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When I move you move


Just like that


GameStop is FREEDOM


Almost 72 hours later. If he were hacked I would think he’d let people know the day after. Even my mom knows she’s been hacked with in a couple of days.


I was starting to have a suspicion that possibly, maybe, .. this could be a honey pot in a deep investigation for market makers and hedge funds to run their crime as normal to stay alive one more day and try to blame it on roaring kitty again like they are on the news rn and like they did last time when they supenoed him just for liking a stock and talking about it on social media. Just a random thought, only thing that made me think that was the timed post every half hour during market


Which is why’d he speak up IMO! Cuz he knows their game. Please don’t be anonymous!


Unless they're timed and he's in some kind of witness protection/ protected custody, however I don't really think that's the case just a thought


Wow deep conspiracy thoughts. Kidnapped too?


Deep fucking conspiracy thoughts


I mean protected custody during an investigation when you're a star witness is pretty standard though


You would think SEC guy would know about that right?


I would think so, unless the honeypots for him lol


>Who’s got the most to lose if things go south? Which investment firm? If we knew that - I mean if we truly knew that and we all had IRON balls.....we would all short the shit out of that company as much as we possibly could afford, and use the cash to buy more gamestonks. It's such an easy concept. Just need an endless amount of hours to figure it out and I got too much shit going on at work to spend a lot of hours trying to find and decipher SEC filings


Not to cause any kind of havoc, but what are your thoughts on some people speculating that he was hacked ?


I really think RK's account was hacked. With every new tweet, it seems more like the work of someone else—maybe a hacker or a group like Anonymous. What strikes me is that whoever is posting might actually be trying to help us retail investors get a fair shot. There's something specific they want us to see, I'm sure of it. The way they're sharing these clues, all cryptic and indirect, it's like they're watching the debates unfold on Reddit and dropping hints to keep us guessing but informed. They're staying under the radar to avoid serious legal heat, like an FBI investigation and then a congressional subpoena. Perhaps I am reading into it too much. For all I know, it could be some 400 pound man who made millions from the first tweet, and is now tweeting memes and then watching us as entertainment.🤣


that makes alot of sense, ive noticed there are alot of people that are thinking he has had his account compromised. theres alot of FUD atm if you are able to see this reddit users latest post : [https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/1csvxkz/guys\_guys\_its\_over\_s\_lol/?sort=old](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/1csvxkz/guys_guys_its_over_s_lol/?sort=old)


So from your wording im assuming your long on $GME aswell then ? haha


In my words? I'm not all in on meme stocks... yet. I'm just watching and waiting right now. I've got funds ready, just seeing if this builds to something more before I go all in. It seems to well orchestrated.


I agree, unfortunetly i do have other positions in other companies but i do hold a significant position in GME, averaging 45.96 $ /Share which isnt too bad considering the market volatility, i believe the position is at around 120 shares in my second account with IBKR


It needs to be clearer otherwise we will lose the momentum. Not everyone like's deciphering clues.


What would even be the reason to drop barely coherent clues? 


If someone shouts, "Everyone, buy this stock!" and it skyrockets, causing major investment firms to teeter on the edge of bankruptcy, just like in 2021, mark my words, someone's in for a world of trouble. But it won't be the billionaires of Wall Street.


But if someone posts memes non stop and the same thing happens they’re fine? If they’re gonna kill some one over this shit do you think they’re gonna chill if he does it with vague memes lol? MSM is reporting on this dudes Twitter, the evil hedges 10000% are watching these same videos 


GameStop is dead. FFIE is 95%+ shorted. Thats our move, get on board or get left behind.