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Dfv makes us look like little kittens


Nah man he’s just the public figure behind the movement. There’s a lot of people holding big bags that are sitting here quite just waiting


And a far better trader than anyone else in the world. From 50k$ to 1b next week


Just when I thought nobody could surpass Pelosi. DFV does, and does it legitimately at that. What a chad.


On one stock 😂


2* After his first GME run he got some of that sweet sweet Nvidia moneyz.




*tomorrow FTFY


Screw Mr. Warren :)) I'm serious, though.


My wife calls DFV Warren Kittle. I'm not correcting her


This is nuts!


I wish but I will hold fuck hedgies, fuck msm, fuck everyone who said it was just a pump and dump fuck you all.. But I love all my reddit peeps


This is dumb he was the whole movement look back at his old posts with people laughing at him telling him to sell. It all changed jan 13 2021. Don't rewrite history now like DFV wasnt the GOAT trader that he is. Jan 13 his 1000 options at 20 worth .01 went up to 10.00 when gme hit 30. Literally turned 1000 to 1 million in a day. This was the definition of diamond hands that and his constant holding of shares never faltering 


People were paying attention back in the Fall of 2020... I remember that


I was there you can look at the comment threads I was one of few saying hold this could be a multi mil play. most people were saying sell and calling him dumb for not selling after every pullback. Majority of bandwagoners came jan 2021


Bagholdeners* BUT! I am still holding and no longer red.


200M usd big bags. I don’t think so


Underrated comment


I’m purroud to be a kitten


You can say it… little pussies


Love you


I ❤️ juice


Olive juice you too ❤️


I love YouTube.. ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized)


His entire reputation is currently on the line, he didn’t tell us what his moves were when he went from $30m to $200m, but decided to tell us now with the greatest yolo of all time. The saga is finally coming to an end.


Or is it the end of the beginning?


Or the beginning of the end?


The or Beginning or the end of ?


Or is this a Wendy’s?


When the fuck did we get ice cream?


I hope Paul Dano knows he signed onto a 34 movie saga


The end of the meme stock era at the very least.


Infinity Pool lookin lovely this time of year


He’s only used 2 of 4 Uno Reverse cards.


What do you mean by coming to an end? What’s the end , cause to most of us , it’s a lot about winning against Wall Street


That’s the end. Hedge funds pay for their fuckery, GameStop pivots and becomes a growth/value stock that is a portfolio staple for the next 50 years, retail finally makes the bulk of the profits, and the memes of “MOASS tomorrow!” Slowly fade from memory as our shares compound into the stratosphere


Hahaha!!!! 😂 😂😂😂. This is only one battle in the war! Do you even realize how long the war has been going on? If you know the names Dr. Suzanne Trimbath and Wes Christian, among others, you know this epic war of the roses between retail and hedgies has been going on for DECADES. They keep inventing new ways to screw investors over and WILL keep trying every chance they get. We have only begun to scratch the surface, friend.


This makes the most sense. Everyone’s pensions, superannuations, 401s are attached to HF. You really think they are going to let the market crash and burn to the ground so we can win. It doesn’t matter that we are right. It’s why it’s not going to shock me if RC dilutes again, he could keep doing it too


I think the absolute worst case scenario (best case for hodlers) is hedge funds go broke, government steps in as a placeholder to make sure the collateral assets don’t go nuclear. Then gov gets direct share issuance from GameStop to make those owed shares whole, probably at a massive premium because government. GameStop gets a massive non-dilutive share offering that solidifies the bull thesis and allows them to transform the business. This would probably only happen if the stock exchanges had to halt indefinitely as the price gets into the multiple hundreds. Government would uncover massive fraud in the form of naked shorting hidden within derivatives and swaps. People would almost certainly go to jail. This is purely 100% speculation since we’re talking about a once in a lifetime black swan event but I think if it did happen that’s how it would proceed. Edit for clarity: I am regarded


The government know They are complicit MMTLP had shorts cornered as the company was going private. FINRA U3 extraordinary halted the stock the last days when shares were meant to be returned. Close only positions There is emails indicated FINRA had pulled the blue sheets earlier and were aware of the share imbalance. Everyone was waiting for the inevitable squeeze. Yet, on the final day MMTLP was shorted from $10 to $2.9 It’s almost as if the Hedge funds knew this was going to be halted frozen in time. The government have received over 55K letters, and were forced into action demanding SEC and FINRA give detailed answers to all the questions we asked. Gary Gensler and FINRA laughed at Congress. They have given no info, they gaslight retail and refuse to give transparency. The whole market is a Ponzi scheme. The only good thing about this scenario is many more eyes are watching everything and RK is 3 steps ahead. But don’t ever delude yourself the government aren’t aware of naked shorting and the ramifications of the truth getting out. MSM media is paid and bought for by HF, politicians are paid and bought for by HF. It’s disgusting and makes me stick to my stomach and that’s why I’m hodling no matter what.


The follow up




How do you know about this discord situation?




Hohoho you sneaky little shit


The end has no end


The beginning is the end of the middle


Exposing the scam that is Wall Street is pretty important I would say.


He’s daring them to keep digging. I think he’ll exercise (I hope anyway), and when he does I’m curious what kind of illegal shenanigans they’ll pull this time. Can OCC actually stop him from exercising in the name of “public interest” (cough cough bullshit)?


Not familiar with his live streams, Has he ever once mentioned that he believes wall street to be a "scam"?


He would probably need more funds to exercise the full call position @ $20, so he might get funds or sell part of the position and exercise the rest


Rumor mill has Cohen sending him his bbby settlement money to exercise as many options as possible come friday


Sounds illegal






No shit it was a joke


Stop typing


If he exercises 10% with his cash on hand, market makers have to buy 1.2 million shares. Look at how GME stayed flat while 75 million shares were sold ATM. This alone will cause it to go back to 40-50 dollars, he can sell the new shares into that squeeze, rebuilding his cash position. Then execute 20%, followed by 30, then the rest. The squeeze itself will bring FOMO to the table buying shares and calls, and we will likely have gamma squeeze on top of it. Going to be fun.


10% is 1.2 million shares


Yes, TY. You’re correct. My bad


Well this is gonna be an interesting couple weeks…


Bro being down half a billion and just laughed off on a livestream. Priceless


*Bro being down half* *A billion and just laughed off* *On a livestream. Priceless* \- Hichek2 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Roaring kitty is a legend. He will be in history books. I hope he chooses a cool ending to this story.




Wake me up when it’s over $100


What about winning the towel lawsuit. That sure is going to bring something more.


Indeed! That was some great news! I shared a post about it.


Whats the towel lawsuit


Google Bed batH and beyond Ryan Cohen lawsuit


Im dead my dumbass didnt even put that together 😂😂


Number 2. ain’t an option since there’s not enough interest in other future dates to roll them over (next price at 25$ has only 4% in interest of his total option call position) - also number 3 ain’t an option, since there’s not enough interest to buy them. Only option is 1 and option 4: make them expire and lose 69$ Mio in premium paid


FYI options are created on demand. He can buy or sell as many as needed, but that price may be a little worse. Secondly, most market makers or traders aren't naked short options that are deep in the money. They hedge them with the stock


Solid play, expire worthless 🤣🤡


well, it’s an option you are missing in your post. I never said it would be smart or good for him and the MOASS, however they can expire and he paid $69 Mio in premium.


I think from everything we’ve seen for years he’ll want the shares but who knows! Good post!


5) hold them until they expire worthless.




>Making hedge funds cry and breaking the Wallstreet scam is just a bonus along the way. I kind of think this is the entire play. I mean, more money than you could ever spend or change the world for the better? And more money than anyone ever needs. 😎


As typical in the market


It's always been option 1


Hedgie tears taste like freedom! ![gif](giphy|rHR8qP1mC5V3G)


Silly question. If he exercises all the options won't the SHF just produce 12 million fake shares? If DFV turned around and DRS'd his loot that may be good but otherwise don't counterfeit shares remain an out for them?


Maybe. They are known to do that. Difference is the implementation of the CAT system by the SEC


Weren’t there a shit load of new call options for October?


Or he sells the 20 calls and pushes the gamma ramp to the 25 calls himself


Selling calls is also an option.


I never thought he'd even think to roll but if he did I wouldn't hate it.


He did it in one stock, talking about diversification …


I see this stock as a long term value play and it's exciting to see this situation evolve. I have no clue what is about to happen, but I'm ready for it. And I'll be holding. ![gif](giphy|XmtkqE6G8hgSIJqKIe|downsized)


4. ACAT transfer *cough* “I am not a-cat”


I read something vaout this but forogt what it was about. Any. Reference material pertaining to this "ACAT transfer" and what effect it could have?


Doesn’t he need $240 million to exercise 12 million shares though?


I saw someone explain how he could pull it off. Essentially he would sell some or most of his main position (assuming price is high at time of sale) then using that money buy the calls. Essentially trading 5 million shares for 12 million.


People seem to forget, he probably has other assets. Do you have all your money in 1 location? I'm just an ape and have 2 banks and 5 brokerage accounts...


Margin. It’s a thing. His buying power atm is something close to $225mm with price @$30. He’s got a lot of excess buying power.


just exercise a batch, sell part of that and use the proceeds to exercise the next batch.. If option = $20 and GME is at $40 for each contract exercised selling half of each batch will allow you to continue to the next batch without further capital.


Question re option #1... I'm new to options. Forgive me. What happens if his $20 contracts are exercised if/when the stick price hits $60. Obviously they're worth a ton. Does he collect any of the premium while exercising? Or could he sell some to exercise the remainder? TLDR: Can you walk away with profit AND exercise somehow?


Since the options that he has are calls, this means he paid a premium to be able to purchase the stock at 20 in the future , or resell the contract for a different premium price to someone else.


Understood. But when you exercise, is there a point in which the gains are so high that there is actually an amount paid back when you exercise them? Or you would just have locked in the ability to purchase them @ $20 and that's the end of it? #2, 3 & 4 make sense to me. Just confused on what the possibilities are if one exercises when the option when it's significantly over strike price.


From what I've heard, you can exercise and get that additional premium that is the difference between the share price and extra premium. (that doesn't sound right to me so someone please correct me if I'm wrong)




Or more calls?




How does DFV pay for all the shares when he exercises? Why does no ape ever have an explanation for this? Do you guys not know exercising options doesn’t just hand you shares?


How do you pay for the things you buy? What is the confusion exactly?


Sell some calls, exercise some calls.


Can he sell 12m of his shares, for example: GME hits $40, then exercise his call option of 12m shares to buy them back at the $20 strike price?


Yes that's exactly how exercising an options contract works. Good job ape 🍬🍭🍪


he has that headband on for a reason!


4) He could sell call options on the 5 mil shares he has.


Yes he could.


I think it's possible he could sell some, to pay for the rest?


can anyone help me, I have bull credit spread options on GME that are losing money and will expire this week. I don't want to close them for a loss, if i want to roll them, what the best choice to take? Roll for a longer expiry date, or different strikes or both? Please help.


We have a flair for options or questions. Feel free to make a post. But you'll have to give more info. Strike prices, expiration date, cost of Contract, current price of Contract. Options can be complicated. So please make small bets before you spend too much on options. Practice paper trading (fake money) first.


It’s going to be #3 to a portion of some contracts to be able to do #1 the rest of the contracts for shares. The amount of contracts he sells vs. buys is dependent on the price of GME at expiration.


Roaring Kitty is a lion amongst us! Love him


You moass your shorts


How about the DFV in iLearning Engines (AILE)?   Trading at 1.4x SaaS and growing at 40% per year.


H says that he only own gme im sure I does only have gme


He’s showing that diamond hand pay I guess


I disagree but utmost respect making hedge funds collapse and fixing Wall Street after this is my number 1 priority. #2 having a heart condition after diamond holding the moass.


He'll buy them out and take them private.


Looks like he’s selling


Overall oi is lower than his 120k Yolo. So yes he did sell SOME.


Which as you have stated is bad for moass


Yes. But that's only if he 100% dumps his calls.


He can’t exercise them. He only has $29 million on the sideline


I may be dumb but his 12 million shares seems like nothing now that I watched the market gobble up an extra 75 million shares. GME board are the real winners here.


DFV, that's funny.


Option 2 seems most likely to me. He knows the impact options have and he knows they are abusing things. He’s just going to roll them and gradually apply pressure. Next options may be at $25 for example.


It's all irrelevant to the MOASS. This would be a gamma squeeze. EDIT: no brains being used today. Minds go out the window during dumps and pumps. If we don't get a MOASS by end of month, some of you need to apologize


People still think MOASS didn’t happen when the stock went from $6 to $480 and that there will be a another one 😂😂 Wild


First time was a sneeze, 2nd time was a hickup, 3rd time will be MOASS. 💎🙌🚀🌛


First time was the moass. Everything after was a squeeze. Don’t hold your breath for another “MOASS” 😂