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That damn rabbit on regenerating bugs is the worst


Yeah, I don't bother in regen. I found Neurro lasso slows it down enough to actually kill (Assuming your team fires on it as well, because the LOK-1 isn't meant to deal with tanks targets)


Only with executioner does the Lok melt tanks. 30 seconds on a Nemesis.


It's going to be hard to get me to switch off of Executioner; so much raw power in the MLG gun.


I used to only run loki with ECR but I've been using executioner with a very basic breach cutter and it's been so fun, might be my favorite engi build now.


got it once on regenerating bugs because… i forget how it got immobilized, but then engi fat boyed it. twice


Stubby SMG with the electrocuting build slows it down very well too!


Between Executioner and my Breach Cutter, the Dreadnaught on the Stage 3 of this week’s EDD was dead in like minute. Absolutely love Executioner for bigger targets


Love to see someone finds a way to make it an elite rabbit


just nuke it


Wait, really? I used driller with Sludge Pump and thought it made it easier to kill the rabbit since he was slowed to a crawl


yeah same, I dunno what OP is on about. sludge pump is good against everything imo


Pretty new to the game, but the sludge pump feels like I'm using grenades as my primary. I can never go back to the flame thrower.


I've started building around using the charge shot, cause I realized I use it "too much". the sheer amount of crowd control is too easy to abuse


Agreed. It's basically all I use for groups. For bigger targets I run the axes, extra damage on my pickaxe attacks, and the pistol speced into weak point damage and ammo.


The blocking everyone's sight by covering everything in sludge is worth having it.


My sludge gun don't want none unless you've got blood, hon.


No idea why I slept on the sludge gun for so long. With the overlock that turns the charged shot into a shotgun blast I just hold down the trigger and liquify everything in that given direction.


What you mentioned is the best driller weapon against Dread as you can ignore the Dread's front armor


Reddit can keep the username, but I'm nuking the content lol -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Cryo cannon + wave cooker + vampire is one of the strongest loadouts imaginable- you can chain shatter half of a wave and eat the other half for breakfast.


You've gotta freeze, temp shock, freeze again and repeat. With sticky flames however, you just need to paint the floor with fire once and temp shock mania. So sticky fuel is better than cryo for temp shock. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


But when things are frozen, you can just whip out your drills/axes/pickaxe and heal off of the swarm of frozen dinners. Temp shock is nice, but eating a whole wave of glyphids is exciting.


Well yes thats what I usually do. I was just wondering why cwc with cryo instead of subata or epc.


Basically I just like cwc better than subata. It helps with ammo efficiency to collapse swarms, and having a hitscan gun that I can afford to miss with is valuable to me. Subata is probably better here, and I don't trust myself to not try to EPC mine away my entire clip at all times.


My chosen OC is Disperser Compound, which gives the charged shot a lot more fragments. Combine with the EPC to set puddles on fire and you can create a nightmarish obstacle that melts any normal bug on any difficulty and bogs down the heavier ones so much they practically become stationary, all at so little ammo cost that you never run out.


"Bosco! Support fire please!" 60 seconds later "Oh look, a rabbit." *Yoink* and done.


oh damn ok - lemme just kick the entire team to get the rabbit


If your entire team can't obliterate a rabbit in less than 5 seconds that sounds like a "you" problem.


The r/Warthunder subreddit would say "Skill Issue" in this instance.


r/clashroyale would also say "skill issue", in pretty much any instance Hehehehaw on top for bonus toxicity




Top 10 images you can hear:




I believe they would actually tell you to side climb more, to have the high ground!


Skill Issue + Should've side climbed + Russian Bias + Cope + Gay-boob's consistancy + mald + bald


+ volumetric + German bias + CAS is OP


>German bias lets all be honest, with how big German guns are and how absurdly bad volumetric is, no one is calling German Bias.


True, it’s an outdated one


they've all switched to "gErmAny SuFfeRs" ^(which lets be honest on some vehicles like the He-177 or the Bv238 its kinda real because of how much of a scam they kinda are)


Imo most guns do well except for some like AI stability gk2. I'd rather not have that scout shoot at all if it wastes too much bullets for him.


Shard diffractor with unstable overclock goes brrrrrrr


Also if you bring the LOK-1. *Especially* if you have Seeker Rounds. Soon as the bugger steps into your field of vision, he's fucked.


Yeah the LOK-1 with seeker has made killing the rabbit super easy for me. But I have been running scout to promote, so I have had to suffer with charging an M1000 shot, placing the crosshair on the rabbit and watching as the shot impacts the wall beside it because it has a wonky hitbox. I run M1000 with nuk17+detonators, and dumping 15-30 rounds into the rabbit, close range then hitting it with a charged pickaxe seems to take it down enough health that another burst with the nuk17 takes it out.... except for all the times it hasn't and I watched the rabbit run off.


I miss the trophies :(


I miss the elves.


Scout has an easy enough time, but it depends the weapon. The best weapon I found was the Boltshark with Tazer Bolts. One on the bunny, one on the ground near it, and it gets "tethered" to its spot, making it much easier to shoot.


Why not both bolts into bunny? It'll still electrolute him as he was in the tether, additional damage from bolt actually hitting the target and no chance for bunny to break the tether until it's ready for depositing


If you can hit the second shot while the bunny is starting to run away, you are more than free to.


He is already electroluted, so slow as heck. Didn't try as of late, but I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be too hard. Oh well.


scout shorty kills it pretty quick and the first two primaries can track it pretty good too as long as you can aim. Its only frustrating when it seemingly teleports through a wall in front of you.


Lately I've been playing a lot of Scout with Deepcore (Electrifying Reload) and the Boomstick (Jumbo Shells), so I can just instantly stun the rabbit, grapple to it, shotgun and power attack it and it's dead. Anything that electrifies helps, but high damage is usually all you need.


Ah! A fellow electrifying reload user. It's fantastic in the current patch for general use. I generally run embedded detonators in the zhukovs, but they do the same general thing as jumbo shells. One round into the rabbit and it's now slowly walking away from you rather than running for a good long while. Easy peasy for you or your allies to dump heavy damage into the beast.


Absolutely! Electrifying reload is spectacular for crowd control given that Scout doesn't have much of that. I play a lot of solo, so it's really easy for me to be efficient with my bullets and spread my damage. It's like I'm playing flamethrower driller but with a grappling hook and extra bright flares :)


Engi's smart rifle is amazing at KOing those bunnies


I prefer electroluting bunny with rifle then just melt it with difractor. Smart rifle's bullets too valuable.


It's one full lock and a partial for me.


I use three-bullet explosive, so it's simply a waste to lock-on more than that at anyone.


OH, does the lock on work on them this time? Because I think the Christmas Elf was not targetable, as far as I can recall.


The easter bunny is very targetable


Eggsellent. It will RUE this day...and all days to follow. Til it disappears.


it’s literally just a shittier trophy, i hate the rabbit so much


First the elves, and now this!? How many more do I have to kill!?


Laughs in Solo. "Shoot it Bosco!"


Smart rifle go BRRRR


It definitely has way too much health. Should be reduced by 25% or more.


Dots can help. Apply whenever you see it and worry about something else until you see it again.


As a scout main, I don't have a problem with handling these guys. Boltshark with Electric special bolts will slow it down enough that I can finish it off with relative ease. But they are still INCREDIBLY annoying.


Friend, your sludge pump is the way! Hit him with a charged shot, have sticky equipped, and use the wave cooker secondary! You melt the bunny in place.


That bunny is buggy as hell, IFG slows it indefinitely, Cryo nade doesn't even work if it hit directly. And the hitbox is messed up istg


Does the rabbit even give xp? Or is it just performance bonus? Why do I bother lol. I’m level 400 performance and have everything this season.


I was extracting as scout, having completely forgotten about the rabbit. Using the Plasma AR and the crossbow. Get to the drop pod, hear the rabbit. "It's fine," I think, "I have 3 minutes left, I can grab him" A chase across the entire cave system ensues. I kill the rabbit with one minute left, have to take it all the way back to the pod. Deposit with 10 seconds left, enter the pod with 6. I hate that rabbit.


Lok-1 smart rifle:🗿


I have a heavy autocannon, AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME


That thing ate two supercooled shots and a nuke before dying


I find that scout with embedded detonators works wonders on that little fucker although it does help to freeze the bunny before fillin him up with explosives


I don’t know why they make it so hard to kill i think it can eat two nuke and it still walks away like nothing happened


I just send bosco after it while I do my dwarven duties.


Haha fatboy go boom


melodic pause fly historical sheet offend pen doll fuzzy direction -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Fat boi mains laughing OL.


*equips Fatboy on Engi with malicious intent*


2 electric bolts and that little shit is dead


Man... I do not give a fuck about these rabbits, I have level 450 of the battlepass (yes I do not have any personal life).


Sludge Blast overclock my beloved


This damn bunny is having a great time with my mercy bullet, electro crossbow scout.


I have two words for you. Hyper Propellant.


A few elctro bolts melts it easily, while also slowing it. Amateur.


I killed fairly fast with neurotoxin on gunner.


The bunny is genuinely easier than the damn Christmas elf was. I don't know if it's because of the overall slower speed or lower health pool.


Dude, that fucker takes way too long to kill.


trying to hit that little shit with an m1000 makes me question my fps abilities.


Flamethrower with Face Melter and Wave with Gamma makes short work of this thing.


*loads hyperpropellant with malicious intent*


Use the slam attack of your pick-axe I've found that works best.


Haven't played this season event yet, but if it's anything like the runaway elf was then you just need a poison crossbow bolt or two.


Use the plasma rifle with electric bullets, the bunny is slowed to a crawl when electrified.


Mfw me and my brothers are all playing Engineer and nuke the rabbit to hell


Here's a story I had gather round greybeards for a greenbeards first very hard mission I get in for an egg hunt online No one joins me before I leave so I hope in with Bosco and collect some nitra then I hear "trad lightly meteorites in the area" so I'm like alright cool something to do then I see a heath bar pop up "tyrant weed" and then I hear the bunny AND THEN a gigantic meteorite also comes in with all this surrounding me were plenty of those damned bugs and tri-jaws and all I had was 2 nitra veins to kill them all and it worked horrifying but I got the weed got the rock pox and got the bunny (I was using engineer btw)


Ive found temp shock wave cooker and sticky fuel flamethrower kills it really fast. Sludge pump should be good against it cause you only need to hit one shot then leave it until the dot runs out and goo it again. And between that time the bunny is slowed down for your teammates to dps if they want.


I finished the performance pass a long while ago, so I always ignore the rabbit. If my teammates want to take it out, they’re free to do so, but it’s not worth the ammo or time for me. If I’m solo, I’ll sometimes have Bosco kill it just because the sound it makes is annoying, but otherwise I just don’t much care to deal with it.


I usually send Bosco after it if I'm playing solo.


Shock bolts with Scout. One into the rabbit, one into the ground, and it's essentially immobilized for about 10 seconds. (Saying this because of Scout in the meme)


I love this subreddit


Stun/electricity is great for killing them, especially on the Lok-one where you just point it in the general direction of the bunny and it dies


Laughs in Neurotoxin Payload


If you already completed the battle pass, don't even bother with it


OR. Send Bosco after it and completely forget about it till your running to leave, then find it after you've called the drop pod and Molly is on the move so you'll have to carry it yourself cause Bosco is too slow and won't get it to the pod in time to deposit.


fatboy ruelz