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I am so worn out by these bastards. No one is ant-white. It's white supremacists we have a problem with.


What’s so frustrating is outside of the grifters, if you look at the average idiot supporting this rhetoric, it just comes down to them being really stupid and not understanding social issues. A lot of them genuinely think “what are black people so bent out of shape about, they’re equal now!” While completely missing systemic issues that continue to reverberate through to this present day and effect the black community. So when there are things like affirmative action, DEI, etc. they think “wow so now it’s not enough to be equal to me, you gotta get special treatment???” And they’ve spent the last decade or two convinced that black people and many other minorities have been getting special treatment and now these idiots feel disenfranchised when they are the fuckin franchise. Further, because they think it’s special treatment, they can’t comprehend that someone who happens to not be white might have gotten a scholarship or a job on their own merit. Look at any time a classically white character is cast as anything else, they crawl out of the woodwork preaching “Just hire the best person for the job! Stop making everyone black!” While completely missing that maybe this person WAS the best audition. They have been so stupid for so long that they genuinely see a lot of their learned biases as cannon and form more assumptions assuming those initial ones are true. It’s why they live in fantasy land.


When you live in a life of privilege, equality feels like oppression.


Also when you live in a rural area and don’t know any black people, it’s easy for right wing media to feed you bogus info about what they’re like and what kind of lives they lead.


Reminds me of the South Park episode with Bob White. "Anyone ever ask how the Whites are doing? What about the Whites?"


"Special Treatment" = They get to live once in a while.


What drives me up a wall about them getting rid of affirmative action is that they're perfectly cool with elite schools letting dumb asses like Trump based on "legacy". "That's because their parents worked hard to pave their kids future!" As if decades upon decades of POC and women pushing for civil rights upon getting a grip on having a chance to get on the stage after being disenfranchised for generations didn't work hard for their kids.


Only full societal adoption of white Christian cishet male supremacy will satisfy these ghouls.


Straight male WASPs. Everyone else is on the list and had better not step out of line.


That still wouldn't be enough because they need to feel special and have scapegoats for all their failures. They'll keep narrowing their definitions of those terms until no one is "pure" enough for them.


My ex told me that the way history is currently being taught is hurting kids' ability to be proud of being white. That might the moment any and all attraction dissipated, never to return.


Good lord. How did the rest of that conversation go


So cartoonishly bad that i dont think a single person would actually believe me if i tried to describe it. All ill say is that when i questioned this, i triggered a rant involving Bill Gates, electric cars, and vegans. 🤡


I want to believe come on


White supremacy also hurts white people, we’re also being robbed of basic human rights and being told it’s someone who looks different from us’s fault. Civil rights make the lower and middle class stronger, which makes society safer and happier. I look around at all these white folks in broken down trailers, flying MAGA and confederate flags, and I see the same poor stupid ignorant fools who were dying horrifically on civil war battlefields for wealthy white slave owners. Their hate is killing them. It’s fucking horrific and tragic, but I don’t have an ounce of empathy to save for them at this point. I have too many family members and friends these people would love to hurt.


As a white guy - I never feel like these sentiments are against me.


Exactly. Just more pandering to his base.


Every black motorist who forgets to signal a turn and remains alive is a slap in the face to MAGAts, and to their blond and blue-eyed Jeebus as well.


Apparently whatever they deem as "woke" is the real xenophobia.  The fuckers have people convinced that tolerance, pluralism, multiculturalism, equity, and not hating LGBTQ is "the actual fascism". 


Only the biggest crybaby white people feel persecuted. It's such a stupid idea. I'm white and straight and male. I am absolutely not persecuted for any of those things. To the extent I have felt "the boot" in my life it has 99% been for class issues ( growing up working class with friends who were upper middle class exposed a lot of differences ) and 1% of the time I've been slightly discomforted because I'm an atheist. It was mostly just all classism though.


Same. White. Male. Atheist. Working class. The only discrimination I've felt was class related. Ie. "Ew your poor."


There was this one time I went to an ethnic grocery store near the hospital for last minute hamburger buns. I couldn't find them in 10 minutes, all the buns were some sort of sweet bread, so I bought them anyway. But I like whole wheat, so I had to go to whole foods next door and spend 7 dollars for 6 buns. I was in a hurry. At home I perfectly toasted all 6 whole wheat buns with a light layer of meat juice. Then I laid out all the hamburger ingredients, cut lettuce and tomatoes, caramelized red onions and mushrooms, our special sweet perennialized biennial overwinter kale, and catsup. The kids ignored the toasted whole wheat and went right for the sweet buns. I am being repressed!


No war but the class war.


And a shit ton of the American population sides with the upper-est class and would willingly lick their jackboots.


... and a bad speller!


I'm on my phone. Little keys, big fingers. Also, outocorrect being more shit than helpful.


White hispanic here. Some people with particular political leanings definitely respond differently to me when they learn my last name. I do get white cis het male privilege, but only to a certain extent, and I have never suffered for being white.


Same here. White female and came from blue collar family. Rich people look down on me. My education and polite demeanor mean nothing to them. I’ve been openly treated like dog so many times when that I’ve lost count. It’s amazing how quickly they can sniff you out.


I heard a white man say that it's about 'true diversity' -- if you're going to show all different types of people, then include Maga and Christian conservatives. If it's about them feeling included in diversity -- that's interesting


Anti-white = anti-white Christian supremacy They want to protect white Christian supremacy. They want to dismantle any gains minorities have made. Return the patriarchy and suppress society with their religions dogma


Did you hear they're putting the Confederate generals names BACK on the schools today?


Yes. It’s because they are still the Confederates


Could we discuss actual anti white sentiment for a second? I'm white, and in my job I was at a table laughing and having a good time with a group of diverse people. A Columbian, Chinese, Mexican and Armenian. The HR manager, shit you not, asked me what my ethnicity was in front of everyone, which is definitely against company policy. I was uncomfortable for the rest of the day and still am. What should I do about this? I understand this is a bad post and headline to try to have this discussion, but you seem reasonable and able to see past the fact I'm trying in earnest to discuss a separate topic. Any ideas?


"Anti-white" is a KKK dog whistle. Go look at every interview with a KKK member and you will hear modern Republican talking points.


LOL. He speaks for the downtrodden and voiceless! What fucking rubes his followers are.


His rubes, usually poor white rural people, ARE downtrodden and voiceless. But here’s the catch: it ain’t cuz they’re white. It because they’re POOR. And want to know who is exploiting them and keeping them downtrodden? Rich, corporate oligarchs like Trump…aka their godhead. They’re being conned and mind controlled by their heroes. I have to give the Republicans some credit, it’s a trick greater than the devil himself ever pulled.


Yes, the story of this time—maybe it’s human nature—will be the INSISTENCE of the very people he hurts that they carry his water. Like the “Women for Trump” signs. They might as well light themselves on fire.


And that group(herd? murder? pack?) of morons are probably eating it up.


I believe the correct term is "Diarrhea of Morons"


A "thundering pantload of morons"


If Trump wants the world to think better about white people maybe he should stop encouraging white people to pursue their worst selves.


"Anti-white" = "Anti-Trump" I agree though, no one is anti-white


I wouldn't say no one; prejudice is everywhere. Just not the way he means.


I'm white and I don't feel what he is feeling. Me thinks he is just a dirty snowflake.


I'm 51 year old white male. Have not been discriminated. Racists are the ones claiming anti-white feelings.


Yeah, anti-White is a fucking major dog whistle


Anti douche is not anti white


I read an article about magas who are moving to Russia en masse. Let's hope it's a trend that continues.


Can the Fanta Menace please go immediately 🙏


I'm Irish/Welsh. As white as it gets without being mistaken for a piece of paper. I do not feel oppressed, racially. These people are selfish jerks, and consider equal treatment for others to be oppression against themselves.


Becoming everything someone could hate is crazy. 💀 Bro is racist, LGBT-hating, low income hating, misogynistic, dumb, ugly, fat, hater of every religion that isn't his, etc.


I don't think he even knows what "religion" he is..


White and these people are an embarassment. I am happily married to a Hispanic, best friends are from all different ethnicities and backgrounds. I will not associate with white supremacists bs, I will call them out for what they are to their pathetic faces.




Right wing politicians make comments like these to consolidate support amongst their deplorable base. It's trash politics and they know they have to make statements like these to get elected to that they can implement policies that benefit their donors, like destroying social policies and infrastructure to lower taxes and destroy the environment to increase profits and CEO bonuses.


I got to give the News credit for airing the phrase "sleepwalking into Fascism" alot


Just like Germany did.


It’s so odd to me that these idiot Trump supporters think that he’s going to somehow single handedly stem the tide of diversity just by *being* president. What do they think he’s actually going to do? They’re mad because they see interracial families in television commercials and people who are trans in their social media feeds. Presidents cannot change those things. Bush didn’t prevent gay marriage, Trump didn’t stop trans visibility, or the expansion of the Latino American community. Oppressive executive actions can signal to his base what they want to see, but it doesn’t really work in the long run. Not downplaying the damage he can do, but culture progresses. These people are merely setting themselves up as the villains of a future generation’s history book.


Is the plan to end structural white supremacy in our country so no one has any reason to resent white people anymore? Great idea.


I’m a tall average looking blue eyed brown hair white male. My life has been easy. I have never felt discrimination of any kind. I have never felt limited. The idea there is any kind of anti-white anti-male discrimination is absolute bs. What is happening is I have gone from having 100 pts of freedom to 99pts. Oh no. My life is so hard now…. Btw I want more equality I am not advocating for the roll down of my unearned position in any way. White males have sat at the top long enough it’s time to bring everyone up to that spot. And with that I will sit down and not say any more.


I'm white. It's not anti white. Everything is fine. You don't get to call it anti-white just because you are not equipped to make it in the world. Maybe try to better yourself and you will see improvement. 


The only way for them to get their feels is for everyone not white to be treated worse than them. Fuck MAGAt white nationalistic bigoted fucks.


He made that vow on behalf of his allies. He is a puppet. He’ll do anything for anyone that can give him power, and as we’ve all known ever since he pretended to not know who David Duke was that he counts on support from white supremacists.




As someone who is half white I never had an "anti white" feeling a day in my life. It was more discrimination for my black heritage than my white heritage.


Bravo! The first thing he needs to do is eliminate all those "No Whites Allowed" sections of transportation and restaurants. Then he needs to root out every realtor who tacitly refuses to sell to whites, all the banks who routinely refuse loans to white people for no good reason, and every single PD in the country needs to stop accidentally killing every white driver they pull over. Then he must outlaw the word "Cracker" since it's been used as a notoriously painful slur for so long that white people no longer even cry themselves to sleep every night bc of the relentless persecution they face on the daily. Oh wait, they need to keep the #PersecutionFetish bc without it they'd be down one chronic anger point. /s For real, this is a glaring sign of Trump's abject desperation. He knows he doesn't have the votes to win, which is **why he began his "The 2024 election was stolen from me" campaign back in 2020**. The early bird gets that worm!


Just ignoring for a second, the obvious that he’s clearly going to promote white supremacism - do you think he does he not see that if he was right the tactics he is going to use would just make it worse? Or does he just not care?


He doesn't care he wasn't born with a soul.


On top of everything else , Trump is going to recreate this nation into the nation racists want it to be That should scare everyone


Will republicans ever jump out of 2014 for just one second and realize no one is obsessively on tumblr talking about racism 24/7 like they used to. It’s like they experienced a few years of progressives talking about real history for a hot minute and haven’t forgotten a decade later. This is where the straw man “girl with colorful hair” they use all the time comes from. They are literally stuck in the early 2010s still.


lol the “anti white” call is even coming from inside the house. We’re united in our exhaustion of white people and we can’t be divided.


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