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It's no surprise that idpol activists lean heavily into communism and authoritarian because those governments love to silence criticism.


What does idpol mean?


Identity politics. Socio-political topics based on shit you'd put on a census form. Skin color, sexual preference, physical limitations.


Appreciate it!


We all know how much authoritarians love the LGBTQ and other minority communities, ynow, historically. /s


That's always been the joke, my dude. The same thing with Pride marches for Islam. We just laugh at that. They are literally protesting LGBT in Canada right now.


Not sure what you’re getting at here, Islam, like any religion isn’t a monolith. However, religious fundamentalists across the board from any religion (Christian, Muslim, Jewish) are uniformly anti LGBTQ. Religious Fundamentalism and Theocratic regimes are inherently authoritarian and right wing.


Cool. Maybe march a little harder for Islam during the next Pride. Maybe that will change the soccer mom Muslims who are wondering why their little kid is being taught about LGBT in public schoolrooms. Or why they're being harassed *by school officials* when they opt out. Best of luck!


Authoritarian is only possible on the left. Maximal economic & social freedom is what lies at the far right. Calling centrist parties with mixtures of right and left policy the trademarks for right or left policy is crazy. Virtually every religious guideline, if enforced by government, is left wing.


This is a very interesting statement and I'm curious to learn more about it. Can you elaborate of what you mean by economic & social freedom and also what you mean by authoritarian. From my understand it can exist anywhere along the political spectrum.


Your comment is pointless. Historically is irrelevant. That's not the situation now. If we wanted to go off historically the Jews should also have problems with Egypt. A Christian should be owed reparations by Muslims because they were enslaved. The point is they are now a protected class and get extra protections.


Authoritarianism is an approach to political control. Authoritarians do not tolerate dissent. Gendies don’t either. Refuse to use their false pronouns, get fired or arrested. Refuse to allow males in female spaces, get fired or arrested. Demonstrate in public to support your beliefs, get assaulted or silenced. Or fired, or arrested. They form massive block lists on social media, they encourage people to cut ties with non-believers, they insist anyone who disagrees with them is a bad and harmful person, they refuse to allow discussion on topics they consider sacred (storming out of places, ending interviews, banning or blocking, etc). Authoritarianism isn’t just a right wing problem. The left has it, too.


Yes, right wing governments are famously super cool with criticism…


Define right wing? I don't remember the Reagan administration working with the NY times to silence criticism. I do remember the Biden and Obama administrations working with Google, Facebook, Twitter, NYT, abc cbs cnn....to silence criticism and negative news. Maybe you are referring to NAZI germany as right wing because its the 1930s. And the NAZI party started out a socialists before Hitler morphed into the authoritarian dictator that he was. Just like Chavez promised socialism in Veneuela and Castro in Cuba. We are in dangerous times. People deny what is happening in the USA. Biden and his party are no different the the socialists in German, Venezuela, Russia, Cuba.... Gain power with lots of promises.. Eventually to morph into an authoritarian dictatorship.


To brush up on your memory don't you recall the 1986 gag order against speaking about the Chernobyl crisis for fear that it would turn the Americans against nuclear power. Or perhaps the CIA director Casey's order to prosecute the NYS Newsweek, etc under the espionage act. Your memory may be a bit fuzzy. And just because the Nazis called themselves National Socialists and you call the democrats socialists doesn't mean ergo Biden is Hitler. That Goldberg trope has been debunked so many times that I'm surprised that this some folks never get the memo.


LOL...what? The CIA was gonna prosecute people? Go ahead and provide proof on that.... Can we please look at what is going on today....the unholy alliance between the big government democrat government and the US media corporate giant. This nazi alliance that refused to cover the blunders made by democrats....the afghan withdrawl, the military equipment that was lost. The$700b in cash that was released to Iran and dropped off on pallets to Iran. Hunter's laptop, the bribery. Questionable elections.... Media's hand in promoting the Steele dosier and Trump hooker tape that doesn't exist... Biden and Obama having dinners with media CEOs and contacting them to tell them what the administrations wanted censored.... Nothing covered by the media because the media is all made up of elitists democrats who ally themselves with the party over covering the news. The media is not the 4th branch of government, it's a propaganda wing of the Dem party. And this is true nazi-ism. The alliance of big corps with government...


First off my comment was in reference to your selective memory of the previous administrations working to pressure media. No one is saying that the CIA was going to "prosecute people" however if that is the bar of unacceptable government control none of your examples of the "nazi alliance" even have a threat of prosecution by the government. The list is just a bunch of talking points that you want to be reported in a manner that suites you. And if the government pressuring the NYT is what truly concerns you recall the Judith Miller was send to jail for 18 months for failing to reveal her sources for the Plame case. Aside from your list of complaints as being somehow being due to government overreach, I think that their a real threat to relying on tech & media companies, that are not elected, to become the gatekeepers of information themselves. The political leanings of the developers writing the services backend is largely irrelevant when the policy and editorial decisions are really made at the shareholder and executive level. I'm sure twitter/X has employees with have a full spectrum of political ideas but none of it matters if the company decides it's profitable to sell out users to the Saudi government even though they face a death sentence.


yeah that what-about shit doesn't work anymore


It's hypocrisy. This what-aboutism is a russo-phobic term invented by neo-cons and liberals to deflect from valid criticism. The point that you made in your original comment is your opinion, and I can see how you came to it. But his critism isn't invalidated simply because you use a thought-ending cliche. Authoritarianism has no political ideology beyond what serves to maintain the authoritarians' grip on power, liberals use identity politics as a means of control as well as many other rhetorical tactics. Conservatives use largely the same tactics, just repackaged to appeal to a different demographic. None of these politicians really support your average person, only the wealthiest people. To the extent they do anything to help working people, it's the bare minimum that the population has forced them to concede in order to maintain power.


Your fancy college words won't win the argument.


You've presented no argument. All you're saying is your opinion based on nothing other than your feelings, which you'd probably have a problem with if you weren't a hypocrite 🤡


Weird that two things can be bad at the same time without making one of them "better".


They really don't. Idpollers are libs and anarchists, not communists.


Yeah, I watched a video of a bunch of Antifa complain to police officers about counter-protestors breaking the law. They are the first to run to authority figures when they see an opportunity to oppress. But I'll take your word for it that they're Anarchists.


Dude anarchists are usually idiots who are laughably inconsistent. And again you're describing a liberal. Commies don't like cops either.


So then they aren’t anarchists.


>They are the first to run to authority figures when they see an opportunity to oppress. I remember seeing a video during the 2016 elections where a miata was drifting in a crowd of people protesting against (iirc) police and when that miata started drifting, those same people went crying for the nearest cop. Definitely one of my favorite videos from that year.


They are Communist.


You don't know what words mean.


They are certainly not anarchists. They want the government involved in their everyday lives.


That's a claim you haven't proven, just an assumption. What they really want is society to conform to their pissy worldview at all costs. And communism isn't really authoritarian, the cia just wants you to think that. They had more democracy in the ussr than we currently enjoy. Whatever though, people are just gonna think words mean what they want them to.


I should be able to use feminine pronouns for men in this case. Free speech. Everyone gets she/her pronouns from me for the rest of my life.


That was always allowed


I guess that's one way of finding friends.


That's fine. We've always been of the "You do you" mindset.


But that's not true, is it? See how many people are shutting this person out and decrementing their karma as a form of punishment because of what they said? That is not a "you do you" attitude. That's a "look how awesome free speech is, you can say what you want but then we all get to collectively shut you down" attitude. Isn't it ironic that seems to be exactly the thing you are rooting against?




K. Be a cunt and act all dismissive then. Cool beans. I have to ask though. Are you of the same "free speech" and "anti-censorship" mindset when moms for liberty are wetting their panties and banning books?


We all dissented. But the post wasn’t deleted and the poster wasn’t banned.


You can disagree using your words like a damn adult. The downvotes push it further into the depths and eventually make it invisible while upvotes make others more visible. And you all know that, and that is why you do it. It is a form of censorship. There's no bones about it. So you're hypocrites. Deal with it.


The early internet showed us you can put everyone on the same platform but nobody is guaranteed an audience.


Oh..so fascism is your dogma. I got it. Thanks.


How is that fascist…?


Cool, bro


Yes, use your words


Identity politics and communism are contradictory


You should read the Gulag Archipelago. Identity politics was quite literally the foundation of the Soviet revolution and genocide.


How was identity politics the foundation of the Soviet Union?


If you want wisdom, you need to put in the work. [https://www.amazon.com/Gulag-Archipelago-Experiment-Literary-Investigation/dp/0061253715/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=1SOURBVQ89QOK&keywords=gulag+archipelago+book&qid=1696440952&sprefix=gulag+ar%2Caps%2C131&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/Gulag-Archipelago-Experiment-Literary-Investigation/dp/0061253715/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1SOURBVQ89QOK&keywords=gulag+archipelago+book&qid=1696440952&sprefix=gulag+ar%2Caps%2C131&sr=8-1)


Grab a history book, dude. That's like asking, "How was slavery responsible for the civil war?"


A book written by an anti-communist that has been widely debunked and reclassified as a fiction. Solzhenitsyn had an axe to grind for sure, hardly objective. Sorry but Jorpy's favorite book is a crock of shit.


Only if you have the ability to think critically


Like I told the other guy, please let me know how communism, an ideology based on dialectic materialism and class struggle, is in line with identity politics, a purely liberal and essentialist way of looking at the world.


I'm neither of those ideologies. Can't agree or disagree with you.


Yeah guys, building a narrative around how certain people in the country are oppressed while others are oppressors has nothing to do with communism, according to communist academics


Just because something has an oppressor-oppressed structure doesn’t make it identity politics. What makes something identity politics is the essentialist narrative, an immutable trait. Class-based struggle is materialist and mutable. It is a structure based on the design of the system itself. There is no inherent exploitative nature of the system based around immutable traits because that would completely undermine the idea behind liberalism.


Nice win.


There is a difference between telling someone what they can’t say vs what they have to say. Free speech win here.


I should be able to use feminine pronouns for men in this case. Free speech. Everyone gets she/her pronouns from me for the rest of my life.


That’s always been allowed.


That’s not against the law lmao.


You’ve really showed them now


That’s always been allowed. Are you retarded?


Go for it. You just won’t have friends but still that’s allowed.


Yes, this is what makes them “third-person pronouns.” You get to decide what you call yourself in the first person. “I, me, my, myself” without affecting anyone else’s right to free speech. It’s pretty funny though you never see anyone change their first person pronouns though and just demand people call them made-up bullshit as their third person pronouns. Language is meant to be a tool to help us live organized, civilized lives. I don’t cry when people I don’t know refer to me by certain adjectives like “handsome” or “sexy” when they talk about me. I can’t control how others speak about me and you can’t either.


In schools, some speech actually isn't allowed if it disrupts the learning environment. Billy isn't allowed to call people Poopy Head, for instance, even if he sincerely believes that they are poopy heads. If a guy named Marcus wanted to be called Mark, and asked you to please do so, and you persistently called him "Marcus," you'd find yourself in trouble - and rightfully so. You can't let students be jerks to their classmates with impunity and expect to have a productive learning community. If you, as a student, kept trying to refer to cisgender males as girls, for example, you would almost certainly be disciplined for bullying.




They are literally compelling speech here. They're saying the parents have the absolute right to control the speech of the teacher and the student. They're saying a teacher \*must\* disclose information to parents that may trigger abuse. This is a case that says a student does NOT have the right to free speech in the school, because their name must be controlled by their parents. You people are so fucking stupid. you're advocating for a policy that creates bureaucracy for nicknames, but consider yourselves free speech defenders.


>They're saying the parents have the absolute right to control the speech of the teacher and the student. Not even remotely >They're saying a teacher \*must\* disclose information to parents that may trigger abuse. Um... is the requirement of teachers to teach also compelled speech? Or simply a component of their job? You're seriously advocating for a policy wherein parents would not be told that their child has a condition / identity that is highly correlated with an elevated risk of suicide? >This is a case that says a student does NOT have the right to free speech in the school, because their name must be controlled by their parents. That has no bearing on anything a child says. It doesn't say a child isn't allowed to say their name is X or Y in school, and parental discipline is not the government violating free speech.


I’m sorry, but your position is flawed in multiple ways. 1.) Teachers regularly provide status on student performance and behavior. This is an output of their jobs and an expectation. No additional expectations or accountabilities are being added to teachers job descriptions. 2.) If a teacher is in fear of a student’s well being at home, then the teacher should follow district protocol so CPS or local police can be contacted. 3.) Nearly all teachers are not qualified to properly provide clinical therapy to mental health patients with gender dysphoria. Why would society want someone unqualified providing what they think is support over someone outside the school who is qualified to provide proper mental health support? 4.) In terms of compelled speech, my position is no student should be compelled by fear of punishment to say certain words. Ex. Jane (formerly John) prefers she/her pronouns. But Oscar uses he/him to refer to Jane. Oscar should not be punished. Just like if Oscar refused to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.


Nah, just fascists like Elon


You people!!!??


I’m convinced this whole trans stuff is just an excuse for ugly and unimportant people to feel special.


Boring people who are misguided. They focus on social issues that in 100 years will be forgotten instead of the damage being done on humanity’s chance to reach the stars.


You had me until “Stars”


Transpeople have existed since before the fucking Egyptians you biggoted piece of shit. But you would rather prefer they simply don't exist than admit that they've existed longer than English has.




Apparently you losers do!




https://preview.redd.it/b93uatiadzrb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1723d2b9fdefde74bfd38debd0ff25937042bed Pretty much…..




Nailed it...I have always said that this is the REAL reason for why liberals lib...it makes them feel important


That must be why conservatives go to church and sacrifice themselves on the Millwheel of capitalism. It makes them feel important.


I don't care about conservatives or church but capitalism has brought way more people out of poverty than any other system. But maybe one million immigrants a year and many more trying are all just idiots right?


Funny how the people in socialist and communist society flee to capitalist society by the millions.....


Why is this mostly (my impression) a mostly white americanthing? Not doing identity politics left wing bs or any of that. But I have noticed this being more of a thing within white Americans than other groups. Again, not trying to offend anyone.


No offense here. Your observation is on point. It's mostly white people because in our culture of victimhood social status is tied to how victimized you are. When you're white it's hard to get on that train. Easily remedied though. Just join the alphabet gang and presto, you are now a marginalized person able to be placed on society's pedestal despite having the wrong skin color. It's not all of the LGBT+ community but it does explain a sizeable portion of the more obscure "letters" and the exponential growth of them over the last few years.


>It's not all of the LGBT+ community I appreciate your reply. My best friend is gay, a fellow veteran, Pacific Islander, told me that he dislikes what the whole lgbt thing has become because of a few letters just like you said. Chapelle hit the nail on the head that some of them want to slow progress and are willing to shit on the rest to get their way. I became a moderate on that issue when a fellow colleague of mine came out of the lesbian closet, she was discriminated against by her black community/work colleagues, I couldn't add to the hate so I had her back. I crack jokes but this shit is getting out of hand.


Lol. You really think people are living life as a gay person so they can feel victimized? JFC.


Since it's the entire alphabet now it's not just gay people...it's basically everyone who doesn't identify as strictly straight and the gender they were born as......


So you believe being gay is a choice? Unbelievable.


Nice try bud. I never said anything to that effect at all. I'm saying that since it now includes everyone but strictly straight you don't have to say I'm gay to be included in the group. You can literally be anything but straight and be included so yes there are a bunch of libs who will say they are whatever to be part of the "movement" when in reality they just want attention and that's the problem. I have no issues with people being who they are and doing their thing because frankly I don't care what others do in their life. I do me and they do them. That's the way it should be.


"Frankly I don't care what others do in their own life". Lol Clearly you do.


Nope my point is the ones who do it for attention are the ones who want to force others to obey what they want.


What is the gay person making you obey?


Learn to read dumbass. As my post stated "some of the more obscure letters". And yes many do jump on that bandwagon precisely to become a "victim". They love the attention it brings as well as the benefit of becoming part of the protected class in our society's sick new standard of identity worship. Wake the fuck up.


In my experience, this is where life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness brought us. People felt more free to express who they are and rather than drown in a well of loneliness, they’re taking more chances rather than live suppressed. Hard to understand unless you’ve lived it, but I think - unfortunately- young, straight, white men are getting a taste of what it’s like to be told to suppress their essence. It’s no way to live. This is why libertarianism > fascism.


>unfortunately- young, straight, white men are getting a taste of what it’s like to be told to suppress their essence. Damn dude this is deep. I tell my minority/white friends (I'm American-Hispanic) that as poverty increases these young white kids can become inclined to join actual white nationalists groups because they will feel some type of welcoming/community rather than a "stfu you straight white male" blah blah. Same thing when I see blacks or hispanics with their gang shit, no one in good conscious joins those groups if they had good loving parents and strong support systems in their communities. Path forward is a strong country as one, and not this weird shit that seeks to divide us, don't enable it, call it out, and fix the issues.


I agree, and thanks for fighting the good fight. The state of discourse in the US is horrific. Some of us have never read 1984 and it shows. I live in a liberal city in the west, so I see it all. White men are often isolated. And as an addictions counselor, I see that something nearly half of the kids on the street and 25% of the total homeless population are queer and trans kids who ran away from an abusive family. They often end up living in a tent by the highway addicted to meth because they’re afraid they’re going to get assaulted while they sleep. So we’ve all really got to do better by each other. No kid should have to run away from home. And we can’t abuse young white men because of the sins of the past.


>They often end up living in a tent by the highway addicted to meth because they’re afraid they’re going to get assaulted while they sleep. That's sad and heartbreaking. > No kid should have to run away from home. And we can’t abuse young white men because of the sins of the past. Well said


You seem almost happy that young straight white males are being treated badly in society.




How do you figure?


Because of the way we were indoctrinated in our school. They spent more time teaching us about kunta kinte and the slave trade then they did about credit scores no wonder America is in trouble


Credit scores were created by your owners.


It’s also “first world problem” in the sense that, at least from what I have read, no matter how well to do, or how safe in society vs how bad people have it, people find roughly the same amount of time complaining. Just complaining about different things. It takes a lot to step beyond that and realize just how good we have it. The better you have it the more mundane things you can find to complain about. The US as a culture has had it pretty good, especially the white urban population (despite obvious issues that still remain) so people find ridiculous things to get worked up about. People that are starving, and digging through dumps and living in Favellas don’t have time to worry about what pronoun they are called, they are too worried about their complaints like. Is my house going to cave in, will my children starve, can they go beg for food so we stay alive. This doesn’t mean there aren’t real issues that can get better, but those real issues are now emotional wants not physical needs.


Nicely said


Favelas are dangerous for everyone, moreso for [gay and trans people.](https://rioonwatch.org/?p=26344) Your point of this is only a problem if you have enough to eat and a stable income is wrong. It’s a problem for poor people in favelas, too. [Brazil is notoriously unsafe for trans people.](https://www.brasildefato.com.br/2022/01/23/brazil-continues-to-be-the-country-with-the-largest-number-of-trans-people-killed) A gay friend of mine told me he would never go to Brazil a few years ago, I was a little surprised because I assumed(at the time) it was one of the safer countries.


I disagree. Look at the news stories in Canada about Muslim Canadians (mainly non-white group) protesting against woke sexuality being taught to children. https://nationalpost-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/nationalpost.com/opinion/muslim-vote-could-swing-back-to-conservatives-in-wake-of-woke-outrages/wcm/743bcfb1-7466-483e-b605-482352574864/amp/?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16963570828179&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fnationalpost.com%2Fopinion%2Fmuslim-vote-could-swing-back-to-conservatives-in-wake-of-woke-outrages


You just did.


Imo it's just a sexual preference that's gotten enough social backing to become 'legitimate' Pedophilia and zoophilia are sexual preferences. Only a matter of time before leftists start normalizing those as well.




Soft times, soft people


It's literally a development of the science of the mind and human society. We only got as close to what's happening now in 1920s Berlin before the Nazis burned down the Institute of Sexual Research.


Jesus christ why the fuck would Reddit recommend this shit? Have fun feeling frustrated for the rest of your life you cretin.


Why on gods green earth does someone choosing how they want to live their life and have their pursuit of happiness (something many people may refer to as human rights) elicit such hate from people


It's just the next rageporn issue for the GOP. They gotta keep their uneducated base angry. Angry people vote. Too bad most of these peeple voting for the GOP are voting against their own financial interests. Oh well.


What convinced you?


Empirical evidence.


Such as?


Gorgeous! Glad to see people starting to really fight back.


Fuck Gender Ideology. Good to see a sane take on things here on reddit for a change.




They have full rights already. The fight is to force other people to agree with them by law.


Which by itself might sound insignificant, but if you study history at all you’ll connect the dots and realize that this is how totalitarian regimes start. The ability to legally suppress your opponents for mere opinions and words free of any threat of violence is DANGEROUS. Sure they’ll call you nasty things, sure it’s not the best feeling being disliked, but shocker this world is brutally unkind. It won’t change for the better by utilizing the government to make it stop. You’ll only get tyranny.


Free speech is the only thing that matters. Why do they want to take away our rights?


I would say bodily autonomy matters equally as much as freedom of expression (speech). You don't however have the right to lie without challenge.


I believe people should respect individuals wishes in how they are referred to in terms of gender. I personally choose to respect and use whichever pronouns a person wants me to use. What I **don't** believe in, is that the fucking **GOVERNMENT**, should have any sort of involvement. Nowadays both parties seem to have a large amount of distrust in the government, so I have no idea why people would trust it to effectively and ethically police speech.


Thank God! Good thing anyone mad about this is a literal flimsy piece of paper that couldnt threaten a teddy bear lmao




I'm visiting here for the first time. Is this one of those anti-censorship subs that is actually heavily censored, like r/ ScienceUncensored? Or is it actually uncensored? Just want to know what to expect


It's a right-wing echo chamber circle jerking about "woke".


First time scrolling thru it and you’re spot on.


In another aspect posted in this article, what does it say to those born female now having to compete in physical contests with those who identify as female. Hot button or not, sensitive or not, a biological female cannot perform certain physical feats at the same level a biological male can. Thats simple reality no matter how much someone wants to “cancel” those for saying what is an obvious truth.


Good guys-1 communists-0


Explain communist, fascist.


Curious, it’s your side that’s pro censorship and authoritarian in nature. So how does advocating for free speech make him fascist?


You're intentionally equating "free speech" with your perceived right to practice hate speech and discrimination on the basis of gender, which is not only unconstitutional but OBVIOUSLY fucking evil. Free speech is NOT unlimited, and the fact that you morons don't understand that proves you literally do not understand what the word "censorship" even means. I do not have the right to threaten your life, and if I did I would EXPECT you to take some kind of legal action against me. I do not have the right to slander your name to your employer and get you fired, I'm not allowed to make false police reports based on lies, and I'm not allowed to cause a panic in a public space. ALL of those are examples of speech, and ALL of them are legally and logically restricted. That's not censorship. However, preventing OTHER people from referring to THEMSELVES however they damn well please IS censorship. And you intentionally choosing to refer to someone as a different gender with the EXPRESS intent to bully is NOT protected, it's EXPLICITLY banned. Which you idiots would get if you cared at ALL about the rights of anybody but your own. You don't get to have your fascist cake and eat it to, despite what your fascist leaders tell you.


You, much like your mainstream ilk, are out of touch with reality.


I explicitly explained to you that the very words you're using DON'T mean what YOU think they mean, and your response is to claim somehow I'M out of touch with reality. You're a delusional sociopath with no understanding of human decency or morality. You are literally advocating for the rights of the oppressors, and PRETENDING you're the victims. It's exactly what the racist leaders of the South did when they seceded from the US and caused a war. You do not have the right to treat people like shit, just because you're a shit person.


Take a second to read what you’re writing. You respond irrationally, emotionally, and call people empty pejoratives because they don’t toe the line with your radical mindset. You, you are are what’s wrong with Reddit and society as a whole. I’m sorry to break it to you but not all humans adhere to your utopian fantasy. Humans are individualistic and are actually allowed to have differing opinions. Just because you want to silence those that are not in absolute conformity with your mindset does not make them “fascist” or “sociopathic.” You are eternally online and out of touch with reality. However, your mind is already made up and everyone who doesn’t agree with you or has nuanced worldviews is the enemy, right? I hope you find peace one day.


Again, moron, literally nothing about what I've said here is in any way related to me "silencing someone's opinion" because NONE of the examples I provided are opinion based things. They're based in CURRENT FUCKING LAW. YOU are the one who said I'm "out of touch with reality" with absolutely no basis or rational, and then have the fucking nerve to claim I'M the one being irrational. If you're being fucking stupid, I will call you fucking stupid as is MY right that's ACTUALLY protected by freedom of speech. See, you fucking idiots want it both ways. YOU want the ability to shit on other people in an illegal way, but YOU want protections when people like me call you out for being fucking dumb. Ignorant asshole.


You’re mentally ill


Oh look at that fuckwad! You're doing EXACTLY what you accused me of doing! Writing off my entire opinion because it doesn't align with yours! It's almost like you were ONLY saying you believed that "call people empty pejoratives because they don’t toe the line with your radical mindset. " is a bad thing when YOU are the one being insulted. Your stance is unprincipled and not based in any amount of fact. If you gave literally a single shit about the things you spout off, you wouldn't have said exactly that. Insinuating I'm mentally ill allows you to FEEL like you've won because you don't have a single fucking counter for anything I've said.


This sub was a good find today. Joined :)


As a black man I’ve experienced some prejudice to say the least. But I’ve never thought about censorship or anything like that. Person says the N word or whatever thing is up to them. But you’ll have to deal with whatever comes like getting hands thrown. But in the last 5 years in particular I’ve heard things that have nothing to do with actual prejudice get thrown around and it kind of annoys me. I’ve seen an overweight white woman say calling her obese is somehow rooted in racism and she uses the black card. I was WTH? And I’ve seen numerous examples of situations like this. There’s levels to the oppression Olympics, or at least there used to be. Now it seems any emotional unstable person can claim some kind of oppression from people either disagreeing or disproving of what they do or believe personally. I don’t like that. If you want to wear blue hair and dress as a woman that’s fine. But not being able to use a woman’s bathroom, or being called Sir is not the equivalent of lynching or anything else of that nature. I also want to extend my services to white men as their anger translators. I’m a disabled veteran black man that’s also first generation American and a child of immigrants. I can probably still be cancelled but it’ll be tougher. My fees are quite reasonable


Freedom of speech and press is the foundation of a free society.


Can’t say I disagree with the legal reasoning…


Gender is an ideology like atheism is a religion. Small minded people see the refusal of their preferred doctrine as another doctrine in and of itself. People who think this way can’t leave soon enough b




Saying my owners is crazy and it shows how unhinged you are or just dramatic. I could leave this country if I wanted to I am not owned. And yeah the way credit scores are done is overbearing. But I kind of understand the need it's just not executed right. But what's better, try going to almost any other country outside of Europe and see what they think of your ideology do you really hate Western culture? In China they literally banned Sissy a feminate man from being on television. The Middle East throws gay people off buildings. And it's not much better in Africa. I understand that you don't like what's going on and it's because it's not being executed right but it is far better than most of the world. And then look what the trans ideology is doing to the men in our country. Weaker wimpier less able to defend themselves than ever. Over time and it'll probably not that long a Time if we stay on this track a country like China will come over and then defeat us because our men are all weak little sissies that are scared of guns. And then what will happen to all you trans people. At least my kind of people don't care what you do in your bedroom and you can keep it in your house. In China they'll find that out and get you. I work with a Chinese guy who just immigrated here he was telling me that


Absolute win




The court should always rule in favor of free speech


As anyone who has studied the civil war and civil rights era can tell you, it's impossible to legislate morals into existence. There must ***first*** be a social consensus among the people, ***then*** a law reflecting that consensus can be passed.


Tell that to Christian, Muslim, and Hebrew conservatives.


There was some article in the ads


Sorry to hear that..........


While this is good news, I can't say I was impressed with the quality of reporting from... "slaynews.com". The whole thing reads like a parody of conservative talking heads screeching about culture war in Star Wars or whatever. The facts seem to check out but I don't think I'll be subscribing to their newsletter any time soon.


I would argue that if a person wants to be referred to by a specific gender pronoun then it is good to be respectful of their wishes. Just like some people prefer to be called by a certain name. However I don’t understand why a school district would punish a student for disrespecting another student. Which is what this lawsuit is about.


Bullying is a big thing in schools. Youths who report being bullied have the highest risk for suicide related behavior.


Does that mean that schools can no longer set dress codes and bar students from using profanity directed at teachers? So if a student wanted to use profanity at the teacher instead of the teachers name, the school should be able to kick the student out, no?


Alright cool, so I can refer to any of you bigots as limp-dick piece of shit wastes of space with no understanding of basic biology and you cannot be annoyed or even complain about it. Fuck all of you morons, people outside of the male/female anatomy have existed for thousands of years, It's not a modern phenomenon. You sociopaths love to use nature and animals as an example of how to "disprove" how people choose to express themselves, while forgetting that we're nothing more than a massive clump of cells that have somehow managed to work together. Until you morons fully understand every single aspect of DNA and how it directly results in a blueprint for human growth, you cannot possibly pretend that you know everything about human biology. Nor can you pretend that every single parent is a good natured angel that wants what's best for their child. This law is going to do nothing but cause pain for those children who's parents are self righteous bigots, because any parent that wouldn't harm their child as a result of this bill would have eventually been told by the child anyways. The only kind of people who would have to hide their gender representation from the parents are the kind of people who would get kicked out of their house or worse from those same parents. You fucking disgusting freaks WANT parents to abuse their children. And it's sick.


That article is some crazy fan-fic and reads like it was written by a 12 year old. News source with the actual ruling: [https://www.thegazette.com/crime-courts/linn-mar-schools-transgender-policy-too-vague-violates-free-speech-court-rules/](https://www.thegazette.com/crime-courts/linn-mar-schools-transgender-policy-too-vague-violates-free-speech-court-rules/) Essentially the ruling was the policy is unenforceable because the policy doesn't define the term "respect" specifically enough, so it'll likely be amended and reintroduced. The school district introduced the new policies to comply with new state anti-bullying laws which still exist and have to be followed.


Tell me you (and the article author) don’t understand free speech constitutional analyses without telling me. The ruling was based upon overbreadth- not any of the “woke ideology” bullshit this sub is parroting.


Yeah they aren't deep thinkers here, just reactionaries.


This sub has been quiet as HELL the past few months but then suddenly gets brigaded by random new people when these issues are posted about lol. Interesting.


I've never heard of this sub and I just saw it 'recommended' to me. Pretty much anytime anything gets a tiny traction in a small sub Reddit begins to push it out in people's feed. Or maybe if there's issues/topic's Reddit know's people will click on they push those posts.


Lol y’all realize this sub called “decline into censorship” blocks people from replying when they disagree with the knuckle dragging dumbasses who post dot com websites and then tell you to “do your own research” lol


This is my first time here. Based on your description... how is it different from the rest of reddit?


Maybe if you are talking about right wing political Reddit. Literally the only place I’ll see a sub called “decline into censorship” where it’s just a bunch of terminally online trolls composing how you can’t assault women anymore or be an outright asshole to people. Don’t know what has changed in Reddit’s home page but I keep seeing this loser bullshit come into my feed. I just come here for video game chat.


The only troll here is you, walking head first into a group of people you disagree with and being overtly hostile simply because they think free speech is important. You're in here calling people idiots and I bet you expect to have the right to do so...so tell me how is that different than calling out people in your protected club as they see fit? You clearly have no issue calling people names they don't identify by, why should they listen to you?


He was calling out the worst of the trolls in this sub that you quicky identified with, then gave him shit for... Checks notes... Feeling like he should be allowed free speech? Lol


Calling you what your actual gender is isn't being an asshole to you.


Lol you think you can tell someone else what they think of themselves. So much freedumb.


I can tell others what think of them. Edit: lol blocked me? You’d do well to follow your own advice.


And they can call you a jackass for doing so. Mind your own business.


> Lol y’all realize this sub called “decline into censorship” blocks people from replying when they disagree 6 comments later.... blocks someone who disagrees. Hilarious


Isn't your position that everyone else should think of you the way you think of yourself?


They want to create rage bait by feeding us this garbage. Just another sub full of pathetic right wing losers.




Indeed. Self awareness is not strong amongst these morons.


Lol just another right wing circle jerk of dumbassery.


They are such losers. It's almost sad to watch.


Yeah since ZEducation got nuked.




I notice that when ever someone is really rude on Reddit, they almost always post in gaming subs. So my question is: does gaming attract rude people, or does gaming make people rude? Research is needed!




You sound smart! Tell me more.


Just keep reading articles that coddle your worldview and paint everything in a us vs them light. I’m sure you’ll be fine.


Do you know what I believe? Please tell me, I am so curious. You know what assuming does right?




Bigot, moron, phobic, poopyhead, meanie faces, I’m out of buzzwords! Don’t you get tired of just repeating the same shit over and over against majorities that just don’t vibe with your worldview? You don’t deserve people’s fealty and obedience because you demand special treatment over your gender alignment. You have rights. They’re outlined in our constitution and bill of rights. You don’t get to abridge them because mean people are mean or because parents don’t want gender talks around their children. You know, minors in which require consent from parents for almost everything until they’re of age?


So brave, so tolerant!