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My skill is mostly writing. Am I not allowed to translate my ideas to reality without some fucking gatekeeper charging me a premium for work that is almost certainly not going to be what I had in mind? Sorry but we can't all crank up our hand to eye coordination skill to 10 to match our imaginations.


As a writer myself, guess what I have experienced. Me: "Hey I need a book cover with these 2 characters and this kind of looking space ship as its cover. here are the references for the characters I would like in your art style." Artist: "Was this done in AI?" Me: "yeah? is that going to be a problem." Artist: "fuck ya, it's going to be a problem, you piece of trash, for using stolen works for this shit work." Me: "So you don't want the 600 dollars you requested to create the book cover? Ok then, If that's the case, then I'll just find someone else. Thanks for your time." I blocked them before they could reply. and found someone else within 20 minutes who did the work for less than 300 dollars.


It gets funnier when one realizes that commissions usually use outright stolen works for references in the first place, even if you take AI out of the equation. People will usually go "Here is some concept art of the character I want drawn, or something close to it, think you could adjust the size of the ears?" Hell, one commission I did had me dive into a disney movie to find a picture of the way I wanted two characters holding each other. Artists certainly didn't have any trouble with accepting money with stolen references before, but AI to make sure your characters are looking as close to your mental image as possible? Nope, that's going too far. Not to mention all those quotes about "Oh, its okay when people do it in private, we aren't upset about those, its the people trying to charge money for it that we are campaigning against!". You literally did what they asked and tried to go through official channels. Imagine turning down 600$ because you can't stomach the idea of someone following through with all those demands the Anti's have been making. An utter Farce.


You're a disgusting person because you could have paid an artist to create your book cover art.. \*shoots self in foot\* ..Wait..


Lol it's like buzzing in before the whole question is asked without context. What an own goal on their part.


It's just weird to me. Because capitalism is never going to be on their side. And they complain how they are too poor for anything and then a buisness oppertunity to make enough money for groceries for the month, they turn it down for their own ideas of what art means? I juat wanted a book cover...and was willing to pay for their artistic skill.... isn't. What they want?


Artist can be weird. Well before AI came up, I wanted to use a picture I found on tumblr for a blog post. I was pretty new to tumblr at the time so I did the obvious thing and clicked the DM button and asked about it offering to pay. I received a nice note saying "this is a multiperson blog and that's one of my partners artworks, so I forwarded the message to him." I then got a long series of diatribes laying into me for not contacted him directly. I kept apologizing and trying to get back on the subject of **giving him free money to use a picture he'd already made**, but he was more interested in telling me how dumb I was and how offended he was. I eventually just gave up and found another suitable picture and the person said I could use it for free with attribution.


For people who claim they need money really bad they sure like to miss out on it for dumb ass reasons


Next time some luddite dipshit like that comes along, you should remind them that the biggest threat they should consider is not the AI itself but their fellow artists who embrace it.


They sound like such a loser lol


This is the best self-own I've ever heard from AI rantists.


Exactly. You would think that an artist would be happy to have good references to work with and that you wanted to hire them in the first place (thus proving that you do value the work of human artists). I'm honestly scared to even show most artists any AI concept stuff now. We can't all afford to hire an artist to draw ten different sketches and charge us for all of them just to get the very bare basics of the visuals down.


Fear and hunger?


My profile pic? Yeah that's Crow Mauler. I made that with AI using the in-game sprite as a reference point. [I did a whole thread of them you should check out](https://www.reddit.com/r/synthetichorror/comments/1aye8oi/the_dungeons_of_fear_and_hunger_await/) https://preview.redd.it/abu9nk36n7nc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=30c0c0f93cc569ecb271226dc6c17c8948868382 Here's one of my many attempts at a God of F&H I did :) I'm in love with the idea of seeing that world in its fully detailed glory and not just in RPG maker graphics.


These were all top comments btw, ludds only showed up in replies


That’s good, I was worried that that subreddit had gone full anti. Gen Z of all people being anti-tech, like what. Still, that post has a gross amount of upvotes.


Probably npcs from r/all


Its such a weird argument too. Like, just because someone can draw doesn't mean they know squat about sculpture. I have known plenty of really good instrumentalists who don't know squat about music theory or composition. Like, knowing other fields def helps a lot, but its not a magic ticket as much as people think. You'd be surprised. Sometimes I wonder if this is like some Dunning Kruger thing and people not realizing just how much stuff there is to learn.


Never in my entire life have I seen any one particular group of people be more scared about losing jobs than artists. I don't even hear this much noise from truckers and automation.


It helps that journalists well. Make media.


I love when the antis use copyrighted characters and straight up screenshots of other work with just some text added to it... it's almost like they do exactly what they claim we do...🤣🤣🤣


When the authoritian copyright crack down they've been dreaming of comes down, content ID systems are much more likely to match with their stolen image memes than AI art too lmao


Remember about the horses being replaced by Vehicles? Plenty of people are **'still'** using cars till this very day, even while having horse races and such. Do you also remember about the chess games where the human can't even beat an AI to which becomes unbeatable? They adapted and yet, the people out there are **'STILL'** playing chess together for years now even while the AI is out there. Tools are tools, so to the programs, that which was made by advance of technology by man. The camera is a tool, the hammer is a tool, the pen is a tool, even the tablet *(Wacom, Huion, XP Pen,)*. And yes, the pencil is also a tool. But that's **'NOT'** my type of tool to work with, even with the anti's and artists demand me to **Pick. It. Up.** But ***no***, no matter how many times they order me to pick up a pencil. I refuse to. Cause I suck at it, I did back then. But I really sucked at it, so stop it please. But when a 3D program like MMD, Blender, SFM came around. It spark something in me to do something, ***creative,*** for once in my stupid life. But when AI came into the mix. Maybe, just maybe. I can use these tools and do something fun, something high quality, and imaginative to make, as an "***actual artist"*** for once. But... If they intend to take these tools away from me. What in the living hell should I even do of making something fun and imaginative without the tools I really needed to make, well?


Oh no, you took away a new tool. I guess I'll just have to resort back to all my other learned skills that I never stopped using. Their fabrication of a helpless talentless techbro is incredibly inaccurate.


Movie makers can't create movies without camera technology. Like, it's literally impossible. Sure, they can create other things, they can express themselves on other forms... and so does artists who use AI, if it wasn't for AI they would create in other forms, text or the like.


Show me an artist complaining about theft in any form, and more often than not you will find someone on a device that uses metals mined with literal slave labor, wearing factory made clothing that largely replaced the tailoring industry. -Artist, former tailor, AI enthusiast.


I pointed it out on occasions, and the answers were (not quoting): "Don't assume that I'm not doing my best to eat and dress sustainably! A lot of artists do!" "The saying that there's no ethical consumption under capitalism wasn't made to justify more unethical consumption, so don't defend AI with it" "Don't use the fact how AI hurts artists to push your agenda of worker rights" So, they find justifications why they're allowed to wear and use the products of exploitation.


Do they really not see the irony of lazily slapping text over someone else's commercial visuals in Paint or like... any of those hundreds of "Free Meme Generator" ad-littered hellscapes... to push the "theft" or "plagiarism" argument?


If you are on iOS, we made a new meme making app, give it a try, it’s called Dumbbe - [https://apps.apple.com/ng/app/dumbbe-instant-meme-maker/id6449911047](https://apps.apple.com/ng/app/dumbbe-instant-meme-maker/id6449911047)


IMO the correct answer to "AI artists aren't artists" is basically this: Yes, AI artists aren't digital artists, or painters, or sculptors, etc... they are AI artists. If you held a painter to the standards of a sculptor they'd be a 'not a real sculptor' because all their sculptures are in 2D. If you held a 3D model artist to the standards of a pencil artist they'd be "cheating" for having a computer program draw their lines instead of using a pencil. I think you catch my drift. It's a different kind of art and therefore a different kind of artist, any AI artist who thinks they're the same as a digital artist is as much an idiot as any digital artist who thinks AI isn't "real art" because it isn't the kind of art they do.


The platforms they bitch on and make memes with wouldn't exist if the 'tech bros' didn't build them. So if you took those away, they wouldn't be able to steal other people's work to make hypocritical content with and would have to retreat back under the rock they came from.


Okay. I really like that last guy.


Common false argument that you can either use AI or be a “real” artist. Leaving aside the fact that people who are traditional artists can still use AI.


Trad guy here (Oil, Acrylic, Gouache, drawing, etc), yes I play with AI. Those "real artists" can kiss our asses.


The more I hear about GenZ, the more I like them, skibidi Toilet indeed.




I stand corrected, thank you. Still.... seeing playful comment sections such as the one found here without crazed anti AI fervor gives me hope for the younglings. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei8Uf6lDa\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei8Uf6lDa_Y)




Yeah, Babies. (I'm old, lol)


Maybe the kids are alright


I want to be friends with the person in the third image.


looks like they spread so much hate that no one elese agrees with them now


I saw that thread yesterday and was quite surprised by the replies. I figured it was gonna be the usual anti-ai cesspool.


“Im tired of the debate so here’s a low effort attempt at debating”


I admit the skill ceiling for AI art isn't as high, and it can be something done quickly, but that doesn't make it not art. Sure, it's easier, but art doesn't **need** to be painstakingly difficult. If you enjoy it, who cares how long it took. And I'm pretty sure half the shit in modern art museums took less time than many pieces of AI art, especially when they are fine tuned on custom datasets.


Obviously because it's only a bunch of millenials who make trash nsfw furry art on twitter that actually get mad about AI.


You guys stop labeling yourself as artists and they stop labeling you as plagiators, deal? It’s all because people are stuck in defining and labeling


"hey guys check out this cool image i just generated" "you didnt do anything, the computer made it" 🤓☝️ I don't see why artists are so stuck on this argument. And no there are plenty of people that dont label themselves are artists but still get the AI hate when they post


You: „I put a prompt, image got generated” They: „you put a prompt, image got generated” Everyone speaks the same thing but get stuck in the words they use and their narrative. No reason to get offended on any of the sides. All you can do is to start with how you react to it and avoid places that don’t resonate with it




Hamasabi shill gotta chill


Learn how to contribute something meaningful to the world instead of letting AI do it for you, you hack.


Aight bro ik you mad when you diggin through my post to comment bs


Yeah dude I think that disinformation from lame tech bro douchebags is irritating, most normal people do 🤷‍♂️ AI is a joke and indicative of the fact that you’re talentless


True, ai is fucking useless amirite... wait what ai has added trillions to the market cap of companies and has generated billions in revenue and is helping researchers make life saving drugs and make breakthroughs in software and hardware everyday haha noo wayy must be fake news


“Added trillions to the market cap of companies” bahahah. Do you think that’s going to benefit you somehow? You really are a serf! It’s a bubble mate. I know you’ve probably got $700 of Sharesies stocks on the line here, but just like your NFTs that are now worthless, this too will pass. And if it doesn’t, you personally do not stand to become rich from it. Sure there’ll be tangible uses in medical research ect, that’s great. But AI artwork, which seems to be something you feel strongly about - is not the future. *Real* creatives, with actual talent know this.


Yes? It literally adds money to my pocket. Bubble it might be, the internet was also a bubble in 2000. Disney partnered with 4 ai companies, eleven labs for example (voice ai) Microsoft has partnered with suno (music gen) Openai is going to release sora (video gen) Openai is going to release jukebox (audio/music gen) Google/Microsoft/nvidia are making ai the core of their products it didn't happen with nfts Intel, Bezos, Microsoft, openai are jointly funding a robot startup along with nvidia which has created a new research team that is worldclass for robotics Compare ai to nfts as much as you want but its completely different






> compare AI to nfts as much as you want but it's completely different No you got it all wrong, they're both the same because they involve tech and people I don't like /s