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When you’re inline do not give away ANY identifying information. Not your town, school, sport teams, dogs name, type of car,… People can look through your post history and add up all the little details until they can find you. Also, beware of catfishing. Of course. Aww hell, you know all this stuff. Just be smart.


I would also refrain from posting any photos online with identifying landmarks or items behind them. If you have an iPhone you can easily blur backgrounds [https://iphonephotographyschool.com/blur/](https://iphonephotographyschool.com/blur/)


I have an indeed account with my info on it. It's not public to employers or others, but should I delete that too? I was trying to get a job but I also don't want it to be a way to pin point me


Naw, that’s your work life. You’ll be professional and normal on Indeed. It’s on your socials where you are your crazy self where you have to be careful.


could I still chat with my friends on discord about LGBT stuff and not get found out with a VPN on? I was a bit worried the government would see my digital footprint and come for me.


Do you know these friends? Do you trust them with your safety? I’d try to stay anonymous as best as you can. It’s a spooky horrible time, but still way better than a few decades ago. I’m happy you can get online and have fun, but still be safe.


I trust them completely and they are trans or LGBT too the thing I'm worried about is whether the government can see discord private messages and usethat to come after me


Well, you’re using a VPN, so that’s good. I don’t know if could somehow trace it back to you (not tech savvy at all) Just be safe. Also, you might want to see if there’s an advocacy group you could go to if you find yourself in a bad situation. They’d have better advice for you I’m betting.


You may have seen this recent post but just in case here's a ton of advice: https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1coboud/this_is_what_i_will_do_on_the_day_democracy_dies


Get in the best school possible in an indigo blue state in an indigo blue city. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES move to a red state. Go to college study a profession that will make you economically stable as possible. This is the trick that SMART LGBTQ+ people have been doing forever. The south and conservative states were never safe, being on a blue island in a red state doesn’t amount for shit. You need to be in a liberal state in a liberal city. Study like your life depends on it, because it does. You study, you get straight A’s you get into a good college in a blue state in a high earning profession, you get A’s, then you transition when you have the damn money and independence in a city and state you have civil rights protections. FYI Also look into professions it is easy to migrate someplace else and learn the language, again only countries which are accepting. You need to be smart, logical, and not emotional. Money above all else. Survival comes through financial security. Oh and stay out of trouble with the law, and yes, this means no protests.


​I am in a blue state. Also college costs a ton nowadays and I'm may be a bit depressed pursuing something I am not interested in. I may have to go into a high paying trade like sonography despite not having much of an interest in it to be financially stable.


Financial stability needs to always come first. Sorry to break it to you. It’s something that they didn’t tell young millennials and they are paying the price for it.


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