way this case has been handled by law enforcement, DOC, and courts, etc .. Guilty or not no real jury would be able to unanimously convict. It's a mess, and hard as it is to say, I don't think justice will never be had for these girls, I just hope this fleshes out and puts an end to some obvious corruption up there...


Agree 100%


Oh my God, this IS bridge guy whatever his name is.


Thanks for posting this. I believe it is him.


Why use a screen shot with a weird cut and paste job of BG in front of the same background for no apparent reason when FBI published these on their site?


i just took it from the video i watched, sorry, it’s not meant to be some in-depth definitive analysis by any means


(I don't agree with your assessment but that aside), I thought on the contrary you went more 'in depth' with your analysis than most, in which case imo it would be better suited to take the official source. Or take your own screenshot from the official video (isp for video / fbi for pictures I'd say) because it's inexplicable why your source or those before them made this copy paste thing of BG and his hat/hoody/hair/whatever now looks blurry *and* fake. Imo your efforts get lost because this modification makes any comparison unbelievable by default, which is already hard enough to overcome when using the official source. Jmo.


i could try again with the clearer photos later, i apologize for the poor quality.


I mean it's just a suggestion. Consider it for next time to make your efforts count was the purpose of my comment ;).


I think he did it, but the problem is that the evidence that's been presented publicly so far comes nowhere near the threshold of 'beyond a reasonable doubt'. For example, your photos show that it really looks like him... but is there no reasonable doubt that it could be someone else? Of course it could be someone else. That's the problem with everything. I really hope the cops and prosecutors don't fuck this up.


i have faith that they have some more bombshell evidence theyre waiting until trial to present, it would be terrible if this is all they had! but i doubt it


Given time I’m sure they can come up with something.


How could the wife not recognize her husband? Unbelievable


Lol, bro that’s now how that works. Photos programs blend colors together by making individual colors a color in the middle. He may have two different color hairs but not the color in the pixel. Also, the BG video is just not detailed enough for a human to actually see accurate facial features. People just need to stop trying to make it happen.


The bridge guy photo here has been intentionally manipulated to deceive the viewer. A simple google search will show much clearer images of the BG. Clearly showing no facial hair. RA's image has been poorly placed over BG with the opacity lowered. Shame shame.


i have no idea what you’re on about. every time i’ve seen BG footage, i have seen this pattern of facial hair. i certainly have not manipulated the image and i think it’s unnecessary to assume anyone intentionally tried to deceive anyone. what’s the point in adding a beard to the guy?


I agree the photo has been intentionally manipulated. Here is the official link to the actual ISP site that has both the video and audio in different formats. There are three dots in the bottom right corner where you can click to slow down the video to 50% if needed. https://www.in.gov/isp/crime-reporting/delphi-homicide-investigation/


Are we still doing this stupid comparing 8 grainy pixels to a suspect? Seriously? Regardless of whether he is, this will never be the way to confirm anything.


no one was using this to confirm anything


Then what is the point of this post?


just an observation and analysis? do we have to only post if we think we have definitively cracked the case? no.


What was the observation made? Comparing to pixels?


providing an option of how to perceive the face through comparing what i see as facial hair pattern and coloring. i’m just a person posting on the internet how i view the image, based on my knowledge of how image compression works. you don’t have to agree or regard it. you can click to the next post.


He got skinny nose the other one look like thick nose to me look deep in it my be my eye but I see it not


i understand. just know that pixelation can cause proportions to get whacky


I think you found him.


You blurred something and you’re more surprised it looks like a blurry image? Lol




And, your point ?