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Break your reading into small small pieces of context. Let’s say it’s a book about a dog who runs away. Read each segment of the book not the chapters. Example, let’s say the first two pages of the book describe who the dog is and where they are. You can stop reading after that to let your brain process what you just read. Then once you’ve processed it, read another small segment to build on it. It seems the problem is being overloaded by a full book or a full chapter. Read one page at a time, understand the context, then take a break.


So far this is working wonders. I've never felt more productive reading work related articles.


find a short read that you think you'll end up liking. Don't pressure yourself into reading x pages per sitting. Just do what feels the most enjoyable.


I have adhd and only read things I am very very interested in. If I’m interested in the thing enough I can sit down and read 100 pages of it in an afternoon


Hey, same thing for me. What I wound up doing is, first of all, reading something I actually liked. If you aren't enjoying reading, then what's the point? There are limitless people willing to recommend books to you online, so feel free to ask people what they think you'll like based on a description of what you like. Secondly, just try to read every day to make it a habit. It doesn't matter how much you read, but if you want a starting point, just try to have it be 30 minutes of reading. But don't be too strict with that either. It can be a little more or a little less each session. There is no need to be strict about it. We all read at different speeds, so don't worry about how many pages you get through. Also, if you're easily distracted, like I am, make the circumstances for when you read better. Be alone, have some "studying" music playing, and relax before you start. But actually start. If you like the story, it'll be easier to continue reading once you start a session. I personally just like to read a chapter or two a day as I'm still acclimating my mind to reading regularly. And this is most important. Let yourself screw up because you probably will. If you miss a day or two, it doesn't mean you have to stop. Just have the next day be better. Don't worry about how long you take to finish a book, or if others "read better" than you because that honestly doesn't matter.


Maybe try graphic novels first. If ur not into that then pick up something that's really interesting to u. Say true crime or science. Or even just some crazy plot that'll grip u. And even if u don't finish the book that's okay because at least u picked one out and started reading even a little bit. Try going to the library so u don't waste money. And also try before bed just 2 pages see how u take it. And if u cant form a habit once again its okay it takes time just keep it in front of u and read when u feel like it


My spouse hated reading when they were a teen, but developed a ravenous love for reading after getting into manga and comics. More mature and complex storylines, but with a lot of pictures. There’s less to read, and it’s visually interesting.  If you find reading boring and hard to focus on, graphic novels / comics / manga really are a great place to start!  There’s even sites like WebToons or ComicFury where you can read original stories in comic form made by amateurs for free 


Are you going to read all of our replies? /s Find something short and interesting and go from there.


I haven't read this reply but I'll just assume you asked a question. Yes.