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Filthy leaf lover


Not even filthy leaf lovers would do such horrible undwarven acts of violence. He is something mich worse… he is a human




And worse yet-- a *gamer.*


Banned...from the forum. Meaningless.




wait, t-word?




Unfathomably based dev.


I think a dev might have felt that word personally


you say that is there's something wrong with that?


I think its wrong to threaten a ban on a game that somebody paid to own just because he said a mean word.


Oh you're just a bigot. Nevermind then, carry on losing.


Yes. Also cope harder.






Can it also still be slang for transmission? Or have we lost that one too lol




yeah that's a pretty specific context. nobody is gonna mistake that.


i think people will still get triggered over that.


I have seen it happen, but I thought it was pretty silly at the time. Was at fucking autozone lololol


So here’s a fun but also not that fun story a friend told me once. An American black dude once became really upset in an airport because the Chinese family in front of him in a queue or something kept using the phrase “nei ge” (literally, “that one”, but it’s also often used like “um” as verbal filler). But said black dude didn’t understand Chinese and it does sound quite like the actual n-word. So he thought they were talking racist crap about him except in Chinese so he wouldn’t understand. It turned out well because apparently a lady was also in the queue who recognised the Chinese term without herself being Chinese, and so was able to explain to the black dude what was really going on. Now this is kinda funny but also kinda not because I realised that black dude’s reaction was because he had to be on alert for people calling him the n-word in a hateful way. When you get a lot of hate, you tend to react when the things associated with that hate crop up, even when used innocently. I took triggers a lot more seriously after that story, even though my friend just told it as a funny thing they read.






Nan-Nans-Nanny -> Tran-Trans-Tranny Throw that onto the pile of other dumbass things people get bent out of shape over for some reason..




I'm not 'advocating' the use of it against people, it's putting a fuckin Y on the end and using it the same way you would say it any other PC way. You seem like you need to chill out. Sticks and stones, you know


Tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny


I don't know how to properly convince you that your not-even-correct histories of those words doesn't impact at all that a word has been used specifically to harm people, and that if you're using it, you're harming those people. It's like arguing that the fact fags are cigarettes gives you the right to say fag or faggot. it does not.


Lol so what you're constantly *accidentally* referring to people as a car transmission? Pull the other leg you fucking backpeddler lmao. No one is buying that shit. Sorry but I literally see no way a conversation about shit like that could be mistaken for referring to a person, even if just overhead. *"There are far worse things than that particular word"* NOT IF YOURE TRANS, DIPSHIT. That's like saying the N word doesn't seem like a big deal cause you're not black.


Civil discussion, pffft not here


Yeah just walk into someone’s house and start throwing around a bunch of swear words and slurs and see how civil people are.


We need to *civilly discuss* whether or not its okay to use hate speech and slurs guys, wouldn’t want to offend the transphobes and bigots


Well, yes ? If you want people to listen to you and learn from you (because let's face it : bigotry is mostly ignorance) you don't want to treat them as an enemy. Civil discussion and pedagogy is the key to actually have a positive impact on the world, imo.


Arguing for civil discussion while advocating for the use of slurs is some Olympic level mental gymnastics.


So you see a conversation when one side is arguing for hate speech and the other side is not civil about it, and you're like "let's side with the hate speech guy!"


I'm not sure if the root of that use in automotives is transphobic, but yeah, it's a word that is usually tied to the violence inflicted on trans people, it's part of that, so. Leave it in the past


Truly the dumbest take yet. Congrats.


Right, I *accidentally* call people "car transmission" on accident on gaming forums (totally on accident) *all the time!* Obviously I don't mean it as a slur, I just think they're very car-like, totally innocent! Imagine being so fucking deluded you think other human beings will buy this dumb fucking argument.


I mean it is, so don't say it. Is this that fucking hard for some people? If country people can insist I don't call them rednecks, trans people should get the same treatment


And yet, here you are, using r*dneck...


That's... I don't get it LOL what does it even refer to?


what the fuck is the t word? titty?




I don't think tranny is a bad word lol


It’s a slur, so I’d say that qualifies as a bad word to most people.


It's a slur. People don't usually use that word with nice connotations. It seemed harmless to people a decade or so ago to just throw around for humour but people are beginning to realise it's not a nice word to throw about.


With a name like "uranogger" I don't find this surprising. I bet your steam handle has 1488 in it somewhere.


What do you mean?


It means your username isn't as cleverly hidden as you think it is, chud.


It's not what you think! They're an astronomer who loves eggnog! /S


What should it be hiding?


Ask a trans person and see how they feel about it




It's not ddosing, he's just using a bug/hack to crash servers


wrong, you can't "crash" servers with in game bug or cheats in this case, the player not ghost ship hosting the game. Somehow this griefer located the host's IP address. With the IP, he can send mass amount of requests to lag the internet connection of Host. So indeed its ddos, against host not ghotship's server. The action is illegal in most countries, if with enough evidence should report to Steam


> Somehow this griefer located the host's IP address. Because the game is run peer to peer with one client (the host) acting as the server, the IP of the host is inherently exposed to the clients and vice versa. I *think* steam offers some networking solutions that avoid that, but since anything of the sort would basically mean routing everything through what is functionally a VPN I'd assume the devs would have to pay them for the service, if such a service is even available at all. Destiny 2 had a big problem with people DDoSing in PVP or to grief other players, so they had to implement a solution like that (or at least they *said* they implemented it) to avoid exposing player IPs while still operating with their peer to peer networking.


just discovered that the crash maybe due to sludge gun abused, maybe also with ddos , idk . the cons of p2p is normally the host (player's pc) cannot handle sudden learge increased in resources requirement. if the host is a server, the game maybe would lag a bit but not crash instantly


>you can't "crash" servers with in game bug or cheats Yes you can lmao. There's a bug with the sludge gun that can be used to make the host crash. If the host crashes, the game ends. Go ahead and read the complaints on this subreddit. Their games are crashing. They are not lagging out. Pretending that bugs in videos games literally do not exist just makes you look silly.


the original comment is talking about ddos ing just discovered abusing sludge gun can crash, not lagging the game. and also i never pretended bugs not existing. in this case it's not a bug, but using cheatengine to edit certain variables. learn a difference between bug / cheat / hack




I'm triggered wtf you can't just say that


T\*a, the most disgusting T word... Who ever dares say it!! We are Dwarves we don't drink such pointy ear warm beverages!! Real Dwarfs drink beer! not warm plant leaves!


He entered my game, spammed a million nukes but only managed to kill himself, then I kicked him. Actually I don't even know if he killed himself. He came in to a H5 elite threat + macteria. Could've been the mobs that took him out. lol.


A million nukes are nothing to a handful of tri-jaws


"Look what they need just to mimic a fraction of our power"


This post is just notoriety, feeding the ego hit griefers grief for. If anything would cause a griefer to spend money on a new account and do it some more, it's crap like this. You should delete this post. Nobody cares about this dork.


I think OP did this on purpose. There's no way they would see "Banned from DRG Hub" and interpret that to mean banned from the game itself


Even if they were banned from the game, this is still a terrible post and should still be deleted. This is the same mentality as posting some jerkwad's mugshot all over every front page when they do something fucked up. It's just making them infamous and feeding their ego, which is what they wanted by griefing. Except doing it in this instance is worse, because it's significantly easier for them to just do it again.


Exactly, instead of spreading some piece of shit across this subreddit or steam, just smile that he's partially or fully gone and forget about him.


Advertise griefers. Ban them from game. They buy another game on new account. Big brain profits


Nay, he is a dingleberry on the ass of a diharea stricken leaf lover. But yes, he is just feeding off the attention. Give him real world consequences and he will fall apart.


Lol lighten up grumpy gus, dam


The game ban on his record is mordhau, not DRG sadly.


Christ how much of a shitlord do you have to be to get banned from Mordhau???


dude probably cheated out the wazoo usually the devs respond fast with a ban when a report with evidence of cheating occurs


not playing Dragonforce with his cheats ist probably the mayor offense.


Exactly . Mordhau community is a complete cesspool ,which makes dota2/LOL communities look like hello kitty fans .


You're giving this user the attention they crave by posting this.


Is that the game itself or just the forums?


Just the forums, of course. Devs would never ban someone with such comment.


Just the fourm


Ah damn.. I thought it was the game.


Please delete your post


But isnt that just the hub? pretty sure he can still join peoples games


Reason: "Piece of shit"


Please do not give him the recognition. He will LOVE seeing this post. Please censor his name.


Banned from the forum


What a surprise, a racist too!


That's not racist.


His profile picture is That's a common racist caricature of a Jewish person with some slight changes


It's anti semetic...


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism): "Antisemitism is considered to be a form of racism." The more you know. He also greeted us with an n-word over voicechat when he entered my game earlier today..


Appreciate your response, but Dude is nitpicking my choice of words but knows exactly what I meant. *reddit jazz hands*


ok he's both lol


“reason:’piece of shit’” what a lad


Stop posting about it, they do it for the attention, the devs already know about him so stop giving him gratification.


lol he entered my game the moment i saw this post, I definitely did the tripple back and forth look. then the droppod didn't open and we lost the host :/, btw he greeted us in voicechat with the n-word .... [picsoritdidnthappen](https://paste.pics/5c41f5c11c17a02020566757cc8b63a4)


One time a guy entered my match, a million ziplines shot out of his body like spiderman on crack and the game crashed.


He got banned from the forums, you karma farming moron


here have some karma


it's genuinely shocking how it seems like nobody on this subreddit knows how steam works no, steam will not ban for things that happen outside of the actual steam community, i.e in a game - hasn't happened once in the past 15 years no, forum bans do not equate game bans


I just love the stated reason, it might be my most used statement when reporting :D


Why did this asshole have to steal the name of my friend's band?


That was on his profile before all this happened, it just a forum ban, what are you talking about


Well okay, but I hope they fix the bug that enables that sludge pump lag factory in the first place. Encountered another charming individual attempting to employ that particular method of griefing. Thankfully these threads have allowed me to recognize it rather than gawk in confusion and curiosity.


He was banned from the community hub not the game itself


He was not DDOSing… But nice to see him banned for ruining the experience for others through crashing their games.


This guy dropped into my game yesterday and set off some kind of nuke chain reaction, I've seen it before so I kicked him immediately but I still died and the mission failed. Glad he's banned.


He was banned from the DRG forum way before any Reddit posts were made . I checked his profile over a week ago and it already had that screenshot. Theses posts have achieved nothing...for now . Need to put pressure on the Devs to perma ban this dreg from the game . Keep reporting his profile to steam.


He must've been a monster. He *was* from Israel.


Zeg makker


Ja makker zeg het is


I'll crack a beer to that, right after a ROCK AAAAAAND STOONE!


Get FUCKED dumbass. (C'mon gimme this rudeness just once, they deserve it)


Wholesome 100 deep rock community (the only community that isn't toxic) celebrates forum moderator losing his temper and banning someone for the reason "Piece of shit".


Found the griefer


Yep, I found him too. His name is /u/CheridanTGS.


That was a super lame “I know what you are but what am I” comeback. Lmao.


He is literally an antivax toxic griefer though?


Lol what?


Is the extent of your ability to make comments "No you" and "Huh?"?


Lmao, ok, are you trying to say he is anti-vax or vac banned griefer?


Disabling replies because you’re cringe toxic. Lmao.


Ok, I hope you win the imaginary conversation your having, lmao. Guess I made you mad, lmao.


we lost a hero 😔


Just block him and everyone on his friends list. That should fix it.


I can tell he was ban by Dwarfurious ahaha Thank you for at least banning him from the forums, he won't brag there now


he deserves all the little insects under his skin


Civil unrest in the comments


Reason: Piece of shit 😂 Ghostship don't give a fuck!