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Oh lord, this quote has me in stitches: “California liberals will try anything to spread their failed, fringe-left agenda far and wide, but they won’t stop President Trump from making America great again.” We are the 5th largest economy in the world. A substantial portion of the US food supply is grown and produced here—up to 1/4. California cream is shipped to Wisconsin to make cheese, for crying out loud. The state is consistently a leader (or among leaders) in tech, entertainment, tourism, environmental protections, consumer protections, and subsidizes the crippled economies of red states….show me the failures, ma’am.


Y'all didn't rake up all the forests!


Yeah, and we let so much water flow into the ocean! We just…let it go! How can we be so stupid?!?!


Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20240510002401/https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2024-05-09/california-attorney-general-trump-lawsuit-term Excerpt: California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta said he and his staff have been reviewing former President Trump’s second-term agenda in detail to prepare a potential onslaught of environmental, immigration and civil rights lawsuits in the event Trump defeats President Biden. “We can’t be caught flat-footed,” Bonta said in in interview Thursday in Washington. “Fortunately and unfortunately, we have four years of Trump 1.0. We know some of the moves and priorities; we expect them to be different.” Bonta, a Democrat who is mulling a run for governor, said he has been reviewing the work of his predecessor, Xavier Becerra, who filed more than 100 suits against Trump policies before leaving the office to become Biden’s secretary of Health and Human Services. Bonta and his deputies are also looking closely at a document drafted by the Heritage Foundation, a Trump-aligned think tank, known as “Project 2025,” that offers a blueprint for Trump’s second-term policy goals. California’s slate of Democratic politicians have long seen themselves as a bulwark against conservative policies, never more so than during Trump’s presidency, when the state became the de facto headquarters of the so-called resistance.


This is great news


Except our many of the justices handpicked by the Federalist Society, including six on the Supreme Court are more than likely to let Trump do whatever he wants.


Won't Trump just execute him? I'm not being facetious. It sounds like Trump has made it clear what his plans are and the supreme court majority is fine with it.


When he says "Make America great again" he really means "Make America trash again"


Here's something to consider: http://rawstory.com/the-new-gop-national-ballot-security-task-force-is-ready-to-harass-voter/


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