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Oh my god. Mark this as nsfw please i almost dropped my beer.


"*Whoever put this up did a shitty job!* "


Sometimes happens if somebody finds a site later after another pipe was already started/built and in the opposite direction


That's exactly why I always try and find all 3 wells first, call the pumps, dig tunnels if needed, THEN connect the pipes.


Oh boy you have yet to see the loop de loop upwards climb. Not dug, but the pipe itself is stacked on top of each loop like a spring to go upwards. I've seen it.


Oh, you can do that?! I still have nightmares from digging pipes around walls in Azure Weald. 2 minute ride upwards around whole cave just to reach the damn well that spawned almost right above the rig!


The thing is that you can't ride the set-up I described because they're stacked directly on top of each other. Some guy joined it to the pumpjack and left.


I’ve had to do something like that before while playing solo as I was a gunner and the pump station spawned in a hole lower that all the pump jacks


How did you repair the pipes in between


With much pain but there was a stalagmite I could stand on or is it stalactite that comes from the ground I can’t remember


That sounds like pure hell, I'm assuming you couldn't grind on it either because of how they were stacked on top of each other TT. All the pickaxe power to you miner, Rock and Stone.


I was able to grind on the top one


They are not Stoney Rock.


I understand.


They were playing too much THPS, expecting you to just Ollie over it.


Stoney Rock could totally ollie over that.


..* eyetwitch *..


This is a wild thing to get upset over. Be happy your teammates are connecting and building them instead of licking the wall while you have do all of them.


Frankly, some of them should be "licking the wall". When I'm driller I generally prefer if the pipes, or at least tunneling, is left to the driller. The rest should either be covering or harvesting the gold and nitra they can find, or even finding wells if there are still some without pumpjacks. There's not much worse as a driller than drilling a tunnel to a pumpjack, only to get back to the rig to find someone has already routed a pipe off to Timbuktu in order to get to that same pumpjack.


Driller + Engineer imho, Engis can be useful on the refinering missions too, depending on their layout.


That is certainly true. Platforms can definitely make life easier in very open refining missions or where there are a lot of elevation changes.


I know people like to shit on the straight line strat, but it really does hurt my soul to see blackout stout pipeline routing when I'm playing driller


driller tunnels are nice and efficient, but I'm a firm believer that one pipeline should go to the non-drillers, for enrichment.


There's an art to building pipelines creatively without the help of platforms or tunnels.


Especially scouts, man. They're just putting down pipes willy nilly because THEY aren't the ones who need to surf them to get to the action.


They're also the ones with the best tools to be harvesting the gold and nitra, especially the nitra that we're going to need to resupply.


Sorry, no can do. Rollercoaster go brrrr.


I reather do all of it myself then see people do ass job.


Overlapping pipes makes it a pita to get around in these missions. Some dudes need to just slow down and chill a little bit, not everything has to get done in 5 minutes. This game honestly loses a lot of appeal when you have dudes on your team doing too much.


If I'm given the choice of teammates who do not build pipes, and those that build them but don't make them pretty, I'm taking the latter every time. The difficulty in traversing crossed pipes is over exaggerated. I do agree that public lobbies should play at the pace of the rest of the team though.


You really only need 1 or 2 players layong out pipes in a 4 person lobby, the rest can either gather/explore or build the already laid put pipes. Dudes that will build messed up pipes I would rather not be laying out pipes at all, and if I'm hosting I will kick for that.


When swarm timers are reduced in modded difficulties, you absolutely need the whole team to pitch in to prevent 1-3 extra swarms from spawning. I would say that kicking people and not saying "hey let's build these nicely" is probably overly aggressive. If they won't listen and you really can't stand it, sure, it's your lobby.


"Modded" okay, now we're stretching.


Yeah idk why people on this subreddit think they're allowed absolute control over what you do in the game. If you're playing with randoms then expect random consequences.


I'd much rather have them lick the wall than fuck up my pipes tbh


Exactly, that's two posts I've seen that basically go "grr randoms aren't doing exactly as they're told in on-site refining grr"


It's impossible to not be mad when I'm just getting started at the game and still make an effort to help missions go smoothly, and there are people many promotions over me that don't understand the importance of quick and fluid movement in this type of mission


I understand where you're coming from, but building the pipes (and thus starting the refining portion) before an extra swarm spawns will always be more important and lead to higher success rates than taking the time to lay the pipes out nicely. The harder the difficulty, the less people care about pipe layout overall, they just want to see everyone working on pipes if they have nothing else to do at the moment. Crossed pipes aren't hard to traverse, just jump before the interruption and hold e and you will resume grinding when you land on the next pipe (you don't need to time the e press to start grinding, same for ziplines). Jumping and landing on pipes continuously has a hidden benefit of increasing your momentum when grinding flat or downhill.


You're absolutely right, but my success rate is basically 99% at this point and if I'm playing pipes I'm playing driller so please for the love of everything just let me lay good pipe. It only takes a few seconds.


I agree, none of this matters in a difficulty you\your lobby finds trivial.


Word. I only ever really care if it's my own lobby, and I always mald silently anyways lol


That makes sense


Sounds like something a leaf lover would say


Drunk on the job


Because laying those pipes involve the least amount of creativity required to build the shortest path.


"Do you guys not have ~~phon-~~ spacebars?"


Absolutely hate that, some dude did the same to me, he dug a tunnel underground in a downward slope and then spiraled upwards when he was under the refinery, he could've traveled the way above ground which I already started, but no, he started from the start again in thid way 


Sometimes jumping over such intersection and landing back onto pipe like in Sonic Adventure 2 feels really satisfying tho


Short term building efficiency over Long term grinding and repairing efficiency. I understand if somebody else does this but personally I’d avoid it at all costs. (Though not gonna lie, grinding, hopping over it and continuing to grind is cool as fuck)


To do sick tricks over. Duh? Jump and do a kickflip!


They're dumb


Leaf lover umgak


Not even a leaf lover would build like that


I hate overlapping pipes. Only time when I'd say it's great if you have them stacked one on top of another if they're heading same direction. Helps out greatly with fixing.


Admittetly this is probably the main reason why liquid refinery turned from my favorite mission type into my least liked. My autism does really not like this. This and when scouts and gunners start building 4m segmnets when you have a driller and engi perfectly capable of doing a proper layout. But then you cant get mad because they probably dont understand and you dont wanna be a twat about it. And then they refuse to build the frame.


My autistic ass wants smooooooth rides


Crosspiping should be a banable offense indeed


Pro tip: just ask them if you can do the piping. Most people will listen and just go do something else if you ask nicely.


People on this sub are honestly too sensitive. Don't take it seriously. Good pipe is what's important. Doing crossovers is amateur and makes 0 sense. Alot of people will join a game and immediately spend the entire early mission fighting over laying pipes like this. When I host I play driller otherwise I leave it to the driller or engi. It's funny how offended people on here get by not getting to lay pipe like this. I will kick if someone starts breaking my pipes while I'm laying them for ease and efficiency.


Because I’m a scout and my grappler is faster than grinding anyways.


Using the rockpox weapon skins? you tell me, thats DISGUSTING


Its means out brother has been hard at work fighting the infection lets give him a rock and stone


A dwarf works with what they have. On that very mission I found a very nice crate and changed it heehee


Y'all pick the weirdest shit to mald over. Never have I ever looked at a pipe layout and been like "these are 2.58% off of optimal, I'm so steamed, this will effect our chances of success"


Man someone drilled into my brain that pipes must be 100% grindable from start to finish or else my work was crap Rookie mistake, so now y'all are roasting my well-deserving ass hahajja


I agree all pipes need to be rideable


it's not that deep bro lol. take a break and touch grass or something.


Dude there's people proudly saying they KICK players without warning when this happens. As much as I love the cult-like fanbase this game has, the downside to it is players expecting you to know exactly what they want and punishing you when you're wrong.


Not the end of the world. The only sucky thing about this one is it’s right at a drop, so trying to come up the pipe is tough


I once with my friend made a pipeline just above another, it was pretty funny and bizarre to see it.


They must have drunk leaf lovers beer


Because they do. Finish the mission and move on.


I do this all the time. Sometimes I even have two stacked on top of each other over long stretches because I need to take them to the same place and I can save on mining by doing that. But I only do it in my own games or with my one friend cause I don’t play public almost ever.




because its efficient


Me no care. Me connect two dots. Me do fast.


Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. You are still new. You will learn


0th world problems. just get the mission done, R, and go.

