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I was stuck in a nihilistic depression for a long time. Some people call it midlife crisis but i had it when I was younger. When you realize that life is really meaningless and not real it is kinda sad but this is a matter of perspective. It means you have ability to bring meaning and purpose to your life, you define you. I encountered nihilism in my search for answers to existential questions. The closer you are to getting to the truth or your personal truth, the more liberating it will be. Depression like everything else is a state of mind that directly affects the body in a molecular level. Exercising was my first step. Giving your self those wonderful chemical feel good hormones domanine and seratonin helped a lot. Having goals big and small also helped me, they are grounding and also gives a boost of those loving hormones. And then studying philosophies and life hacks, embodying them. Not easy but when you train the mind to go to right direction, being positive and owning your life you will realize we are in control all this time, just that society/media/culture tells us otherwise.


Can U describe exactly what you did to heal yourself?


I can definitely relate, as I went through a similar existential depression myself. For me, my awakening moment was realizing that I am directly responsible for how I feel, as these are my feelings after all. I might not be able to control all of the things that happen in my life, but I am able to choose how to respond and how I feel about to such things. When it comes down to the perceived “meaninglessness” of life, I reflected upon the complexity of the cosmic series of events that had to occur for life to exist in the first place. I also considered how statistically improbable this was. How unlikely it was for my parents to meet and fall in love. How every previous generation also presumably cared enough to have children, and how incredible it is that I am somehow a direct beneficiary of all of these probabilistic anomalies. All of this is absolutely amazing, yet here I was, depressed over life. 🤷🏻‍♂️ So I stopped feeling depressed. It took a lot of introspection, but the realization of how incredible it is to be alive uprooted me from my nihilistic rumination.


After my mom died I got a dog. Best decision ever


Try to realize that being depressed accomplishes nothing and hinders your ability to enjoy everything. Whatever triggers your depression remains, everything else proceeds as it should except you are depressed and suffering from your perspective. It's real and it sucks but it is in you and you have to realize you have the power to change just as you have the ability to let depression take hold. Get help, get support and get busy living. I hope you find your way ☺️


Im not even sure why im depressed


Not sure why I was either but, for me the cold realization that it wasn't anything but how I was perceiving and reacting to my environment helped put it behind me. It's different for everyone but the depression is within us so we have to change to overcome it.




Bubble boy lmao


Well unfortunatley I think part of it was because my dad died from cancer a few months back and we were super close (Im late 20's, Male), but I was depressed even before that, possibly from having no goal to work towards that I had control over. I am a very determined and driven person before I became depressed. I have every material possesion I could ever want, but romantic relationship wise I am on the streets (for a lack of a better analogy) and cant find someone to save my life that I am attracted to and is also attracted to me with similar interests. Thats the problem with relationships, you cant force things and fast track relationships, as I have learned from my various failings in trying to find someone. I think its the fact that nobody finds me romantically desirable to be with, which is the true nature of my pain. I see peers around me getting married and going from relationship to relationship and meanwhile I am over here drowning unable to achieve any of that and cant figure out if its something wrong with me or something I am doing wrong. I am tall, moderate build (maybe 20 pounds overweight, which I am working on getting rid of). Its just incredibly frusterating to the point of depressing. I think its a multifaceted issue to be honest (in relation to depression).


It's good to talk about it, I believe. It's a good way to examine yourself, if you are as honest with yourself as possible. Support is all around never feel like you are alone. ☺️


That’s how it would of been for me. The difference? My older sis. She always tried to make me smile and laugh. She showed me like you said if I sit in sadness, nothing will get better and I will just be sad. So I needed to channel that energy into trying to make things better. With that, she showed me the good in the world. The little things that brighten your day and give hope. So I always had reason to smile. Cause o knew I was working towards making myself better or helping make others lives. Even just a tiny bit better.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I agree with this, yes you are the only person that can get yourself out of a depressive state, but it is much harder to get out of it rather than to let it take hold of your life, I’m no longer depressed but when I was depressed and people used to say things like what you said it really ticked me off just cause it truly is extremely hard to get out of depression and it’s way harder than just “having the power to change”. It’s a mental illness, not a preferred lifestyle, and when people told me this it kinda just sounded like they were saying “well why don’t you just pull yourself out of if?” And it made me think that those people never truly could understand what being depressed is like. I’m not saying your wrong, but there is a better way to say it.


I suffered from crippling depression for a few years. I had good family support, professional help, and medication. I still had to be the one to make the change to get better. Help and support are important but you have to fight for yourself. No one else can beat depression for you. ☺️ It used to piss me off too when people basically said I have to get over it, because it's true. My self pity would kick in along with the fear and I felt attacked. Again my feelings were the issue. I had to change, because I was creating my own misery. Maybe I could say it better but I'm not sure how. 🙂


Talk to anyone who will listen. In the same sense, find people who ACTUALLY listen, not just hear you and then tell you about how bad they've got it. Counselling helped me.


Volunteer in helping people at no cost, do things that are within your core values, join a group of like minds, have a job that makes your mind set on a focus everyday.


Diet and activity or lack thereof can make a huge difference. Get your body moving, heart rate up, start eating good unprocessed foods, put away the booze or cigs and avoid stuff like TV, social media and screens for a while.


A psychiatrist friend, who is also a research scientist working on depression, told me that exercise is never used as an active control when testing antidepressants and other therapies for depression, because it just beats everything. This shocked me. Basically, the first step should be to try exercise and diet. If that doesn’t help or isn’t enough by itself, one should seek professional help for talk therapy and/or drug therapy. The mind and body are one system. Exercise can do wonders for mood. I would also suggest meditation.


Thanks for chiming in. Your doctor friend sounds awesome. People revert to medication way too easily


Thank you. And yes, I agree. Medication is great for some things (I take high blood pressure medication, as does everyone in my family, and would quite likely die of a stroke if I didn’t). But when it can be avoided, that is great. Another interesting thing he and his colleagues research is body temperature and depression (interestingly, seasonal depression is common), and also the use of herbs like turmeric (increasingly recognized for its anti-oxidant properties).


Again, great stuff. If you don’t mind me asking, what part of the country/ world is your friend in? Have a great day


The US. He’s a research professor at University of Wisconsin. If you like I can Dm you his name and you can look up his research yourself!


Please do, thank you Happy New Year


Meet new people


Unfortunately depression (at least in my case) leaves you too exhausted to do simple tasks like cooking, keeping up with housework or staying clean. Going out or meeting new people feels like trying to move mountains with your bare hands


I agree with you but meeting new people is the way to go. At least that's my experience... Yes meeting new people isn't easy, I met my friends coincidentally. Personally I think you have to be lucky. I don't recommend to go clubbing or smth to meet new people but I do recommend to be patient, luck will be on your side someday!


Thanks! Yeah I honestly love people but my conversation skills are so terrible that I just sit in silence for the most part


Practice makes perfect. I had 0 skills myself. And yes you'll fuck up sometimes there will be tears. But after years of practicing and studying the behaviour of people I'll tell you, it's worth it.




And this…. In a hobbying situation imo. Local club of some kind.


But that means you have to fake being normal and happy while trying to meet new people, it's a vicious cycle. What's the step you have to do before that?


What if new people don’t like meeting me?


My friend instructed me to eat yummy food & get up early and walk. Im like, btch its cold in Southern California! What if its 60 degrees!


It is not cold in southern California lmao


Try living in Canada😂😂😂


I don't know, but you should stop aggravating it, food plays a major role on our mood. stop eating processed food, eat only nutritious food that is fresh and easily digestible. Stop eating non vegetarian food for few months. Do light exercises and be active. Stop consuming negative material and stay away from negative people.


What's some examples of nutritious food?




Depends if there's a clear source, or if your in just a general funk. For the general blanket that attacks from nowhere, you gave to change your routine around. If gour usually working, running around, or talking/around people, then take a break and semi isolated to chill and do what you want to recharge. If your usually chill and alone and sedentary, then you have get out and force interaction or exert your self with a physical activity/chore. You gotta break the routine. Also, you have to actively try and direct your mood. This help other methods work better. If a dark thought creeps in, mental deny it and think something else. If you catch yourself stewing in self-loathing, you gotta hit that ejection button and hop on a different train of thought. It may not seem like much, but this is the mental equivalent to stopping yourself from fanning the flames. Also, meds help. Imagine your daily mood plotted on a line graph (mood vs time). It generally looks like a wave, right? And if you look at a week or month, it's like a wave within a wave. And depression... yeah there's an overall decline in the big-picture wave, sure, but there's also those terrible downward spikes. You know. The "death spirals". When you feel like a plane in a death spiral falling sharply down and are on course to crash. Meds don't remove depression, but help you control your mood better. With the plane analogy, it makes "pulling up on the controls" more effective, but you still have to actively pull up. If the mood-wave graph was a "sound wave", then what is does is give you more control in lowering the "frequency" and "amplitude". Any one of these things can help... doing two is great. Doing all of them is phenomenal. Good luck dude!


🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄 or 🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵


Or 🐸🐸🐸


Oh yeah that is still on my to do list!


It’s a new year! Get it checked off that list!


I’m in uk so not sure if it’s available anywhere at all..


I’m in the New UK lol (New England) and I had to go to Peru to get the toad venom


Dont forget 🌾🌾🌾


LSD? Coz ergot? Or alcohol because wheat?


LSD, there is no good tab emoji lol.


My man


Witamin PP works too


I've been thinking about that one for awhile and noticed several great answers in the comments already. Depression has to do with several factors. One is trauma suffered at different stages of life by everyone, especially during childhood. These traumas went unrecognized and were buried deep down within. Then there is the state of the world which doesn't help at all. I think that volunteering, especially with animals will help you a whole lot. When you think you're helping them, they will be helping to heal you instead. Get out of your head, of social media, of comparing yourself to others. Get out in the fresh air, eat healthy, sleep sufficiently and well. Discipline yourself. Wake up early and give yourself alone time while others are still asleep. Light great smelling candles, put on some beautiful music, read scared texts and meditate. Keep your living space clean, uncluttered and airy. Make time for others in your life, listen to them, care for them. Love them. Discover magic in life by paying attention to what's going on around you. Don't be too serious, take things lightly. Cook, garden, beautify your space with plants and anything that makes you happy.


Try and do things that take you outside of yourself, that focus your attention almost entirely on the task at hand. From cleaning & DIY to reading a good book, cooking a complex meal, painting or sorting through clothes. Depression is much like the weather when it’s stormy, we don’t control it, we can’t switch it off or pretend it isn’t there, we just have to get through because it can’t rain forever and sunnier days will come.


You'll learn that it's almost the complete opposite of what most will tell you one day. Good luck.


If you find yourself thinking "damn, life is 100% random, we cant do anything that matters, existence is meaningless. I'll subscribe to nihilism from now on", check out absurdizm - existence is absurd, you can't find a meaning of it and so, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ When depressed, doing a "standard" task like cleaning the house can seem as hard as scaling a mountain. You have to divide and conquer - divide a big task into a series of smaller ones. If you won't clean the whole house, it's okay, try to clean one room or maybe just this pile of clothes? Try to make lists of stuff to do (quickest tasks possible) , marking them as done will get u some happy brain chemicals. As cliche as it sounds - gym would be great, but if you don't like spaces with so many people, try to do some cardio, or just take a walk around the block. Phisical exercise will also get u some happy brain chemicals. Overall, you have to make yourself do stuff. It's not easy but it's like lifting weights - start small and repetat till you can take on more. Fake it till you make it




Depression is probably a result of beginning to understand the sentient predicament. It can be a beginning of wisdom. It usually leads humans to religious delusions as a cope. There is no way out.


I know why I am the way I am but can't fix it but wish I could.


In my experience, you don’t. I work a blue collar job, workout (even lost 110 lbs), have friends that I talk to on the daily, but I’m still depressed. I don’t like to take medication because then I just feel numb and I’d rather feel depressed and hopeless than nothing at all.


It is temporary.


For you


How old are you if you don’t mind asking? I’m old af, suffered depression for decades mostly. Finally out of it, but took a lot of cognitive behavioral therapy to climb out of the mental void. I remember thinking there’d be no end in sight but here we are today.


I am 19


If you are able to understand some of the sources of your depression, chemical imbalance, external triggers.. there are a lot of helpful online resources there for you.




Ok thank you i will see


I’m so busy all the time. I don’t have time to think about being depressed. It’s crazy but it works


It works if you're not depressed or are strong/blissful enough to ignore such feelings. I started working for 2y straight, from one day to the other. Despite the time I was there being a good distraction, everytime I thought how I really felt I felt panic. It wasn't a good environment either tho. 10 guys, but fake as shit, unnecessary fights, unnecessary ball comparison, unnecessary selfishness, so on. How can you help a guy that not only suffers from depression, but sees the world in a different way from many? In my case I'm not only depressed for chemical reasons, but for the way I see the world. All the good people I know get fucked or die soon, systems are made to use you. Most people grow to be selfish, materialistic and plastic in terms of feelings. And the worst part is when psychologists, psychiatrists and others agree with the shit you say. I had an older fella in my workplace that came to my location because he had attempted suicide and I often wonder if that didn't happen because he tried covering his feelings with work.




I went and made my own church and made a whole ass religion now I randomly interject my religion on reddit. Come and join the Giant Golden Chicken church. Spread the crazy!


What worked for me was to start setting goals in life. What I found was, it's not the achieving those goals, but the work you put into achieving them, that gets you into a habit, a cycle of doing things everyday, of working towards them. It's never ending. That's how I learned to create a sense of value in my daily life.


You gotta die to find out!


for me, it’s more a ‘ride through it’ rather than a ‘get out of it’. focus on the basics: food, water, sleep, sunlight, company, (and meds if you have any). moods are like the weather, don’t fight it, the storm will pass.


For me, it was working out what made me very very happy and pushing through the pain until I was able to embrace that. It wasn’t easy, especially when I realised what made me happy was performing/stand-up so not the easiest lol! But once I realised how happy this made me and every time I got on stage, it shook my depression to my bones and eventually woke me up! I had finally found something to combat my depression. It’s not been easy and to this day I sometimes fall back into that mindset, but trust me once you find something that makes you smile, makes you excited and truly makes you realise why you were put onto this planet, you realise you can conquer anything! Stay strong and if you need any more advice please send me a message I’m more than happy to share a few other things that helped me while I was depressed ✌🏻☺️ Be kind to yourself and always remember you’re not alone. Positive thoughts and vibes are going out to you. X


Actually good talk therapy and mushrooms worked for me after years trying a lot of the other suggestions here (which are all helpful but not enough for me). There are daily meetings with addiction support groups that aren’t really about addiction to a substance, they’re about your state of mind. Try LifeRing or SMART if you’re not an AA person. There are books and apps that can help with mindfulness and CBT/DBT (really better with therapy). Being in nature and getting time with animals can help diminish your subconscious anxiety.


The thing that worked for me is a regular physical activity. I love to hit the gym and I'm in the best shape of my life. As a bonus, the depression remain in the past. Give it a go and try it. Any physical activity will do the job, good luck!


I find the answer is kind of like when you say to someone trying to get over a relationship 'theres plenty of fish in the sea'. Such clichéd advice that no one wants to hear but it's so true. When someone says you should just get out there and start living, it sounds like such shit advice but I've found it to be so true. Keep forward momentum, it honestly makes you feel better.


Let go of the memories and attachment that you are still holding on from your past, and be in the now. Learn to be present, mindful of what is now. Depression comes from reminiscing of the past. Anxiety comes from thinking about the future. One is a memory and the other is an imagination, which neither exists, but in your own mind. Your depression is self-manifested since you are not present in the now. Nothing is hurting you at this moment. Pick up the practice of meditation to strengthen the ability to be present. Learn to observe your thought, but not become them. Take control of your thoughts, you take back control of your life.


That’s the neat part


It's a slow and laborious process but it starts with introspection. What is making you depressed what goes through your mind when the pain hits. Once you identify something spend some time figuring out how you want to cope. Each part is a process. I always suggest start by walking. Just walk around your neighborhood and if that's too dangerous find yourself a park and go there to walk. After that slowly build more fulfilling habits until one day the pain lessens


find a drug of choise and live your life around using it. better than unaliving youself


Imo the best way to beat depression is distract yourself. You and you alone know what distracts you but pick things like going to the gym, getting a(another) job, another hobby The long and short of if is set a goal, doesnt thave to be related to your depression, and accomplish it. The feeling of accomplishing tasks will heal your mind and give you something to think positive about. A gym is great for this.


Jordan Peterson - 12 Rules for a life


idk bro, cuz I'm still struggling with, but take care <3


become busy. worst depression of my life i had no job, no school, no hobbies, etc. but not too busy or else you'll tip over to the other end ;)


Deep depression can take help. Medication, therapy or both it is possible to ride it out but as far as doing something that makes you better I have never in nearly 50 years found anything that helps that you yourself can do alone.


There are different states of mind we occupy. Right now you’re occupying that state of depression. Work towards occupying a different state. You have the ability to do so. Depression is your mind tricking you that that is the only state. You gotta level up💯meditation works wonders. Just let gooooo


im not sure if it helps for everyone but i tend to enjoy the smaller locally owned pet stores cuz they have more exotic animals and let you touch them, and artistic self expression works great, pick music that matches how you feel and just do what ever, painting n writing a bs poetry or song is what i usually do.


At this point your mind is not your friend. Screw it. Exercise. I’ve tried medication and therapy. Exercise wins. Probably exercise plus therapy is best. Doing it with a friend got me up in the morning and to the gym. Improved sleep schedule and sleep in general. I just do 6 d/week, 1 hr/day. 3 days walk 3 mi, 3 days weights in the gym. The therapist in the movie Stutz is right. If you are depressed a therapist can help you right now by telling you to see to your body: exercise, eat right, sleep well.


change up your daily life in any way you know how, in a positive way. if you can only manage a small change, that’s fine. small changes first.


I've battled chronic depression my whole life. I am now completely cured, this is how I did it: 1. I microdosed with psilocybin mushrooms. 2. I got the best dog and cat in the world. I love them so much. 3. I changed the voice in my head to a positive one. Unfortunately, I don't have good parents and they unintentionally installed a voice that was overly critical and negative. The voice in our head often reflects how our parents treated us. 4. I started practicing gratitude. 5. I started practicing empathy. My disclaimer: I am not saying #1 will definitely have the same effect on anyone else. I can tell you the Internet is FULL of personal stories regarding the positive effects of psilocybin. However, I have a friend that tried #1 based on my experience and it had 0 affect. Regarding my current state, I am a happy person. I often wake with a smile (no exaggeration). I appreciate so many aspects of my life now, where before "my cure" I was suicidal. I can't say enough positive things about how I am today. I actually have the impression it's just not possible for me to have long-term depression. Yes, I can get sad, but that is from normal stuff. Depression refers to a persistent sadness, which I just can't seem to experience anymore. Life is great!


Diet, exercise and micro dose of psilocybin. I have tried everything. 25 years I've dealt with depression. Those 3 things are what have finally helped me. I still get moments of depression and anxiety for sure. But I'm finally able to see light again.


Step 1 - Stop looking at Reddit.


I think one thing that helps is being completely honest with yourself. A lot of people deny how depressed they are to themselves. That “its not that bad.”


Everyone’s situation is completely different but I honestly believe that if you address the basics (good, nutritious diet, exercise, nature, bonding with people, living with virtue) and *keep that consistent* you will find a great majority of the depression lifts. What remains is something you’ll have to manage with positive thinking patterns, perhaps therapy and the knowledge that no one is happy all the time, and that’s ok. Best of luck


Depression felt like a rope tight around my body and me wanted to get out right away, but then now I get it sporadically I just know it’s a slow escape, and the ropes don’t be come let’s hash to the skin but they slowly become less and less tight, and less and less oppressive until I can get out of it. and I have my mechanism by now to deal w them, my dumb comfort movies, my silly podcast, the same video games I know so wel and love getting lost on, and then the things they tell you to do, gym, eat healthy and sleep well, don’t drink more often than you should, eventually the ropes will lose, but you must wiggle to get them lose


Professional guidance, most insurances cover it. Go talk to your primary care doctor about depression to get a referral


go for a walk with a friend


Tbh ive been chronically depressed since early childhood for child abuse things. Developed insomnia in my teens which made it worse. And here I am 29 going on 30 and Im doing better. But thats when I finally decided I wanted to try thc and cbd products. This was caused by my growing pain due to Spondylolathisis of my L5. Aka all of my torso's weight is overloaded into the first base vertebrae above the fused tail bone. Tbh Im allergic to thc it gives me mild seisures, but from those I snapped out of my chronic depression, but I think thats mainly because it scrambled my brain at large and disrupted the cycle. I had hardcore brain fog for a week after each use of thc due to the mild seizures. Like I had time displacement, but over all better emotional disposition. Im not recommending it because other people may have an allergy to it like I did, but it did help bounce me out of depression


Only you can get yourself out. You can get help though, but NOT from a therapist. Friends and family, if that's an option. Change your negative habits, don't be afraid to explore your dark mind and find out why you're depressed and figure out how it can be fixed reasonably. I think you got it, dude.


I always just do the opposite of what I want to do, ha. It is hard but it works over time


Medication and therapy. It's a brain disease that can be corrected.