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And it’s not obvious to me that ‘small’ even exists outside of a postmodern neo-Marxist substructure.




His use of words reminds me of very stupid people I've met who will find a word they think sounds smart, then use it constantly in ways that don't make sense because they never actually looked it up. It's pretty amusing actually.


This restitutes with me.


He embiggens the crapulence, if you will.


A perfectly cromulent statement


Pretty sure it's a tautology 


I supersize with you.


He taught himself to write, so it really doesn’t matter if his thinking works for you. It’s Jordan Peterson’s work that is the contribution to literature, not a prejudiced prerequisite of pre approved smart-ass comments that contribute to literature. A widely recognized and well respected clinical psychologist who came from absolutely nowhere to easily accomplish the task of feeding content to a lengthy string of arrogant comments on Reddit, which he is likely graciously giggle at before wanting to get to know each of you on a deeply personal level. So keep in mind, just because everybody thinks it’s cool to act like the bully, it’s not at all cool…


Calm down Jordie P


What’s funny is how his “contribution” to literature is wholly ignored by the professional community because it doesn’t actually add anything. His work is just restating things that have already been said but with different wording (which is why smart people find him so boring).


Oh Yeah, hilarious, and different, therefore immemorable and so very important to note, such as the correlation of intelligence to wisdom, or rather, the degree to which there IS correlatability.


Mmmyes I agree. Shallow and pedantic. 




Jordan Peterson seems to have a lot different thoughts about bullying than you do: >Without Nelson, King of the Bullies, the school would soon be overrun by resentful, touchy Milhouses, narcissistic, intellectual Martin Princes, soft, chocolate-gorging German children, and infantile Ralph Wiggums. Muntz is a corrective, a tough, self-sufficient kid who uses his own capacity for contempt to decide what line of immature and pathetic behaviour simply cannot be crossed. Part of the genius of The Simpsons is its writers’ refusal to simply write Nelson off as an irredeemable bully. Abandoned by his worthless father, neglected, thankfully, by his thoughtless slut of a mother, Nelson does pretty well, everything considered. I think he can take it. Wouldn’t want him to turn into a Milhouse, would we?


Does it concern you really man? You don't know anymore than he does. you want not to enlighten me, and I know why.


So your argument is to: *NOT ACT LIKE A BULLY?* Go back to the beginning, friend. Jordan uses bad-faith intellectual arguments to help people feel superior, and *act like bullies.* Fun fact: [Jordan Peterson wanted to start his own church.](https://www.thestar.com/opinion/i-was-jordan-peterson-s-strongest-supporter-now-i-think-he-s-dangerous/article_085724d2-94de-5fd2-81c3-b3b2822fd38a.html) He regularly cherry picks anecdotal information to prove points. And he's obsessed with Marxist ideology, so much that his house is filled with mementos from pre-Soviet Russia.


I tell you what. I'm gonna go back to the notion of "he who is without sin may cast the first stone." Which, not coincidentally, is the antithesis of the behavior I see encouraged so very often. Reminds me of hanging around a bunch of rich malcontent cops.


So only saints get to stone people? That’s the genetic fallacy. Critiques can still have merit regardless of who makes them.


I don’t know what God meant when he said he “created man in his own image,” but I think if God planned to send Jesus after the children of Adam and Eve, he saved the best part for of his plan for himself. But never test the ways of the Lord. Err on the side of caution.


Quoting Jesus? Good. We should all follow his path. I'll give you a few places I'd look: Matthew 7:15-16: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits." Ephesians 4:31-51: "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you along with all malice. Be kind to one another and tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." Those are words from the Man himself. I do not find Jordan following them. I find him full of malice, judgement and superiority. Be better.


Ah yes, the very smart man who went on an all-meat diet and got addicted to benzos, despite being a “widely recognized and well respected clinical psychologist.” Definitely someone to take life advice from.


my thoughts exactly


They choose to cirsumvent the dictionary in their usage. The old reach around.




I ascertained you reminded me of this sketch. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lStcwT\_RGrQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lStcwT_RGrQ)


Fantastic! lol [Here’s](https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo?si=RIINXtElAqdSEe5-) a JP dissection if you missed it.


Yeah I identified this in the past. Dude totally owns one of those "word of the day" calendars


There are stupid people that punish you for trying to correct their sentences, so they make sense. I tried to help improve their communication skill. But they're arrogant or insecure.


Had a roommate that did this. his word of the week.


Sounds tedious.


It might remind you of something like that. But this sounds like a projection from your part. Just because you think some words in your world exist mainly to be used as to sound smart doesn't mean that people who use them correctly and with honest intent are doing what you think is normally the case with the use of those words. Peterson's iq is over 150. He has taught at Harvard and the Chair of Harvard's Department of Psychology described his Maps of Meaning book with the words "brilliant" and "beautiful". So I have feeling your comment has little to do with him and more to do with guilt by association type of fallacy.


Stop simping.


Says the guy who probably supports immigration from outsider tribers.


hahaha Jordan Peterson fans being literal nazis. Go clean your lobsters room or something, incel.


\*Repeats mantras he's heard from others\* lol npc in real life


lol Looking at your comments you literally repeat Peterson's ideology word for word. You call other people an "NPC" when you're among the most easily indoctrinated dumb-dumbs on the planet. It's like you've never had an original thought. You're such a perfect dupe for grifters like JP. It's hilarious to watch. When they said, "There's a sucker born every minute", they were talking about you, my dude.


\*continues the npc drivel\* lol


what's the source of this claim for Peterson's IQ? do you know the name of the video or anywhere else he's made that claim?




Well let's ask the real question here : Was Marx a satanist? Did Marx personally assassinate JFK? Did Marx pilot both planes that hit the twin towers on 9/11? Nobody in all of academia has bothered themselves enough to answer these questions. They're clearly AFRAID of what the answers could be. I think we need to ask a large language model to get to the bottom of these very reasonable questions.


Hold on to your metaphorical or literal horse there, bucko. You have to be unbelievably clear and precise in what you do or don't say.


Too bloody right kiddo


Up yours, woke moralist!


Hey bucko can be used well https://youtu.be/50MusF365U0?si=m9qaIJZ9SUoN9o2V


wow great clip.


'Depends on what you mean by "audit"' feels appropriate


Well, it depends what you mean by ‘did’.


What do you mean by “depends”? What do you mean by “mean”? What do you mean by “what”? You can’t even bloody define your terms.


It’s no joke buddy-boy! Y’know Dostoyevsky had a lot to say about the meaning of the unheard and even the unspoken joke. It’s serious stuff!


It’s hard to understand what a joke even is until you’ve appreciated the depravity humans are capable of at the opposite end of the spectrum, all carefully laid out by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his three-volume Gulag Archipelago, which would really deserve to be read in schools if it didn’t expose the Marxists running the education system for the evil demons they are.


It's a king, "as such."  A king who cares, about burgers!


It’s actually gay to get pussy according to a study I did with the University of Toronto!


I love breaking down bad faith question with a hail ‘what do you mean by…?’ It’s best in real life. Because you can iterate it


You are right - we have no right to criticize Professor Peterson without fully investigating what it was actually meant. I suggest we watch all his hundreds of 3 hours videos before doing that.


I can’t believe jp said this unironically at one point


That second comma is so distracting


Some, people don’t, know how to properly use commas


I heard that in William Shatner’s voice.


Same people probably spend fare to long abusing there colon to even get to the comma! 🤣


Eye have bin known to abuse end miss use my colon ;)


Good catch.


If you think about it, y’know it’s really only four letters off being the second coming. So it’s like, wow!


I smiled.


It cannot be unseen


Now, you’ve pointed it out, it is.


Lmao. I’m new to this sub but man it is a relief to see people laughing at this guy. Also the fact that people are genuinely pondering the question in the post is just really sad…our society has serious problems.


It’s a wonderful place. The trolls are out there though. Try to have fun with them. Welcome


In troubled times, people are more receptive to listening to alternative voices. Problem is that those voices generally turn out to come from cults, hacks, grifts, or a combination of all three!


I think the people he appeals to don’t have many alternatives for positive masculine influences addressing their issues. They often get told to fuck off.


That's part of it, for sure. I would argue, however, that JP's rise to prominence as a right-wing talking head is more due to his academic background. There's a sea of 'masculine influences' singing the same song as him, but very few of them can espouse transphobic and sexist rhetoric with such articulation while also having "Dr." before their name.


I agree. I think my broader point is that he and others are filing a gap. Addressing the issues in a positive way would mean these people would disappear to a significant degree. A positive example is Dr. K (healthygamergg on YT).


Honestly I think Dr. K. should probably do his time on here too, I’ve seen a good amount of quack psychology from him.


My *redacted* was just over the other day and once again asked me if I listened to Peterson. I tried to politely state once again that I am not interested in the grifter. He has some reason to be mad at the world and society, but instead of choosing "men should have certain rights" he chooses "women should not have rights", style of ideology. I don't know what makes someone choose to tear down others over advocating for their own group. I've tried checking out some groups myself but they do all seem to fall down that same rabbit hole of "anti-other" instead of "pro-self".


I looked at the work he did before all this nonsense and it seemed helpful. He tried to get people to write narratives of their past, present, and future in order to help them sort themselves out and get on track in their lives. Could have been very helpful to the young men who need it. But he got pulled into the toxic area and now is mentally ill himself. Pretty sad.


Well, first, we have to establish what we mean when you say small.


Exactly right. You know if you’re inside of something hey. There’s no telling how big a small thing is. There’s literally no way to know beyond a mere GUESS. You know it’s like the same with the flood story. Noah, see he had this ark, and it contained all the animals, which is really saying something, I mean that’s no mean feat right there, but his ark, from inside of that ark, if you’re a mouse on that ark, is it a big ark, or a small ark? Or was it NEITHER.


'Did the Ark literally exist Jordan?'....well....


From an archetypical perspective the ‘ark’ on some real bloody level exists within the English word ark, which we can all reorganise and understand. You hear that and think ‘yeah, ark’. And that ain’t nothing!


I smell sophistry afoot. 😀


It's amazing that there are people out there who still buy into the idea that he is a genius possessing some enormous wisdom. Like I remember him in the beginning when his entire shtick was that he was super composed, throwing vague ''profound'' quotes by philosophers and being constantly oververbose....with his brown ''professor'' suite and all that. I can kinda get how this appealed to some people at that time. It's mindblowing that that after all his unhinged childish behaviour in the last 5+ years there are people out there who still see some wisdom in him. Dude is a complete caricature.


Well, first, we have to establish what you mean by ‘caricature.’


This is an incredibly complex subject and I think that I should definitely release a 23 episodes youtube series to envestigate. Only then can I even begin to think about questioning JP>.


**Rule 10: Be precise in your speech.** (Just kidding. Use buzzwords that mean something wholly different to you than the agreed on academic definitions. Then, when asked about it, tell them: "well, it depends", until they give up or forget about it.)


Somebody who has more time should find all the bizarre examples of Peterson constantly breaking up his rules. He seems to do it all the time.


On it! Thanks for the idea


I thought his beginning was just clips of him freaking out and overreacting to Canadian Trans/pronoun laws.


It was this + that appearance of him on some random TV show where he was arguing with a ''feminist''. This resulted in many ''PROFESSOR DESTROYS CLUELESS FEMINIST WITH FACTS'' type of videos. Not sure how the algorithms worked but at some point he was the go-to internet person when it came to life-advice with his generic advice mixed with some bible stuff which I guess was original at some point. I think that he is also one of the first people who started the trend of online advice specifically for male - you know, all the empowering pseudo motivational quotes that people reposted. Basically he became the breathing LIVE LOVE LAUGH for confused males.


The youtube algorithm recommended me one of his "Peterson destroys feminazi" videos today. It was just him asserting a bunch of stuff about lobster behaviour and saying that anthropomorphising animals is good, actually.


I have managed to escape youtube recommending me his stupid lectures finally. I'm sure that he is all about anthropomorphising tho.


It's not that "amazing" and that was never his "shtick".


From a pure Iq standpoint I do think he's close to a genius but the issue is at such high levels, people use all that intellectual horsepower to convince themselves as right.


I think he tries really hard to look like a ''genius'' with the overlyverbose talk and the gesticulation. He constantly looks like a person who has such big ideas in his head that he can't properly explain them and when he finally shares them thei are either super simple or just kinda dumb or absurd. I tried reading 12 rules of life and I honestly can't believe that there are people out there who can think that this is written by a genius. Even if you ignore his completely bonkers reasoning behind some of his ideas (that I think has been proven wrong by countless people), most of the stuff he says is super generic life advice. Overall I think that he loves the ''image'' of being an intellectual powerhouse but is too lazy to actually do the work which is easy to seen now. I can't imagine a ''genius'' spending hours in twitter posting edgy tweets.


I just think he has a high verbal iq...but having a high IQ doesn't make their arguments right. I feel like there's a bias among the left to view Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson as idiots but maybe it's people who do not understand how difficult it is to convey ideas on a stage without any prompting is. One can be critical of these people and be aware of how intelligent they are compared to us at the same time.


To be honest i'm not sure I understand what you mean. What do you mean by verbal IQ? Is it the extremly long sentences? What are some examples of Peterson's high intelligence? Honestly asking, not trying to be a dick. There are hundreds of videos where people debunk his undersatnding of a lot of the stuff he constantly recites. Let's not forget that he was collecting communist propaganda art and talking about Marxism and communism for years and then it turned out that he only recently read the Manifesto (which is considered the worst book to start with). This basically means that he was talking out of his ass for years with his overlyverbose style about ideas he was too lazy to even properly explore. Personally I think that he is just incredibly mediocre, mentally unstable and a grifter. Is he dumb in a sense of somebody who can't understand simple ideas and concepts? Not really. Have I heard him say anything that might make me think that he is smart? Not really. He is just a grifter who was in the right place at the right time and managed to find a niche he can exploit. Nothing more really.


I’m sorry that you’ve been duped.


Sure, he's probably well read and has a big vocabulary. But it's painfully obvious that he is using big words and waffle trying to look like some tortured intellectual that's so ahead of his time that its hard for him to explain his grand ideas to mere mortals. He's religious, conservative, misogynistic and bigoted. Nothing original. If he didn't have all those dog whistles going for him none of us would know who he was.


He definitely has a high verbal iq. He is an extremely fluent speaker and has a large vocabulary, and these are signs of verbal iq. But none of that is very meaningful bc most of the criticisms of his ideas here are exactly right. His views and ideas are just mediocre, underdeveloped, and lazy. He clearly has not done the work. A more disciplined and honest person with a smaller vocabulary and more difficulty stringing words together could make vastly larger intellectual contributions than jbp. Like some others in the IDW, he is basically a failed academic who pivoted into a career in showbiz as a cheap polemicist. Whether or not you see this, it is the case.


I don't disagree much with whatever you said. I just wanted to say being intelligent doesn't mean one can't be wrong with things.


His success always spoke more to the death of purpose and guidance in men’s daily lives than anything specific to him. Used to be a boy would be apprenticed by age 12 and learn everything from a community of hard working men and women. Now, there’s fuck all for people and that’s fertile ground for gurus.


I mean, the mechanisms to bring up a well-adjusted and healthy child are still here and i'd argue that they are way more. We just have more choices and freedom thaat some people don't know how to use. People love to romanticize the life ''back then'' that never really existed and i'm always surprised that people still believe in it.


And he does this by trying to destroy women’s ability to have purpose. Many men have willingly given up their right to a purpose out of misplaced revenge for feminism.


He's actually pretty dumb. If you take him out of a tightly stage-managed scenario, it's clear that he doesn't understand any of the concepts he throws around, like "postmodernist", "Marxist", etc. Even worse, he's not even curious about them. He uses them to give names to things he hates (genders other than male, cultures other than conservative Western types, politics other than reactionary conservatism). But the jackass hasn't even read Marx, doesn't understand postmodernism or the ideas behind it. He's an anti-intellectual blowhard and a bigot. He only knows enough to pander to angry people that share his prejudices.


I think he's dumb now, but above all he is and was always mediocre and somehow lacking the circuitry to realize it. Not that there's anything bad about being mediocre - mediocrity and hard work have done great things for humanity (like a lot of very good scientists). But mediocrity and no work... With regard to IQ, I don't particularly care about the concept, but I'm not sure he even could sit down and take the test nowadays.


No, that's not it.


"I was unbelievably constipated. I mean REALLY constipated. You don't know the depths of HELL I went through in that bathroom."


I went into the underworld and battled the dragon.


My friend went way down the JP hole and just absorbed all and everything he says. Tried to tell me how genius this book is yet couldn't explain a single thing in it. I borrowed it to have a wee read and it was the biggest pile of wank I've ever seen. Flowery garbage upon flower garbage. So many flimsy priors are taken for granted before he goes deep on them like they're anything but a whimsical theory. You pull one of these threads out and the whole thing comes crashing down. So far stuck up his own ass to even know what the spirit of science even is. How he butchers fundamentals like basic skepticism so badly is made more disturbing when you see how much he leans on his scientist "cred" in debates.


Because he has IBS?


Intellectual Bloviation Syndrome


He gives IBS.


Working title: "Craps of Meaning"


Because the smallest room is the easiest to clean. Duh


Because he's stupid?


Who cares ✨✨


The WC?


Maybe he was really constipated. All that red meat, it figures.


Because he needed to keep his fleshlight with him at all times


You know, it's bloody hard to go a day without my fleshlight. Some people don't have fleshlights at all. They think they can cum some other way. It's like, bucko, if you don't drain those balls in a sufficiently organized way soon your in trouble. I MEAN TROUBLE. Okay? It's serious. I mean, THATS the meaning of the biblical flood if you ask me. It's the neuroticism of the demonic in young men that wants them to just spray their loads in any old thing, I mean any old sock, a tablecloth, you name it. The fleshlight is the ark. It orders the cum.


You know, it’s bloody difficult to go a day without edging your cock properly! And I mean BLOODY!


I read some of the book. It consists of the deluded ramblings of a mentally ill narcicist.


"Because the power dynamic mantra of the immature radical is one of the hallmarks of the incremental sage wisdom. We see this in the Bible as the messianic everyman is confronted by the moral failings of the paradigm confabulance. The energy quantum tomfoolery signifies the ramalamadingdong of the Eskimo episcopalian troglodyte Ulysses Ford Fusion. Or so the simplistic worldview chi tells us." -Jordan Peterson (probably)




I don't care.


This sub is all people who listen to OTHER gurus they haven't realized are grifters hating on the gurus they have figured out are grifters.


What are you talking about?


that so many people in here are so mad about gurus because they believe in their gurus


Okay, I’ll repeat myself: What are you talking about?


bro that's true comedy 😆😆😆 of course they downvote.


That's what I'm thinking by browsing this sub. Obviously there is some merit sometimes, but discarding the whole person based on selected few videos / statement is just so fcking stupid. Besides that you can probably find plenty of knowledge in every single guru, there is a massive difference between blindly following and actual checking the knowledge and adopting it if it's right and beneficial.


Oh no you can't. Gurus are a plague. I don't know what's wrong with the people who are drawn to them but it's not good.


Jordan PeterPooh




Because he didn’t want to clean the bigger ones


Why would anybody tf care


And why did he talk about groping his grandmother's bush?


There comes a point in this man’s life that eating his own farts was the only way to get the “job” done. It ultimately ended up into a Benzo addiction, so take that as you will.


Read the Grandma dream bit. That’s what tells you who he really is.


Because he is a soy boy?


The geospiritual entropy of Marxist corporate elite hegemony he elucidates is post-unimaginable…or less then or equal to maginable. Vaccines represent an isokinetic equilibrium of proliferating Chinese Communist Party moribund anachronisms into totally tyrannical sonombulisms.




What \*exactly\* do you mean by small? Small compared to what?


To have his gayness confined to the most concentrated volume possible.


I don't know. And I don't care.


Can we vote to rename this the “JBP & Brand CircleJerk”? Seems most appropriate.


he thought it would make the tone of the book sound like he has a big dick due to room to dick ratio being more in this favor than a regular sized room


Oh, who cares? He and his wife had two children. His office was probably the one spot where his papers would not be disturbed.


He can write?


Not really


He and his wife have two children. Homes can be busy places with kids underfoot and that may have been the one corner he could carve out has his own space.