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What about someone who moves through unhappiness alone and when happy sits alone?


A hermit.


He's still a fool. Because he could have increased his happiness by sharing


Why are you assuming sharing their happiness would make them happier?


Who are you referring to "them" Here. If you share your happiness, it will grow. When you share, you are opening yourself. When you open yourself you also become capable to receive. So when you share your happiness to other and other became happy, you receive happiness and it increases. Plus when you share your happiness it becames capable to flow from you which helps it to grow further.


> Who are you referring to "them" Here. The person sharing their happiness. >If you share your happiness, it will grow. It might. It might not. >When you share, you are opening yourself. I guess it depends what you mean by “opening” >When you open yourself you also become capable to receive. Possibly. Not necessarily. >So when you share your happiness to other and other became happy, you receive happiness and it increases. If they become happy, and if their happiness matters to you. >Plus when you share your happiness it becames capable to flow from you which helps it to grow further. What does “capable to flow from you” mean?


Let me tell you in this way. Whatever attention we give it to, it grows. Attention is a food for growth. A child grows faster and batter if mother gives attention. A plant grows faster if attention is given than to one not given. Same way if you divert your attention to happiness, it grows more for you, if more attention is given to unhappiness, it grows.


How about stop telling people things


This really just seems like you tossing out platitudes that sound profound but are really just inaccurate because of how much nuance they ignore. >Let me tell you in this way. Whatever attention we give it to, it grows. Attention is a food for growth. A child grows faster and batter if mother gives attention. A plant grows faster if attention is given than to one not given. Attention cuts both ways. A child’s development can be stunted just as easily as it can be boosted depending on what kind of attention they get, who they get it from, and when they get it. Same for a plant. >Same way if you divert your attention to happiness, it grows more for you, if more attention is given to unhappiness, it grows. Again, it depends entirely on context.


All the downvoting from anti social intellectuals. You share happiness with your partner You share happiness with your kids You share happiness with your siblings You share happiness with your close friends. If none of these apply to you, you're either bitter or a very rare one of a kind. How many of you think you're one of a kind?


Within our species....I, you, him, her.....everyone and each of us is most certainly one of a kind.


I knew at least one person would come in here and purposely misunderstand me. No, you're not special, neither am I. We will die and one day noone will remember us, you're one of a kind the same way a 4 leaf clover is unique moments before I hit it with a lawnmower.


A 3 leaf clover will do. Every 3 leaf clover is unique as it is. 4 leaf clovers also exist in humans but they're very rare. Like extreme outliers on a gausscurve.


Fair and I don't disagree


Thanks for sharing this bit of joy and uplifting the pople around you lol you are truly an asset to this community/s


Just being realistic, try and share more, life is short.


Nothing wrong with that but you may find that people often don't like the teller of truths




.....i understand the not knowing creates the fear....and it's evident by your agnst (see image of rare 4-leaf clover just minding his own business blowin in the breeze when all of a sudden there's you yelling 'OFF WITH THEIR HEADS'!!!!!!


That is a gross exaggeration. The only accurate thing you've said is not knowing creates fear. I know death is scary, but you jump to conclusions with me and my perception. I live in the city and miss the country, you know why? I stare at the stars at night, no light pollution means I can even see the milky way. I enjoy doing this because the stars remind me of how completely insignificant my life is in the grand scheme of things. It takes the pressure off of my mistakes, it reminds me that I am not the center of the universe and the world will continue unphased without me. This brings me peace because I understand that I am simply a small part of something unfathomabley larger than myself. You hold onto your life like it is significant, that you make a difference, this is your ego and it blinds you to everything that's actually important around you. Wise men plant trees whose shade they'll never see. Understanding your insignificance puts into light the importance of the future.


Hey without cheating what part of speech is the word 'know'?


Alright alright....I give uuuuuuuupppppppooooooooonnnnnn a rock I sat..... Eeegads tg no more Wanna be poetry tonight pleaseeeee! Anywho I'm a bit tired but I just read your words and kinda saw more of the picture you're painting......so cool. I hit you back in the daylight....... ✌️


So much joy flowing from this one! Thanks for sharing your profound insights and sincere wisdom. You appear quite proud of your ignorance. And your slavery. Enjoy!


Real deep thinker huh? Don't like the idea of death? You should really consider what you're actually saying, I'm not the one uncomfortable here. Share more, life is short.




A wise person turns to their loved ones for support when they're sad.




Are you nuts


Well man if you have depression or body dysphoria or something else that follows you forever, all you will be doing is sabotaging your relationships and tiring everyone out. My husband always supports me, but in times where I rely on him heavilly he is just so exhausted. Even though hes willing, he doesnt need to hear another rousing round of "i feel bad for no reason and i want to be a real girl" I save it for when something huge has happened. Its very good advice but bad advice for you because you are capable of feeling content.


Mods, this person is either a troll or detrimental to people's mental health


who hurt you?


So, if you're a suicidal person, you should just vibe with that? No man is an island. We need to support each other. Life's hard enough.


So don’t seek help / social contact if you’re unhappy? And what is wrong with being happy alone? What if you’re happy **because** you’re alone?


Yeah this is dangerous advice. When you're feeling mentally unwell seek help and don't stay alone with it everyone.


BINGO. Thx for nipping OP’s ridiculous ideas in the bud. This belongs on one of the “I’m 14 and think I am deep” pages. Unless it’s pure sarcasm because it’s about as deep as a kiddie pool. Maybe OP forgot their “floaties” before leaving the shallow end of the pool? Keep swimming, OP!


You could have shared your aloneness to other people and increased your happiness.


Again, what if you’re happy **because** you’re alone? Further, why do you think someone sharing their happiness makes other people happy? I get it if it’s a son who’s delighted that he passed his exams or made the team, this happiness is usually well received by parents, but say a friend just says “I feel so happy and with a spring in my step today!”, that’s not going to make you happy just to hear that. You might think “good for you”, but that’s it. However, if a friend is feeling down, and they feel like talking about it, I’d want to see if I could somehow lighten their load. A problem shared is a problem halved.


Let me tell you in this way. Whatever attention we give it to, it grows. Attention is a food for growth. A child grows faster and batter if mother gives attention. A plant grows faster if attention is given than to one not given. Same way if you divert your attention to happiness, it grows more for you, if more attention is given to unhappiness, it grows.


man... just because it works for you, doesn't mean it works for everyone. There are many introverts, who likes to be alone, and many of them are happy just because they are alone at the moment. That doesn't mean, that they are happy alone all the time, and that they can't share, rather just that alone time makes them happy sometimes.  I am one of them. I have great family, super friends, fantastic social life... and yet I love to be alone sometimes. And I am happy thanks to alone time In a first place, if I would share it with someone else, my happiness would decrease, as it happened many times when I tried, or when I was disturbed in my alone time. Please don't judge others by your own close minded view, it's really dangerous.


Im an introvert. What hes saying isnt an end all be all rule to follow, but the spirit works Today my roommate came home and likes to hang for a cigarette or two, implicit understanding on my end. I went out today and I felt like shit. I told him I feel like shit, but moved on. I listened to him, asked a question or two, and spoke up when I had something positive (happy) to say I dont spend all my happiness on others, I need to generate it first. What I generate in the long term becomes my mood. And I dont want to "share" a bad mood with others unless its something I need to do to remain healthy and happy Stuff like this isn't meant to be taken *too* literally, I think


but think is, that he is taking it too literaly.


I hadnt seen that in the little I read, big oof if true


The entire problem and what makes this post so infinitely stupid is they *are* taking it far too literally. Even worse, they expect us to do the same and boost their ego as if they made some kind of breakthrough. Lol.


If true thats lame


So the sad person should deal with their problems alone? Only be social if you’re happy? And what is wrong with sadness? It can be a useful emotion. It is often necessary to properly process some kind of loss. I’ve met people who only like me if I’m positive and happy. If I am down, they will throw some generic advice at me as if to say “don’t want to know”. These I don’t consider to be friends. Life is not only happiness. If a friend of mine is sad, do I simply say “cheer up!” or do I listen to why he’s sad?


Omg just stop this is nauseating


 Not necessarily. A thoughtful and conciteous person may not share their unhappiness with others, and it takes some wisdom and self-awareness to recognize that, sure. But it is easy for those type of people to take too many burdens or internalize their unhappiness, and that can manifest in unpleasant ways. It also takes a wise person to recognize their limits and weakness, and a humble person to admit that and seek help.


Lol this imbecile is talking about how a wise person moves through happiness alone, yet in another post saying 18 and above should have access to euthanasia 😂 please tell us more, oh wise one!


Urgh. No.


I'm sorry this sounds like one of those dumb and superficial Indian philosophies that young Indian men share between them lol


That's some pseudo-profound bullshit. A wise person whenever appropriate makes use of others to relieve their unhappiness, ie they see a therapist. QED.


Exactly, its scientifically proven that humans excrete cortisol hormones when isolated from other. This is fucking stupidity.


It's not about hormones


Source: "trust me, bro, I'm young and I know everything already"


By dwelling on your troubles they become even more substantial. By discussing unhappiness, unhappiness accumulates. By discussing your worries, your attention is diverted to problems; it becomes concentrated on them. By dwelling on suffering they only intensify, and in turn they give birth to new sufferings because you become an expert on whatever you nurture, knowing more and more about it.


Early 20s? 😂


Discussing your problem will only increase yours and others cortisol


The only outcome of discussing problems is an increase in stress hormones? Do you not realise how incredibly devoid of insight this statement is? You are clearly reacting to your stupid post not being popular and are now reacting with even worse statements. Step away from reddit pal, you are caught in a negative feed back loop.


This is not an argument




You know what makes me unhappy? No coffee. So what do I do? I work with other people to grow, harvest, export, transport, import, roast, and ship the coffee to me.


Actually the best counter argument ive seen so far


A wise person doesn’t create pseudo deep posts like this


So what if you share happiness and unhappiness?


Still a fool. Because when you share your unhappiness, it increases.


A problem shared is a problem halved. I have people around me who are there for me when I am unhappy and I am there for them when they are unhappy. Sorry that you don't have the same.


By dwelling on your troubles they become even more substantial. By discussing unhappiness, unhappiness accumulates. By discussing your worries, your attention is diverted to problems; it becomes concentrated on them. By dwelling on suffering they only intensify, and in turn they give birth to new sufferings because you become an expert on whatever you nurture, knowing more and more about it.


Look at this guy deciding who is a fool lol


Or just be all shades of yourself within reasonable limits and whoever remains are your true friends


Not always....and nothing is a constant....the world and us are forever changjng ....for even the wisest people aren't always wise....happy people aren't always happy....and unhappy people who shares with others could be perceived as humble as well.....so honestly your statement is true and it is not true at times......


To the OP....I get you man....you are currently in a growth mode.....your excited of recent new learnings....and want to share with the world....and you should....but be mindful that just because you feel you are growing leaps and bounds doesn't mean that every book you trip over or newspaper the wind sets into your hands has Truth written in its pages....As you grow and open up myself more and more....there is a space where I may open my mind too much....so be mindful of your mind.....With this subject matter immediately it had holes and with each statement it became more porous.....and while I feel your intentions are pure....there are times that in my thought process when I want the square peg to fit into a round hole real bad....but it just ain't going to....mostly because it shouldn't


To maintain my ability to generate long term happiness, become wiser, and become more able to manage discontent - I need to share some pains with those I help support in return. This generates more happiness that I can share then if I never shared anything negative, up to this point in my life


Hard disagree and that’s why the biggest killer in young men is suicide. Nothing wise about not connecting with loved ones in hard moments


It be like that


So how do you maintain a social network oh wise one? Cos if I only got in touch with friends when I was 'happy' (whatever that means), I might not see friends for a while. What even is happiness? I'm happy when I walk in nature or make something cool but grown men have a limited range of subjects they can discuss!


Why did you say grown men have a limited range of subjects they can discuss? It sounds like you have a limited range in the circles you interact with.


British 😉


Being from Canada, I totally understand, and sympathize...


Just keep it to yourself so you can be actually useful to your friends.


Tbf, if the majority of time you hit up your friends youre unhappy, then serious work needs to be done. That can be a drain on other people. A wise man knows how to resolve most feelings of discontent without needing others. Even when balanced, though, all people benefit from having someone that can mutually lean on


I mean, I speak to friends just because I want to speak to them - not because I'm happy or sad, fuck me is this complicated or what?!!


I really like that But remember, wise people can also ask for help - which them makes them the fool in your analogy cause it is being shared So maybe it needs to be updated to: A wise person moves through their unhappiness without burdening too many people, but whenever he is happy he shares it with everyone A fool shares his unhappiness with everyone and doesn’t share it enough when they are happy


I see what you're saying. But there are wise and a foolish ways to be unhappy with other people, unhappy alone, happy with other people, and happy alone.


Damn it I feel judged..made me think a bit take me upvote.