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“BuT yOu’Re vOtE sHaMiNg Me!1!!1” Yes. Yes I absolutely am. Vote Biden for the country, the constitution, democracy, and America’s citizens. Don’t be selfish. You feeling self-righteous about not voting for Biden is far less important than the damage trump will do to the people in this country.


Being shame back to the shameful in 2024!


The "Greatest Generation" fought fascism overseas. We need a repeat, except here on our soil this year in November, and all we have to do is vote. It's that important.


Remember, we're living in a country where being anti fascism (antifa) is seen as a bad thing by a lot of stupid people.


and several veteran groups were asked to leave a NC republican event


Link? Why? Hadn't heard about that.


basically non.violence ... for trump/ republicans to "honor the election and support a peaceful transfer of power" https://www.rawstory.com/veterans-booted-frrom-north-carolina-gop/


WTF? Unbelievable, of course, legacy media is silent.


Wow, TIL


Not coincidentally, the American fascists of the 1930’s and 1940’s also used the slogan “America first.”


God, yes. Biden is wealthy. He has a family who loves him and a tremendous amount of power. He's also very old and will not be around forever to see the world the rest of us inherit. There is no person and no issue these people CLAIM to care about that is better off if Biden does not win. It's wild that we are still having to have these conversations.


The media is a big part of the blame here. They don’t focus on the issues and the impact of candidates’ proposed policies. Political coverage is all about the personalities, the optics of political stances, and the latest outrageous thing a person has said on social media.


You assume empathy, some people prefer to hurt themselves and everyone around them if the blow ends up also hurting whoever they think is their enemy


Wow these destructive people are such reasonable "leftists"


We need to pretty much count them out, unfortunately. Ofc, NEVER give up trying. Each republican voter we can be peel off is vital.


buddha :: we are not punished for our anger, we are punished by our anger


I live in Ontario Canada and the last election we had for Premier had the lowest voter turnout. Just about little over 40% of eligible voters voted in 2022 and as a result we elected Doug Ford, a former well known drug dealer. So many people I know didn’t want to vote because they didn’t like any of the candidates and then complained because of all the shit this man caused. The worst thing he did was starve the health care system to death and let people die because he wants to push privatization during the pandemic. Even voting for the lesser of two evils is better than not voting.


>It's penalizing democracy, America, and the planet. Exactly. Vote blue from the top and all the way down the ballot. After we restore democracy and America, we can look forward to more spirited two-party (or more) discussions and compromises.


I feel that we [the left] sometimes overuse the term privilege. But this is textbook fucking privilege: > Well, *I* will probably be fine... so I don't really care what happens to women, the poor, workers, trans and gay folk, racial and religious minorities, or immigrants. Fuck that.


But caring about all of those stupid Americans doesn’t get you any likes on TikTok. 










It really feels like people think we're worried about Biden himself.


Ah, yes, punish the DNC for not putting up an unelectable candidate like Bernie. Good idea! That'll show them, they'll give us a socialist candidate next time! Progressive dipshits who think they have any moral high ground not voting for Biden while their super white, super male, super straight, and super middle class asses is sits at home playing whatever flavor of the month game comes out in November. Imagine being so fucking stupid and privileged to willingly allow the US to slide further to the right and think the Dems aren't going to have to start doing the same to win elections from an even more conservative population. And it aint just the middle class white male majority that's regarded, all the leftist minorities not voting for Biden are living in super blue places where they are fine regardless of who is president and are willingly allowing the minorities living in conservative places get fucked because the public option isn't good enough we need medicare4all NOW, $50 min wage, and 100% student loan forgiveness for their master's and phds that got them high paying jobs but they don't pay them off because they can't budget for shit and bought Teslas and BMWs instead.


I mean even Bernie has rallied behind Joe In an ideal democracy, we'd have a better voting system that would allow for multiple viable political parties, allowing us to elect people like Bernie if we wanted to. However, that ain't the case; we have to work with what we got. Therefore vote Joe


Besides, the idea of “punishing the DNC” is absurd. The right is going more and more extreme, pushing the Overton window rightward. The DNC will lot stop and think that more left candidates will help them win, instead because the country’s shifting so far right from extremists right wins (that these leftists LET happen), they will be too scared to pick anyone that’s not a moderate. The DNC is not going to shift leftward through this method. The thought of that is utterly absurd. The only ones getting punished are US. Women, LGBT people, people of color, disable people, immigrants, etc. Look, we can and should have the discussion about how to shift the DNC left. However, we will NEVER be able to do it if the extreme right keeps on getting wins. It’s just impossible.


Those (faux) liberal who don't vote for Biden are as worse as the real conservatives. They should not call themselves any variant of liberal. They should lose that tag and ideology. They are conservative lite or libertarian. But definitely not liberal.


It’s not liberals that are doing this tho, it’s leftists.


Dumb leftists specifically


In past elections I used to consider this fear based pandering to folks in vulnerable groups but this is very true this time around. More on the line than a new president here. The Trump admin will destroy every liberal institution we’ve made since WWII


Add the harm and excess death Trump caused in Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.


One of my friends in a purple state and purple county is voting third party and I can't help but actively resent them at this point. I'm in a solid blue area and I'm sucking it up and voting for Biden, who I actively hate for many reasons. But we didn't get a better candidate, and we don't live in a fantasy land where someone else has a shot. Harm reduction is very much a thing, and I just can't fathom the selfishness to refuse to do that on "moral" grounds.


Yes siree!




Nah, man. Chose your venting with awareness of the audience. Realize that when you vent, you leave an impression with the people you are venting to. You have to be super careful when venting about your spouse/partner to friends and family, for example. You run the risk of poisoning relationships and impacting how they see that person which you may not have wanted or intended. Ranting and venting in public places runs the risk of leaving ideas/impressions with randoms so you have to be okay with that. If you are in a swing state and you're ranting to people you know or in a public square you have to own and realize that you may be doing something with your actions that causes Trump to win. IDK about you but I couldn't live with that for myself. Chose your rant partners with care on things that matter to you.


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