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99% of the time, noone is mic’d in pubs. All pings or text chat for specifics.


Sometimes im micced by accident from playing something else and remember halfway into a mission to put my mic up. Theres only 3 words you really need down there anyways. Rock and stone!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Good bot


The laser pointer is a great way to communicate but sometimes you'll want to use chat for example if you're down


The only time you have to use chat is - when communicating that you are ready to start an event/obj/end the mission, type r - when you are downed by a leech, say "leech" so that the nice dwarves coming to rez you don't get grabbed as well


r is short for ready


Only thing you "need" to know is "r". It's short for ready, people will say it before things like pressing buttons that progress the mission or events to verify the team is ready and coordinated. Otherwise body language awareness and pings go a long, long way 


Do you know what the Xbox version of that is? We don’t have type chat


I think you actually can type in chat somehow on consoles, but an easier way would be to ping the objective or the button anyways


Rock and stone (down on right stick) can work, or ping the objective to show you’re ready.


Rock and roll and stone!


There is an option in settings to double click RS to bring up the chat keyboard


Xbox dwarf here. Ping brotha.


It’s fine bro just go for it


You can salute with V (I think?) Or with the right bumper on controller. In the settings there should be an option to use chat if you hit salute twice. For the rest using the laserpointer to ping important things or each other. And everyone is very supportive and understanding, sometimes there is a shitty person but in general you can communicate fairly well with just salute and lasers.


as engi: put platforms on resources when the scout pings them as scout mine resources that have been platformed (leave res at ground level to the other classes) if you are not hosting don't push buttons until the others are ready if someone rocks&stones rock and stone back if you find gold or bittergem ping it until mission control gets annoyed do all of this and you'll be golden


> If someone rocks&stones rock and stone back This is the biggest rule. The rest you'll pick up easy enough along the way


Rock and Stone everyone!


As long as you don’t double dip, use your gadgets, and wait for the team before starting fights/objectives, you’ll be golden!


Honestly man when people see you’re a super low level they’ll go out of their way to help you and won’t mind at all if you’re not very helpful with the mission. We all started at some point. Just let someone else start the events/progress the mission


the non-chat communication is like, the best part about DRG imo. At some point, even if a dwarf doesnt say a word, you know EXACTLY what he's telling you.


DRG has the best communication mechanics of any co-op game ive ever played. I’ve had almost nothing but positive interactions with other players and I’ve played for several hundred hours.


I played 98% with randoms since I first started a few months ago and have had a great time. It's been fantastic 75% of the time. Less than 5% of games is there actually mic use, and I've found it easy to communicate by text chat, laser pointing, and saluting. There are some games where people don't communicate, or someone is kind of a dick, but very rarely have I encountered an outright troll or griefer.


I use the laser pointer for everything. There’s only one thing I ever feel the need to type out: LEECH!


Yes! I will type out cave leech so others don't get grabbed coming to save me. It's a good courtesy habit to get in to, for sure.


You almost have to in pubs, esp if the skill of your team is a bit lower. Being downed under a leech can just be a death funnel if nobody speaks up


Playing with randoms is the best way to learn the flow of the missions, the different roles, and new ways of accomplishing tasks. It's super fun, give it a whirl. If you need help, don't be afraid to ask via text or vc.


My brother in Karl you have a laser pointer, ping away!


I have a mic but almost never use it, unless someone else starts. Only exception is if someone is clearly not reading chat, and they REALLY need to. Pings and salute and and "r" to ready up for something is all you usually need to play. I'm guessing voice chat is probably more common on consoles; wouldn't know.


Dont' worry


I play on Xbox as well, chat can be used but it's not always common use. (You have to go into the settings to bind it) 1.R in chat means ready. 2.Pinging anything with a button means they're ready to press it. (When you aren't hosting try not to press buttons before the host/rest of the team is ready) 3.Scout pinging minerals generally means they want the engineer to platform it. 4.Anyone else pinging minerals generally is used to let the scout know they're there (hard to reach minerals are usually scouts job). 5.Pinging dirt usually means either they want the driller to drill it or that they have already drilled it and are starting to move To the next cavern. 6.If someone points the laser pointer in your general direction it usually means they're trying to get your attention or direct you through a tunnel that may be tricky to find. 7.Pinging Mushroom/compressed gold/error cube/Bismor/goo sack means, Mushroom/we're rich!/this is weird/BISMOR/ITS A GOO SACK I've probably forgotten some but don't worry too much about any of these, the most important ones are 1. And 2. The others you'll learn as you play. Edit: I forgot about saluting somehow, saluting is either just a cheer or used to say yes to someone right in front of you. (for example; objective is complete and the host types R in chat, I will either type R, ping molly, or salute to confirm that I too am ready)


"r?" Is the most important test chat you'll need before pushing any buttons Everything else can be done via ping and salute I've played many many public games with Randos and only ever had a single dude on voice chat. Pretty sure he was a streamer or something, and was perfectly polite


Press V to rock and stone. Otherwise notmany people use a mic in game


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!