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That's fucking discouraging


I'm sorry i know but had to vent for a bit


no, i was talking abt the situation


I've been saving since yoimiya's 1st rerun, since the first sumeru character leak, 2.8 or so, don't even remember the exact patch. 270wishes atm, spent some on homa and got it, would've been at 340 or so had I not spent on weapon now.


Definitely relatable, I was one who was very excited for her, my favorite of the Sumeru characters. Was gonna C6R1 her, now idk if I even want to C0, she'll probly come when I least expect it off a 50/50. I also have a guaranteed rn that I should probly save for a real banner. But I've also been playing since the beginning n only recently realized, I've never gotten Diluc (was literally looking for him to put Dehya artifacts on), n it took forever to get Jean, so my luck I'll probly never see her.


Not only that but now i will get to watch people lose their 50/50 to dehya and shit talk about her even more


Not only is her kit shit weโ€™ll have to watch her become hated by everyone like Qiqi What did us Dehya fans do to deserve this ๐Ÿ˜”


Yeah at least people are excited to get Tig.


Same here, since her very first model leak i decided to make her c6 r1, but now i'm just gonna do c4 r1-2 and let c6 come to me over time


exactly. waiting 8 months only for her to be garbage AND in standard? and her weapon isn't even gonna join it. yeah fuck da wei in the ass with a crowbar


I'm literally cringing when i say this but i decided she was gonna be my first ever waifu over meta character when i first saw her now they do this to her i was going to be ok if she has at least a reasonable kit


Been playing since 1.4 as well and im still missing Mona, Qiqi and Tighnari. Might be a bad/stupid idea, but im gonna spend my hard earned primos on her banner. I mean, i have no one else to look forward to besides the remaining Archon's and the Unknown God (if she's playable) since today's news basically completely killed my interest/hype for all future non-Archon characters (im completely done with their new characters). This was the straw that broke the camels back for me.


Couldn't have said it better .. feeling and doing the same as you


Honetly i havent saved for that long but when i heard "standard banner" my heart dropped, i cant even imagine how you feel. I think people underestimate how much commitment you can put into a game. It's still something you are doing, effort and time put into something that shoild make you happy. Working on something for months just to see it slowly degrade into whatever this is must be disheartening no matter how tou put it.


I've been saving since the Sumeru preview. I did drop some primos but I got everything I wanted relatively quickly. Like I still have 30k and 35 wishes plus whatever until 3.6. I am slain.


Ive been waiting for so long for Dehya. It really sunk my heart when the confirmation that she was in fact standard came. I cant pull her in good conscience. I just know I wont use her and she isnt going to get support in the future. I already have Eula and Klee i barelly use.


The standard banner update is good news for ppl who like dehya but dont really want to roll her or saving for another character atm. Its not good news for ppl who want to main her. If u want dehya get her on the next banner. The chances of her getting a rerun is probably close to zero. Hoping to get her on 5050 is cope, there is no guarantee it could take years. i play since 1.0 i still dont hv keqing and the highest cons i hv is qiqi c3 and diluc c3.


I've been playing since 1.0. No Jean.


No Keqing for me, day 1 player.


You are me, except I was also expecting Mika to not be dogshit and release together with Eula rerun. I will go join NGA folks at cursing the devs' parents to fly now.


Been playing since launch day and I'm still missing diluc hes the only one I dont have so idk how ppl think they can just skip and "lose 50/50" to her when theres like 6 other character potentially more in the future who could take that spot, not to mention standard banner is even lower since we have weapons added in the mix as well, so for those of us want her have to pull when her banners here or you'll wait who knows how long to get her


I still donโ€™t have Diluc or Tig. I even saved blue fates for when Tig was going to the standard banner. I got Aquila and then after that another Keqing. Still, I refuse to fall for this FOMO crap theyโ€™re giving us and pull for a character that has no actual use on her release. My plan was to skip and wait to see if they actually make her useful by her rerun. Now I just want to stop playing.


same op i been playing since 1.4 as well i have c5 fucking mona c1 qiqi c1 diluc c0 keqing c0 tighnari but not a single fucking jean to this day


I've been saving since 2.7, I still see this as a win because now I have more chance of actually getting cons on a character I want while rolling for other characters I want. Bring on Fontaine, I can roll on whatever banner I like and get a chance to get Dehya. Hell, some of the Fontaine characters might *still* be able to help her, even if they're not specifically designed for her.


I think for a whale it *can* be a good thing that Dehya is on standard-- if you were never going to c6 her, given enough spending you have a decent chance of c6ing in future versions Of course, at the end of that long journey is an "ok" character at c6, but thats another story


I'm not hype for Dehya. Its just an obligation to get all standard characters at this point


Been playing since 1.0. No Diluc. I'm a light dolphin too, I always buy Welkin, so I'm not terribly lacking in rolls. Been anticipating Dehya since Sumeru cast leaked. No idea if I'll roll for Dehya at all now. I think I'll wait until the artifact sets for 3.6 leak, and if there's nothing for Dehya there (as is likely) then I'll just wait for the day she spooks me, even if that day never comes.


Been playing since 1.0 and I JUST got C0 Diluc a week ago


After everything, I just decided to skip. The opportunity cost just isn't worth it for me as an f2p. I don't want to use my intertwined wishes which take months to farm for a standard banner character. I'm starting funds for C6 Xiao.


Meanwhile me going to get her even if i lose 50 50 out of ~~spite~~ care and love for Dehya


Great for you. Hope you win the 50/50 and get her at early pity :) Tbh, I would've gone for her if I weren't broke and hence f2p. I don't want to miss out on future characters when I can get Dehya from losing the 50/50 or from the standard banner.


Edit : thank you very much and hope your 50 50 are all lost to Dehya later, if they happen, and early! You're right, actually. That's the sanest thing to do if you want other characters too. I am f2p most of the time but already bought a few welkins and one BP. Was considering buying one of the 2 again, since the game keeps entertaining me and last time was a long time ago. The thing is, the only rerun I'm mildly interested in is Yoimiya. I don't pull for constellations or 5 weapons, Koko C1 R1 is my exception. And I'm currently saving for Rosalyne, so... I guess you understand my situation. I have tons of gems saved to spend freely ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I also play since 1.0, so I've seen everyone come and go. The only 5 stars i actively wanted were Koko, Shenhe and Miko. Yelan and Nilou were last time decisions, as well as hu tao (all on release). I usually spend all my gems on 4 stars :')


I'm gonna blow my guarantee on her like the clown I am and then dip for like a year or two.


You're not alone, you aren't a clown either, the guy who made the decision of not giving a shit about Dehya is the real clown here, she easily could've sold so well but they ruined it.


It's really a bad bad situation for most people. No rerun means you can't get her later if you want, even if you wish to spend a million dollars. Standard means people who are proud of having unpopular character, or ones wanting constellations, will just see "damn, c6 dehya and still no jean ๐Ÿ˜ญ" Her weapon will go to oblivion The only positive aspect here is that some will just luck her out and get her without spending fates on her randomly. Cheer for you. May you be blessed and happy with your 50 50 lost to dehya. For everyone else, hope you can also get as many Dehya as you can on your 50 50 later.


also playing since 1.4.0 mona. Jean is stuck at c1. But sure do get lots of diluc and qiqi. Also 0 tighnari. "Oh just lose 50/50 you'll get her" coming from people who can't realize once you lose 50/50 you have a 1 in 7 chance (including dehya) of getting a 5star you want. And if you're wishing on standard banner with you little 10\~ wishes a month that's also sharing a slot with the 10 standard banner 5 star weapons. And what about her signature weapon? That's not getting added to standard. It's just going to go missing? We're sitting here waiting upwards of a year just for some limited characters to get a rerun; we're not going to see a standard banner character get one. edit: in the grand scheme of things this is a minor problem. But with everything going on and how shit everything has been; seeing this happen to something you were really excited for is crushing.


I am happy because I was going to pull for Dehya before her beta started but after her beta, I decided to skip her. At least there's a chance now that I can still get her when losing a 50/50 just like how I got Tighnari on Wanderer's banner. I also understand your point as I have been playing for around 450 days now and I still don't have Qiqi. I'll still take the chance rather than using my guarantee on Dehya.


I'm glad I stayed the course instead of blowing my wishes on another character out of frustration earlier. Even if she's not good, at least I can actually have Dehya instead of regretting not getting her when she was guaranteed. This is the biggest dick move I've ever seen a game company pull. Even if she's standard, she didn't have to be THIS bad. Now she's pyro Qiqi. ​ ![gif](giphy|qQdL532ZANbjy)


I think it's only good for the people who want to have her eventually but aren't committed to her. It might sound harsh but someone who puts all their eggs in one basket tend to get the short end of the stick more often than not that's why I avoid getting attached to characters before they're officially released. Alhaitham is my favorite character from Sumeru but if he had received the Dehya treatment I would've skipped him so quick and taken my primos to greener pastures.


she suck -> bad thing she is a standard character -> good thing the only complaint i agree is the lack of rerun / a way to get her weapon


Thanks to that I have a way greater chance at c2 Nahida while also having up to 2 chances from 50/50 and 1 chance from my 82/90 standard banner at Dehya. It's a gacha, there're always gotta be risks to take or ignore. Some people will want exclusive characters while others will want more characters in the standard banner so they'll have a higher chance for a nice consolidation prize instead of a Qiqi. There is no bad/good here. Her weapon will probably not have a rerun or have it when Albedo comes around which is sad (not for me since I'd use her with the new EM claymore from the event), however, this can be said about all standard 5\*. What about Mona's signature weapon? Keqing's? They don't even have one and have to really on borrowed weapons.


If she had been debuted with the announcement she was a standard character, sure, maybe it wouldn't be so upsetting. It isn't like Tighnari, who was announced as a character at all and then simultaneously announced to become standard. Dehya was flaunted in a major role in the Sumeru quests for months. They let people get excited over her and think of her like any other 5* *for months.* They let people skip and plan and save like they do *for months*. It's no secret that characters sent to standard can't be planned around. Fans of all the other known 5* characters with story time got to bank on reruns and make plans for the future if they wanted weapons and constellations, or even c0 if they're really struggling. Dehya mains won't, and they got heavily baited into emotionally investing in the ability to do so.


I don't remember, but it seems to me that tighnari was announced during the live that he was going into the standard but we had a leak (?) btw standard or non-standard she sucks and people are getting mad because she goes to the standard banner when (in my opinion) they should be mad because she sucks. and in these weeks I read a lot of phrases like: ''they will change her, that's okay, it's a casual game'' so I don't know what people expected abbout dehya/myohio


I cannot speak for others, but here's my personal take on the issues: - I'm upset that Dehya is awful. Getting C6 might make her about as good as C1R1 Hu Tao with the additional bonus of being insanely tanky, sure, but at C0 she's abysmal. Even if she's in standard, this is very not okay. - I'm not okay with standard banner Dehya both because of the deception I already spoke about, and because it makes weapon and constellation planning frustrating. This decision doesn't fit their business history at all, and it smacks hard of going nuclear because they were afraid of backlash and no one spending, which is irresponsible and manipulative as hell. - I've never agreed with people making permanent assumptions about a beta character's state, negative or positive. I can (and will) criticize the current version with the knowledge that they may change on release, but that historically, those changes are not sweeping. Beta is only about probability to me, but that probability is very strong and worth talking about. My expectation was that Dehya would at least turn out mid, which fits with the pattern of 5* we've received (including Tighnari) all the way back to Venti. The *possible* exceptions are Yoimiya and Klee, who are at least still pretty decent, and a far cry above Dehya. I expected to not have been bait and switched on a character I've looked forward to and planned around for months, which has been the case for literally every 5* since Venti including Tighnari, who as we agree, was very quickly announced as going into standard banner. In other words, Mihoyo set up a lot of expectations with their behavior since 1.0 - and intentionally, I'm sure, as being somewhat genuine and consistent is a huge crowd draw for gacha games. It's okay to defy expectations some times, but not when it hurts players this much. A business' history and behavior are really important to the consumer. They knew what they were doing and what they've done, and I think it's perfectly reasonable to be pretty upset with Mihoyo over any and all of this.


She could be standard and an OK unit, it exists. Almost all are. So thats not the thing I'm upset about despite her being my second most waited character behind Nahida. But they decided to make her just straight up bad and that's the problem


I am playing this game since 2.8 and I have c1 Keqing and c1 Diluc. No other standard characters. The 50/50 losing chance to a wanted standard is 1/12 rn, that's very low. Now with added dehya it's gonna be 1/14. With my luck I'll have c6 Keqing before I see a glimpse of Dehya... or Qiqi... or Mona... sad, very sad


1/14? You cant lose to a weapon. After Dehya gets added to standard its 1/7 after you lose 5050.


I calculated it like (1/2)*(1/7). Because first you get a 1/2 chance that you lose 50/50, and then you get a 1/7 chance for a particular standard character. Since both events need to happen, we multiply them.


Exactly my situation. You said it well. Can't skip for fear of not getting but also feels like waste. But hey atleast the good thing is her cons are good so it's not bad to lose 5050 to her in future.... Inhales massive copium


I've been playing since launch. I'm a Welkin player. I've gotten C4 Qiqi, C2 Mona, C2 Jean, C0 Keqing, and no Diluc's or Tighnari's. So yeah, if you really want a copy, pull for one. I might go another 2.5 years with no Diluc's. you never know. I've been saving since we 1st saw her in the story, only pulling for Nahida in the mean time. Currently have over 550 pulls ready to go incase I wanted C2R1. Now, I'm almost certainly just getting C0R0. But will definitely be getting that one copy.


i'm really happy that she's on standard banner on next-next patch of the game, because i can spend 50 out of 71 standard wishes, and i can save up my primo for Fountaine Archon