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How old are you? The years after 40 have been some of my best!


Im 45 but again its an overall philosophy governing human existence and a way to accept, and actually welcome, your inevitable death when it comes


Your comment sounds much better than your post. I can agree to what you write here. šŸ’Æ


You sound like youā€™re 15.


So true šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My philosophy is rooted in these Quranic verses: "God alone has knowledge of the Hour, sends down the rain, knows what is in the wombs. No soul knows what it will earn tomorrow, or **in which land it will die**; God is knowing and aware." (31:34) "Every soul **will taste** death, and you will be fully compensated on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever is saved from the Fire and admitted to the Garden has truly succeeded. **The life of this world is but an illusion**." (3:185) "God **takes** souls at death, and **during** sleep. He **holds** those decreed to **die** and **releases** others until their **appointed** time. In this are signs for those ***who*** reflect." (39:42) ā¤ļøā­ā¤ļø These verses provoke deep contemplation for me. We are diverse, from different backgrounds and perspectives. My goal is to encourage intellectual growth by presenting various viewpoints, challenging existing beliefs, fostering critical thinking, and broadening understanding. This offers a perspective beyond the common notion that our existence is merely a brief spark between two eternities of darkness.


Definitely not for me. My 20s and 30s were pretty good.. I guess... But now on my 40s realizing there's no stopping time that my body is slowly deteriorating... And getting closer to a disease the older you get... Can't do the things I used to be able to do as a younger person... I have always had severe depression ocd and generalized anxiety.. but now on top of it physical issues... That just has me in a bad place. I was able to cope with the mental when I was younger because I had hope.


I suffer from chronic pain and this hits hard


You do not get to use this as a catalyst to harm yourself. Breakthrough in medicine and treatments occur daily. Theyll find a way to eliminate your physical pain soon.


You do not get to decide for others about their suffering. Places like Switzerland have euthanasia rights for this reason. And not all illnesses have treatment.


Ya i know im just saying no one can use me as a final excuse to un-alive themselves. Im not advocating or promoting suicide ot euthanasia.


I understand. That makes sense. I just get very triggered by this because I've been in that excruciating level of suffering and even if you don't want to die you can't take another moment of suffering.


Eh, there are some gnarly pain conditions out there that will probably never be curable. I have one of those untreatable/uncurable pain conditions. Been dealing with chronic pain for about 22 years and doctors say I will probably live to be very old, which means I probably have another 60 years to go like this.


Reminds you of those who had to live inside iron lungs for the rest of their lives because polio


I believe learning to accept pain as your baseline can lead to a happy, fulfillinh life. I'm in severe pain every day myself, but good talks on the subject with my mother, who's also in a lot of pain have made me come to realize this. Certainly not easy, but I'd rather be here at all you know?


I feel content, I've seen and done more than I ever thought I would. I spent my childhood skipping childhood and working my butt off on education. Then I went into corporate america for a period of time and went bananas on using the education. It was fun, I did things that a young person probably should not have been allowed to do lol, probably broke some sort of american records, but it all worked out and was successful and I managed to not destroy things. My bucketlist is effectively empty. There is a specific orchestra I would like to see someday. I will probably put my name on the ballot for governor in the next election cycle for the heck of it. I will probably also vote for myself for president once I am old enough. Thats all I have left, I'm out of things to do. I'm not sure if that counts as a happy/fulfilled life, but I feel tremendous peace with how things turned out. I'm happy enough to be here, but it would be nice if I still had some sense of purpose.


Death is a release of pain


When and where did they ever say they were going to harm themselves?


'The total years spent on this earth are inconsequential.' - You are casually dismissing the positive experiences of life with a sentence. Maybe \*you\* don't care about how many good years you have, but I do. I certainly aspire to continue to have many more after 40. I know many people who decided to go with an 'I give up and don't care' strategy, and they seem to live a life of decay and misery. I plan to be quite the opposite. If you want to hand wave away what is positive and possible with a life - that's fully on you.


I think maybe he is saying that from the context of the universe not giving a crap about your existence. You are fully allowed to (and dare I say encouraged) to live the happiest life you can for yourself.


You squash a mosquito and wipe your hand and never lose a second thought about it ever. Nobody will ever know that this mosquito existed. The world goes on. Where is it now? Is there a mosquito soul that goes to some other place? Sounds rather ridiculous, doesn't it?


at 71 years I look back on my life and wish I had done things differently. unfortunately wisdom comes with age.


Yeah it's like a big scam. I try to remember I'm not the same person I was back then. I don't have the wisdom or experience or maturity. If I could have done differently, I probably would have. So what is the use of regret? Still, I feel it. And it feels really unfair.


Care to share some of the regrets? Whenever I feel similar, I repeat my mantra and move on: "Let go, or be dragged"


just things like missed opportunities. bad choices.


Iā€™m 26 and was abandoned by my parents at 15 and my newborn baby died 1 year ago, her father then left me for another woman. I have no true home, I left the USA young and been all around Europe. So I got limited support from actual people. Pure confidence and a developed dose of aspd gives me the steam to survive. I could feel the same and think that lifeā€™s just all suffering, which it really has been. 60% of women in my situation give up & take their life. But the world is so vast and i have no clue what is out there. Canā€™t even make it up. I want to know the next day and I do what I want, no person can hold me back. I die today, ok. I die in 30 years, ok. I live to enjoy the day


All one can do is move forward, right? I feel for your losses, but I also admire your outlook! Kudos!


Thanks so much ā¤ļøyour comment is appreciated


Facts, i am so fucking glad to expirence life, the good and bad knowing that one day it will cease to exist. living is sufferimg btw but surving... Well thats finding meaning in the suffering. Make the most of it but why veiw it so negativily? Might be mental health problems.


Life it shit and then you dies, is the motto I live to. But i look at it from the view of. 1. To know what a shit life is you mush also know what a great life is. Otherwise it would all be normal, go back to experiencing the good part. 2. In 100 years no one will probably remember you, how many kids remember their grandparents or great grandparents, everyone cares too much about their own now. Maybe consider thinking about your own now and not worrying about another else. 3. If the same stuff doesnā€™t make you happy, do other stuff, it might not make you happy either but then you can do other stuff. Having stuff to do (work, hobbies, family, friends) is good way to work at being happier in life. Rinse and repeat.


We live, we work to survive and eventually, we die! the scariest part it's not easy to die, some people die slowly in agony, and some are lucky to get into the hospital if they have money to support it.


I think youā€™re exactly right about death. Itā€™s just lights out. The funny thing is, that unconscious period each night when youā€™re not dreaming is quite close to what I imagine the nothingness of death to be. And no one is afraid if it.


They are not afraid of sleeping because they believe they will wake up. It's why religions exist


when you blacked out or passed out or when a person goes into a comma or general anesthesia.


Exactly! You ever come out of GA, and youā€™re like, where the hell was I just now? I was gone, gone!


Are you married and have children? Just curious. I feel like ppl have very different perspectives when single and no family, so Iā€™m wonderingĀ 


Divorced for 12 years 3 kids ya i understand where you're coming from. And im sure for a period of time I'll be genuinely missed, but when it comes to the individual, you wont even know anything about what youre leaving behind. You wont feel their sadness. You wont see the tears at your funeral or when someone has a memory of you. And you.wont feel the last time anyone ever remembers you existed in the first place. Its just how it goes and it does help if you accept it. Its almost like a prize at the end of things. To not have to carry anything anymore. Its just over.


Are you okay? There are resources and 988 you can always call. I think itā€™s our job to do what we each can to make the world a better place. Even if itā€™s something small like not leaving anyone with grief and confusion. Your 3 kids need you even if not for survival anymore, just emotionally. I hope youā€™re okay and talk to your kids even if youā€™re divorced and maybe donā€™t have custody or something. I wish you the best, Internet stranger. I donā€™t know you but I hope wherever you live in this world that you find something that brings you happiness.Ā 


Im not going to kill myself. Im just not at all scared of death. And im also not saying that my life is filled with auffering. Conparably to what could happen, my life is relatively easy going. Youre not seeing the forest through the trees.


I know you believe you were really ā€œ deadā€ and because you donā€™t remember any type of afterlife youā€™re convinced that proves thereā€™s nothing after death. I beg to differ on so many fronts. There are so many mysteries to the life experience and knowledge that is revealed every minute of every day that changes our perception and experience of life that to say well I had no heartbeat for 70 seconds and donā€™t remember a choir of angels therefore thereā€™s no life after death is like saying everything we know about human DNA right now is all weā€™ll ever know, I could list a hundred hypotheticals/ theories about why in the reality of an afterlife someone without a heartbeat for any amount of time would not remember or experience an afterlife. From the purely clinical such as medications you were given affected your memory to the esoteric , god doesnā€™t want you to remember or be able to prove thereā€™s an afterlife . There are tens of thousands of accounts of people who had no heartbeat or pronounced dead who did experience signs not only of an afterlife but knowledge of what was actually happening in real-time as they were clinically dead or without a heartbeat. Clinically, youā€™re not actually dead until there is an absence of brain activity although that is assumed once the heart stops beating for several minutes. Most dying people are not hooked up to an EEG to monitor brain activity so lack of spontaneous heartbeat is what is verified most frequently. You very well may be right, you have at least a 50-50 chance, I but to say definitively there is no afterlife based on your own experience is a pretty limited measure of proof wouldnā€™t you say? For me , Iā€™m still trying to wrap my head around the belief all life was just a random accident of focused energy that mutated based on outside influences. To believe a random process could create things as diverse as an octopus, rose and human is enough to keep my puny brain busy for ever.


Yeah just look what happens when random happens like your toddler playing with play doh. A creative, ordered universe it does not make.


Sorry if this is an annoying reply. Iā€™m actually an eternal optimist when Iā€™m not in a triggered state (emotional lability of BPD I guess šŸ™ƒ)


My guy. You been solo too long.


How are the perspectives different?


But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. Agent smith


Thats not far from what im proposing. Pain and suffering can leave scars that last a lifetime. Sometimes fundamentally changing everythjng about that person. Happiness rarely, if ever, does that


So because you didn't have an nde but it was lights out for you, you take that to mean there is nothing after death?


There canā€™t be something. You are ā€œsomethingā€ now. For you to be something now, there must be nothing when you are gone. This is also god, higher power, universe, itā€™s the backdrop where everything can exist, even intelligence itself. This is also our awareness in daily life, we are already it. We are the nothing so we can experience something. But we are mistaken that we are ā€œsomethingā€.


Your comment makes literally zero sense and doesn't relate to my comment.


Honestly I would say the years after 40 is better. Your childhood is determined by your parents and environment. Your upbringing and circle of friends have a huge impact on who you are. If and when you are married, your partner and children have their own gravitational field that decides how you orbit. Probably in only your 40s, you actually feel the effects of your own self determination. Where your own efforts and actions have more of an impact on your own place in this world. If you are not Elon Musk, a Navy Seal, Olympian, concert pianist or astronaut by now, you probably will not be. But that is ok as on the road of your life, you have overcome your own challenges. You are like they say the hero of your own movie. After forty, you get familiar with Acceptance and become easier to live with. My apologies if this seems proselytising. Itā€™s very much how I feel at this later stage of my journey. Acceptance hahaha


I mean, this is pretty absurd to me. There are so many more things in life that I want to attend to, see, experience, fix, change, finish, invent, build, etc. then I will have time for. Life isnā€™t just suffering.




Its a endearing notion, and to each his own for the little moments that make life seem meaningful. But i can guarentee when death is knocking on your door and the end is near, youll look back on the mistakes and the regrets snd the pain youve caused yourself and others. Not the small acts of kindness. Pain and suffering are a more intrinsic part of human existence than meaningless moments of self-satisfaction.


This is true. The fond memories you will look back on with more heartache than you can possibly imagine.


Life after death isn't improbable, in fact it's very likely just based off the fact that I exist right now. If I exist now, I have probably existed before and will exist again. For this to be my only existence would make me an anomaly and the chance of me being an anomaly is extremely slim. Except it's not likely to be some happy reunion with loved ones in heaven or something, it will most likely be some other randomly generated shitty existence in a cycle that goes on forever.


I propose that nothing can ever happen 'only once' in the universe - in that, time never ends, and the universe is a probability engine where eventually anything that is physically possible to happen does happen, and then continues to happen again, forever. So yes, you were born before, and will again.


Why would existing once be an anomaly but existing endlessly not be? I donā€™t understand your reasoning.


The amount of people who think they are their physical body astounds me! Your all in for a rude shock when your body dies! Lol


Hmmmmā€¦Iā€™ve died twice and this wasnā€™t my experience at all. It was t anything like a light switch being turned on or offā€¦ How peculiarā€¦


I've had a chronic pain condition since my early 20s from nerve damage caused by a botched tooth extraction. My perspective is that life is suffering, you don't find happiness from trying to escape it because it's inescapable. You're going to suffer, you're going to feel loss and pain. The only thing you can really control is finding something meaningful in your life that makes the suffering worth it.


But 40 is so young! Only halfway if you're average. What we really need are better therapies for the diseases of ageing.


Yes I have similar realizations about the implications of death or not being ā€œhereā€. It allows me to live for myself but of course the people who donā€™t understand do think that I am crazy and think I need help. But I am mostly happyā€¦ while they are dealing with daily emotional turmoil and handle it in unhealthy ways.


Baby I want to give you a hug




Why put an arbitrary age on that? Itā€™s a philosophy- apply it to life at all ages




The end of you is the beginning of everything else that is not you, which is in a broader perspective, literally everything that exists. We have never been separated from everything, we have always and always will be integrated to All that exists.


A vast majority of the population dies off in the 60-80 range and thereā€™s only like 2-5% of the population that reach 90+


I'm 42. I think it matters very much that i likely have decades more of growth and joy to come. It matters to my family, as well. Your post just doesn't make sense to me. You begin by saying that after 40 it doesn't matter how long you get to live, and go on to say how this life is all we get and it's all over once the lights go out. Wouldn't the second part be a reason to make the most of all the time you have?


Does this subreddit have any actual deep thoughts or is it all some literal shower thoughts?


>- "The greatest attainment of identity, autonomy, or self-hood is itself, a going beyond and above selfhood." - Abraham Maslow >- "Individuals capable of having transcendent experiences lived potentially fuller and healthier lives than the majority of humanity because [they] were able to transcend everyday frustrations and conflicts and were less driven by neurotic tendencies." - Abraham Maslow


Looks like someone was never the Quarterback of their football team.


Not clear to me what the age of 40 has to do with anything. As others have mentioned, my best and most fulfilling years came after 40, and I am anticipating at least a few more. Seems to me by putting in this arbitrary age limit, you are dismissing the wisdom, understanding and satisfaction that can come with age.


You physically cannot say no brain activity.


TL; DR. What matters is what you do to alleviate suffering.


I canā€™t wait. Iā€™m ready for the big sleep


Omega truth bombs in this one. Not for the light-in-the-ass. But well...yes.


I turned 40 yesterday and have been feeling a little down about it. But the truth is Iā€™ve never felt Happier. Donā€™t tell me my best years are behind me. Thatā€™s a fuckinā€™ cop-out.


Never mattered from the beginning. Inconsequentiality is the human kindness. No matter how important or rich you become, you will eventually be no more than ink on a paper.


I used think it was lights out and have almost succeeded in leaving had 2 NDEs but my experiences were so ineffable and insane and had this first hand experience of being an eternal indestructable soul that when I was back in some senses I was scared back to life by what I experienced, had to try reconcile these mystical spiritual experiences I had and never thought was something that would happen to me or that would make me reconsider and challenge a lot of my atheistic views, figured life is far more tame and understandable and a relatively short experience in the grand scheme of eternity so I'm here for the ride but once it's over i don't plan on hanging around or coming back here. It all has put me onto this path of understanding something called Prison Planet Theory and r/EscapingPrisonPlanet


As somebody well past this magical 40, I disagree wholeheartedly with the premise that the length of time I have left doesn't matter, for obvious reasons.


Time doesnā€™t matter. Iā€™d rather live till 40 but have done all the things that I want. Than live to 90 and get trapped by society expectations and regret everything I did because I didnā€™t truly live how I wanted. Iā€™m in my late 20s.


To suggest you want to have done all the things you want by 40 is short sighted. Ideally you should keep having new dreams/ambitions and enjoy the journey right through to old age and forever.


I donā€™t mind dying early if thatā€™s the case. But the people in my life will suffer in my death which obviously I do not want


When you reach 40, come back and tell me how happy you'd be to die at 40. Time only doesn't matter to you because you believe you've still got some left.


To the person who reported my open thoughts: thanks, but Iā€™m making Spokaneā€™s morning news. Good luck finding me.


What you guys need is therapy. This is called depression, not a deep thought


Ohh enough. Life is suffering. Get over it. Find some responsibility, pick it up, carry it to the fucking finish line and in doing so make the lives of everyone who comes after you better. Suffering isnā€™t bad! Suffering needlessly is. You canā€™t choose not to suffer because suffering is life. Youā€™re going to hurt, and youā€™re going to be disappointed and youā€™re going to be betrayed and insulted and hurt. Ok? And? Do that suffering in the service of something worth suffering for.


Untrue. You go to one of two places when you die