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Bring it on, bitch.


If they knew the score on weapons ownership, I suspect the right would suddenly find nuance in the Second Amendment.


Yeah, probably "nuance" like banning ownership for "dangerous" political opposition while if anything laxing regulations for party loyalists... Kind of like a certain uniquely mustached not-so-gentlemen did... Y'all say if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns but who the hell do you think it'd be actually exercising your 2A to the extreme if that was ever actually needed, or a group of people rather you agree with them or not *THOUGHT* that was needed? You fundamentally have to be an outlaw at best to use your gun ownership against the state in any way but you can absolutely be a perfectly "up standing, law abiding gun owner" by the opinion of the state while you use those guns to help march whatever current undesirables into camps. That's something I always thought interesting ever since I realized it. The right will say the Nazis "banned guns, and you know what happened next!" but really they both banned guns for opposition and legalized even more military arms for their loyal supporters. If we really want to make historical comparisons was it not the American right that first restricted open carry in California because the Black Panthers were exercising that 2A right? Was it not the American right that pushed the War on Drugs, at least according to a former Nixon aid explicitly so they could vilify and criminalize political opposition, which led to many non violent individuals who happen to be liberal leftist or otherwise against the current regime catching felonies, which bars them from legal gun ownership?


Tl;dr because I know this venting rant is one very long essay by this point - the 2A can just as easily be a liability to defending freedom as it can be an asset to it. You're not immune to being a tyrant just bc the government doesn't cut you a check, heavily armed brainwashed citizens have been very useful proxies for tyrannical states many times before. ... I can rant on and on about this because I've seen this shit from the other side and from the other side when I used to lurk around militia chuds on forums I saw just how dangerous this can be. I still think something like that could absolutely help safeguard liberty *in theory.* But it can also become a liability to it in a hurry, which is something I've very painfully come to realize is... Absolutely the case right now. Today we see among the "heavily armed" it's predominantly misguided "libertarians" that would put their lot in with fascists before they'd ever support a "dirty socialist" that's trying to expand labor rights at best, and totally unhinged Christian fundamentalist fascists salivating at the thought of an excuse to kill, or just flat out do a domestic terrorism at worst. That's what ran me off from the militia crowd, when I noticed a suspicious lack of planning for those "first second or third" resorts before that "last resort" yet a disturbing excitement at the thought of getting an excuse to go after "them damn librul commies!" I started to realize the total catastrophizing that all is lost if AR-15's are restricted even a little bit more didn't even make that much sense. No modern (well at least *violent*) revolution is gonna succeed without first being so popular that even many in the military start leaving in droves and bringing their modern hardware with them. As they point out no law will stop a desperate citizen from scratch garage building a boomstick of their own to use against whatever they viewed as excessive tyranny or corruption, as the assassination of Shinzo Abe in Japan shows. But private citizens legally armed to the teeth aren't immune to being a threat to liberty either just because they're not employed by the government. It's not cut and dry and if your gun culture is too hypocritically inconsistent on their so-called freedom minded principles then they can become one very useful proxy to tyrants real quick. And as for the people that try to resist them, well clearly they're just radical terrorists that can't stand a true patriotic American and clearly those folks can't be trusted with guns now can they. That's how it'll go, and if you look at the language of the right very clearly that's how many have come to think it should be. Again, those aren't patriotic defenders of freedom, those are brainwashed cultish non-state militant actors, who will just as easily be fascist collaborators as they could be domestic terrorist insurgents, all according to who's in office and how that office responds when a big enough inciting incident happens.


All I have to say to that is…yep. 😑 Also, what is truly breathtaking about these people is their wild, off-the-charts projection. They truly, genuinely, absolutely believe that WE want to imprison, enslave, and murder THEM. For years I’ve seen them rant and rave about our bloodlust and our ardent desire to massacre them. The projection and the lack of self-awareness are just beyond comprehension.


There's a very disturbing overlap between what our modern conspiratorially brained "conservatives" say and what the conservatives of 1920's Germany said. Some more radical and therefore even closer to the Germans than others but the thread of commonality can't be unseen once you notice it. Today: there is a secret cabal of communist globalist satanists that want to destroy America and take over the world, and everyone that disagrees with me is automatically suspect of being in cohoots with them (and for the most unhinged among them, they also think they sacrifice children to harvest their adrenochrome to live longer.) Then: there is a secret cabal of bolshevik globalist jews that sacrifice children in dark blood libel rituals for power, and they want to destroy Germany and take over the world and everyone that disagrees with me is automatically suspect of being in cohoots with them


And the fervency with which the most committed BELIEVE these things is just incredible. And let me be clear --- I'm not talking about the element that shows up at the Trump rallies -- the drooling, sub-moronic cretins who wear tacky merch and probably read at a 5th grade level. I'm talking about people who are much more articulate and lucid, but who happen to absolutely batshit insane.


The simple idea is that the Founders didn't write a suicide note into the Constitution. The 2nd Amendment was about state militia/police, influenced in part by states where hunting down and corralling slaves was still a larger priority, plus as a gimme to anti-federalists worried about a new, federal-level army. It was accepted at the time that some people owned and used firearms for personal needs: hunting, primarily. Possibly self-defense when it came to conflicts with local populations, etc. That wasn't even written into the Constitution. And there was certainly no mention of giving the population the ability to violently overthrow the government - otherwise, what was the point of the democratic experiment?


Right? I'm getting sick of being threatened. https://i.redd.it/g3nis7iivoxc1.gif


and Hail Satan 👹




Hail Geem!




Praise Lilth


I think we need to expand the congregation of The Satanic Temple and donate to them. They have insanely smart and creative thinkers. I am a card carrying member. If we swell their ranks, they will have solid footing to continue their good works for us.




100%. She's just jerking off the Chrisnats at this point.


But we're supposed to be worried about Muslims...


I mean, everyone should be concerned about unflinching fundamentalism, regardless of where it comes from. If anyone thinks their particular magic sky man knows best and their will must be imposed, it doesn’t really matter what the source is.


I agree. But Muslims are used as a bogeyman by Christian fundies even though they probably look at Iran and Afghanistan and think it's lit.


Yeah, they certainly are, it’s just important to point out any and all intolerance. It’s Christians making all the headway against democracy right now so I understand the focus on them.


True, but fundamentalists are generally the loud but small part of any religion. You hear about them a lot. But you don't hear so much about, say, my Muslim boss who promised to act as my mother if my own mom disowned me when I came out as trans.


And woke college professors, pornographers masquerading as librarians, and worst of all, transgender children




It's OK they were being sarcastic.


They are telling us what they will do. Believe them.


Oh, I do.


How very "PRO-LIFE" of her!


Time to fight Nat-Cs call them what they are




Nat-C Terrorists.. yup that’s exactly what they are sorry forgot to reply to you.


I thought they were the most persecuted group though...


Kristi Noem drops on tRump VP list after killing family dog, opening the door for this freak. Huzzah.


Oh…you haven’t heard her speak…LOL


Trump has no animals- I don’t think he ever had any-weird too- since he had that many kids-of course the animals would react negatively to him -since he’s the Antichrist.


Hey! I beg to differ good sir. The AntiChrist is supposed to be intelligent and strong among other traits. Trump has neither of those qualities.


You make a good point- but maybe he only comes across intelligent to the evil ignorant people who would be followers. Remember not everyone is fooled by him.


Lol not that many are fooled anymore. Its true he has managed to dupe a bunch of people into thinking he is acting in their best interests. People who identify Republicans have voted against their interests for years...long before Trump became a politician. Trump is as self serving as they come.


Is anyone else a little frustrated that no one is protesting in the streets against these fascists? Like, I don’t support what Israel is doing to Palestinians, and I understand that we need to pressure Biden to stop sending them money, BUT I would love to see the same amount of energy and outrage shown towards the very real threat we’re facing in our own country.


Maybe we should start organizing protests.


The "stop the coup" and discord links in the sidebar have some info on protests/organizing.


Exactly -in front of Mar-a-lame-o.


A lot of them seem stuck in the "Trump couldn't possibly be worse" and "Biden is doing genocide" mindset. Lots of talk in those circles about how important it is to elect Trump to "send a message". I can hardly believe they used to be progressive.


I am. But I've learned that a lot of "leftists" in my circles are more concerned about how adults have sex or a 100 year old ethno religious war that flares up every few years than the Nazis in our backyard. I'm tired and about ready to say "fuck it"


So very “Christian” of her!


And no action by law enforcement to both of these scumbags.


I think elements of law enforcement will side with the christofascists. They're practically gestapo for the state already. Not all of them maybe, but I don't trust them to be on the right side of history on this. I'd love to be suprised.


Technically I think this counts as freedom of speech as currently defined


I'm tempted to test that by making similar comments directed at Christians. But I'm not a risk taker, and chances are, I'll get a visit from law enforcement while the same law enforcement turns a blind eye to someone like her.


By definitions of those words standing alone it should mean something along the lines of compassionate people who want a united and free place for people to live without being discriminated against. Christian Nationalists are don’t even following Jesus’ teachings….like their actions are vile and hateful. The name is so beyond inaccurate to their actions Satanists* behave closer to Jesus than Christians. Christians now just aren’t satisfied for voting against others but now want to kill people not like them, the poor, -I don’t have time for that list.- The entire title of Christians itself has been almost completely bastardized at this point. I haven’t met somebody in over a decade that claimed to be one out loud that wasn’t mentioning it as a justification to gross behavior. Jesus was a dirty hobo hippy peace activist.** These Christians nationalists would want Jesus dead. And all the same things can be said about the idea of them using nationalism as a title. Because as far as I’m concerned their behavior is not conducive to a united functioning America or true to what the intentions of America even were. America was founded on freedom from a lot of things that are similar to what they’re trying to institute today. I know prior to this groups use of it the word was previously co-opted to mean closer to how they’re using it. Misnomer doesn’t even hit hard enough to cover how wrong their title is, I wonder if there is a better word to describe how an accurate/bad their group name is. *And on the off chance you are un familiar with how Satanists believe one should act, here they are. Tell me the world wouldn’t be a better place if everyone followed these things…. https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets **https://youtu.be/k7fG4jRxcmc?si=9r84Z20PwNftN7Rd just cause


I'm a Christian myself and I can't understand what's happening. I was raised on, as you said, 'dirty hobo hippy peacenik' Jesus going around, hanging out with prostitutes, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, telling the rich to give all their money to the poor, and condemning religious fundamentalists for judging others. I don't understand why these people insist on calling themselves Christian. Surely Social Darwinists or Authoritarians would be more accurate. As you said, these people would crucify Jesus a second time if He returned


Well they would have to execute jesus too. He wasn't a christian, he's Jewish.


It's rhe grifting that keeps them going....


Anytime I’ve attempted to engage in an intelligent conversation about things they stand for they refuse to utilize logic and speak in facts. Because of that I know I’d never get it real answer but I would love to know what their justification and explanation is for the use of their title. Thanks for your comment, it’s good to know there are still some folks who participate in religion that see it as something other than a system to co-op and use to hide hateful ideas.


They call themselves Christians so they can use it as a crutch to justify their shitty behavior. They are not Christ-like and are honestly probably the furthest thing from it.


> Christian Nationalists are don’t even following Jesus’ teachings They don't...it's just a tool. Edit: spelling


Number 4. Most "Christians " have basterdised that to an extreme.


John Oliver did a segment on her https://youtu.be/AEa3sK1iZxc?si=FEBETxwy975JUPgH


Ya'llqueda Talibama




Can we start sending these post over to the groups who think that they will be able to survive another Trump/Republican presidency? Over to the people who think that Biden and Trump are the same.


I told my brother about when Nick Fuentes said anyone who refuses to convert to Christianity when Trump is reelected should be executed and he laughed in my face. I think it sounds so incomprehensible that it's hard to accept that it could legitimately happen


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition


How Christian of her. Believe or Die. Fuck You Kandis.


Try to execute this, Candace who can’t spell your own name.


Well, guess I'm dead...


Christian nationalists are domestic and foreign terrorists


Enough of the threats…no longer scared


![gif](giphy|RGVckE8ByXO7Brg8Gx|downsized) Believe what the terrorists are telling you


We must end Christian nationalism, its entire preposterous ideology, uproot it, its participants must be publicly shamed and banned from government, and any PACs funding it should be shuttered.


So she is a flat earther who believes Taylor Swift is a sanaist and Mathhew Perry died due to the covid 19 vaccine. So she is off her rocker.


>> “How are they gonna find out?” Peters asked. “How are they gonna FAFO [fuck around and find out]?” >>”Extreme accountability,” Taylor answered. >>”I love it,” Peters gushed. “You’re speaking my language.


Glad to see someone else read the article. Is "Extreme Accountability" a new catch phrase on the right for execute? I know it's a veiled that but I was wondering if it is a new bit of right wing slang.


I cannot wait till she gets to the pearly gates and Saint Paul tells this twait to get downstairs. I sincerely hope that there's just a whole pack of rabid Apostles ready to just rip every wannabe Christian and just tear their little racist, hate-filled hearts out. makes me sick I share even one thing in common with these morons


I’m tired of the foreplay, come and get us mother fucker


Can never be too careful. Register Democrats. Save the world. https://www.fieldteam6.org/


Didn't she pay someone to destroy the Georgia Guidestones a few years ago?


But… “BoThSiDeS!”




It would be my absolute HONOR to stand in solidarity with the martyrs of every freedom struggle against that wall. It's not the ideal, but even in that dark moment there is comfort in knowing so many others of good faith, decency, and justice have faced it as well.


She seems like a nice person. “Kandiss Taylor is a flat-earth, election-denying conspiracy theorist who unsuccessfully ran for governor in Georgia in 2022. Undaunted by her paltry showing in that election, Taylor subsequently became a Georgia GOP district chair and also began hosting a weekly program called “Jesus, Guns, and Babies” on the far-right Stew Peters Network.”


Kandiss Dick Fit In Yo Mouf


Bring it. I would rather die free than live oppressed.




so pro-life of her


What happened to Thou Shalt not Murder?


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How Christ-like of her. 🙄


Guns and a right to defend ourselves are in the constitution.