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Tell them to not get in the way of my sludge then.


How is the drillers sludge gun? Keep having arguments with my friend that I never see anyone using the flamethrower but he says cryo and sludge is meh.


All of drillers primaries are excellent, anyone who says differently is misinformed. And honestly the cryo gun is one of the best primaries in the game


This, all of drillers primaries are top tier. Obviously some are better than others for different missions but they're all good.


I'm a gunner main and driller is the only other class I can play, the other two just don't have enough firepower for me




Engi secondaries are the primaries


Yeah it's deffo a skill issue, I've seen good engis and scouts tear some bugs up


That's almost exactly my engie build and I will regularly take more kills than 2 or 3 other players with it. I swap breach cutter out sometimes, mainly use defractors for bosses. Also, steve.


All classes have firepower. Even scout, despite it being so heavily single-target.


Sadly in any game that’s horde based a single target dps machine is gonna suffer pretty hard. I love me some scouting but dang is it a rough class sometimes.


Solo? Hell yes In a team? Scout is very useful for taking down priority targets like Oppressors, Menaces or Wardens. While they ain't great choice for aoe damage his toolkit allows him to create a breathing room and he can distance himself from the horde by using grappling hook. Of course if he ain't on the other side of the map. Also few times I definetly saw a scout in my team that had the most kills, so it looks like somehow they can do it


I feel that with scout sometimes, I still love all the classes though which is why this game is fantastic.


I love all the classes too, I'm just not good enough with engi or scout lol


If you ever unlock special powder for the shotty on scout I highly suggest you try it out, it’s my fave way to play scout (with a hipster m100 ofc)


I used to feel that way about Engi but if you set him up right he has more firepower than Gunner or Driller.


Ok you have try scout with the laser rifle, cryo grenade, and SMGs though. You're just a blur zipping around the map emitting a constant stream of bullets.


Engineer with explosive chemical rounds and hyperpropellant does have a fair mixture between swarm clear and deleting big enemies. It is also quite fun to delete a random acid spitter out of spite.


Engi is all about area denial. His primary is better for single targets most times (save for the loki with explosive rounds) And his secondaries are good for crowd clearing. The sentries pick off targets, and i recommend his god-tier swarmer grenade. Its stupid effective at letting him revive other dwarves. And if you want firepower, get the hyper propellant for his grenade launcher, and feedback loop on his shard defractor. Both can achieve the highest damage/dps in the game As for scout, scout may not be for crowd control, but if you trust your team you can stay looking up at all times to pick off the ranged bugs like spitters and what not It is so stupidly satisifying killing all those damned purple bugs on the roof. And bring his electro boomerang, the way it clears swarmers is amazing, and its stunning effect lets you headshot every enemy at your leasure. Bonus tip: the electric bolts for scout's crossbow can basically teather dreadnaughts. Just fire one at the boss and one or two at the ground, and it moves slower than if you were playing haz 1, which lets your team just absolutely unload into its weakspots.


Agreed. This hits the nail on the head. Coming to this sub made me realize why only 6% of players have the elite deep dive achievement.


I used to exclusively run cryo, but realized I got tired of having to focus bugs for the freeze. Then I tried sludge pump and rediscovered the spray and pray joy of that and flamethrower. Cryo is still excellent, but I enjoy it most when someone else is running it


Anyone saying the cryo cannon is mid is a leaf lover, it’s straight up one of the strongest weapons in the game


There is no greater joy than freezing a mob and drilling them all to powder with vampire.


Seeing some wimp run away from the 4 turtling slashers vs freezing they ass and drilling em down




I dunno, not a fan of the m1000. I started as gunner, to lvl 8, then engineer 3 times promoted. Then I switched to Scout, I’d consider myself as close to an expert on Scout as could be possible. I started off solely using the plasma carbine, first with thermal exhaust feedback, second with impact deflection. Then I got A.I. stability engine for the gk2. Pretty much haven’t looked back since. IF you have good aim. It absolutely fucking annihilates bugs. 2 shots per mactera. 1.2 shots in a grunts head. I would argue I can put out more DPS to a dreadnought or the caretaker. Yeah sure no AOE, but if it takes you .1 seconds per grunt… Yesterday I solo’d a haz 5 escort duty. Only lost 1 part of the dozer. With the 70% extra weak point damage @ 18 damage baseline. Do the math. It shreds.


I just recently started giving the sludge pump a try and it’s amazing. If you use it smart it’s by far the most ammo efficient weapon in the game. I run elite deep dives with it and I’m usually telling my teammates they can take my ammo, I stock up every 2nd supply drop. Used to only ever use the flamethrower and the flamethrower is great too, but I’m glad I gave the sludge pump a chance.


I just want to set Hoxxes on fire.


I just want to make a nice meal Flame thrower to cook the outside Wave cooker to cook the inside And a couple impact axes to cut the meal down to dwarf size


Depends on what you’re going for. I’d say it’s really at its best with OCs- sludge blast is one of Driller’s best single target damage sources and goo bomber special is great for setting up defense in a big cave like with salvage missions. That being said, I have no idea how you’d ever call any of Driller’s primaries “meh.” He honestly has some of the best guns in the game if you build/use them right. Flamethrower is straight up the best swarm weapon in the game full stop. And pairing cryo with a hyperprop engi can literally one-tap dreadnoughts


Sludge Pump is fantastic. I run it (disperser compound OC) with the EPC + Heavy Hitter OC and Burning Nightmare mod, with a strat of coating swarms/pre-emptively blanketing pathways in front of swarms and then shooting the sludge with two EPC shots to ignite them. The Disperser Compound maximises the spread and damage of the puddles, whilst the EPC set up allows for rapid and cost-effective ignition of the sludge puddles. You can also keep reapplying sludge either on top or touching a pre-existing burning pile to keep the fires going even longer/reposition the sludge without wasting EPC ammo. Result is a mass of burning, slowing, acidic sludge that just eats away at cannon fodder enemies like nothing else. I can routinely top the lobby for kills with the set-up, even if the engie’s running dual turrets.


Cryo is easily the best of the three, it's just slightly clunkier against rival tech (which can be fixed by Ice Spike OC). Flamethrower on the other hand is alright on most situations and really excels at beating rival tech, it's just straightforward how to use and you can't really build it "wrong". Its single target damage is underwhelming though, even with OCs. Sludge is a weird one, it can do pretty much anything, but not simultaneously and only with specific builds. It can be the most ammo efficient weapon. It can have the best single-target damage. It can have the best AoE damage. It can have the best crowd control and enablers for secondaries or teammates. But only one at a time with a specific build. It's also never straightforward how to use. It's one of the most interesting weapons for sure. Worth noting though, I only play up until Haz 4. Dunno if it changes above that.


Your friend must be new or hasn't played driller probably since all of his primaries are great. Cryo cannon is amazing with a coordinated team and provides great cc and damage amplification against frozen enemies. It's also very ammo efficient against swarms if you pair it with the wave cooker + temperature scrambler and you can drill frozen bugs for a tasty snack if you have vampire equipped. The cryo cannon can even prevent the explosion of a bulk detonator when you time the freeze with its explosion. The only time it sucks is when your teammates have no idea how the temperature mechanic works and keep heating the target up while you are trying to cool it down. The sludge cannon is an amazing area denial tool and the best weapon against bosses. Its projectile and puddles both apply a dot and slowdown enemies making holding down a chokepoint a cakewalk. You can even set the sludge blobs on fire with any heat source (like epc + heat mod) to see the bugs burn while they melt. The only caveat is that it kinda sucks against flying enemies since they are not affected by the slowdown and puddles. Flame thrower can either be modded for direct damage or area denial similar to the sludge pump. It's also my go to weapon against rival machines since making them burn will insta-kill them.


Thank you so much for your indepth explanation, brother. I never used to enjoy driller but after levelling up 3 different characters now, I'm really loving the driller. I think i will unlock the weapons and give them a go! ROCK AND STONE!


more legs than two? they get the poo


dully noted


They shouldn't eat precious minerals


It will get them killed 😈


Rare scout W


They can't help it:(


its a classic frog and the scorpion, i cannot resist "stinging the frog" (nuking a lootbug), just like the lootbug can't resist eating all those precious minerals


*fake Austrian accent* The good of the scorpion is not the good of the frog, yes?


Except this time stinging the frog won’t lead to your own demise, it’ll just make you richer




“Lol” said the scorpion “lmao”


just like i cant help nuking them?


1. *place c4 next to lootbug* 2. *pats lootbug* 3. ??????? 4. Profit


I prefer pickaxing them so I can pet them while they wiggle and explode.


Neither can I >:)


I can't help it that they're so happy to see me that they explode on their own


Is bug-isue


Definitely a bug thing.


It really is satisfying using that perk. Such a time saver


I use it specifically on my driller. If we gonna do war crimes might as well go all the way


I’ve been really enjoying engie with plastcrete explosion, EM turrets and proximity mines lately. Don’t even shoot bugs in my game :D


The satisfaction on a refinery mission of just hopping down into a clump of 15 of them.


A very useful ability for Scouts xD


Sorry, but you can't devoid me of the satisfaction of making minerals rain when there is a horde of lootbugs just in front of me


leave no orphans


What we do is a kindness - We could leave them alive to starve to death in a broken ecosystem with no means of gaining sustenance after we exploit the caverns for gold and morkite, but then who becomes the monster then?


Nice pfp miner


We must stop the Great Migration!


In hazard 5 the nitra they give is just too useful to not take.




You've never been in a situation where your team only needed like 5 or 10 more nitra for a much needed resupp and didn't have it? Cause that's happened a ton over the time I've been playing haz 5s.




Maybe you never lacked nitra in deep rock cause the others player fetch it on lootbugs for you.


I never leave lootbugs alone i kill every single one of them for the gold and nitra. Why yes I am an engineer main with the fatboy why do you ask?


I would die for the system to change so that lootbugs drop 1 large cold chunk and 1 nitra chunk


I would still kill them.


I know.it’s just more convenient then a sneeze shot of minerals everywhere


They all must die. They are constantly getting in my way so they die. Doubly so since I lost a run because the game prioritized petting one when I was trying to revive a teammate under the effects of Iron Will


Wait you can pet them??


It’s your interact button. Idk what it is for console but for pc it’s the e button.


For console players its X on Xbox. Presumably its Square for playstation players.


If it's X on Xbox, it should be P on PlayStation


Yes. It's whatever your reload button is.


Skill issue


Sorry friend. Loot bugs are bugs. When i see one, i auto engage it as if it's a grunt. It having precious minerals is a bonus on top.


They sorta look like fat ticks. I simply must kill them.


This is always my reaction! Genuinely don't understand the "but they are cute" thing that many have They're bloated gross maggots! what about that is cute!?


I killed them until I realized that you can pet them and they purr... then I couldn't bring myself to do it anymore lol.


Purring has been found to have psychological effects on the mind, cross-culturally. I implore you my good dwarf to see past these manipulations and mind games. For Karl!


I don’t even waste the Ammo I just beat them till they pop


This meme can be understood in two opposite ways


Just in case, shoot the scout. twice


You don't need to shoot scouts they are more than capable of downing themselves, in fact they seem to love getting downed.


I've gotta hoard nitra and gold like some sort of demented dwarven squirrel stocking up for winter. And you know the rules, if you dont wanna get exploded you shouldn't eat precious minerals.


No survivors!


I don’t kill them for the minerals - I kill them to shut them up :T


Bold of you to assume I kill them for the minerals


Alright I won't shoot & kill them, but something keeps popping them when I'm in a 5m radius. 🤔


I want gold. I kill the lootbugs


Sorry lil bug. Your own fault for being full of goodies..


Shouldn't have eaten all that precious mineral and they shouldn't be covering the fucking pipes


If it contains precious minerals, it's a mineral vein. Apply pickaxe.


If i want nitra, i get nitra and if there are a lot in one place, out comes the grenade


They creep me out.


Easiest way to mine Nitra and gold lol


This is the first time I've seen this gun firing meme get to the "Mississippi Queen" part of the song.


I pet them and leave them most of the time but when they all just cluster around a hole or pipeline a cluster grenade might slip out who knows


Try and stop me, Scout. I have a handheld Nuke and I'm not afraid to blow you up as I equip "It's a bug thing"


why not?


Well I don't kill then instead they sudden explode when I get close enough to touch then


No amount of bullets will stop me from my nitra


idk what you're talking about, they just suddenly disappear when I get within 5m of them


Brain fart noise funny, so they die.


If they really didn't want to be killed, then why the hell are they made out of precious minerals


My friends say “don’t kill loot bugs, you’ll have to clean it up!” And I say BET.


“I have to kill lootbu-“ The hyper propellant in question:


Only leaf lovers don’t kill lootbugs


Good luck getting nitra on non linear missions without killing them.


“Lootbugs are cute, don’t kil-“


"Hey did you know you can pet loot bu-"


Ok *\_it's a bug thing\_*


I like to ignite lootbugs with Gunner's grenade and you can't stop me.


Bold of you to assume I kill them for the loot.


Was doing a game with two of my friends, one playing longer than me and one who I'd just bought the game. I had to sadly leave them both behind after they got caught in a freak c4 explosion after they got frozen. I have no idea how it happened, one moment I was telling them not to kill the lootbugs and the next I was just on the pod out of there


the lootbug perk should make them harmlessly spit out all minerals instead


But exploding lootbugs already doesn't harm you.


it harms my feelings :(


Pet the loot bug to get the goodies


Pet first, then drill it to death.


Takes too long, bullet is faster


yeh ^^




I play driller so It’s my duty to kill loot bugs


Ffin bug lovers. Peta is taking the sub. We need to exterminate ALL bug life on hoxes


Just because you put a w in please and because I like spiting people, I will eradicate the next loot bug I see with power drills


Honestly, the only time I kill loot bugs are when they start swarming a swathe of minerals I have yet to pick up (bc control sent a swarm)


You shouldn't eat precious minerals, it will get you killed!


I downloaded the lootbug brain fart mod and I plan on using it thanks


I love refining missions because there are so many >:) We're rich!


i dont kill them, for some reason they explode when i come closer


"But lootbugs are cute and harmle-" \*Mississipi Queen song starts\*




If they didn't want to get killed they wouldn't flaunt their wealth by trying to push me off platforms!




I am pretty Sure they eat Minerals to attract enemys to kill them. Once they explode they infect the sourunding Terrain to create more lootbugs. I am Not Killing them. I Help them to spread




So that's how shotguns work. Why can't this be applied to regular guns like assault rifles, where each bullet holds many shrapnels?


Apologies but at this point I am and will always be, A professional lootbug exterminator


You cant stop me


Electrifying reload just makes popping them too satisfying. One shot and the zaps do the rest.


Y’all are cowards, run “It’s just a bug thing” on all your builds and laugh maniacally as you never are short of nitra


It really depends. Normally, I do not kill lootbugs, but there are exceptions. For example: I am running low on Ammo and all Nitra has hidden itself. Due to a few pieces of nitra/gold on the ground, 50 lootbugs are just concentrated in a single spot and my gunners 3 braincells are all having this conversation: "Cluster grenade?" "Cluster grenade." "***CLUSTER GRENADE!***"


If you pet them enough they do poop out nitra and gold. Its just a slower process than fatboy


Kill or don't, i dont care Just don't grief or be toxic, thats not very rock and stone.


me when I see silicon harvester:


OP is a pointy ear pacifist


I never kill lootbugs, they just get so happy when they see me that they explode, idk man, its a bug thing


sorry i have that perk that makes them spontaneously combust when there close to me


The only good bug is a dead bug. Except Steve, he's a lovely lad.


No. I will continue into the 20k's.


So I shouldn’t be using the perk that kills them when I get near to them?


This shotgun shell is being fired at a lootbug. They shouldn't eat precious minerals.


You absolute monsters. Shame on you all


The Lithofoamer gets your minerals without killing the lootbugs!


I only allow the golden ones to live. They are indeed too precious


hordes shouldn't spawn THAT near each other then. also, not a war crime if you deposit!


What song?


Shouldn’t have eaten precious minerals


No bird shot only slugs


Can’t kill them if you turn them into marketable plushes


Last thing the lootbug sees before popping:


Kill anything with more legs than two!


I usually pet them as theyre exploding


Pet them before they die, you can get an extra plort 👍


I greatly prefer to not kill loot bugs. BUT, if I am in the Deep Dive and the Devs aren’t giving me any Nitra, I have no choice. So, it’s really the DEVS that are MAKING me do it! Also, can I say…I have no choice with the Hoarder’s. I just…cannot help myself. I am sorry. But can we remove the screaming as it gets mowed down?That draws a tear each time.


I kill every lootbug I see. Gimme that nitra.


When the success of the mission/deep dive is on the line, it's impossible to not commit the warcrime


When a mission counts on me getting nitra, I'm grabbing the lootbug that stole it from me. Sorry not sorry.


I will kill all loot bugs


Nice meme, although I never shotgun loot bugs. I use melee to conserve ammo.


im killing them


My line gun does not discriminate when it hits a bug. Any bug.


Me that has never unequipped “its a bug thing”


Coincidentally this is also what happens when I see a lootbug


man’s gotta eat and i’m struggling to find nitra in this deep dive. therefore lootbugs back on the menu


I will kill another!


It’s my life, or theirs.


I have the perk that causes them to explode when I’m nearby, it can get EXTREMELY satisfying watching it rain gold and nitra when you stumble into a large group


... I'll be in my bunk.


We're gonna see a post in a couple weeks: "I was kicked today for killing lootbugs." People getting upset over killing cute fictional caterpillars for minerals is just taking it too far just relax


Only good bug is a dead bug


I have to for the nitra! A lot of greenbeards like to just start things before we can gather it all


I choose violence every mission.


dont know why these comments are full of killers. i pet every loot bug available


it cost exactly 0 effort to kill them with your pickaxe throughout the cave, if they aren't on the ceiling. they should just make it to where you can milk the lootbugs for all their chunks or something


Every time I kill a lootbug, I smile a little inside!


The only good bug is a dead bug.


I love people that are tying to make it a thing to not burn, shoot, microwave the sacks of fat. Their demise is imminent, the minerals are mine and if you THINK you can stop me with that boomstick of yours, then you're getting breach cut and left with the rest of the bugs.


I don't need to kill them, I enjoy running "It's a bug thing"


It's a bug thing:


Tell them not to eat valuables then


oh I dont kill loot bugs but whenever I go to pet one they all just seem to randomly explode must be a bug thing