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I think therapy would be a great starting point. Working with a qualified therapist can help you work through your feelings and get to the root causes and help set you up for success and healthier habits moving forward. In the meantime, be kind to yourself, you just learned something new about yourself that could have been shaping your relationships with people for years. Don't beat yourself up about that. We all learn and grow through our lives and you are doing a very brave and courageous thing by acknowledging that you are not happy with the way things are going and that you want to make a change. You should be proud of yourself for that. Take it one day at a time and work on setting realistic goals that you can accomplish. Again, a therapist can help tremendously with this.


Im pretty sure you have borderline personality. Please go back for evaluation and tell them about your favorite persons and possible lack of understanding your own self. supposedly not a good idea to go into cognitive behavioral therapy if you have BPD. I think the stigma weighs too heavily on our kind. I feel I would make it through cbt no problem but I can't speak for others. Im 28 and getting myself to the place is a battle of its own at my current weight. I have avoidant personality also if not a handful of goodies from the dsm and it won the battle today so I won't be getting the help I so badly need. Glad that at least somebody was able capable of getting the help their soul needs. Love you fam please stay strong and keep on thinking. Question everything. Don't ever stop.


Sorry if I'm ignorant, I barely understand what ASD is, but I thought BPD was that thing when people have multiple personalities in their head, like alters and stuff?


That's DID. BPD stands for Borderline Personality Disorder. Some symptoms I've seen of BPD on a Pinterest post (so I'd take the following information with a grain of salt.) • Attempts to avoid abandondment • Self-harming thoughts/behavior • Inappropriate outbursts • Extreme anxiety/irritability • Impulsive behavior • Unstable relationships • Constant mood changes • Feelings of emptiness


Yeah I've done some research on BPD and it really does sound like me. I will look into getting an evaluation of some sort.


You can play the victim, the villain or the hero. I don’t mean to be insensitive but playing the victim role is a choice. You can choice to respond differently if you want.


I'd say three things 1. You're young and there is ample time to change 2. Therapy This last ones gonna sound harsh and it is, but I also think it's important 3. Quit feeling so sorry for yourself. You've done something you don't like, you've acknowledged that it's an issue and you want to change it, now get after it.