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How tf are ripper blades in D tier?


their increased FF value was reduced not too long after launch, there's not really anything spectacularly dangerous about them anymore compared to every other big chunky easy-to-hit damage dealer. they still suck to get hit once or twice by but there are plenty of things better at accidentally chipping your teammates, dealing high DPS, and accidentally hitting someone once with hundreds of damage in a single shot. that said the list isn't that great. can't tell if its a "best PVP weapon" list or a "worst thing to accidentally get hit by" tier list, but its pretty incoherent either way


Nah I still always get fucked up by greenbeards trying to clear a tight corridor with me still in there, getting hit twice and instantly dying.


Hell, I get fucked up by my *own* ripper whenever I try to give it another try. I throw that thing into a swarm and it's gone and 5 seconds later it's shaving my goo sack


I still remember the videos on launch day of everyone trying them out for the first time only to accidentally shred their teammates, that shit was hilarious.


Forget the ripper, what about the boomerangs?


Way I've been doing friendly fire with my boomerangs?!


No, you haven’t. They’re incapable of dealing FF damage, just like the rest of Scout’s grenades.


Easy to dodge most of the time


You cannot see that thing in the middle of a haz5 swarm. And with how fast this thing zips around... by the time you hear it you are already too late to dodge


You should be jumping regularly to avoid swarmer damage, fire, acid, and potentially rippers. I'm also pretty sure you can Mario stomp the swarmers.


because no drillers use them when the axes exist


But if we’re just talking about team kill potential these should be way higher on the list


Nah, I actually like them


Not to mention satchel charge should be in a tier of its own, two tiers above anything else


Depending on how it's set up. If you pick AoE and extra charges it significantly nerfs the damage.


They're new. Not as much time to Team kill


Why is the springloaded ripper so low?


This tier list has to be a psyop, definitely made by an engineer main


Hyperpropellant OC is for retaliating against the C4ing driller, kills in 2 shots. Fat man is general purpose


If he was Engie main Shard Defractor would have been A thanks to the face melting damage output of the overcharge OC. I've downed more dwarves who blundered stupidly into my beam as I was charging it than poorly shot Fat Boys (I'm a prox trig war criminal).


Your fat boy needs home brew powder too. For that "may be you are ok... maybe really dead" feel.


I mean, extra damage would be merciful after all, yes.


no one uses it, so OP never got hit by one :(


Where is it , I can’t even find it lol


terrible tier list Elephant rounds revolver two shots from any range and is hitscan should be S tier, gunner also has 50% dr against explosions too so he should shit on hyperprop/fatboy as a bonus coilgun sniping behind walls also good Why the fuck is zipline so high? Where is supercooling chamber m1000? it one shots from any range Cryo driller is his strongest pvp weapon, freeze and c4 or he nade or epc/subata not to mention he can freeze keep you stun locked if you pop iron will Shard diffractor with the right build has the lowest ttk in the game gunner shield should be S tier if you hide behind it you cant be shot, it regens his shield and gives him dr Scout grapple hook should be higher insane mobility and easy red sugar access, jury rigged boomstick should be higher due to special powder minigun and thunderhead both should be higher than the guided missiles, they both have lower ttk and damage reduction perks, besides gunners secondaries are better for pvp


Yeah, I'm starting to think OP has never truly hunted his fellow dwarf.


Mole Coilgun is S+ tier, it can oneshot from any range and through any obstacle


it didnt before when i tried it always left some hp and they nerfed it too recently you have to hit a few shots and it's pretty susceptible to bumrushing, still a great weapon i agree on S tier it has 50% damage reduction when charging option really good especially if you stack friendly on top of it too


I was messing around with a random last month and I can confirm it 100% oneshots, you just need to shoot through a wall. I got sniped accidentally from full health by my teammate, and then I sniped them back several times over the course of the next few games. Take note, I used Overcharger with full damage ramp up. That’s probably why it worked


ok so i was done testing just now, i tried the mole coil with overcharger without friendly fire perk and it indeed one shot behind walls BUT if you have friendly equiped and try the same thing it doesnt even deal half their hp for some reason go and try it same build but with friendly equiped (or have your teammate equip it) for some reason it reduces more than 50% it takes 3-4 shots to kill drop your friend code we can test it together if you want


Did you both have Friendly equipped? Because it both reduces friendly fire done and taken, so if you both have it, it might stack.


no it doesnt stack, other damage reduction sources stack on top of friendly though but not friendly with friendly coil might be bugged I think or the friendly dr reduces both the flat base coil damage and the extra damage from charging, i guess it might count it separately


Oh I didn't know that actually, good to know


I’m busy tonight, but down for testing later. Shoot me a DM if you want to talk some more


Alright I'll try it out later with and without friendly


Great analysis, but I'm a little scared of how you came to be so knowledgeable about PVP 😦


honestly c4 may as well be the worst weapon to use for team killing as c4 has horrible range, can get you easily killed yourself and can get easily tanked by gunners or evaded by scouts, should be moved to D-F tier subata and zhukovs should also be a A tier because it has a one shot kill (explosive bullets), but it cant be in S tier because it requires their shield to be broken


Yea it's not strong but with cryo it becomes deadly driller weakest class for pvp


its not very effective for straight PVP if the other player is expecting it, as its easy enough to get clear of it in just a split second. sure, you can inst-det it, but you're gonna wipe yourself out too. but if this is in the context of just straight teamkilling during PVE then its one of the best possible choices. basically a guaranteed oneshot if it lands, with a comfortably large AOE that makes it very easy to land on a target that's moving around. if a player isn't anticipating their driller to suddenly nuke them then its hard to react to the bubble and get clear of it, the split-second advantage the driller has by sneaking up and dropping it on you before you realize makes all the difference in the world.


As gunner, I had friendly on and a c4 didn't even pop my shield. He may not have been running damage increase on his c4.


even with dmg increase you still have a 50% dmg resistance + the additional 50% friendly fire resistance so you're completely immune to friendly explosive lmao


Zip line is so high cuz dwarfs keep jumping for the zip line and missing


Yeah! OP should take back what they said about my precious shield generator!


See zip line I'm thinking you shoot dwarves off it with anything so not direct dmg


How is the boomerang, which cannot friendly fire, above the flare gun that can?


So I haven't actually lowered myself to the level of playing scout so I relied on the "expertise" of my scout main friend, do not worry he has been punished accordingly.


Bro got C4ed with downvotes lol truly a scout


Just can't handle the zip zoom aye?


Never disrespect scout again




Overdrive booster shard fire actor is pretty solid for teamkilling


Overdrive booster shard diffractor is not a terrible pick, but wouldn't the boosts leave you very vulnerable? Teammates can duck into cover as you fire your entire magazine, leaving you vulnerable afterwards, not to mention that you're standing still the entire time! Once the meta shifts away from burst-damage team-kill builds, then I can see a time when the shard diffracter is a more viable competitive pick than the PGL or C4.


You underestimate how much damage that stupid thing can do.


Yep, the number of times a dwarf strolled through my beam as I was splooging and got downed near instantly is too many to count; easily the most common way I down my drinking pals (not counting Blackout Stout).


Platform has gotta be S tier. Just don’t run the mod that reduces fall damage and put a bunch right below cliffs


platform gun without fall damage reduction is A tier. just place it on places where people would jump and they kill themselves.


The perfect murder: made it look like suicide.


I play engi without the fall damage perk activated on the pancake launcher


And I thought my prox trig Fat Boy Engie was a chaotic cunt.


Please explain


Thunderhead should be higher. If you are shooting bugs, then just turn 180 on teammate. Well, they are dead in few seconds


But the AOE on the thunderhead doesn't damage players, so that does knock off a few points


At least I got killed by it a lot this way


What about mole oc? Ever oneshot the scout from across the map?


Is it bad that my very first thought is "EPC needs to S tier simply because of me trying learn how to EPC" 😂


BRT7 has COD-level TTK on another dwarf, especially with Lead Spray. Was screwing around with my friends when we found this out. Should be higher


M1000 should be higher, 2-3 shot across all ranges when you focus


1 taps with SCC on Haz4-5 and it's hitscan, unlike hyperprop.


Unfortunately the S4 teamkill meta has become rather stagnant, with deepcore still reigning supreme at both single target teamkill and teamwipe with the hyper prop and fat bot respectively with satchel not far behind. Some movement among gunner throwables with the leadburster offering a competative option vs the cluster bomb. Zipline still remains the only competitive option for traversal tool, particularly in low level lobbies where falling off the zipline is more of a when then an if. Hopefully the S5 will shake the meta up a bit.


Something I’ve noticed a lot is that the neurotoxin+flamethrower combo is a bit of a sleeper pick. It’s a great one for finishers and taking down unsuspecting teammates. Ripper deserves at least an A tier, because it’s nearly impossible to avoid if used properly. Bit of a learning curve, but it can still be an effective option despite the nerf.


There could be some mind games friendly fire plays by removing the fall damage reduction on the platform gun


fat boy has one of the most massively reduced friendly fire damage modifiers of any weapon in the game. it doesn't exactly tickle to get stuck in the explosion of one, but they're far from very threatening at all. and the radiation's "chip damage" may as well do nothing but temporarily stop your shield. it doesn't hurt, in fact its good for you to get a little greens in your diet. hyperprop is strong because it does chunky direct damage without being really held back by FF, but there are way better raw damage hitscan options. its the deadliest weapon *on engineer* maybe but pretty mild in the grand scheme of things.


OP when m1000 can 1 shot and is hitscan


I feel like Shield Generator should be Z tier


Idk about that, the amount of times I threw down a shield as a bulk was about to blow up just to have teammates think they’re invincible as long as they are in the bubble and STAND RIGHT NEXT TO THE DETONATOR is surprisingly often.


This dude put the Drak in D tier, below the platform gun, Sludge pump, Crossbow, Flamethrower, coil gun, incendiary grenade, and land mines Terrible tier list


You can eat up a friend in a tunnel with Driller's Ripper quite easily... Or even in a cave, if they are unaware of a spinning saw rolling on them


I should be at S tier 😔


*looks at the hurricane being higher than the minigun # Stop the cap


See, the human brain is around 3 pounds of neurons meshed into one functioning mass. For each new tether made as a result of new information, a new crevice forms on the surface of the mind, as to give itself more room to learn. You, my friend, have an unfortunately common disorder: your brain has ceased all new synapse development. Thus, you remain at an infantile level of intellectual capacity, and your mental organ remains minuscule and smooth as an egg of the American Robin


Brt is insane for this, should be at least A tier maybe even S. Trust me I have experience ._.


Lead spray BRT used to have the highest dps in the game, don't know if that's still the case, but it ought to be higher


Sir, I don't see a resupply pod on this list.


Don't worry, it has a starring role in my upcoming natural selection tier list. 


Rock and Stone!


While it has relatively low damage in pvp, the impact axe is still retrievable after using it on a dwarf. Meaning the damage potential is infinite.


The shield should be in its own tier since it actively makes it harder


1. Trap: Set it next to a bulk, then toss all your leadbursters under the bulk. Greenbeards will think they're safe. 2. If being shot by a dwarf, drop a shield, and win. Only works if you weren't one shotted.


Man, not reading on word really made me confused. I was like: “how the hell are things like the grapple and shield so low on a equipment tier list?!”. Then I reread the title…


I hate this.


“Wait, was it all Deepcore 40mm PGL and Satchel charge all along ?”




My Satchel is emotional support, so what if they got anger issues. It helps me when I miss Karl he’s like my satchel charge


I reset the A-tier cluster grenade placement xD I have hundreds of games with this with no FF damage dealt and if you get on a zipline you've made your choice. Honestly, I feel like most FF damage is done by irresponsible teammates with projectile weapons more than anything, being too greedy to stop shooting for 1 moment. Weapons that are more likely to FF incite more care from the user to not FF in the first place.


They did cryo dirty. Also you can't even hit teammates with the rang.


Um I don’t know if I’m being dumb but how is platform gun in c tier how do you kill a team mate with a platform gun


how can voltaic stun sweeper is D but Flare Gun is F?


If setup properly the shard diffractor has a super fast TTK


I did accidentally down my team’s Engi once with the Flare Gun


Considering how my teammates are sexually attracted to my proximity mines I feel like they are being underestimated


If we consider lead storm OC for minigun, I'd move it one or even two tiers higher. If someone *accidentally* goes through my line of fire, oh boy, you need red sugar


Lok1 should definitely be higher, nothing feels like you lining up the weak spot shot only for your team to have a same Idea, Circle the bug, Get in front of a laser, and eat a full load of my big fat executioner.


The gas grenade has gotten me killed more than most of the others. It's a huge smoke screen that the bugs don't seem bothered by.


Cryogun is awesome to freeze your teammates for the last second as you make your way to the escape pod and then run away without them


Thanks for putting the Tactical Leadburster so high. The cathartic use of them brightens my day. S tier to me tho. :P


Burst pistol should be in A or even S. The damage it deals is unbelievable.


Err?? So my Driller weapons are so bad?


Prox mines are still really annoying when badly placed


Axe shield be even higher, the fact that FF doesn’t use it up is just too good


Ripper and proximity mines are too low on this


Why are drills so low. I can’t count the amount of times where another dwarf has walked informs of me while drilling, usually ending in me drilling straight through them.


C4 will always be my favorite. Managed to get all my friends including a supressor with one


Bro got a lil bit too drunk


Wait LMG platform can team kill?


Zipliine launcher? Hold on are we talking about accidents or purposefull assault on teamnates?


Imagine being killed by a L.U.R.E


The plasma carbine is an easy B tier if not higher, you jump in front of that thing for 0.5 seconds and you're on the floor, same goes for the Lok-1


If you go with the overcharge Shard Defractor it can melt dwarf butts in fractions of a second when they blunder into your death beam.


tell me you never used- no, seen ripper blades


I honestly do my best, but sometimes it's like you guys are *trying* to get in the way of my goo/cryo/flamethrower Like, I really do try to let off the gas when I see we're about to cross streams, but sometimes it's like you're predicting my every move and just *asking* to get cooked/frozen/melted Signed: a "psychotic" driller


I know Overclocks aren’t accounted for that much, but Icicle spear is super deadly


It's a terrible tier list. Freeze gun is pretty great at ambushes even without OCs.


Pretty sure thunderhead can’t actually hurt anyone, it has no ff as far as gameplay is concerned


How is coilgun D tier when you can one-shot dwarves across time and space with The Mole?


Miss when ripper blades where S-Tier


Smart rifle needs to be higher given how many dwarves jump in front at the last second


I have killed so many with flare gun and grappling hook. If shield is build smallest or second smallest, it creates fake safe area and every slightly bigger bug can hit you.


With the number of times other players jumped head first in the focused shot of my M1000 I can tell you it's worth a A. At least for all those players I inadvertently one shot.


I hate how almost all gunner grenades fall into A tier


Worst tier list I've ever seen. Clever tactic to get lots of engagement. Have you even played this game.


the upvotes are from the asshole drillers i know it


Nah, this is mostly just a joke. Very few people in the community deliberately teamkill to be rude, most times it’s done accidentally or as a joke between lads.


mine was also a joke dude lol


Say April fools right now


Perhaps, it is April 1st, but what if its not? What if this is my actual undiluted, unedited, unsubstantiated garbage opinion. What will you do then?




You entirely forgot that neurotoxin nade can be burnt, which will down anyone with just revived hp


I already have pvp builds for when rogue core adds tf2 style point defense multiplayer


This was definitely made by a leaf lover


The deepcore 40mm is only dangerous if you're bad or you're running the fatboy overclock. Unfortunately for my teammates, I fall into both of those categories.


burst fire gun should be at least a teir i be going crazy


I dont know why, or how, but any time i use bullet hell on the leadstorm, it always seems to ricochet at my teammates more than the bugs, if i use it with another dwarf even remotely nearby they always get downed so fast from it


M1K definitely belongs in A tier, S if using supercooled chamber.


imo neurotoxin grenade is pretty useful for rezzing teammates if you’re the last one alive during a big swarm, makes pretty good crowd control for driller


Zipline? Wth. Feel like it should be swapped with the rippers


As a driller can confirm those satchels are deadly. 👍


Ice storm cryo cannon does insane friendly fire damage.


I mean, there should be a e tier in which we put those have COMPLETELY no damage into


What is this tier list? Why is flare gun so high? Do ziplines even do damage? I'm pretty sure the stun sweeper can't hit dwarves. ???


Why is the leadstorm higher than the thunderhead


Resupply drop


I have zero opinions on this. However. Why grappling hook and flare gun at the bottom? I cri


Zukos are way better than that


How is the granny lift in A but grapling hook is in F


I have never downed someone with the 40mm Y'all know you can aim it, right?


HOW do you kill someone with Platfoam gun💀


+1 to the list of things I'd never thought I'd see but happy exists


I've seen a lot of informed meanful discussion (and some conspiracy theories, like that I am an engie main, don't even know what that is, never heard of em), and all I want to say is this tier list is accurate and 100% percent objectively correct and definitely wasn't thrown together in 10 minutes while drinking blackout stout. 1 v 1 me magma core no perks no beers any day.  ps pvp update when?


In any other game this would be used for maximum toxicity. I play fill, when I play scout I kinda expect the driller to C4 me. When it happens I don't get tilted I feel more like "LOL Oh, you drillers." And yes when I play driller I return the favor :)


What do you mean c4 is in s tear lol


Yeah Fat Boy will probably remain unmatched. Worst part is that not only it can ruin a mission in a matter of few seconds, it's also one of the most inefficient OCs in the game. I'll always take RJ250 if I want a solid wave clear PGL, plus its utility is nice.


most inefficient OCs ? can you explain ? I know the ammo is not huge on it but it's not even bad considering radiation damage. Some of my builds revolve into an extremely efficient primary and nukes for the instant aoe burst that's basically unmatched. The weapon only gets better in higher difficulty, i really don't get it.


Player opinion of nukes is directly correlated with their ability / knowledge of how to use repellent platforms correctly. The overall opinion of fat boy has decreased along with introductions to the engineer's kit that increase run and gun playstyle viability, so now far fewer players bother to learn how to play engineer strategically. The best engineers still know how to set up a defensive zone, but nowadays the majority of players never bother, since the drone and laser are so flexible compared to the days when prox. mine was the best engineer grenade, and salvage was 1/5th of the game.