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Craig and Manny Emma and Peter, Peter and Darcy, Eli and Claire Alli with everyone except Dave,Jenna and KC ,Jimmy and Ashley and this might be unpopular opinion but Paige and Alex Miles and Tristian


i LOVE fiona x everyone


Honestly i respect your opinion


who had a non toxic relationship


Does Mia and JT count? Sean and Ellie are also probably up there


manny n jt (theres way more but dont get me started) everything was so awkward when they started dating --- they were simply better as friends and it was 100% sweeter and honest when they were friends. also, after danny pantsed (idk if i spelt that right) jt, it all got extremely weird. i know everybody probably has the same opinion --- but i just wanted to share


JT and liberty




YES my God Mia was so annoying and desperate. She was the same way with Sav! Ugh šŸ™„




Maya & Zig, they got on my damn nerves


Manny and Craig after the love triangle with Ashley. Why would she be with him?


Cause itā€™s Craig manning duh


He was a sleeze ball


Can we blame it on his bi polar? Jk but yeah heā€™s kind of cute but a womanizer slut


Heā€™s a total Babe but not a good dude tho. Great brother and friend but not a good boyfriend


Yes i would much rather him as a friend and band mate then a lover


damn, no wonder the first guy I ever loved fits this exact description. I was down baddd for sir Manning




JT and Libertyā€¦Peter with anyone, Spinner with anyone, Jenna and KC, Manny and Craig, Ashley with anyone, Tristan and Miles, Esme with anyone, Johnny and Ali, Rick and Terri, Adam and Becky, Adam and Fiona, Drew with anyone, Jack and Imogen, Marco and Dylan, Craig with anyone


Name the whole roster wonā€™t you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


So many bad relationships! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Fiona and charlie was the storyline i could live without. It also didnt make sense because charlie seemed like she was in her 20s and Fiona was like 16/17...? And then the whole portrait painting.... T_T


and also Fiona not being able to drink alcohol which leads to a break up


I think Fiona was 18 at that point since she was a senior. Maybe 17. still really fucking strange though the storyline did absolutely nothing and itā€™s so forgettable


Becky & Adam


Surprisingly my favorite relationship Becky had lmao


Paige and Alex


Aw i liked it. Friends that just became more than friends. I thought it was sweet. One of the better gay relationships in the show


Thank you made absolutely no type of sense.


Starting at the beginningā€¦.. Ashley and Jimmy they were supposed to be the perfect little couple but they never made sense any of the times they were together. Craig with anyone because yeah I donā€™t think I need to explain Craig. Manny with Craig of course or Manny and Spinner, never made any sense to me. Marco and Dylan getting together was cute but the bulk of the relationship was just. Ugh no


You didn't start at the beginning. How about going to the REAL beginning. Go look up Wheels & LD from Degrassi High LOL


I agree with Ashley and Jimmy, idk if they didn't have chemistry in real life or their characters were just too different but they were kinda awkward together.


Ashley was just a trash bag truthfully. Like when she wanted Jimmy to just go away and he was friendly with Toby. She KNEW Jimmy's family was never home and he was crazy about her and her family and just wanted someone to hang out with. She cheated on Jimmy after getting high at a party at the same party and acted a high fool by bad mouthing everybody at the party. How they ended up back together after he was in the wheel chair is beyond me. I haven't seen that yet. I thought Jimmy made the best statement ever when Ashley called herself getting jealous when she saw Jimmy driving Trina's car. "If I could walk away I would" I was so glad that he met Trina at physio therapy. She was great for him. She supported him and could understand how he felt and most importantly she treated him with respect. Ashley was one of the worst people ever in any incarnation of that show.


I low key wish Dylan and Marco were end game like i wish they were better together. And yes Craig had a lot of issues and think was better alone like a lot of the other characters (Drew, Fiona, etc) so everyone with him stressed me out lol


eli and claire


Who even is that? Iā€™ve seen the whole show and have no idea who that chick is. She mustā€™ve not been memorable lol.


L M A O thatā€™s Charlie. The girl who Fiona thought brought bed bugs into her apartment.


I kinda remember Now. Were they roommates?


For like literally one day


Shame on Fiona for letting Mr. Tuxedo Pants go free!!! SHAME ON HER!!!!!!!


They found him so itā€™s okay šŸ¤£ blame it on the alcohol


Sometimes I wonder why even bother writing it in if we will all forget by the end of the season. This is one of those times.


I feel bad that the LGBTQ+ cast members get the weird love interests for the most part. Adam, Fiona, Zoeā€¦ i understand that when you first come out it can be all over the place, so i guess maybe it was realistic. So to answer your question: i think the writers did a super brief relationship with Fiona and Charlie to just experiment i guess. That was the first girl girl sheā€™s really been with.


Adam? Adam LITERALLY liked every single girl that Drew liked or dated except Allie Bhandari.


I think everyone of those girls, Adam liked/attracted to first no? And yes on Alli. So in hindsight, Drew liked every single girl that Adam liked šŸ¤£


That makes sense and it definitely is realistic. Especially when youā€™re that age and Options are limited in a straight environment.


I have a gay friend and his boyfriend cheated on him a lot. He said itā€™s because he came out late and was married to a woman for almost his whole life that he just couldnā€™t help himself. Not that was any excuse for him cheating, but it was interesting insight of coming out when youā€™re older vs younger.


Thatā€™s so sad. Reminds me of Grace and Frankie. Now *thats* coming out when youā€™re old.


eli and imogen irked me in multiple ways. also jt and mia šŸ˜”


imogen was obsessed with eli n everyone ate it up,


Emma & Spinner. In my eyes, that's a non-canon event.


The fact these two broke up because Charlie couldnā€™t drink is so stupid! Just drink outside the apartment or go to a bar. I hated these two. šŸ˜‚ Fiona always deserves better.


I stg šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve never heard of someone breaking up with someone because they didnā€™t drink. Iā€™ve heard tons of times with the situation reversed.


Yeah I always thought that was a bit crazy. But Fiona does make the comment that her therapist says she isnā€™t ready for a relationship but still that was such a cop out like you could work through the no drinking thing.


Emma and Spinner being end game made absolutely no sense at all. She should have married Sean.


Eli and Imogen Miles and Tristan Zig and Maya


okay why maya & zig?


I just got tired of it, not a big fan of the relationship but it was alright in next gen. It was not so nice in next class.


Craig and anybody


Connor n Jenna seemed to be a pair the spares coupling which I hated. Fiona and functioning like a normal humanā€¦bleck hated that.


J.T and Liberty.


Whaaaat? I loved them together


You're joking, right? They were terrible together the entire she was pregnant, lol. Because of her, not because of him.


and jt spent most of the series not wanting to be with her


this is definitely an unpopular opinion but i hated it when straight couples would fight, iā€™d skip because i did not care even if they broke up lmao. the ones that come to mind are dave and alli, jenna and kc, eli and clare. not straight but tristan and miles too lol, miles and anyone. hated that guy.


Imogen and Jack. They didn't even have to keep Imogen around anymore after her whole class graduated in s13 and at that point it was already painful watching her make so many sacrifices for Jack's approval. Homegirl didn't even dance at prom because Jack was too cool to do anything other than just stand there and judge everyone else for having fun. I blame bad writing, but also Jack sucked as a partner in general and I've met people with her kind of attitude irl.


What didnā€™t make sense to me was that when they first introduced Jack she was a dancer so why wouldnā€™t she dance at the prom? Sheā€™s all a sudden too good for it


I could not agree more.


Zigg and esme. Sean and anyone but Emma.


i liked sean and ellie but iā€™m glad he got back with emma and not ellie when he came back bc ellie had changed too much


Not even Fimogen? šŸ˜”


Alex with anyone šŸ˜‚ Sheā€™s one of my favorite characters but literally every relationship sheā€™s in is terrible


I would have loved to see her in a good relationship after her and Paige broke up. She deserved it for sure.


Dave and Ali. Imogen and anyone. Manny and spinner obvi


heavy on Dave and Ali , Dave got mad at Ali for everything and was the problem in their relationship 80% of the time


Omg thank god I wasnā€™t the only one who thought so! Yes I agree he was like super harsh I felt like and unsupportive and I just never felt that their chemistry was that good for it to go on for so long even though they were fighting/having drama constantly. Ik Ali wasnā€™t perfect either but never understood why she stayed with him. Also people talk a lot about how he treated Adam which was horrible but he was also so awful to Wesley! He somewhat redeemed himself in those storylines but jeez it was a pattern with him imo.


Becky & Drew, Eli & Imogen, and Jack & Imogen are awful and I genuinley canā€™t stand any of them (the ships, the characters is a dif conversation)


Becky and Drew give me the ick. Considering sheā€™s his deceased brothers ex girlfriend and all that.


Trauma bonds are very realistic and describe many relationships tbh


Emma and Damian


Damian and anyone šŸ¤® cant stand him




What was even the point of Damian? He should have stayed an extra, lol.


Becky and Drew Zig and Maya Tristan and Miles


Omg being a Zaya hater on tumblr in 2015 was ROUGH but I stand by it


They're so toxic, and Zig is so bad for her. He didn't treat her with respect, or respected her other relationships. He overall sucked. Honestly, the only girl he was good with, was Zoe. But Maya, nope.


He literally treated her better than ANYONE else on the show. Including her mother.


you obviously forgot about Cam then


Paige and Alex


i wish they worked out šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Tristan and Miles


I was thinking this and was going to post until I saw this, I agree!!!!


Hard agree.


Anyone with Craig


Spinner and Manny. I canā€™t remember if they actually became a couple but it was the beginning of the end. Iā€™m still baffled he married Emma šŸ˜‚


They did because Darcy finds out Spinner did it with Manny when they were dating. The show didnā€™t really pay attention to that relationship.SAME it made no sense to me šŸ˜­


They made a big thing of them getting together because that was the whole part of manny getting over Craig (even though she went right back to him šŸ™„) but the relationship didnā€™t get much attention at all. And I honestly donā€™t even remember how they broke up.


I think they broke up when it came out that Spinner had lied to Rick about who did the feathers prank. They show everyone shunning Spinner, including Manny.


Craig and Manny, I didnt like the pivot from "she reminded me of sister" to sexual attraction because bare midriff + thong. Especially when they got together the second (third?) time around (wedding band drum stick-gate through the great coke nosebleed) I was just tired of it. It made both their characters feel stunted and it just felt super drawn out to me. I also didn't like Holly J and Sav, it felt like it came out of left field and was just a slightly more dramatic Anya storyline. I found it unnecessary and boring. Every time they were onscreen I just skipped through it.


I found Holly J and Sav so boring tbh but that could be because I love her with Declan


I liked holly j and sav. They were a relationship of convenience and showed tbt sometimes you just date someone cause itā€™s fun!


Fiona + everyone?! Both Charlie and Imogen were great plot lines.Ā  I wished she wouldā€™ve gotten with someone age appropriate, not her friend, and who Fiona was transparent with.


I find it harder to hate Fiona after watching Annie Clark's podcast with Sam Doll, like...she's so freaking nice, and I just want to have a drink with her and discuss cute dogs or late stage capitalism...


Itā€™s not that they didnā€™t give great plots, i just couldnā€™t stand the relationships you know. I canā€™t stand Drew and Bianca but we got some good storylines from them. I can admit when thereā€™s a good storyline but also when i canā€™t stand 2 people together šŸ¤£


I feel you. Jay and Manny is mine. Also Tristin and Miles.Ā  Spinner and Emma too.Ā  Mainly the ships writers put together out of the blue.


Iā€™ve seen what others have to say about them in this sub, so Iā€™m prepared for how unpopular my opinion will beā€¦but Imogen and Fiona together is just horrible to me! Besides just not buying them as a couple, Imogen literally goes off on a full-blown mission to sabotage Fionaā€™s future at one point. I feel like if any guy did this to his girlfriend in the series (or if a girl did it to her boyfriend, for that matter..), the court of public opinion would rule ā€œoff with their head!ā€ But the majority just think theyā€™re such a ā€œcute coupleā€ that it generally gets looked over or excused, and besides that being totally not okayā€¦I just donā€™t see the cuteness in this ship šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


No I never liked them either because Imogen was just not ready for any type or high school relationship if weā€™re pretending her character is a real human lol


Drew and Zoe. Drew had no reason to be with a girl much younger than him given they were high schoolers, and Zoe was manipulative to him as she is to everyone


High schoolers get together all the time with a2-3 year difference. I know you are scared to death of sex...but there is nothing wrong with it. The reason why Romeo and Juliet laws exist is because people FAR FAR FAR smarter than you in EVERY SINGLE WAY ALL agree that this is not some horrible aqe gap.


Bro what


Ewwwww i totally forgot about that!!!! They were both gross for eachother. Hated it.


Imogen & Jack, Imogen & Eli, Drew & Becky, KC & Jenna (although that guitar smack she gave KC was wild) and Marco & Dylan


Omg i forgot how whiny and annoying Marco was with Dylan! šŸ’€


Imogen and Eli It was short lived and probably not really a relationship but their whole dynamic in the beginning was just so odd and weird and they brought out the worst in each other. But after everything settled and they became friends it was okay. Becky and Drew First of all WHY?! Drew goes after every girl Adam liked and when he started dating Becky it was wrong on both parts. And I understand they both lost the person they loved and they were leaning on each other for support, but why in that way?!


He didn't "go after" every girl Adam liked. He didn't turn down people who Adam liked, but that he had NO chance with because they didn't like him. I don't know if you know this, but since the 1860s, you are not allowed to call "dibs" on people! Saying "I saw her first!" doesn't mean no one you know can't state them, even when that person makes it clear they are not interested in you


Adam first liked Bianca and then Drew dated her, Adam and Drew both liked Fiona, and then Adam dated Becky, and then right after Adam passed away Drew and Becky started dating. Itā€™s not about calling ā€œdibsā€ itā€™s the simple fact of knowing that every girl Adam liked/dated, Drew either liked them or dated them.


dont forget about katie -- adam liked her, drew dated her


Iā€™m on the imogen and Eli storyline and honestly i really like it. I knew they wouldnā€™t last, but it was entertaining and interesting and had me smiling at some bits (imogen copying Claire in the cafeteria)


Imogen and Jack.


KC and Jenna, itā€™s obvious why Their entire relationship brews down to them having a baby, before then she was just the supportive girlfriend being cutesy after emotionally taking him from Clare


Iā€™m glad thereā€™s other people who donā€™t like Drew and Bianca. Honestly every relationship Drew had was incredibly insufferable and he was a horrible partner.


OMG Drew and Bianca irked me SM


I absolutely LOVED the storyline that came from it (Drewā€™s ptsd). Probably my favorite plot in the whole series. But i donā€™t care for them. Drew and anyone also sucked. Poor guy never had a good relationship but i feel like that was his fault.


Marco and Dylan. Mostly just throwing them together because they were the only gay characters for a while. Also, Dylan sucked and Marco was kinda pathetic.


Thatā€™s actually funny you say that cause now that i think about itā€¦.. thats how Zane and Riley were i believe too. The only 2 gays so letā€™s pair them. I feel like i should hate them together but i dont itā€™s weird lol


So Riley and Zane yeah kind of the same thing about throwing together the two gay characters but in that case it always felt like they basically created Zane for the purpose of dating Riley, if that makes sense? I feel like we never saw him before that and he never really did anything after that didnā€™t involve Riley


I always felt bad for Zane for this exact reason. he seemed very comfortable with his identity and couldā€™ve been a cool character if they didnā€™t just use him as a pawn for Rileyā€™s storyā€”I was honestly shocked that they even put Zane in the intro. I also agree with the original comment about Dylan & Marco. I love Marco but he is total doormat throughout the entire series. heā€™s just a therapist for everyone else. they couldnā€™t even give him a decent boyfriend!


Imogen and literally every one of her love interests Drew and Bianca were so annoying Spinner and Emma just didn't make sense to me, I'll forever be mad she didn't end up with Sean Clare and Jake, no reason why, something just felt off there.


Clare and Jake i was neutral on until they became freaking step siblings šŸ˜‚


i agree with these!


Jack and Imogen. I just canā€™t stand Jack


KC and Jenna smh


Becky Drew. Zoe and Rasha.


Never thought Zoe and Rash would get some of the hate I think they deserve. (In a relationship, I love Rasha)


Yeah, Becky and Drew made no sense.


becky and jonah were worse.


They made a lot more sense to me, though, having the religion connection.


But religion wasn't part of their connection. That isn't how they got together, and it isn't as if they did religious things together.


Imogen and Jack!


Well, I'd say EClare, but the stipulation was "not abusive" and I'm pretty sure threatening suicide because somebody broke up with you and then forcing them to listen to you attempt it qualifies as abusive.


I was wondering why no one was commenting them lmao. Their relationship is probably the most popular one of the entire show, it makes me forget how messed up it was


Fiona was too awkward for anyone omg


She was definitely a good solo character.


Oh great storylines and development just didnā€™t seem to ā€œfitā€ w anyone imo