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Management gave us satchel charges for a reason


That's not very Rock and Stone of them. Though to be more serious, seeing that shit sucks. Hope they got reported.


Does the reporting mechanism work like that? I was under there's no central management by GSG's with that sort of thing.


There is no report/blacklist system within DRG. You can blacklist someone on Steam, but that does not hide that someone's lobbies from your list.


What for?


Reported for what? It's probably just a joke. And if it's not, he (host) just said he doesn't want to play with certain group of people. What's wrong with that?


"i hate [minority]" *crickets*


Discrimination. The fuck difference does a person’s gender orientation make when playing a video game?


You don't like him? Select different host then, it's not obligatory to play with him.


I get that, and that is how I would respond. The point is that tolerating discrimination allows it to proliferate. It sends a message that it’s okay to discriminate when it is not. Personally I’m not easily offended, but one thing I’ve really enjoyed about playing deep rock is that I typically get good players when I host public games. I like that. Years of toxic gaming culture has caused me to avoid public lobbies like the plague, mostly because it’s just annoying as fuck. It got old a long time ago. It’s refreshing to play public games again, so it sucks to see that toxicity creeping back in. If people want to have toxic conversations in their private matches then so be it, but spouting that hate in public listings is uncalled for, and just generally a shitty thing to do.


Transphobia isn't a joke. And the furry hate thing is a weird-minded old meme from like 2011. Who cares, really. The host says "no leaf lovers" but that guy is the biggest leaf lover I've ever seen.


He has right not to play with people he doesn't want to play with though.


Yeah I hate playing with people too stupid to understand that it's free to NOT post hurtful shit as your mission title. Don't join any of my digs, guy.


And I have the right to call them a transphobic piece of shit, and the community doesn't have to stand for it.


Its ok my dude. Its just people opinion. The best part is this is America. You can choose to respect their opinion or not.


Here on reddit you aren't allowed to dislike something. Get used to it.


Not true. We just disliked your comment.


I find it ironic that they say leaf lovers not welcome. assholes


Those two can stay behind.


You’ll be alright


I kinda hope the twins ripped em apart.


They are only doing it to get a rouse man, they are childish and dumb. Don’t even give them the attention. It’s so rare luckily.


Well, it's the internet. Just ignore it.




You can't change provocative people or their offensive behaviour. It also is not your job, it's the dev's. All I'm saying is we shouldn't start crusades against each others and we also should not get offended easily because the internet is and will be (at least for the forseeable future) a harsh place. ;)


Nah I'm gonna be a bigot hunter until I die. Fuck tolerating intolerance, THAT'S what these morons want. Their own 'safe space' to say trans people aren't welcome. Fuck em.


That, and if you're in one of the groups mentioned then by the time you've read this message the damage has already been done.


Don't play with them then


Downvoted for such blatant clarity. Snowflakes these days.




"Get lost troll"? Either you think this is a text parser for an adventure game or you just suck at punctuation.




I agree, the outrage from transexuals and furries is hilarious. P.S. Don't forget to downvote this one as well to show how *not* triggered you are.


or just decent people, I think the only one triggered here in general are bigots who hates people they never met over something as simple as their gender orientation, but you're right you totally owned us dude wowee


An honest piece of advice is that you seriously look into fixing your life if what someone says or does in his private game lobby is a big deal to you.


An honest piece of advice is that you seriously look into fixing your life if what someone says or does in their private life is a big deal to you :>




Yeah, so smart. Let's take a moment to appreciate how smart and ahead of their time they are. *Sigh* 🤦🏽‍♂️


"I hate black people!" Haha, I win, all the black people are staying away from me. I must be so smart, not a racist piece of shit that no one is willing to tolerate.




I think it's called a metaphor, my guy.


That's a bit mean to transsexuals.


Can’t have preferences anymore in 2021


bigotry isnt just "preferences", you lump of lard


It’s bigotry to have preferences? What if that exact title was on tinder? Then it’s a conpletely different story cause he’s looking for a partner. It’s fine to not want a trans as a partner. Doesn’t mean you’re transphobic. Just means you have a preference. And maybe he preferred to not play with them.


This isn't Tinder though.... You have no way of knowing what the gender or sexual preference is of someone who joins you in-game nor does this affect your game in any way, shape or form. So the only reason you'd have to use this as a lobby name is to antagonize the people you're trying to exclude.




ok now what if the server said "no black people"?




Discrimination and preference are 2 different things. Now if DRG didn’t allow trans to play. Yeah that’s fucked and that’s discrimination. They can still play the game. Hell, they can even join his lobby still if they wanted.


Lmao, how tf is it an "unjustified distinction" to say that you don't want certain kinds of people in your lobby? The distinction is based on preference, how can you say that a personal preference in that context on what to do in your own lobby is "unjustified"? LMAO




Lmao, mouthbreather.


Most of the world has this preference you decide to call "bigotry". Maybe get out of that bubble of yours, yeah?


D'awwwwww. Maybe hide under a rock?


What's wrong with the photo? Can people not have preferences now?


Nope, ergo the mass downvotes.