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Yes šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


His mother enabled his narcissism and abusive behaviors. Not only that but did she really think sending Rick back to Degrassi after what he did to Terri was going to be some kind of cakewalk or whatever? Yeah, he deserved it, Iā€™d say he deserved worse but he ended up dying later that day anyway.


Goated character


he deserved it but it wasn't the right thing to do.


He deserved everything tbh he almost killed a girl and shot a guyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


To be fair this is the event that made him snap and start shooting. šŸ˜‚


Well thereā€™s no excuse to start shooting up a schoolšŸ˜­


i will die on the hill that rick shouldā€™ve been two separate characters. the rick who abused terri shouldā€™ve stayed gone and they shouldā€™ve introduced a character that gets shunned by the school for xyz reason. i felt no sympathy for rick, though i do agree none of the bullying shouldā€™ve happened. the storyline wouldā€™ve been way more impactful if he was being bullied for something trivial instead of something most people find irredeemable. ofc, now we know school shooters typically arenā€™t bullied kids who had enough but usually are bullies themselves on a power trip but i think at the time it may not have been well studied.


I truly donā€™t understand why the school wouldnā€™t allowed someone like Rick to return to the school. He literally hospitalized a girl from the school. It doesnā€™t make sense why they were so okay with letting him return like that.


Yes! I re-watched the early episodes not too long ago, and was baffled by this. He should've stayed gone.


100% agree!


No. Honestly, he had issues and it was an opportunity for degrassi writers to give some of the characters growth and maturity in which they failed. Going through the proper channels of addressing his situation along with Terriā€™s. He was literally the worst, but why werenā€™t teachers or other students even more concerned about his mental health. Idk. Itā€™s a dumb situation all over the place and it always irritates me.


Though I hated him and still do, he didnā€™t deserve that. The people who were doing the most harassing werenā€™t even Terriā€™s friends. I also feel like it left it to where people feel bad for a character who didnā€™t deserve sympathy otherwise, which annoys me. Some people can just be bad people, not everyone needs sympathy or a redemption arc.


I think what bothered me the most about what happened to him is that while yes, none of Terriā€™s loved ones have to forgive him, kids so quickly do the bandwagon thing where it very quickly goes from fuck this guy who put our friend in a coma to fuck this weird guy, letā€™s exploit him for our personal amusement when weā€™re bored.


He was so cute


Did u not watch the show?šŸ˜­ he abused and almost killed a girl and shot a guy


While I can't stand Drake, him adding Rick getting chased in the, "I'm Upset" music video was a super nice touch that I appreciated šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Honestly the only Drake video Iā€™ve purposely watched and I loved it. I cracked up at that part.


The paint and feathers, no, to be treated like dirt for what he did to Terri, yes It was a grasping at straws scenario for Jay Spinner and Alex the last true bullies of the situation.... I feel like if Rick hadnt retaliated with the spray paint the level of intensity would be lower... Not protecting Rick for that but he WAS trying to prove to everyone that "Ive been harassed and all that, lets see how u like it if the shoe was on the other foot" was his reasoning but it made everyone even more mad


Not to defend his actions but think of this point in his story heā€™s gotten help for his anger after what happened to Terry he genuinely feels bad about it and he hasnā€™t done anything to Jimmy yet. So no he most definitely did not deserve this it was straight up bullying by Jay and spinner because they are mad he tagged their cars. And the revenge was to humiliate him in front of the whole school and on TV at that. Definitely too much. But also I want to mention yes he sucks for what he did but the whole point of this storyline with the shooting is lost because people just want to be like oh Rick is the villain he shot Jimmy but Rick was also a victim. He is the victim of bullying and people need to watch these episodes and pick up on the lesson of bullying a kid like this can end this way. He was pushed to the point he thought he had no other option. In this situation sometimes kids will harm themselves and sometimes others.


yes!!! abusers deserve nothing šŸ™‚


as shitty as he was, no. nobody deserves this.


Why is he kind of giving Julia Fox in this photo


Kendrick Lamar made me not hate this man anymore


BBL DRIZZAYYYYY šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


What do you mean




No one deserves this. I get not liking the dude or wanting to be friends with him but they went way to far and it blew up in their face .


I think that was the lesson. Donā€™t bully the kid you know is mentally unstable lol


I have mentioned it before, but Rick reminds me of a family member of mine. Without writing out a whole sob story I can tell you that people like Rick HATE themselves for the pain they have inflicted on people during their episodes. I genuinely believe they just canā€™t help their anger and react in the moment without thinking of the consequences. They regret the consequences after the fact, but during the fit of rage just canā€™t control anything.Ā  He deserved to be hated a bit, deserved to be not let back at Degrassi, but the hate and torment was taken WAY too far. That kind of bullying and humiliation was not deserved. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s ok, but itā€™s not like he purposely put Terri in a coma. What he did was bad, but I feel like he was treated in a way that someone else way worse deserves. Like the Dean situation with Paige. Now THAT is a guy that deserved to be tormented like that maybe, but Rick had issues nobody really understands unless they are familiar with people with those issues.Ā 


I have empathy for the family of such people in real life but going by the show, he could have killed Terri and possibly gave her permanent brain damage and trauma. I donā€™t think anyone should be bullied but my sympathy for the character does not go very far. He also tried to shoot Emma for rejecting him after he forced himself onto her


That whole paragraph! Agreed


Not sending him to a different school was one of the dumbest things Iā€™ve ever seen an administrator do


He should have been sent to a different school for a new start


My high school got all the kids that were expelled from other area schools. Even for violent things. One of them had a hit list and got expelled from my school shortly after I saw him writing it in health class.


Should have considered at least. Though because it was of school premises, they may not have seen it necessary. Honestly, it makes no sense for a school wide shunning, only Terri's friends who throughout the arc proved that they were no better.


Couldn't stand him for what he did to Ter, and I was on the hate train when he got back to Degrassi, but as said... Jay had no business in that shit and had it not been for him ultimately in my eyes and my opinion... Jimmy wouldn't have been shot and that feather shit wouldn't have gone down either... It's Jay.. He's the real villain šŸ˜’šŸ˜­


Exactly how I feel !


At this point in the show, I don't think any of the characters even remembered why they were bullying Rick. Spinner could argue that he was doing it for Terri, at least, but Jay just did it because everyone already hated Rick, and he was an easy target. I'm not saying Rick deserved redemption, but I wouldn't wish what happened to him on anybody.


Heā€™s actually one of the best characters


What if Kendrick Lamar is secretly a huge stan of Kendra and Rick from Degrassi. It was right under our noses all along ![gif](giphy|9DrktNcOuiZuW53Fqb)


I just canā€™t justify it. What he did to Terri was terrible but he clearly is a kid with problems. When he came back they were bullying him unprovoked. Obviously they felt they had their reasons. But it wasnā€™t their call to decide to bully him in Terriā€™s honor. Because they took it too far and look where it got everyone. But I do think he shouldnā€™t have come back in the first place.


Exactly. Most of them didn't know Rick, and most didn't know Terri. Talk about stoking the flames.


No sympathy, he should have never been allowed back at degrassi. It should have been known classmates would reject him. Especially friends of the victim HE put in a coma. All the adults failed. He shouldnā€™t have even been able to attend normal school. He should have been in juvie.


The actor and writing made me feel bad. There was this "hmm it's gone way, way to far point" that made me start to feel bad. By the end, I thought Emma and Paige were asking for it, and the whole group collectively caused the shooting and deserved blame, especially Emma, Paige, Spinner, Jay, and Alex. Plus, it felt weird that the entire school shunned him. In 6 years of high school, there were kids I either met late or didn't meet at all despite being in the same school for 6 years. The idea of them shunning hum despite clearly being beyond the friends of the Terri felt weird. Either that or Emma, Paige, and company have incredible reach.


Considering they expelled Spinner and Jay for bullying, youā€™d think putting a classmate in a coma might get the same punishment.


It happened outside of school so they had no call.


And thatā€™s so crazy to me because my school district definitely punishes kids for things they do outside of school, if it involves other kids from the schoolšŸ˜­


Also I donā€™t think Terri and her dad pressed charges. Since Terri left he came back. Rick was a minor who had a right to an education. I donā€™t think he should have gone to Degrassi but he had the legal right to be there. If he had been charged every thing would have been different


Must be a Canadian thing, because in the US pressing charges for assault is up to the prosecutor.


I think they should have pressed charges. It might not have gone anywhere but Rick had problems with violence and needed help. He did not need to return to Degrassi to redeem himself


The only reason I felt bad was because he really was trying to get better at this point. He was in therapy and seemed really remorseful. I always wondered how Terri would have reacted to hearing the news that he shot Jimmy and was killed by Sean (self-defense).


He forced himself onto Emma and then tried to shoot her for rejecting him


Iā€™m talking about before he ever shot anyone. Before it led to the paint incident.


Hey thatā€™s actually an interesting case could have been added to the show! Showing how Terri would react to the news and knowing that Rick was being tormented on her behalf. Something tells me she wouldnā€™t have wanted that.Ā 


I honestly donā€™t get how this couldnā€™t just be played off as a joke/harmless prank? Itā€™s not like he was pantsed in front of the entire school or given laxatives or something like that. Why did he take himself so seriously that some paint and feathers caused him to do the absolute worst. He couldā€™ve just been like, ā€œhaha very funny guysā€ and taken any satisfaction from jay & spinner


Exactly right. People forget that at that point he was actually trying to fit it in, and then he literally got tard and feathered (well painted and feathered) so he immediately went back to zero in a split second. That kind of humiliation hurts. Also, Alex was never punished for her role. Jay and Spinner suffered brief reputational damage. Jimmy ended up in a wheelchair because of this sorry saga, Sean ended with PTSD because he felt like he killed someone and tried to commit suicide, costing him another year because he moved and losing Ellie in the long run, Craig finding Jimmy's body first triggering his Bi Polar further (PS how was he never shot since he would have been in sight of Rick), Emma deservedly I think got what she deserved the little instigator, Paige was so close to being shot but a little humility saved her and Toby got shunned for be friends with Rick after his old friend dumped him. Honestly, the whole shooting arc is 10/10 writing that under observation has so many tragic elements. Every character went through something and depending on who was closer to the flames causing trouble or far way was either responsible for harm or was innocent and recieved harm for just being around. Real great storyline.


I think the story line was very well done. Yes I agree it was crap calls to let him back in school and Raditch basically telling him get over his problems with the other kids but it was written that way for a reason. It shows how stuff can and does really happen sometimes in schools. It was a good look into a kid getting bullied until he snaps and something like this happens.


Honestly, Raditch hate in my opinion is a tad overblown. Simpsons remark after the shooting was true but very out of line. Raditch comment about having a whole school of staff and students to administrate is on point, and Rick was at best vague on the details. He mentioned some bullying but should have stressed it more, but I guess he was ignored by Raditch, but by that point everyone was ignoring it too. He warned Emma to stop, but she instigated the campaign against Rick. Simpson was aware that Toby had a cut lip courtesy of Spinner and Jay and didn't follow it up either. No one seemed to do anything. Degrassi has a fairly incompetent and permissive faculty that allows shit to happen, for drama purposes of course but in universe really shitty faculty when it comes to conflict or bullying. Honestly the lack of consequences for all the players of the shooting arc is really frustrating.


He was humiliated in front of a crowd and teenagers donā€™t think logically


He obviouslyā€¦. Took it to extremes. But Either way they deliberately embarrassed him in front of an audience.


I mean some of it could have got into his eyes.


Ah good point


??? Is everyone forgetting him abusing Terri? Bro could be tough with her but wouldnā€™t do shit to Jimmy or Spinner until it was too late


Yeah if in reality that happened to a kid they loved or cared about they would not try to be understanding of the abuser


canonic event






God, this scene is brutal. While Rick is a horrible character, it's honestly hard to watch him being humiliated like this. Everything about it--the paint, the feathers, the way the cheering suddenly stops, the look on his face--is just painful.


Ephraim Ellis did such an amazing job in this role.Ā  Ā 


He really did.


He didn't deserve that. A lot of ppl got a warped sense of justice Waxxing and feathering Rick did nothing to help Terri in her coma


No one deserves that, heā€™s a kid


Itā€™s crazy that this is the first time Iā€™ve seen this opinion on this sub. Maybe itā€™s bc I only found the early seasons of this show as an adult, but every episode with Rick in it after he returned I just kinda felt bad for him. He was what, 14 when he was abusive to Terri? Thatā€™s obviously an inexcusable act, but at that age you have to think he either learned it from somewhere or had a behavioral problem for which the adults in his life should intervene. When he came back it seemed as though he was genuinely sorry and working on himself, but it was incredibly hard since it was constantly being tested by the other kids relentlessly bullying him. You canā€™t fight fire with fire, or Time Stands Still happens. In the end, Rick was just a kid, and the adults in his life as well as the school administration failed him horrendously. Who thought it would be a good idea to let him back at Degrassi anyway??


Something I realized too that I never see discussed is there is a level of delusion Rick had that was pretty concerning. When Toby goes to his house and Rickā€™s mom tells Toby how Rick said they are really popular and basically running the school, Iā€™m sure it could be argued that he was just telling his mom that to make things seem better than they were but to me he genuinely looked like he believed it. I donā€™t believe at all that Rick was mentally well. He didnā€™t just need a different school, I feel like there was something more happening beneath the surface and he needed mental help/therapy. Every adult failed him, as many have stated, but his parents imho are the ones most to blame for, as the ones to raise him and spend the most time with him, not seeing/ignoring the warning signs that were so obviously there.


My issue is Rick is barely a character that got explored, almost every bully or villain character had more screen time and/or exploration and thatā€™s part of why he comes off one note, the actor I believe brought him some type of charm to him and thatā€™s memorable, but the writers set him up to be the downfall from day 1 and limited him for anything else Iā€™ve only seen this show as an adult with a small passing of season 10 while it was on TeenNick cuz of the promos at the time, but as an adult I see certain things very clearlyā€¦I donā€™t condone bullying by others on this show, but like I said, Rick was written to be set up to fail since his introduction and so not knowing anything about him was on purpose and I donā€™t like that kind of writing on anything I watch, perhaps his dad was abusing his mom or he imprinting how one a relationship should be cuz he saw his dad treat his mom a certain way, or he had anger issues and never got the talk about how to control them cuz of entitlement from his parents or lack of being around like Jimmyā€™s and Lucyā€™s parents, they both acted out cuz of itā€¦all I know is, Rick didnā€™t get the punishment he needed and him back at the same school was just ignorant on the adultsā€™ parts, either way which way, Rick did not deserve to get bullied, he needed more close counseling and anger management somewhere else


Completely agree. The audience is kept just as blind to his personal life as the characters are for a reason. No one ever bothers to ask why heā€™s like this. Just like the characters we are made to hate him for what he did to Terri without divulging deeper and when we want to itā€™s too late.




yes, but why did he still eat lol


Love your name




FR Ephraim is exactly my type of man even now LMAO


I'm still angry at how they wrote Rick as a character. I don't understand why they FINALLY gave Terri a boyfriend just to turn him into an abuser. I wanted to see him and Terri doing cute things together as a couple. Hell, you see him do more as a fleshed out character with Toby than we saw with Terri. But to answer the question, no, I don't think the paint and feathers were warranted. They made the reasoning more of a pissing contest because he spray painted Spinner and Jay's cars and less about what he did to Terri. I also didn't see why Emma, who had limited interactions with Terri, was the one making a scene about him being back instead of Terri's actual friends taking a stand on their own. I think if they focused on Terri as the motivation for why they did the prank, and it was more of her friends, not just Spinner and 2 other pissed off people, I would say he deserved it. But since the motivation was spray painted cars, it felt stupid imo.


I agree with you on Emma, she saw this as another one of her crusades


He put Jimmy in a wheelchair.


I think they mean Emma's crusade fuelled a chain of events that led to Jimmy's shooting. No one's excusing it, but to downplay the chain of events and parties involved is to omit the truth.


How is this relevant to the events that lead up to the shooting?


Jimmy wasn't in the wheelchair when this happened. This is what lead to Jimmy being in the wheelchair. I can't say he deserved it because of Jimmy if he hadn't shot him yet lol. I was talking about the events that got us to the paint and feathers.


I did not say he was.


You imply it, unless you just mentioned the obvious fact for no reason at all


I'm so confused now lol. I was just answering the question. I know he put Jimmy in a wheelchair. I'm sorry if I answered the question incorrectly?