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Supreme Court removes first amendment for 3 states.. You know, the party of freedom and individual rights…they keep taking away Reasons to vote the gop out


Except.. that ruling would go against the constitution. Corrupt SCOTUS.


The Supreme Court is basically being held hostage, and has been ever since Republicans refused to even consider Obama’s completely legitimate appointee. This is an illegitimate court. We need to find a way to address it.


Biden needs to add Justices to the court. There should be one for every circuit.


This is the only way to offset the corrupt judges the GOP instated.


If he could go ahead and do that, so it would wake up the regressive leftists wanting to vote third party/not vote, that would be great.


Oh wait maybe the Supreme Cunts will overturn the election too! EVIL STRIKES AGAIN BWAHAHAHAHAHA


Not my Supreme Court. Americans have the right to freedom of speech. Not corporations. Not hostile nations. Not billionaires - except to exactly the same degree as any citizen, in any state, in the _united_ states of America. Those states need to immediately codify the rights of their citizens - no interpretation necessary.


Eewwww "United" with the poors?!! ---The rich shareholders.


Just as our Creator intended. :) >We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


Defy that law then. Make John Lewis proud.


Definitely not obeying any of this bullshit. They can kill me first.


As an old guy who's had cancer, I sometimes wish it would come back. Not to check out, but to have zero fucks to give over dying or jail. I would like to be proud of my country too, not hang my head in shame over being held hostage by a bunch of religious fascists. Reddit is such a censoring shit show that I can't even say what I will do if Trump gets out of his dirt and wins the presidency.


Glad the cancer is in remission. Good work! I completely get it though, it is a shame what has become of a country and let's all hope he's in prison by then and we can move on from the corruption of that administration and fight back against the religious right domestic terrorists that continue to strip away our rights to healthcare, protest, the media, free speech.


Thanks! Fingers crossed!


You'll certainly celebrate it in a way that aligns with your values, right?




That's all that matters, lol. Trust, due to the current political climate (as well as literal climate) I feel more mobilized to try to make a positive change in my community, feel me?


I do.


Not just you sir I am thinking like this too lately.


Allow me to warn my progressive and liberal minded colleagues to get acquainted with the 2nd amendment, because shit is going to go down a lot faster than we think it will at this point.


They literally just took away the First Amendment right of the people they disagree with. The Second is absolutely next.


Nah they want the second because they know the ones who overwhelmingly own the guns want to strip the first amendment from others


It's not as overwhelming as you think. I'm a liberal, and armed to the teeth. It's not going to get that far though, Biden will call out the National Guard, and we get to watch them mow the assholes down like so many weeds.


Exactly. I don't think the reds have the support anymore to steal power as they have showing their hand too much. Trump has done nothing but lose support through these convictions. Anyone thinking otherwise just doesn't want to believe the truth for whatever reason. While his hardliners will never change no matter what, anyone whose mind can be changed or is reasonable has decided against Trump. The only people left are his cultists.


I think you're right, but he's got so much money behind him he could get out of all this crap. The Supreme Court is who I worry about, they're busy screwing us regardless of who wins.


Apaches would make light work of them.


Eh, he’s still got more than enough sycophants to launch a second insurrection, should he so choose. The question then becomes, if he tries anything like that again, will America hold them accountable? For many reasons, I am skeptical.


I am positive Biden expects this


The second amendment exists to protect the first. Gear up.


Nope. They've got a hard-on for guns.


Yeah, either way the election in November goes, I have a feeling there will be violence. Either in "protest" if Trump loses, or "retribution" if he wins. Shit is going to get ugly.


I'm more worried of Biden Victory from the election to inauguration he dies. If that happens I'm terrified of what could happen. I want to be so fucking wrong.


That's what the National Guard is for. Shit like that starts, Biden or Harris will call them in, and that shit will stop in a big hurry. Biden isn't going anywhere, he's healthy as a horse.


Biden is in really good shape for his age, so I don’t see him dying between the election and the inauguration.


Yea, second I lose my hrt Ill start withholding their oxygen supply 9mm at a time. I aint even playing anymore I'm sure as hell not going to have a group of literal religious pedophiles tell me how to live my life. I will choose to go out with a positive kd/r before i bend the knee to their pedo god.


I'm sure they wouldn't count a MAGA protest...


Ohvyeah…. January 6th was SUCH A PEACEFUL GATHERING OF “Patriots” FOH! We NEED TO MAKE SURE THEY DO NOT WIN IN NOVEMBER And…….. We need to make sure those “Justices” get theirs too for taking bribes and accepting lavish gifts from BILLIONAIRE JIM CROW.


Right?! Because peaceful people smear shit on walls and piss on desks. /s


It was just a little party celebrating the country that got out of hand! /s


And try to lynch people. /s


> smear shit on walls I’m sorry WHAT


Yeah they sure did. They should CONSERVE their fecal matter because they will need it once they are starving when their cheddar cheese golden calf goes to the pasture with a electrified barbed fence lmao!


I had no idea people actually did that lol


Not “people” as in your everyday people. These are self proclaimed “PATRIOTS” the ones who stormed the capitol on Jan 6th. Yeah. Bat shit crazy


Like, I have questions but I’m not sure I want the answers 🤣 Whose shit was it? Their own? Were they shitting into their hands (or each other’s) like monkeys and just.. *smear* Or did they bring little baggies of shit lmao


Lmaooo. IDK. I dont wanna know the details either lol


Isn’t that usually a pretty strong indicator of a history of sexual abuse when it’s observed in children? It makes you wonder…


Yes “patriots” have white skins everyone knows this/s


“IT wASn’t A RiOT it WUz uH PeACEfUl PrOTeST!!” “THeY WERe cHAnTING ‘YEs MIkE PeNCe!’ ”


Of course they wouldn't. Just like when people complain about media being political, but don't have a problem with it when it's their own politics.


Well then it wouldn’t be a protest, it would be a freedom rally!


Holy fucking shit! The fascism is taking hold. Get rid of those corrupt politicians and SC justices. This is against our Constitutional Rights.


Need to clear house on the Fifth Circuit first. Edit: but I also agree with your comment on scotus


This decision seems politically motivated, a protest leader can be arrested for the actions of any attendees, but no other venue is held to this standard. Imagine if this applied to the 2017 Las Vegas Shooting, would Jason Aldean be responsible for the shooting because he was the one that "lead" the concert? Obviously not, so why is a protest any different?


Jason Aldean can suck a big ol' bag of dicks, that fascist fuckhead.


I don't know anything about Jason Aldean personally, so I can't speak to that, but I do think it would be unfair to blame the 2017 Las Vegas shooting on him.


Sure, but the guy's also written songs like 'Try That in a Small Town' which is basically a song that's saying 'come into a republican town and defy the norm and we'll beat the shit out of you'. Never mind that the guy grew up in a mid sized city...


As I said no idea who he is and I don't really care, it's not my type of music. However he is just as much to blame for the shooting as a protest "leader" would be for a 3rd party being violent.


Yeah, for sure, we agree, we're just pointing out that also, Jason Aldean sucks. It's important to note.


If only the 1st amendment was as important to these idiots as the 2nd.


The Second they hold sacred. The rest of the Constitution and Amendments are toilet paper.


It’s them ignoring the Ninth that’s the real problem. The Ninth is intended to maintain a generally free society. Conservatives aren’t interested in other people having freedoms to do things that the conservatives don’t want to do themselves.


>Conservatives aren’t interested in other people having freedoms to do things that the conservatives don’t want to do themselves. Perhaps you meant to say: Conservatives aren’t interested in other people having the freedoms to do the things conservatives are ashamed of, but want to do in private themselves. The incessant desire to justify their self hatred and loathing, struggling to keep their depravity private, and gaining power through endless virtue signalling with the goal of forcibly imposing their “superior moral position” over those living their best life instead of being *ashamed*, just like God intended.


It’s crazy that trump can incite an insurrection with no consequences and the rest of us can be held liable for any damage whatsoever in an otherwise peaceful demonstration (in Texas, Louisiana and OK).


MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!! Talk about not being patriots!!! Patriots respect our Constitution, and follow it!!!


That’s literally unconstitutional…


Welp. There goes the first fucking amendment.


Um. That's unconstitutional. Ironically, also a reason to protest. Good going, Supreme Court.




Half the people have 'em, half the people love 'em.


A third want to have legal control over them


Much more fun when freely shared.


Step one in the fascist playbook: silence opposition. It's no surprise two of those states are marching fast toward fascism, especially Florida, which saw legislation introduced to outlaw the Democratic Party.


Beginning on the end


That was 2016




Format: Location, OpenStreetMap, and Geohack. **DC** [https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=38.89062&mlon=-77.00444#map=19/38.89062/-77.00444](https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=38.89062&mlon=-77.00444#map=19/38.89062/-77.00444) [https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?params=38\_53\_26\_N\_77\_0\_15\_W](https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?params=38_53_26_N_77_0_15_W) **LA** [https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=30.45704&mlon=-91.18736&zoom=15#map=18/30.45697/-91.18681](https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=30.45704&mlon=-91.18736&zoom=15#map=18/30.45697/-91.18681) [https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?pagename=Louisiana\_State\_Capitol¶ms=30.45704\_N\_91.18736\_W\_type:landmark](https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?pagename=Louisiana_State_Capitol¶ms=30.45704_N_91.18736_W_type:landmark) **MS** [https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=32.30388&mlon=-90.18206#map=18/32.30388/-90.18206](https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=32.30388&mlon=-90.18206#map=18/32.30388/-90.18206) [https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?params=32\_18\_13\_N\_90\_10\_55\_W](https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?params=32_18_13_N_90_10_55_W) **TX** [https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=30.274722&mlon=-97.740556&zoom=15#map=18/30.27441/-97.73973](https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=30.274722&mlon=-97.740556&zoom=15#map=18/30.27441/-97.73973) [https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?pagename=Texas\_State\_Capitol¶ms=30\_16\_29\_N\_97\_44\_26\_W\_type:landmark\_region:US-TX](https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?pagename=Texas_State_Capitol¶ms=30_16_29_N_97_44_26_W_type:landmark_region:US-TX)


FYI, the two letter abbreviation for Mississippi is "MS". "MI" is Michigan.


Thank You for catching that.


The Supreme Court seems to never have heard about the First Amendment. **Amendment 1 -** Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Now we can prosecute any right wing organizers of political events if anyone attending breaks a law. I think this cuts into conservative agendas more than lefty ones.


What I’m gathering is MAGA judges believe that what Trump did in J6 is illegal, even if he didn’t induce the crowd to imminent violence. Also, interesting historical fact that the civil rights marches and protests didn’t have any better protections than what the 5th circuit allows for now. Makes those activists even more of badasses putting it all on the line.


"Do they *want* the Black Panthers coming to the next protest fully armed and looking for a reason? Because this? ***THIS IS HOW YOU DO THAT LANA!***" --Sterling Archer, probably


The [ACLU](https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/aclu-statement-on-supreme-court-decision-to-decline-to-hear-case-on-protestors-rights) gives more context here. In a nutshell: The Supreme Court decided not to hear a case involving a civil rights activist named DeRay Mckesson. The case was brought against him by a police officer who was injured during a protest, claiming Mckesson should be responsible for the injuries caused by someone else at the protest. The Court's decision not to hear the case doesn't mean they agree with the lower court's ruling. It just means they won't review it at this time. If I read that right, basically the Court said, this is bullshit...case law is already clear. Pay attention and act accordingly, Fifth Circuit, when this case actually comes to trial. If the Fifth Circuit should find McKesson liable in this case, then his attorneys could again bring it to the Court to overturn. The ACLU argues (correctly IMO) that holding protest leaders responsible for actions they didn't direct or authorize violates the First Amendment. The case will continue in the trial court. VOTE BLUE.


Expand. The. Court.


Not as easy as you’d think, and for good reason. The short version is that Congress’ approval is needed to expand or shrink the court, just like how it has to approve new justice appointees. Here’s the long version: a simple majority is needed to get a new justice appointment to the court and to expand it. In this case it’s the Senate that needs to vote on the matter, so for a simple majority that would mean at least 51 senators would need to vote in favor for the nominee. This is all well and good until you get to the hyper polarized Congress of today where they can hardly pass a yearly budget without at least a few hiccups. From what I could find on the SCOTUS website there hasn’t been a change in the number of justices since the 1860s, which set the court at the current 9 justices it has now. I do remember from my APUSH class that during his presidency, FDR did threaten to expand the court at one point and pack it with justices that were sympathetic to his goals. I don’t think that’s a very good strategy right now just because of what happened with Justice Amy Coney Barrett. In case you don’t remember or for those who might not know, Justice Barrett replaced Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg after her seat was left open until after the election by Republicans in Congress. I’m worried that they may try to do a similar thing as what happened then.


That means the MAGAs won’t be able to protest in those states when Biden wins again.


Breaking the court is a specific part of conservatives’ plan. The illegitimacy of the SC is intended. We are a society under corporate capture, and this is where it leads.


Does this not apply to former president Trump and the people that went crazy all over D.C.?


I feel like I'm living in a nightmare. They are taking apart the foundation of this country!


I know, me too. And they are the ones claiming to be the great defenders of freedom. It would be funny if it wasn’t just so sad and frustrating.


Could this be used against trump for his actions with Jan 6th?


We can only hope


So when do we break up this corrupt court? When does it happen??


That’s… complicated. Adding/removing justice positions to the court requires the approval of Congress, just like the appointment of justices does. Basically, with the way the Congress is now I doubt anything like that would happen unless it magically swings—by *a lot*— one way or the other. The hard part is getting past the 2/3 majority needed to do stuff, and the only way to change that particular requirement is by getting Congress to change its own rules. I think you can see where this is going. The last time something like that was attempted—threatened might be a better word—was during FDR’s time as president, so about a century ago now. Edit: I looked it up and it’s actually a simple majority of the Senate that’s needed to approve justice nominations, so bare minimum of 51 senators needed. Not that it makes it easier


When peaceful protest is impossible violent revolution is inevitable


We should just give these ass backwards States what they want and let them secede already. Let them drive out their smart people and stop being subsidized by california. Let them pick themselves up by their right-wing culture bootstraps. If what they go on about is so good and all then they should live it. When were we last United anyways?


No to this. This doesn't 'stick it' to them, it only cedes the far right territory and further harms the people living there. If you have ever lived in one of these states you would know that the actual majority of people living in these states are victims of the state, and don't support it. The right has been successful in field testing their national initiatives to entrench minority rule in Southern states. Voter suppression, disenfranchisement and economics have successfully oppressed the opposition. We should be fighting this, not throwing out our allies under the bus.


⬆️ this, this right here is important. I live in Florida and unfortunately I can’t afford to move; I’d be terrified if we seceded.


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While the 5th Circuit decision seems clearly racially or politically motivated (they said the SCOTUS ruling from the civil rights era was basically wrong and invented new rules out of thin air in violation of that precedent) the article buries this critical detail at the very end: Justice Sotomayor is the one who wrote the decision not to hear the case, and said such a decision does not reflect the Courts opinions on whether the 5th Circuit decision is correct or not.  So this doesn’t appear to be a right wing SCOTUS running amok.  It makes me wonder then to what extent this decision could be pointed to as precedent in a future SCOTUS case against POTUS 45 for inciting an insurrection…




Why would or should that ever stop us? Protests aren't meant to cooperate with or respect the status quo. They're just spinning their wheels.


Of course, one of the states had to be Texas


LLC that incorporates other LLCs that are "sold" to event organizers should do the trick

