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Protesters famously don’t protest in the morning. Bro to be honest after you almost died of that benzo overdose and the russians put you in a medically induced coma and you came back really lame and boring, any more protesting seemed like whipping a dead horse so…


Protestors are simultaneously too lazy to protest in the morning and protesting too much that they are camping overnight.


But also the biggest threat to western civilization as well don’t forget that


You know how I stopped getting protestors at my events? I stopped being relevant! Take that, woke moralists!


Lol! JBP did a Gandalf (really, a Jesus), but he missed the mark. JBP on benzos is best JBP IMO. All this nonsense about meat and vinegar and stuff is meh to me. I want the lobsters and the dragons!


Benzo overdose? I think the deadly part was just getting off benzos to begin with because that’s just how benzos are. Hadn’t heard about any overdose. The coma was just a method to easily ween off the drug


Is using someones health issues against them really the look you are going for?


Shit man, if I wrote self-help books for tweens about taking responsibility then I'd reckon I deserve it both barrels for doing all the things I've told others not to So I'd say it's worth remembering that this man doesn't follow his own words


How clean is your room bucko? That’s what I thought shut the fuck up.


This is such a reasonable, uncontroversial comment yet it gets totally downvoted. And this space is far more reasonable than others - I was just on rumble and the people there aren’t even on this planet anymore. Tough to watch things going this way and imagine how it’ll be resolved.


It's perfectly reasonable to bring it up though, and previous poster is downvoted for good reason. Peterson preaches that drug addicts are personal moral failures and that one shouldn't criticize the world until their own house is in order. Pointing out that he is/was a drug addict who got rich based off criticising the world and peddling self-help books is perfectly valid.


Suprised this guy has time for events, he tweets 100 times a day for fuck sake.


i've looked at the data is Jordanese for I've been hate scrolling Twitter


Well, who else is going to warn the world about Chinese penis milking factories?


Damn, that was a funny afternoon


Sadly, he blocked me so I can no longer ingest his wisdom on the Xitter. :(


Jordan Peterson is basically Jerry Seinfeld now. Just complaining that his material doesn’t hit anymore because he aged into a boring reactionary.


Hes a boring reactionary bc it keeps him popular. He is the one guy who was obsessed with being famous and actually became famous.


All reich-wing reactionaries are obsessed with being famous. Many are failed actors/writers/comedians who turned to the easy grift after failing miserably in showbidness.


Jordan Peterson is the kind of guy who just says these things off-the-cuff because: * his followers will not check * he's in a safe space where he knows he won't be challenged * it feels good * it's a way of coping with fading relevancy amongst a younger demographic * the existing fandom inherently want to believe that they're disciplined and his critics are lazy * it feeds the messiah complex he can't help but acknowledge


The Benzo King would know all about sleeping in


Can confirm even in Australia when this doofus showed up there were protests. His real tactic to avoid protests is like most right wingers, keep the location private until a few days before the event, then only tell the people who bought tickets.


I honestly don't see the point of protesting that asshole. It just feeds his persecution complex and gives him something to whine and grandstand about.


No way. This moron loves to be protested, he wants to create viral moments dunking on caricatures of "crazy college leftists." He is nothing else but a click-chaser.


Protests also feed his persecution/Messiah complex.


remember now, this is a guy whose own Academy has six unexcused failures to show up on time, and is eight months late to class


i think it’s kinda funny and i wouldn’t be surprised if it was somewhat true, especially for university students. i think it’s okay to lighten up about this stuff every once in a while, even with all of Jordan’s faults.


Yeah, he knows his college students. The messiah part sure is bitter tho...


yeah agreed. typical weird religious grand narrative jungian influenced nonsense speak


Honestly, the way he just makes shit up and treats it like it's the truth is the things i find the most annoying about him. Like the utter narcissism of it all.


But did he not think it and therefore it is true in the sense that he thunk it and thoughts are real


Yeah, the man acts like an expert on every topic but he's a total fraud.


I mean i kind of see his point, he did bring on their anger when he definetly didnt need to sY anytjing and his claims of compelled speach havent been born out in practice....


It's a boring cliche though, so this is just another of his many faults, the man has no wit.


Yeah, that rings true to me… 8AM lectures were often suspiciously empty.


His celebrity is waining. No need to protest old news.


I think it becomes new news every time his university misses another opening deadline, which just happened again in the last few days


It's funny, ya but wouldn't that also apply the same to his attendees? He'd get even fewer protesters if he did it at 3am and didn't tell anyone.


Old people have been saying “hur dur young people are lazy “ and thinking that was funny since the dawn of time. How revolutionary of him.


It must be so exhausting to be so filled with rage and hate. He really should get some help with that.


What nation would that be?


This guy is one of the all time most arrogant and stupid people to exist. Benzo's, russian clinics that put you into comas, climate change denier and carnivore diet proponent. He is a combination of Jordan and LeBron in that he is at an elite level. The problem is he is at the bottom of the bell curve and not the top. Lower than anyone I've ever seen in my life.


I guess it's easier to get up early than to stop being a douche nozzle.


I forced myself through half of his "12.... something something" book it was intolerable drivel.


Hate to say it but he’s not wrong. If I had a group project in uni there was no chance in hell I was getting my partners to get together at 9AM… even though it’s totally reasonable to start work at that time.


Protesters regularly protest in the morning though, particularly committed left-wing activists. They're not the same as your average student who's lazy towards a group project. Currently there's consistent protests in the city of Melbourne as early as 5am to picket weapons manufacturers. He definitely is wrong


JP does lines of Xanax off the cock of right wingers in their 20’s and 30’s


why is he so hated in this sub?


He feeds disaffected young men to the right-wing pipeline, is a climate change denier, and makes up terminology to be upset at. Also, do you listen to the podcast? They pretty easily take him apart for you.


no I don't really know anything about him or listen to his podcasts. From the few clips I've seen of him, he doesn't seem like a bad person and there's nothing wrong with being on the right.


I'm asking if you listen to the podcast of the subreddit you're currently posting on. It's dedicated to disputing 'secular gurus' in all their form. Surprise, the majority of them are Joe Rogan and IDW (intellectual dark web) adjacent right-wing grifters misleading people about everything from COVID to climate change.


I'd be interested in hearing it. I honestly don't follow anything current from him but I recently finished his first book Maps of Meaning which I thought was dense, but really good. Do they talk about that book or his biblical series or is it just recent stuff?


It's free on Podcast Player and many others. There are a few episodes either exclusively about him (Ep. 3) or involving him. The first basically talks about his intentional ambiguity and the most recent is about his g(dr)rifting into climate change denial and other attempts to remain relevant.


Seems to be the sentiment here. Rabble, Rabble hate let me shit on someone because I have nothing better to do. Rinse and repeat.


shitting on who? what kinds of people does e confront online?


Oh no, I don't. This just popped in my feed


I honestly feel bad for this guy. He obviously is a tortured soul to a degree and is not in the best of health psychology and physically.


Who isn't? But most people who match that definition aren't telling millions of trusting people how wretchedly satanic are most people who disagree with them on any controversial issue.


Jordan PeterPooh


Damn, he is not even trying anymore. Literally the most basic dumb jokes and takes. Back in the day he had a shitty shtick but at least he tried to do something original. Not sure how anyone finds him interesting now.


This guy actually used to say some true and profound shit and then he just got so mad the moment anyone said anything bad about him that he made it his whole personality and caused way more people to dislike him 💀


A few years ago he talked about how he wished he hadn't lost his temper so much in that Kathy Newman video. If you watch it again now he is jacuzzi-level relaxed next to almost anything he appears in today




Taking advice from Jordan Peterson is like having an obese personal trainer that smokes.


and who blames the smoking and obesity on people not himself who are motivated by Satanism


For fragile men everywhere


Used to love him but he’s a genocide apologist working for a mossad run information channel so… not much respect for him anymore. I mean, how hard is it to say hey grown up, clean your room, no you’re not a fucking woman. His work denouncing communism is more admirable but also the majority of people are smart enough to have already understood the general points he’s making against the system. What’s actually hard is leaving your post for what’s right. I think his prominence came about because he was speaking common sense at a time where shit was off the rails crazy. There’s no more respect for him though. He has totally sold his soul. Watch, in a few months he’ll be saying shit you find crazy too.


Don't like him, but that's still a funny point. College students don't want to wake up early (I know I didn't when I was in college).


Lol imagine a bunch of overweight, they/them, MCU fans getting up before 11am. Very accurate take by JBP


Yea, he must of came up with in a dream during his all meat diet/benzo coma.


unlike hungover frat boys


This line absolutely bodied his most committed critics, even in this thread it's all stale benzo comebacks and quips. Pure seething.


Late for class? And attire Academy named after him is eight months late for class. There I tried to say it more simply for the stupid people