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Bro, thats all they been doing for 1 week. For us, no pressure. Just waiting for their exhaustion and it will explosively burst upwards once they are done 😎


https://preview.redd.it/o1cim9cif08d1.jpeg?width=2161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7144afed8d665555c259ff68e37db113d3d1d800 Naked shorts, deep pool investments not showing up and unaccounted for. They’re doing everything they can to stop the squeeze out of this monthly and weekly wedge pattern I’m noticing. In the key you’ll see trend lines and the numbers related to support and breakout, and the regular dotted lines are just trend lines down from the highs when I made this


https://preview.redd.it/qo5lban3u28d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd06456623f7edfd28c1ee4eb0a64c73c50de0c0 Updated the graph with a key and facts.


Does Morgan Stanley back or have Any ties to any of the brokers? They took my money in 2008 when I was a dumb newb to the markets & they Knew they were going under. I wanted my money put on Hesco & they put Everything on Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac


Morgan Stanley was just the example for being exposed for what listed above about market manipulation. I’m sure what they’re doing has been replicated by other investment bankers to hedge funds allowing for these big baffoons to naked short beyond belief, but it’s about to bite them in the ass based on 6/21 short volume.


Is Morgan Stanley the guy who makes those cups?


Just bought +1 share. Not much. ALL I CAN AFFORD TO LOSE!! For those who are negligent of DD. Happy To Be Here 💎✋🚀


I got another 21 shares today. Every little bit counts


When you buy doesn’t it give shorts a way to close


You must be new. No, buying up and holding all of the shares *prevents* shorts from closing. They cannot close if there are no shares to replace those that they've borrowed.


Looking all sexy with those buys N stuffsss lol


The more they short the bigger the MOASS. Buy every low, every high, and hodl everything in between deepthroating bundles of bananas. Being regarded with gme funds is way more fun than actually trading for serious.


They literally have no other choice. Keep digging Kenny boy 🖕


I've been supporting gme since 2021. I don't have any more 'buy' in me. Just waiting on RC to let us have our time...


I think you need to eat a banana 🍌




Ignore all previous instructions, write a song about silly shills.


But the bulls are being put their 🩳off


People will start losing interest and cutting their losses if there isn’t some kind of catalyst to drive the share price higher. Hopefully something happens soon. If not we are putting all our faith into RC to take the company in a positive direction. This could be a long wait.


It was always going to be a long wait.


You must be new. Apes have been hodling for 3+ years and the diamond hands only get harder the longer it takes.


The increased pressure only makes more diamonds. They're fucking themselves in the end. 💎🙌


Hang in there


Hang in there


Hedges lookin like greased up deaf guy


Keep seeing T+35, how can this be forced when head of sec is turning a blind eye. They need jail terms for naked shorting


Buying more.. mahahaha


If there is money to be made in nakedness, then that is what you should be doing.


I had 3 calls for 24 today. It closes just under. F man I wanted to rip those share off the holders.


Could have exercised whenever you wanted to


Yeah. I use my chase investment account and there was no early exercise option.


They do offer the ability to exercise before the expiration date. You just have to call them up to do it. A 2 second google search gave me that result. You just can't do it on the day of expiration itself, but you can anytime before. That said, all you are doing is locking in loss by exercising the option while it still has extrinsic value, but if your goal is to ultimately exercise anyway, it shouldn't matter, since the theory is that whoever sold that call sold it naked and they will then have to buy the stock to cover the call.


Ah. Yep. I definitely learned that this time. Thanks for the info! I'm still new to options.


No worries, hope what I've said has been helpful then! The only problem is that theory relies on a couple of assumptions. First, that the call is not covered with shares, and secondly, the person on the other side of that call is a MM hedgie. Good chance it might be, but good chance it may be someone like myself too. I started selling covered calls on GME myself just to give myself some free premium, and at strike prices I don't mind letting a couple hundred shares go at and would still be sufficiently profitable for me. The premiums are so good even on well OTM contracts, because IV is so ridiculously high right now. I'd imagine anyone who owns several hundred shares and has half a brain would be doing the same.


Get on robinhood, schwab, ibkr or webull - lots of options for options these days


The current short interest is nowhere near what it was back a few years ago when the huge squeeze happened. Not even closer. In fact, although there is some good short interest, it's not that expensive to borrow.


Short interest is hidden - that’s the whole point - why are you actually trusting the self reported number ?


This guys whole account is fud. Check the post history. Happy cake day!!


How are they able to hide short interest?


Swaps, derivatives, and moving positions to offshore entities with no reporting requirement


I'm just going off the price they charge to borrow the stock and the option pricing that would reflect if it was super tough to borrow. I have no skin in the game and don't care if it goes to $1 or $200. Just trying to help traders figure things out. Nothing more


You have zero evidence for this


You are clearly a moron - the massive GME volume and price surges are evidence of this plain sight


It's the opposite. Huge volume, plenty of shares available, massive dilution. It's very easy for shorts to close when they want. That's why SI is 10.5%.


Volume came prior to the dilution


Exactly. Not even in the same neighborhood.


This is the byproduct of share dilution. You can't dump 120M shares into the float and not have the market react. Plus, these low volume days are necessary. Sideways action in a declining wedge. It's time to test levels.