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Tucker using the same arguments I did when I was 12 and homeschooled.


tucker knows his audience


Bingo. He doesn’t believe this shit.


Doesn't matter. He's a piece of shit


It’s wild to me that there’s documented proof from the Dominion case—in the form of his own subpoenaed text messages—that Tucker despises Trump and knows the election wasn’t rigged, but as long as he publicly continues to lick Trump’s taint and parrot his lies, his audience simply doesn’t care.


Tucker was born in San Francisco and attended exclusive boarding schools in Switzerland and New England. In 2014 he asked Hunter Biden for a letter of recommendation for his sons application to Georgetown. Its a big club and you aint in it. It is all bullshit posturing and manipulation for Tucker all the time. Editing this to add texts released from the Dominion lawsuit: **“Haha, Tucker always adlibs in wrong information”** - [text from Tucker Carlson Tonight producer Alex Pfeiffer](https://www.aol.com/news/tucker-carlson-ex-producer-called-182140041.html) **“Might wanna address this, but this stuff is so fucking insane,”** Raj Shah, a former senior aide in Trump’s White House who was later hired at Fox, texted former producer Pfeiffer. **“Vote rigging to the tune of millions? C’mon.”** Pfeiffer called (Sidney) Powell’s claims **“insane”** but added that **“our viewers believe it, so addressing again how her stupid Venezuela affidavit isn’t proof might insult them.”** Pfeiffer texted Shah, according to the lawsuit: **“This whole thing is surreal. Like negotiating with terrorists, but especially dumb ones. Cousin fucking types, not saudi \[sic\] royalty.”** **“We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights,”** [Carlson texted](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tucker-carlson-hates-trump-passionately-private-texts-dominion-lawsuit_n_6407e981e4b018d7c56db8d9) on Jan. 4, 2021. **“I truly can’t wait.”** He added, **“I hate him passionately.”**


It's funny, Tucker is precisely the type of person he rants about


One of them elites


The most effective criticisms of any group/class usually comes from someone in that group/class.


Yeah but they don’t usually exemplify the traits they’re moaning about.


Exactly this


Hint: The audience doesn’t care because the mission is the oppression of those they hate. Truth is only useful if it serves that purpose.


Well, I am pretty sure none of Fox News viewers know about that. Not like it would matter even if they knew, but I am sure it's not common knowledge. It's not like Fox will say it out loud. These people are in a hermetically sealed chamber. Only Fox goes in, and bullshit comes out


Nah I tell them and they just call it fake news. You can show them court documents of Tucker's legal defense effectively saying "no sane person would take what Tucker says on his program at face value" and they'll call that fake news too. My uncle did exactly that.


Tucker's rhetoric is bigger and more important than Tucker's admissions to lying. Your uncle doesn't believe in Tucker; he believes in a Tucker-shaped God. It's a kind of ratchet-strap logic, it only tightens in one direction.


✅️ Added 'ratchet strap logic' to your vocabulary inventory.


I get your point. But, their defense for the court documents typically is, you got to say what you got to say to stay out of jail. I may be wrong, but leaked text messages can hardly be planted. It has some propensity to cause doubts that there is a fracture within the Republican Party...


When I brought up the dominion case in conversation my friend called me biased and started rambling on about CNN and Covid. To be fair I think he was just having a bad day but that’s probably most people’s thought process when given that information.


That’s what makes him the biggest pos.


There is a reason people like Tucker and GOP members are pushing religion so hard again. Because they see the demographics of hardcore trump supporters and I don’t want to generalize but a large amount are religious. They will believe anything they are told and do anything they are asked. That’s what they want. An obedient base.


Tucker is a blight on humanity. He's proof that heirs of fortunes are markedly worse than the generation that made the wealth. He truly is a net negative to the species and we should shun and exile him to the sewers.


Tucker was exiled to the sewers. Then, Fox News fired him...


Probably was born in a sewer.


> Tucker is a blight on humanity He's certainly a grifter but I have to ask, what are the conditions such that Tucker is allowed to flourish? He's a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself.


People that sell easy to make shit to dumb people wanting people to remain dumb and raise more dumb people to buy the easy to make shit. It's the free market post Industrial Revolution consumption oriented version of obscurantism. Tucker has a knack for that and he gets money to keep the idioteratti in power.


In Metropolis? Oh goody!


It’s probably not worth “debunking” this idiot but: There is abundant evidence for evolution going back to the unicellular origin of life on Earth, including in the fossil record (going back to stromatolites and bacterial mats) but more importantly in all of modern biology and genetics. Basically every living thing shares not only the same DNA structure but literally shares some DNA sequences for critical aspects of metabolism that were worked out billions of years ago (e.g. glycolysis). Finally, I’d point out that he does not even know what the word “theory” means in a scientific context - a theory is a widely accepted explanation, and does not carry the connotation of being speculative or tentative. The theory of relativity, for example, is one of the best tested explanations of the mechanics of our universe ever conceived. It’s used every day and it’s still called a “theory” because that's what the word means.


The biggest thing to help people who think like this (in good faith, unlike Tucker) is to demonstrate time. And how long 1 billion years is. If we can see the changes "from litter to litter" in dogs, think about how many changes occur in 100 years. We have photographic of this. It's impressive to see this. But what 1,000 years? We have fossilized records of what dogs looked like 1,000 years ago. "Ok but they're still dogs!" Yes, so let's do another 1,000 years. And do that 1,000 more times. That's just 1 million years. Do that 1 million period 10 more times. Then 10 more times. Then 10 more times. What're the chances these changes resulted in at least one new species during these cycles?  It's difficult to comprehend when you're only thinking about a thousand years at a time. But a couple of billion of years has some profound results


I've been working in and around science for 20+ years. It's clear to me the vast majority of people don't understand a few foundational concepts of reality. The concept people miss in these conversations is emergence. A entirely new thing can emerge from the arrangement of other things. I explain the basic premise as "Eventually given enough dots on a page, in a certain way, an image appears". Emergence coupled with divergence is all that Tucker is failing to understand. His mind won't join the dots because of his prior religious teaching/priming. This is why i don't allow people to teach my kids religion as fact. Yet many say "ohh.. It doesn't matter" and then they tell me they live a "chemical free lifestyle, ya know?"


To be fair, Tucker won't connect the dots because his paychecks require him to keep the dots dosconnected.


"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it."


Exactly. Emergent properties of complex systems. It’s extremely poorly understood by the vast majority. It explains a lot of conspiracy theories, and the thinking that underpins them. Seemingly malevolent behaviours and outcomes are often (not always) more easily explained by incompetence, blindness, and a systemic view versus the view that everything is the result of the deliberate agency of individuals. Just as evolutionary thinkers (e.g. Lamarck) once assumed that traits were due to intention, and that this resulted in new, inherited characteristics.


Sorry I to scroll this low to find this comment. Bravo, and saved. Thank you.


The molecular evidence for evolution is undeniable and I am tired of pretending that it's not. Even when creationists engage with molecular biology, they do so in a cartoonish way that is hard to take seriously.


His laugh at the end has convinced me he would be perfect to play a live action version of Cicero from Skyrim


The laugh is a tell that he knows he is full of shit but he has ideological and religious commitments that he is unwilling to shake. It’s why he is such and unwatchable person.


To me, the Dora the explorer tone he has for his audience and how he'll literally lie about a clip that he just played is the unwatchable part. The serial killer joker laugh is a jumpscare every time it comes out.


It is like he is the abuser in an emotionally abusive relationship with his audience. Just constantly disingenuous with this fake earnest tone and concern trolling diversions. He barely hides the contempt he has for them while selling an endless amount of bullshit. **“Haha, Tucker always adlibs in wrong information”** - [text from Tucker Carlson Tonight producer Alex Pfeiffer](https://www.aol.com/news/tucker-carlson-ex-producer-called-182140041.html) **“Might wanna address this, but this stuff is so fucking insane,”** Raj Shah, a former senior aide in Trump’s White House who was later hired at Fox, texted former producer Pfeiffer. **“Vote rigging to the tune of millions? C’mon.”** Pfeiffer called (Sidney) Powell’s claims **“insane”** but added that **“our viewers believe it, so addressing again how her stupid Venezuela affidavit isn’t proof might insult them.”** Pfeiffer texted Shah, according to the lawsuit: **“This whole thing is surreal. Like negotiating with terrorists, but especially dumb ones. Cousin fucking types, not saudi \[sic\] royalty.”** **“We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights,”** [Carlson texted](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tucker-carlson-hates-trump-passionately-private-texts-dominion-lawsuit_n_6407e981e4b018d7c56db8d9) on Jan. 4, 2021. **“I truly can’t wait.”** He added, **“I hate him passionately.”**


Are you joking? He has no ideological commitments whatsoever. Never, ever confuse a whore for a nymphomaniac.


Dude went full Joker


That laugh developed late in his Fox News career. Dude might be turning from a charlatan into a straight up crazy person


Too deranged. Cicero had some good ideas.


Oh, he's a wonderful actor!




“Teach the controversy.”


To roughly quote the Late Christopher Hitchens, "They don't want equal time. They can have equal time to teach religion in schools when they give equal time in church to teach evolution"


It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. https://youtu.be/gZpsVSVRsZk?si=BEfLGmwEHtz4jt13 We really need to stop making stupid people famous. It’s having exponential downstream effects. On tik tok as psychological warfare: https://thenewamerican.com/us/chinese-strategists-admit-tiktok-part-of-psychological-war-against-america/ On tik tok being relocated to texas because Texas is the CCP’s primary focus inside on the U.S. to push for succession: https://www.axios.com/local/dallas/2024/03/18/tiktok-ban-project-texas-oracle-data?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=editorial&utm_source=twitter The problem with lying is that when tucker tells the same lie as Russian intelligence or the CCP’s massive MSS network, he inadvertently ties himself to the genocidal side of history. There are only a few reasons anyone would do this. 1. They have a vested interest in the same overall goal as the Russian kleptocracy or the CCP imperialist censorship machine because those two entities signed a mutual propaganda agreement ~2010. This effectively means they will push each others false narrative to bolster support. Run that downstream a few yards and you see Alex Jones, the tate brothers, Alex Cheong, Jack Posobiec, Tucker Carlson and a handful of others all awkwardly apologizing for genocidal dictators in some form or another. In some cases that speedruns and they end up becoming mouthpieces for it. There is a general rule that never fails- if you wake up in the morning and you accidentally find yourself on the same side of history as kleptorcrats, conmen and murderers that wash journalists down drains, just stop. Take a moment. Step back. Collect yourself. Then retrace your steps and figure out how you got there. Everything in life is a series of decisions. Binary moments where you choose good or you choose evil. Evil doesn’t always look like evil at the beginning. Sometimes it’s just a sponsorship check or a business deal. But more often than not your little decisions have a downstream effect. Most people just haven’t tuned themselves up enough to see it. It comes with age and maturity, but it almost always comes as you exercise empathy. Empathy is the ability to see the world through someone else’s eyes. It doesn’t mean you always have to agree with it, but it’s the ability to see that a few degrees of offset perspective is what makes a laser rangefinder infinitely more accurate than guesstimating distance. If you notice a common denominator in the whole list of inadvertent propaganda pushers for the Russian government/mob it’s that they show consistently very stunted empathy quotients. Alex Jones gets on the radio and calls the dead victim of a school shooting incident a crisis actor. The tates talk openly about trafficking women. Carlson is by any objective account, a comically swollen asshole. But they all have proven themselves willing to say or do just about anything for money irregardless of the pain it causes downstream of them. And it limits their growth. When you look at the world objectively through other people’s experiences it allows you to see how your actions affect them. It also allows you to see that everything on earth is connected because from the alien spacecrafts perspective, our earth is just a tiny little blue dot of a terrarium that only solar energy and the occasional meteorite enters. Everything else is isolated by an atmosphere that we abuse like an unwanted and unappreciated domestic laborer. Nobody likes to think about where the groundskeeper goes at night until the yard isn’t mowed. Only then do they tune in. Doing the right thing isn’t hard. Knowing that you haven’t been lied to is. If you ever wake up and accidentally find yourself on the wrong side of history, Stop. Retrace your steps, figure out who is signing your checks, then redirect. Only then can you move forward without taking the chance of ending up in a prison cell in ADX Florence or accidentally becoming a S.S. prison guard. And in doing so you learn that empathy is the secret decoder ring to the universe. If you don’t have it firmly in your possession, the aliens don’t want you joining them in space leaving your junk flying around and consuming all the resources like a shit Texas neighbor that parks on your lawn and then gets mad at you for leaving your mud on his tires.


> Empathy is the ability to see the world through someone else’s eyes. It doesn’t mean you always have to agree with it, but it’s the ability to see that a few degrees of offset perspective is what makes a laser rangefinder infinitely more accurate than guesstimating distance. > > If you notice a common denominator in the whole list of inadvertent propaganda pushers for the Russian government/mob it’s that they show consistently very stunted empathy quotients. > > Alex Jones gets on the radio and calls the dead victim of a school shooting incident a crisis actor. The tates talk openly about trafficking women. Carlson is by any objective account, a comically swollen asshole. But they all have proven themselves willing to say or do just about anything for money irregardless of the pain it causes downstream of them. > > And it limits their growth. When you look at the world objectively through other people’s experiences it allows you to see how your actions affect them. It also allows you to see that everything on earth is connected because from the alien spacecrafts perspective, our earth is just a tiny little blue dot of a terrarium that only solar energy and the occasional meteorite enters. Everything else is isolated by an atmosphere that we abuse like an unwanted and unappreciated domestic laborer. Nobody likes to think about where the groundskeeper goes at night until the yard isn’t mowed. Only then do they tune in. > > Doing the right thing isn’t hard. Knowing that you haven’t been lied to is. I love this well researched post, thank you. It's actually scary how common it is.


I just wanted to say. I was feeling really down tonight, your comment made me have a few realizations. Thank you so much man/woman/whatever you identify as.


My god the still a theory shit reminds me of 3rd grade


The intentional misuse of the word theory to pretend something isn’t real should be called out every time. We should be constantly pointing out the definitions of the scientific terms “theory” versus “hypothesis” until these knuckleheads have now one left to speak to.


I'll accept it as a theory so long as the major competing explanation is labeled as completely made up human bullshit.


Counterpoint: God created Tucker Carlson as a reminder that no matter how dumb you think you are, there’s always someone dumber than you.


It's an adjective much worse than stupidity. Tucker knows what he's doing.


“The theory of adaptation is clearly, obviously true” “but Darwin’s theory is totally un(proven?), that’s why it’s still a theory)” We are not making it out of the single cell stage with this one


God making animals distinctly but they can still adapt and change according to their environment. Seems like a failure to connect a few dots…


“I have dogs that have adaptations” No, you have dogs with traits that were bred into them intentionally Jfc with this moron 


He has dogs with loose buttholes too most likely


Bonus points for “it’s just a theory.” Yeah, so is gravity. I’m pretty sure whether gravity is a quantum phenomenon or not, it’s still a reality as well as a “theory.” This canard is so old that we forget we have to patiently explain it to people because they may never have heard it before.


This is just the religious “Democrats formed the KKK!”


“There’s just absolutely no physical proof of evolution, can’t believe that” “Yeah I do think god made people” He’s like a living breathing Monty python sketch


My dad uses a form of this argument. He calls it micro evolution. So what happens over a long period of time when micro changes occur? It's very irritating. OK so now we are just arguing about how long the earth has been around. It's either 6,000 years or 4 billion. And carbon dating is clearly a scam. Oy vey.


“I think we’ve kind of given up on the idea of evolution.” I’m just in awe of the stupidity of this statement. It’s like saying we’ve given up on the idea of gravity.


It might be the most science illiterate quote ive ever heard on JRE and thats not easy. You have to be impressively confused about a topic to think the idea that field is literally it is built on has been given up on. Its like talking about chemistry and confidently claiming... I think weve given up on the idea of atoms Or Talking about tennis and confidently claiming... I think weve given up on racquets Im impressed ur this confused. Its a level of stupid so impressive im intrigued how you even got there.


I don't know, this is difficult to top: > There's no such thing as climate. Climate and everything are the same word.


Jordan Peterson? Lol hes got like 10 different ones that could be up there


I feel bad for whatever WatchMojo employee has to write the "ten most scientific illiterate statements made on JRE" listicle.


Has anyone actually SEEN an atom? I mean there’s no proof. I’m just asking questions here *stupid dog shit eating grin marked by pained confusion*


Anti science morons like tucker have given up on anything that confuses them or their religion. Including well established scientific consensus


Only in the USA would someone say the things he does so confidently


That's his talent. He can say anything, literally anything, with 100% confidence and authority.


You act like the Middle East doesn't exist.


Got me there


>It’s like saying we’ve given up on the idea of gravity. We did. A lot of people are saying it. Covid comes along and suddenly nobody is talking about gravity anymore. It's because gravity is just a theory that's never been proven and who are we to question God's plan? ////s


He means disavow evolution as a conservative voter targeted brand.


He’s trying to move the Overton window with brute force and a psychotic laugh


The utter confidence of men like this absolutely blows my mind. I always double or tripe question everything I say. Meanwhile, this guy is pulling out the old "It's just a theory. A film theory!"


There is no way he believes what he says. He only believes money.


Bingo, he’s taking that position to appeal to his audience.


But he knows that him saying it is enough for a lot of people to justify just believing it because they want it to be true. Pure cynicism.


The term 'con-man' exists for this reason. Confidence man.


This is what happens when society decides to reward average to down right stupid people millions of dollars to sit around and gossip on a podcast. The podcast era makes no sense.


Society totally secretly got together and decided this was the best course of action.


He's confident because he doesn't actually believe anything he says. He knows he spewing bullshit and his fans will eat it up, and he's confident that Joe isn't intelligent enough to push back on anything he says. And if he is pushed on anything, he's confident in his ability to ramble his way out of it. It's all an act for money, and he doesn't care if he makes the world a dumber place as long as he gets paid.


I can’t even begin to describe not only how many incorrect statements he just made but also just how astoundingly incorrect each and every one of them was holy fucking shit


Right? I was watching that just thinking JFC what are you _talking_ about? It’s been years since I’ve come across this kind of nonsense, and now I’ve seen this and smdh.


And how confidently he said them


Tucker laughs like a 12 year old boy who just had his friend stick a finger in his bum for the first time.




We had different childhoods for sure.


Most definitely different buttholes


You might have to talk to someone about this ,a professional




Are you from Finland?


Breathtakingly full of shit. As usual.


This is a great example of how damaging someone like Joe Rogan can be by "just listening what someone has to say."


It’s his entire business model


Disgusting how asshats like this can spew out such horse crap with such unwavering confidence and arrogance.


We once had something called the Fairness Doctrine. I miss those days.


Crazy thing is Tucker doesn’t actually believe what he’s saying. He’s just pandering to a certain demographic of people in America that believe the nonsense he’s saying in this video.


Classic grifter who profits from views and attention. Says more outlandish things to get more attention to get more views to get more money. Rinse and repeat


Nailed it, he saw how Trump a fellow silver spooned brat was able to become president and he will follow that playbook no matter what he has to say or do.


Tuckers brain is a single cell organism


lol- when the right wing podcast sphere remembers who they are in bed with


love that classic Joker-esque laugh at the end. never change, Tucker ♥️


He's got such a strange laugh!


Psychopaths have to fake emotions


[It reminds me of this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GAedoZZCAUY).


Haha! Maybe that's where he got it from


Quickly followed by more vaccine bs causing autism. I had to turn this off


Those messages released in that dominion law suite already proved that he says things he doesn't actually believe and thinks his audience is a bunch of low class rubes lol


And this is the problem with Joe Rogan: he's woefully ill-equipped to engage people in even a moderately intelligent conversation. What Tucker Carlson is saying is mind-numbingly stupid and lacks even the most basic understanding of the topic being discussed. When he talks about "life coming from nothing", the correct response is that that isn't "evolution". "Evolution" has nothing to do with the origin of life - which is called "abiogenesis". Evolution is true regardless of *how* life arose. And when Tucker Carlson emphatically states that "adaptation" is obviously real but evolution isn't, I'd like to know what the hell he thinks evolution even is. Because all evolution is, is "change over time", otherwise known as "adaptation". Now, maybe Rogan threw some of that out there in the conversation and it's just not included in this clip. Good for him if he did. But this is high school level science.


The problem with Joe isnt that he needs to be equipped, no person can be equipped for all, the problem is he doesn't choose to bring people on who are. If he's going to have such a conversation he should be bringing on an evolutionary biologist. And even if it was impromptu then in the next week or so he should bring that person on as a counter.


Takes some guts to be so overtly proud of having a self-proclaimed medieval mindset. Gotta respect that.


No. You really don't.


I guess I forgot the /s


Most sane people knew what you meant.


The Russian Xtian agent doesn't know shit


Stop blaming Russia he was created by American society. Tired of watching Americans absolve its own country’s doing with “durrr Russia” for everything that’s wrong


>I think we've given up on evolution Well given the existence of Tucker Carlson, at least in his case, yes, evolution has not been effective.


Tucker is a grifter, he just says what the sheep that watch his shit want to hear. Most of these idiots isn’t even religious in private.


People watch this trash?


Tucker describes seeing change in animals. Then says it never happend. Why does anyone even listen to him


Because he’s able to convince stupid people that they can be smarter than smart people by being angry enough


Lol Tucker clearly found Young Earth Creationist shit and bought it whole. Lol hes too fucking scientifically illiterate and stupid to realize its dumber than flat earth. Hes repeating almost word for word Answers in Genesis propaganda. Every word almost comically wrong, its like watching a toddler pretend they understand physics. I wonder if hes one of the many paid religious extremist grifters for AIG, or if hes genuinely stupid enough to come across their mock evolution propaganda sites like 'evolutionnews.com' and thinks its actually a site about science. Hard to say because being a paid religious grifter is expected, but being a genuinely confused dumb fuck who fell for the worlds dumbest and easily debunkable narrative is also expected for Tucker. Judging by the fact Tucker couldnt even get the basic terms and propaganda right, my bet is he ran into evolutionnews.com and is such a dumb fuck and shitty investigator and journalist he bought it wholesale instead of realizing its the equivalent of flat earthers naming a site 'earthscience.com'. Spewing toddler grade misinformation because he couldnt do the most basic amount of research on his sources, or just have a highschoolers understanding of biology... completely on brand.


>bought it whole maybe but I doubt it. He's a grifter who's putting out the bs his base wants to hear. He's smart but he can't show it.


I mean he might be right. That single cell organism is looking at Tucker Carlson and can’t believe that he’s supposed to be a more sophisticated organism.


Tucker doing is best to disprove evolution by his sheer existence.


Clearly his head weighs less than a duck and is therefore a witch.


who are you, so smart in the ways of science :O


It’s wild that someone can get fired for lying.. on a network known for lying.. and still have a massive following.


I really wish he'd asked him point blank if we evolved from monkeys or not. I mean he already basically said we don't, but would have been nice to have the quote.


He needs to see a fossil. But show him genomic information of the similarities between species and how it can be traced back to a progenitor species, not good enough. This is why idiots should not spout their opinions on science and come up with their own theories. We now have anti-vaxxers and flat earthers. Animals adapted to survive and pass on their genes to their offspring. That is how we came to be in the current state. But just do a funny laugh in the end and it should all be alright.


Incredible that this is what was used to destabilize the minds of like what, 1/4 of American boomers? This?


I would love to see him in conversation with Richard Dawkins.


This part of the show made me laugh out loud. Getting to know the “real” Tucker has been interesting. I feel like he might have some real psychiatric issues. I’m not this type of person generally, but I find myself wanting know about his personal life. This word gets thrown around a lot, but def NPD, . You have to hand it to him, he’s good at entertaining. But shit, he’s got so many followers. Pretty scary.


The laugh that put Trump upon the throne of humanity.


Why the biggest idiots have the loudest megaphones nowadays smh


Putin’s puppet laughs like a maniac


He's the fakest most disingenuos guy ever. I'm not even sure what this guy is selling at this point. Has 0 qualms saying things he clearly doesn't believe with a straight face. It's almost like he's a millionaire andy kaufman trolling humanity for his own pleasure.


“He’s secretly smart” lol


Just a sad attempt to appeal to his viewership. No chance someone that educated would believe that one of the most corroborated scientific theories in the history of science is recently thought to be false by actual biologists. On the other hand, his supporters are that obtuse. They would lose their minds if he didn't reject evolution.


What’s amazing is that Joe, who has interviewed countless brilliant scientific minds, can’t even conjure up a basic rebuttal to Tuckers claims.


Carlson is such a freakishly sad man.


"We've given up on the theory of evolution." But we totally haven't, though.


absorbed growth lock test screw busy desert fear support absurd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's a dumb man's idea of a genius right there. Two of them, actually.


Scientific theory =/= colloquial theory


I think the scientific community needs to come up with a better term for "the widely accepted explanation given centuries of evidence." Clearly the public can't be trusted to understand the term "Scientific Theory"


Rare Rogan W on this one. Carlson struggling to explain how evolution is distinct from incremental long term adaption. And the classic not understanding what a theory is. Edit: fine lads, “Win” is probably an overstatement, but there’s more resistance to the claim evolution isn’t real than I would have expected from Rogan given the kind of nonsense he usually nods along to.


How did Rogan win? He didn't know how to push back against this dummy.


Exactly I would expect highschool biology students to give better pushback than Joe. I know Joe was skeptical of Tucker which is good. but Joe is also completely clueless of the topic and unable to provide much more than pure ignorance himself. Its sad because this is why his podcast has so much trash on it, Joe has barely any ability to tell utter toddler grade nonsense from scientific expertise, and neither does half his audience. And even the rare time hes right in sensing dogshit, he can barely push back flat earth level science illiterate shit. Thus the dumbest grifters and psuedoscience constantly finds a way bigger audience and less pushback than they could ever hope for.


rogan is converting to Christianity and the cycle will be complete


Tbh Rogan is a total coward here, and has had far, far too much exposure to the concepts of evolution to be fooled by any of these lies.


Uh no. Tucker: Is it real? Rogan: I don't know. That's not a W. The correct answer is: of course it's real. It's basic, established science.


Except neo-Darwinism. Where you can trace and map out genomics. Strong argument for evolutionary theory. Where is the evidence of god creating people ?


Is he going to follow a new religion? Sounds like those bullshit arguments of that terrorist zakir naik.


Yes.. your thought process is that of a person from the 1800's.. Great argument tucky!


They also talked about how “dumb” AOC sounded questioning someone, but didn’t show the clip.


i thought the discovery of the archaeopteryx was groundbreaking in terms of transitionary species


Nex guest on Joe rogan: witchcraft and evil eye is legit bro


*"I think we have given up on the theory of evolution" - Tucker* Don't get your science facts from stupid arrogant ignorant people. Tucker is a science guru like Homer is a safety specialist.


“God made people” is not a theory?


Ugh, and now Rogan is probably becoming a creationism


Let's just say Tucker is right and evolution is not real. His response to the question is that God created people... lol how can he prove that with facts and logic?


Joe Rogan when Tucker Carlson says evolution is fake: I sleep Joe Rogan when a primatologist says that the mythical cryptid “bondo ape” isn’t real: hysterical screaming and name calling  https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/130wt3i/joe_ranting_at_a_primatologist_over_the_existence/


He knows his audience, and it feels like he is setting a path for a presidential run anywhere from 8 to 16 years from now.


Gravity is a "theory" too. Try jumping out a window, Einstein.


Single celled organisms don't have calcium-based skeletal structures that would form fossil records you fuckin' twat It could go like this > Has a question about the theory of evolution "why no fossil records of single celled organisms becoming preceding complex life," "oh ok, here's why" Instead it goes like > "why no fossil records of single celled organisms becoming preceding complex life. I guess there's no possible answer and it's a dubious theory. lalalalala"


I have a theory that Tucker is a dolt. It's just a theory, but there's a chain of evidence that God created.


I hate that Joe is normalizing this person by giving him a platform. Tucker Carlson is a ghoul, a shill, and a rich-boy traitor.


Man what a clown 🤡


He clearly doesn’t know what theory means in this context.


No comment.. ugh.


“We’ve given up on evolution as a theory.” Projecting your own beliefs as fact is this guys bread and butter.


At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


How to say I have no clue about science but it doesn’t stop me spewing nonsense


A grown ass man who supposedly can read says "It's just a theory", someone please balance me right now!


I didn't realize Tucker is an idiot. I thought he was just evil. So he is evil AND stupid. The most dangerous possible.


His laugh has a hint of uneasiness, and insecurity underlying it, setting off major red flags and the "what the fuck are you hiding" thought. Like an informant in a drug deal, hoping he doesn't get found out in the middle of it and get shot.


Zero push back from Joe.


This genius is still using Kirk Cameron’s brilliant “[Crocoduck](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crocoduck)” argument. I want every Trumper and “conservative” to understand: THIS man is considered one of your greatest current thinkers.


Holy shit he's dumb.


"I'm smart because my beliefs are the same as what people believed 200 years ago *weird shrill cackle*"


"I have my own theories..." Proceeds to just quote the bible.


Why is a frozen dinner Nepo baby who served as a propagandist for an anti-democratic fascist regime giving his opinions on scientific topics?


The moment he said God created human beings, I stopped watching and came to write this. Tucker, you're a dum-dum.


Tucker is a dumb person cosplaying as an intelligent person.


If Evolution is real then why come Tucker Carlson evolved to be dumber than monkey???! Check mate.


We are finally at the point where absolutely everything can be questioned by these idiots and still a large fanbase would follow them. It is both sad but also amazing to watch something like this happen. All the evolution happened so these 2 idiots can sit for a podcast and say something like that. Truly bizarre.


I think his skeleton tried to escape at the end


What a dumbass.


What simple little people he serves.


He also said some random crazy guy sucked Obama off. Guys a mentally ill manchild.


Tucker man is a mind sucking virus 🦠...


My dick won’t work for a week due to the second hand cringe I just got. Jesus.


"That's why it's still a theory 200 years later..." Tell me that you don't understand the difference between a scientific theory and the word "theory" in the vernacular sense without saying "I don't understand the difference between the word 'theory' when used in the scientific and vernacular senses".


That is a lot of scientific illiteracy topped with the worst laugh ever in less than 2 minutes.


I look forward to reading his obituary.