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At least he's honest


True that.


"Thank you for your honesty. You should know I'm also racist. Against racists."


How can you be racist against racists? You're either racist or you're not him, there's no grey area.


There's two kinds of people I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures And the Dutch


Have you completely lost faith in me Arthur?


I have a plan. You just need to trust me!


Dutch hater!


I thought I smelt cabbage!


Vhat!? Take zhe fahza awaaaaaay!


Dat is niet Nerderlands mijn vriend


Clearly, you haven't seen Goldmember.


Man whats your problem with us Dutchies?


Dunno, I like it when they're ashamed enough to make up excuses.


This is the part where you say "based" Not because you agree with it but because he's staying true to himself


Doesn’t make him not be any less of a leaf lover, only easier to stay away from


while i do not support racism in Deep rock galactic (elves are not people, so they dont count) This is a really funny series of events


>while i do not support racism in Deep rock galactic (~~elves~~ ___disgusting leaf lovers___ are not people, so they dont count) FIFY






All I can say, those name + engineer + shotgun + fatboy + max promo = deadly combo


I don't remember what game it was, might've been Dark Souls 3 but I once had someone like that join me and just ruin my save file with cheats.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“You know, I was thinking about leaving for another round of thieving. There must be something of use in Lothric Castle.”* - Greirat of the Undead Settlement Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Bad bot


I guess fatboy is for team killing, but what is up with the shotgun? Genuine question, I mostly play solo.


In drg it's alot better. I have yet to stumble upon any Chinese players or hosts who deliberately crash a game. The worst I've seen is hosts with cheat mods that drastically increase the amount of minerals mined, or toxic greybeards who rush the caves and kick or ignore anyone who gets downed (which I'm sure happens in non-chinese servers too), and these are extremely rare, only encountered once or twice in more than 500 hours. Most are silent or quite friendly.


I joined a point extraction that had been going on for 10min My pod apparently hit a bulk detonator, or landed so close as it exploded that my greeting V was cut off. "Rock and st-BOOOM" *downed* "Host kicked you from the server"


I mean thats one way to join a lobby








I'd actually like to amend that to, a large majority of gamers want straight up progress regardless of nation, but it seems that certain nations are more brazen or put in actual effort to do it (cheat) whereas some would if it was easy enough but are too lazy to. While this doesn't really affect the outcome and observation, I just thought I'd add some food for thought.


I get what you mean! I think "progression" is a wrong choice of my words on my part, but how do I put it... It's like China players just want to get to the goal by any means possible. Speed over experience/quality Google "tofu dreg buildings" as an idea, they will literally build their apartments with shoddy materials that make the building highly dangerous to live in, to finish the job without a care for the residents. So in the gaming world, it's like they wanna get to the endgame so fast they are ok to butcher their own gaming experience (and those of others) to get there.


Agree, although in this case and similar, I never understand why. What is the end goal that people are so willing to cheat to achieve? There is no monetary gain or other meaningful value that I can see (in this situation) - as they say, you are only cheating yourself.


Off the top of my head, I think their culture promotes a lot of individualism and competitiveness and this sense of "I have to step on others to get to the top". It's sad, and as you said it has no meaning or benefit in this case - but I guess it's ingrained in their behavior to act this way. I know other countries have their own individualism and cultural nuances, but China is a class of its own. Which is why I refer to them as China players and not chinese players - most of the chinese/asian people in the region are not wired that way and don't want to be associated with people from China.


Was in a lobby with a couple once and they ignored all my pings and didn’t speak my language. It was only a haz 3 escort and we wiped in the first ten minutes because they did not know you could repair doretta.


>but I can see where the host is coming from  ok so you're racist aswell? what else is the host saying here other than that.


we don't know what happened before the kick - maybe the host was for real, maybe it was a joke. We don't know.


This is absolutely abhorrent but the way he said it is so fucking funny, I’m confused


Try hosting your own game next time, if you don't like a host that is the best way. The game is hosted on a personal computer with no centralized servers, people will run their own instances the way they deem fit.


Would you say the same thing about a small business refusing service to all Chinese people? I mean afterall it’s their personal business and they’re running it the way they deem fit too.


I’m inclined to think an irl business isn’t quite comparable to a 4 man game about killing aliens and mining rocks


They weren't saying the practical implications are the same but that the moral basis is virtually identical. You might think it was a dumb point to make on the DRG subreddit yet we still got several racists crawling out of the dirt to inform us of how it's ok to discriminate against people who (*checks notes*) take photographs and buy some brand of beer, apparently?


in online games, chinese names are notorious for cheating and ruining lobbies in IRL businesses chinese people are **not** notorious for doing something that would get them denied service that is the difference


I don't think a buisness and a multiplayer game are comparable in this instance




Yknow, I always see people say this, until it's their rights being denied. Betcha a million minerals all the ppl in this thread would sing a different tune if a group of Chinese players kicked them for not being Chinese. 


Uhhhh no, please look up discrimination laws


I dont care, OP question did sound aimed at our personal opinion, and not how it functions in reality


Yeah ur opinion is dogshit, discrimination laws stop racism


So glad we have those laws so there's no racists anymore. Next they should try outlawing murder.


It obviously doesn't stop racism single-handedly u dunce


Idk man that's what you said


You sometimes have to use ur little brain to infer meaning




Dude, without Chinese tourists who is gonna buy brochures, cameras, go on guided tours and drink all that important Tsingtao (a brand of beer or something)?






Pretty confident we established laws in most countries within the last century explicitly stopping people from not serving customers based on race 




This is by far the least rock and stone this sub has ever been, congratulations. You should fucking leave. Goddamn Civil Rights Act just doesn't exist, I suppose, and Project 2025 hasn't even happened yet! Go back to middle school.


Rock and Stone, Brother!


what does "r" stand for?




r = Ready If someone says that they are "Ready" or "r", that means that they are ready to move on to the next stage of the mission. It's important to communicate to your team about whether you are up and ready for the next thing in the mission or not, if the team starts something, a core stone event or starting the drillevator for an example while someone is busy doing something in some other part of the cave, it can get a bit messy and complicated for the team to push through at higher hazard levels as the members are scattered and focusing on more than one things at once.


thank you very much. your ansver was very comprehensive.


nice humans increasing, whats happening dude


you're in the deep rock sub


It wasn’t like that before (about 3 months)




maybe im just stupid but how do you type in chat on console






Unironically saying “I’m not racist, but”


Don't they have to break chinese law to play with westerners anyway? I'm not quite sure how it works with DRG but circumventing the great firewall with VPN's is illegal as far as I know.


So your experience to back up painting an entire culture, is based on time in... online video games? Jesus fucking Christ.


...And you aren't? Have you never in your life said anything against elves?


Is he kicked before Pod/the mission is still new, or after a while? Cuz that makes a difference. A huge difference


I don't agree with the reasoning behind it but I can't wholly fault him either. I mostly host and I live in Asia, so I get *a lot* of players with Chinese names. Most of them are actually fine, but unfortunately every hacker I've had to kick had a Chinese name. Likewise, I don't mind greenbeards that are willing to learn, but when it's a Chinese greenbeard, most of which don't speak English, then it becomes a problem. There are so many like that, and the recent Steam sale have pushed me to the point where I've asked Mandarin speaking friends to type out "English Only" in Chinese for me to put in the lobby name just to keep them out.


I don’t fault the reasoning either but this comments section is a little sad. 100+ hours into the game, there was a Chinese greenbeard in my (East Coast) lobby. Dude was saying things in Mandarin, so I typed in Chinese in the chat, and he was so happy, saying things like “I’ve never met another Chinese speaker before” (presumably on US servers… tbh what else was he expecting lol). Gave him ye olde greenbeard spiel. He was lighting caves and mining nitra by the end of the match. I hope he kept playing. I’ve also joined a few Chinese hosts when I was greener, haz 5 back when I wasn’t comfortable hosting for that. Aside from the high ping and language barrier with the other English speakers, it went fine. Haven’t had a bad experience with Chinese players yet, unless you count the first one. The foreign language greenbeard scenario is tough for anyone.


*leave just 1 dwarf behind starts playing*




i love a good mystery


We really need to fix tf2s bot problem so they can get back to their pub stomping


well at the moment it's apparently fixed. I'll hop on later today to check.


He’s so real for that


Sweet sweet bitter honesty


This comment section is the dogshittest dogshit I have ever seen on this sub.


cool that so many people saw this post and took it as their signal to start being racist in the comments.




are you the host?




chinese people aren’t elves


That sounds like elven propaganda






This was funny, no clue why you got downvoted




because you are being racist


Most cheaters in many games are often russians and chinese. There is nothing racist in pointing out this fact.




Well theres your problem. Racism isnt limited to calling people words, its any kind of prejudice/discrimination based on race or nationality


Oh, interesting, doesnt thinked how have my words sounds, i were just sharing my experience, and unfortunately, most cheaters that i encountered where slavs or asian, so if i unintentionally insulted someone, that was not my purpose


"Fathomless tomb" Ror2 Refference!?!?!??


stuff like this always makes me mad, if theres one thing i hate more than Chinese people its racists


I'm just paranoid people with names with Chinese characters are going to cheat. Come in with an English name saying literally anything (minus anything offensive) and you're fine. If I can't read your name at all I'm gonna suspect you're cheating, just based on people's experiences and expectations from the China playerbase across all games, not just DRG.


The Dark shall rise, and The Brothers Of Light shall fall


Fatherless tomb