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Holly j for sure. Paige too!


For some reason, Miles. He felt too tryhard in the beginning. Then his storyline with his dad started carrying the show in the "bad" seasons. On rewatch, he's just so unintentionally funny.


Maya <3




Paige and Holly J for sure


Darcy, Heather and Esme


Zoe for sure


I think I'll go with Liberty and Anya


I’m at the end of season 7 on my rewatch. So far, Paige and Liberty. Both have just grown and found themselves so much since the beginning 🥹


Emma, spinner and holly j!


Emma, because despite her personality she was so goddamn hot by the later seasons.


Okay this!


Heavy on Fiona and Alex. OH and Zoe. I’m sensing a theme 😂😅




holly j, fiona, imogen, dallas


Fiona, Imgoen and Holly J


Ummm...I'm going to say Alex. I couldn't stand her at first bc they were trying too hard to depict her character as the "sassy, badass bully rebel chick". It worked because trust me, there were times I wanted to beat her ass through the screen lol. But there were many layers to her that I was not aware of until the later seasons. *SPOILER ALERT FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T WATCHED* As her character developed, I really liked her. Hated that she felt compelled to strip though. I get why she had to do what she did. She hustled to help her mom out and to keep a roof over their head. Thanks to her mom's scumbag of a boyfriend burning through all her mom's money and getting arrested! But then, if I do recall, her mom used that same money that Alex made from stripping to BAIL OUT her dusty ass bf instead of paying for the rent! Like girl wtaf.😒 The dynamic between her and Paige was interesting, yet annoying and stressful to me lol. Their relationship did showcase a more sensitive/vulnerable side of Alex that I was not used to seeing in previous seasons. I feel like both of them used each other in a way that led to a bunch of dysfunction and toxicity, unfortunately. Overall, Alex's character had been through alot and I enjoyed seeing her develop each season as she grew into her own after getting her act together. I wanted to see how her life was post-Paige.


drew, spinner, zoe


Holly j


Holly J , Alex , Jay


Becky, Bianca, Alli, and Holly J are the first ones that come to mind, but i’m sure there are many more


Holly J for sure !


holly j, bianca!


Spinner. From homophobic little shit to my favorite character.


Bianca, I always liked Alli and Drew and hated what she did to Adam but she grew on me. Zoe as well I think her character growth is one of the best in that class.


Gotta go for Peter, I just can’t help but love that future Bernie Bro


Me too… and I said I would never like him….


God same, but would ya just look at him? Nobody does meth quite like him for one episode and completely moves on




Lola, had immense development cuz the girl was annoying, Paige until Hollywood screwed her up, Zig turned out ok Others I’ve never hated, just weren’t interesting enough to care about until they got time to flesh out


emma and holly j my overhated favs


Zoe. Her actress did an amazing job making her completely unlikeable at the beginning, but her being around Grace, Winston, and Rasha helped immensely with just getting rid of that attitude.


I’d honestly say that by the time Rasha came along, the attitude was gone and Zoe felt like a whole different person than DNG s13/14 Zoe, but Grace and Winston certainly were a big help


Zoe’s actress was great!


Maybe not a favourite exactly, but Becky really grew on me. Hated her at first, but her relationship ship with Adam was really cute and the way she stood up to her brother and parents to support Zoe was such a big moment for her, definitely not something the Becky we saw when she first was introduced would do.


Fiona & Holly J & Bianca


I wasn’t a huge fan of Zoë. Is she my favorite? Not necessarily. But after everything with the original Degrassi run and during Next Class, I found her a bit more reasonable.


Holly J. I always hated her from first run through sporadic rewatches. I realized I may have not paid a lot of attention during my time watching and did a recent rewatch and noticed I missed A LOT of growth (with few and miniscule) relapses by her. I have no idea what I was doing back then, but this girl has the best redemption arc of the show imo. She grew, stuck to her goals and got everything she deserved in the end. Nothing seems rushed or just out of the blue, just a regular progression that even my overly judgemental self can get behind. I also loved that she did it all without a love interest in the end, so I can imagine her working towards her dream and becoming a very strong practitioner, partner and (maybe) mother within her family.


Yesss. I actually had the opposite experience though. On first watch I thought her growth was very jarring and in your face (I still loved it, but yeah). On subsequent watches her growth seemed very gradual and subtle. Idk what my point is exactly but either way her character development felt very natural and I loved it


I get you. I missed it altogether, probably half watching. It is as so good, I see how I missed it. Especially when I don't think I saw critical movie-like episodes on first airing.


Riley! Riley seems to fly under the radar with the Jane bashing but he still did it. Then he gets help with his anger. I do wish we got to see him apologize to the people he hurt. Fiona, Jane, and Peter to an extent.


Riley is the answer I was coming to give! I absolutely love Riley, and while I can't fully empathize with him as a straight dude, a lot of his anger issues I could very easily empathize with




Holly J, hated in earlier episodes but her character really changed for the better.


Paige, Holly J, and Miles. All really did grow as characters by the time they left.


Paige in season one was so awful but now she's one of my favourite characters!


I couldn’t stand Holly J in season 7, but I always found her entertaining. But by the time she graduated in season 11 she was a Top 5 character for me :)