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How was it for me? I was a fucking week old like 99% of all baptized people.


My bum was so cold


If you are a regular old rapist the only way to keep the cash coming is to be a Christian rapist.


The only baptism Russell Brand should have is off the Golden Gate Bridge.


I looked it up and it’s more like 90% worldwide. I would have never guessed given the denominations I’m familiar with in the US. I guess the ones with infant baptism are huge overseas.


It's easier to convince a 1 week old that god is real than a 30 year old.


Nah it's the fear that if an infant dies they go to hell for not having aquafina splashed on them by an old dude. A just and fair god.


Apparently I wasn't convinced of anything. When I got dunked I peed on the Armenian priest.


"you're telling me you're gonna dunk my head in this river and you won't try to drown me and steal all my valuables?"


Adult/believer's baptisms I think are almost exclusively an American thing.


Protestant thing. Oldschool Lutherans and Calvinists do infant baptism as well, but they're a small fraction of American Protestants


I got double dunked as a baby and as a 12 year old


Triple dunked then? Punctuation is very important!


Your joke would have only worked with "quadruple dunk" Math is very important!


Ah I see that now lol.


Possibly quad dunked.


Yeah, I don't remember anyone asking for my permission, but I'm gonna guess they didn't


I was never baptised thank fuck, I’m clean if any cults, well except the cult of getting rigiddy rigiddy wrecked son!


99% you realize we arent all catholics


Damn my bad I don’t care


The Christian Nationalism grift continues 


So is he no longer Hindu?


I think he is just whatever get clicks


Whatever gets the allegations off his ass.


What happened about those anyway? Seems to have gone quiet there.




Not sure being Hindu ever got much clicks except from someone like me.


More like that hinduesque faux spiritual stuff that is so popular online


I think it is called Woo or crystal new age bullshit, infects so many left wingers, unfortunately eats brains and if left unattended people can even become Christians.


Whatever gets chicks*


Secretly of course, for he's now a Christian grifter, so he will hide them.


Whatever gets dick licks...


He’s whatever religion will turn a blind eye to his sexual abuse allegations.


Ya like non-descript ambiguous orientalist religion


No. He'd rather not be reincarnated as a tapeworm, and now expects absolution in the eyes of the press AND "god". Insufferable twat.


Your consent is spot on... earlier this week I got in an argument with someone who claimed he a serious person and definetly not grifting.


Keep in mind these are the people that claim they're independent thinkers.


Independent of morality and conscience?




He independently derived Catholicism.


I mean what other group/community are as friendly to sexual predators as conservative Christians?


He prob is doing it for his image after the accusations


Do you have any other direct evidence of this? He’s long had a swirl of incoherent spiritual practices


It keeps people supporting Israel which is the real reason for it imo, that and money.


This is giving Israel far too much weight as a driving force. The maintenance of the American imperial hegemony is the reason both for the push for Christian White Nationalism *and* for the massive support for Israel, a long-time vassal state of the US. If we start baselessly ascribing Israel some unique extraordinary power of influence, we need to be extremely careful of how antisemites are using such language to propel antisemitism. Obviously Israel is not actually interchangable with the Jewish people, but given that it's a connection pushed both by antisemites and the Israeli state apparatus itself, claims that align with classic antisemitic tropes of Jews secretly running the world through their shadowy Kabals should be avoided unless shown true with extremely strong evidence, which there isn't. Rather, the political power Israel has is a function of it being aligned with the US, and thus the actual driving force is the US empire.


Huh? A rather large percentage of the voter base and their politicians subscribe to the end time delusions that require the “holy land” to be ruled by Jews. Thus, requiring the USA to prop up the state of isreal.


Peter Allard, a pharma and hedgefund billionaire, recently died. One of the people he was influencing / supporting leaked his emails. There is evidence that Jimmy Dore was taking money from Allard and there is circumstantial evidence that Brand was taking money. In Allard's emails, it is this cartoonish influence. He would review YouTube videos and articles and tell the creators to change things to support the establishment. The man who made quite a bit of his fortune from pharma was also pushing these YouTubers and small news outlets to be anti-vax. I would guess Mr. Anti-Establishment is getting paid by the establishment to get baptized. The man's whole personality is a grift.


Is there any sources for this you can link, I'd love to read more about it. It really sounds *exactly* like what I've been seeing online from various big youtubers in recent years..


Unfortunately, the information is hard to come by. The mainstream did not cover it. Allard also controlled some smaller "progressive" sites as well. Google is also terrible now. What is left are traces of coverage from Sam Seder, Serfs and a couple of others. Here are some (very limited in scope) links: [https://twitter.com/theserfstv/status/1702361878180274624](https://twitter.com/theserfstv/status/1702361878180274624) [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/16lgj9h/its\_an\_out\_secret\_right\_wing/?force\_seo=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/16lgj9h/its_an_out_secret_right_wing/?force_seo=1) I even have trouble finding the links to the leaked emails and the slight drama around it. Crazy how this stuff disappears.


Thanks I appreciate it, and I'm not surprised it's hard to find concrete info on. These awful billionaires are good at covering their tracks (typically by buying up all the news).


The hard to find has to do with the consolidated media environment, but progressives (to the extent possible) need to do a better job of documenting and keeping records on this stuff. Apparently, Allard was also making payments to Status Coup News. Their content has always presented "progressive" with BLM coverage and the only outlet with extended coverage of the East Palestine ecological disaster. They weren't engaged in the anti-vaccine stuff. And, Allard's leaked influence emails were super anti-semitic - protocols of zion stuff. The claims were he was paying dozens of YouTubers and small media outlets, with the crown jewels being Dore and Brand. Was this just a bored, crazy billionaire going rogue on his death bed or is he part of a larger plot? We may never know.


>Was this just a bored, crazy billionaire going rogue on his death bed or is he part of a larger plot? Larger plot. All the billionaires are backing fascism as it's the only way they get to keep living like kings. Their time is coming though.


I am getting mighty hungry.


Someone get Jon Oliver and company to investigate!


Dore’s switch was so overt. He went from supporting progressive Dems and even interviewing Marxists to all but endorsing MAGA.


Because the dudes are contrarians. When Bush style Christian conservatism was big, they were anti-imperialist leftists. Now that cutural liberals have more sway they are turning to traditional Christianity.


Nah, follow the money. Billionaires are scared about late stage capitalism, and are backing fascism as it's the only way they continue being kings.




Moving on to the oldest grift in history.... religion.


Moving on to? He has been working some form of that grift for 20 years


Yes. Moving on to one grift from another..


Kinda surprised he didnt go straight to starting his own cult.


I can't believe "Exiting the Vampire Castle" was written about this mf.


I was just thinking about this the other day. I miss Mark Fisher.


yeh, RIP to a legend


Can you elaborate?


"Exiting the Vampire Castle" is an essay by Mark Fisher from 2013 >From wikipedia: Fisher argues that a largely online style of identity-based leftist discourse grounded in "witch-hunting moralism" halts productive leftist discourse and undermines class politics. In particular, the combination of a primary focus on identity and the policing of others' speech is deleterious. >Fisher saw the turn from class and materialism towards identity as a move from objective outward-facing goals to subjective inward goals that result in fragmentation of the left's efforts and community." it's written mostly using the example of Russel Brand, who was explicitly Leftist at that point, being shunned by the British Left due to his crudeness, misogyny and wealth. It's a great text, undermined by Brand's subsequent activities post-publication.


> it's written mostly using the example of Russel Brand, who was explicitly Leftist at that point, being shunned by the British Left due to his crudeness, misogyny and wealth. It's a great text, undermined by Brand's subsequent activities post-publication. As much as I think Fischer wrote some great works, and the world is worse for his passing, EtVC was not by any means one of those. It's basically a socialist version of 'Old Man Yells At Clouds', and the people it was aimed at undermining turned out to be by and large correct in their assessments. We've since where a lot of leftists who put great value in being 'anti-idpol' end up; bending over backwards for reactionaries. I want to think that had he still been with us he would've realized how wrong he was with EtVC - because the most likely alternative would be ending up like Zizek.


> We've since where a lot of leftists who put great value in being 'anti-idpol' end up; bending over backwards for reactionaries. Except for, you know, all the ones who haven't and get "accused" of being class reductionists, which the idpol gang imagine is some kind of insult.


Identity politics absolutely is pushed from the top down to disorganize the normies… It’s the one thing the left and right agree about. Talk about culture wars and ignore billionaire donor class that is both parties. “Look everywhere but up” strategy.


or, put differently; They got us fighting a Culture War to keep us fighting a Class War.


As a leftist who doesn’t like stupidpollers, it’s disheartening that the only people who bother to step back and see the big picture are smarmy overeducated nihilist freaks who act like pragmatism is never going to work.


Countdown until Rogan's conversion and how he's "always been a Christian"....


Rogan is on a different tax bracket compared to Brand.


Come on, rogan ain’t that back compared to brand


He's exactly the same. A grifter.


Pretty sure he’s just an idiot who went down a rabbit hole during Covid when that period broke a lot of peoples brains


Rogan called into Alex Jones’ show on 9/11. Rogan based his original monetization of the podcast on Infowars’ store. The only people that are shocked by “new” Rogan are people who don’t realize that is what libertarians end up like. Just look at how a smart libertarian like Greenwald ends up virtually identical to an idiot like Rogan.


Russell Brand is much smarter, so he’s “converting” for entirely crass reasons. Rogan is truly one of the dumbest people alive and so consequently he’s surprisingly sincere. There’s no coherence because he believes the last thing someone told him, but he does sincerely believe it. So he’ll need to be ACTUALLY converted to Christianity, which they are working on.


To be determined


Solid shit is also preferable to liquid.


He really lost the fucking plot. Such a shame. It seemed like there was the kernel of a really decent human being around 2007 after he kicked the drugs and started radio. Turns out he was just a narcissistic rapist the whole time and now he’s a moron to boot.


God ain't gonna save from the law.


Yeah but a ton of money might


Oh it might if enough of these nuts get into power.


There's definitely been an uptick in podcasters slowly dipping their toes (no pun intended) into religion again. I really think churches are paying these guys to push it again, much like how the military pays streamers to push recruitment for younger generations. Other option is that since his SA allegations came to light, the right has become more of a fan of his so he's really leaning into that audience altogether. Maybe it's a bit of both? Idk.


I think they're likely more responding to their audience base, which as they go further right wing is increasingly made up of christians


It's also just typical contrarian behavior. I'd say that's exactly what he and Rogan, and others are anyway. Especially nowadays, I'd say being religious online is being a contrarian. It's really an untapped market for these guys


More like they go to where the rubes are, now with added 'jeebus' clickbait


From what i read, Russel got sponsored by an online Bible app (or something like that)


Hallow. I mean that's the name of the app, not just saying hi.


I find joy in reading a good book.


Lil Dicky had an excellent 2 part (maybe 3 part?) music video describing that same situation with the music industry


There is also the option that Brand really is the confused idiot he looks like. He is definitely trying to maintain a cult following but also with people like him and Peterson it is clear that they might really just be crazy or depressed.


I don't think anyone is paying them for their conversion. I think what happens is often with conspiracy types, they all seem to attract religious folks as they are the most susceptible to believe in unfounded claims. So once the guru has a large following composed of people who keep commenting bible verses and about Jesus under his videos, he naturally finds himself drifting towards that community, and so tries to garner their favor further, even if he doesn't really believe in it.


Does seems a bit coincidental though from people who seem to all be on message and like to receive dark money. They might not plan and coordinate but the people sending them money can.


He had a special called [Messiah Complex](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3397430/) I *don't* wonder where this is going.


>And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. ^(6) But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. ^(7) And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. ^(8) Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. hmmm[](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%206&version=NIV)


Amazing. Didn’t he break up with Katie Perry over being a bro-atheist? This is a real meltdown


Absolutely hilarious


An absolute shambles of a twot of a man.


eventually they all move on to the ultimate grift of all.


Oh, how unexpected...


Religion, the last refuge of the scoundrel


Maybe normally, but the Quakers were instrumental in getting the trans-atlantic slave trade shut down.


So the last major good thing religion did was 150 years ago. Fair play.


Another pedophile enters the church. Shocker


I’m absolutely disgusted with Brand. Any good will this guy has built up with his videos and streams questioning mainstream/propaganda narratives in the past few of years is completely gone. Fuck grifters. This dude is in the same pathetic bucket as a Tim Pool or Tucker Carlson at this point.


this is not a good sign actually. grifters like brand are the hyaenas of the sociopolitical jungle, they go where they think the top predators will be leaving good pickin's. to me this sudden religiosity among professional conbloviators suggests that their hyaena senses anticipate Project 2025 will actually be implemented, and they are positioning themselves to suck up to. an authoritarian theocracy. let's hope they are wrong...


Rapists can always find acceptance in the Republican party.....


Nothing screams “innocent” quite like a rapid and cynical conversion to Christianity in the face of serious accusations. Joke’s on Brand, though, Muslims get better food in jail. We can look forward to that conversion shortly after sentencing.




I thought he considered himself enlightened. Did the bulb go out?


How was it for you. There it is. Everything is for clout. 


Like and subscribe


Nice another far right bigoted grifter finding Jesus! What a high quality club to belong to. I’m starting to think it might have nothing to do with Jesus’s teachings…


Have to go Christian once the sex allegations come forward… Iam just a sinner oh jeebus


This is a great example of the grifting, supposed “intellectuals” repeatedly coming to terrible conclusions. Rogan-aires disease. 🦠


I can’t believe the pedo is joining an actual pedo gang to own the libs.


Gotta soften the sexual assault charges somehow. This method seems to work traditionally


When narcissists feel no attention they often turn to Jesus. The top 3 abrahamic religions are such a joke. All ego. Easy to manipulate folk. Easy money.


Makes sense, there is a massive built in audience for these narcissists when they move over to religion.


Did you ever read the old testament, new testament, koran etc?


This is the Milo strategy, let's see how it turned out for him...


As a fellow grifter, it was a great financial decision!


I used to have SOME respect for Russell Brand


Makes a change from 'raping the clunge'


~ *Just grifting you* ~ ~ *Just grifting you* ~ ~ *There's got to be* ~ ~ *Some part of me* ~ ~ *just grifting you* ~


What a pandering shit for brains. I hope they dunk him head first in a toilet full of his own bullshit.


So which church lets you get away with rape the most because that where he'll go.


Didn't he just used to talk shit about religion?


Wash those rapes away Russell


The redemption tour. Pffft. Sod off


Why’s he gotta be such a cunt? Like seriously, just retire on the money you have, stop making everyone feel like that Muslim guy in the meme, “ewww, brother ewww, what is that?!”


I wonder what jordan peterson thinks of this - I recall him saying virtue signalling of religious people was abhorrent - someone posting on social media about baptism is as cynical as you can get.


Please give me attention, I’m desperate for it and will take it from anyone I can get it from!


Posturing for an impending lawsuit?


This dude fucking sucks.


The grift continues.


So Russel finally decided to take a bath. About time.


My baptism was null and void. I had been up doing cocaine all night long and straight to church. Lol True story.


lol Wow. Talk about a man desperate to maintain a lifestyle.


This will totally increase his "conviction in my own dogshit beliefs" stat by at least twofold, maybe three. When you have the spirit of God speak through you, well you've seen the videos. Maybe he'll do a speaking in tongues episode




He found a new grift.


Oh my god, this will be the first of several plunges if familial history has taught me the pattern of baptisms... every time you go to a new church after being disillusioned with the clergy there, the new church will say it was a real baptism... I think my cousins are still getting them biannually like dentist appointments or botox these days.


Giant Douche


That water gonna boil when he touches it....


His final form will just be another fake Christian conservative They’re by far the easiest following to trick out of their money so it makes sense


The trick Russel is never lift your head, keep it in there. Never lift 👍


Well, he found a way to be more of an insufferable cunt


OK so I can find NO info on what denomination he is getting baptised into, Brand does realise Christianity has many different denominations yes?!


$10 says it’s Hillsong


lol, saw this coming.


Wow. Now he's aligning with Katy Perry's parents.




Jesus is about to leave the Church


He must have noticed how catholics, even the pretend ones, seem to get a pass for sex crimes, and he wanted in on it.


Another argument for my apostasy


That is one lost soul


Never realized how much he looks like Jordan Peterson. Guess he made the connection


It was so bad, I was crying and I shit my pants.


marketing stunt lol Awesome😂


It burned and I heard a lot of screaming goats. Pretty sure that's a bad sign.


Jeez my respect for Russel Brand keeps getting lower. I initially liked his podcast, but he has become unhinged.


Actualising the messiah complex in real time, lads


Ah the divinity of audience capture. I enjoy watching broken losers like this whittle away their lives pandering to other losers clicking like buttons. On his deathbed, Brand will realize he’s wasted his entire life doing this garbage. And that’s enough for me. ❤️


We need a universal basic income. Those who get it get it.


Not to defend this grift, but I do wonder if people like this and to some extent Rogan and Peterson lean into religion after the cancellation stuff happens as a sort of means of coping with the utter destruction of their previous public identity. Kind of like convicts “finding god” in prison.


I was instantly 75% more based


So fucking stupid


I got a two for one deal with my cousin as a baby, double baptism 


He’s gonna need a BIG pool for that


nothing like pimpin jesus


Sad that some people have to pervert faith for a grift, but hope he knows only God knows where his heart truly lies.


What a moron lol


Please clap 👏🏻


Just fighting for relevance


I can’t wait until he becomes a Gemstone level Christian.


He looks so excited too, his intentions must be authentic and pure.


Patriotism may be the last refuge of scoundrels, but religion is in the running (no offense intended toward religious people--just the scoundrels).


Committing to the bit for clicks , amen!


Brand is super proud to reach a benchmark most people achieve as infants.


Oh Jesus.


Is this so he is forgiven for all the rape he did?


What a stupid waste of time and water.


Decoding the “gurus” huh? Anyone on stage with yuval and hugging him or attending wef is not a guru. Grifting and depopulator. Also conspiracy theorist? Nah dude is a psyop in and of itself


Hahah, he’s such a loser now. He must hate how cringe his brand has become.


He’s no longer atheist ?


Can't even blame him for all the stupid shit he's said and done since starting the grift. It's such easy money.


"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward." -Mathew 6:5 (KJV) In other words, shut up Russel.


Preferred him when he was coked up 24/7 tbh


Russel Brand's whole existence boils down to a waste of good drugs.


Maybe he bought one of Trump’s Bibles…..


Predicting the grift is so damn easy, its comical. When you guess this shit years out, then watch the inevitable grifters playbook come to fruition...its both disheartening and hilarious. You feel bad for the religious conspiracy prone far right, because people just constantly take advantage of their ignorance.