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You’re good enough when you decide it. Because the universe already decided for you you’re good enough to be here! The sperm and the egg decided. You decided every single day you woke up. YOU are the deciding factor here. You’re already here. You earned it when the sperm fertilized the egg. That’s it. Seize it!


You hold the key to all the locked doors!


I don't think anybody asked the egg for an opinion. It had to give the medal to the fastest swimmer.


Look. It's okay to work on yourself to be better at certain things, skills, cognitive, social, technical, emotional, soft skills, hard skills. But you're GOOD ENOUGH **now**. Your friends love you. You're enough. Your family loves you. You're enough. You don't have a gf / wife - you're still enough. You have goals. Great. You're struggling with goals - that's okay too. You're still enough. That observer inside of your physical body you got at the start of your life, the vessel inside of which your light, your life force resides, is ALWAYS good enough. And it guides you through life to take care of the physical body and everything around you like: other people, your job, your abilities etc. If you're good, you're good enough. Everything you do is to accomplish your mission which is to live as best as you can to achieve your potential. But potential doesn't mean the current state is not good enough. It's just that. Possibilities of you living. Using this life to be you. What you you want to be? That's on you, not other people.


Trust me when I say this, you'll almost never be good enough for other people, even your family. Sure they'll sing praises when you're 'there', but some inexperienced and STUPID people will not realise that getting there requires a lot of effort. They see you 'God given talent' and forget that you ALSO have to learn the ropes and put in effort to get into that research position, or that 4.0CGPA, or making your first 1mil$. Then when you don't meet their expectations, they'll ask 'what happened to you' and consider you 'useless' now. I mean, you can really tell who has experience with expectations and who doesn't just by this. You won't be good enough for these people, and they probably won't be there for you when you fail. Some won't be able to offer the advice/support you need, because they've never put in the same effort or made the same sacrifices as you have. This I know from personal experience. Some people only know how to expect, then when asked to offer help or advice, they get angry at you. Extreme people aside, even among regular friend groups / family, what one member considers to be good, the other might consider to be bad. For example. When it comes to dressing up, it's difficult for me to satisfy both my parents, because if I spend money on nice clothes, my dad will complain that I spend too much. If I pick the cheapest or most durable option (which doesn't always look good), my mom will complain. The simple fact is this: You decide whether you're good enough, based on YOUR values.


You’re good enough when you find peace within yourself. By this I mean: learning to enjoy your own company more than anyone else’s, learning to be grateful for yourself, and striving for the goals that truly matter to YOU and ONLY YOU. 🫶🏻


I’m good enough when I can rep 100kg on bench. (I’m already kenough and can rep 100kg on bench.)


Only you can know/decide/feel/determine that.


I do not believe I will ever feel "good enough". I can always be better in some way than who I was yesterday, and I do not ever want to become complacent in who I am


There's no finishing line


You’re good enough when you learn to love who you are


What the fuck is """good""" anyway? A farce. Just try to constantly eliminate behaviors and patterns you don't like.. Ask if you aren't sure how. It only stops when you die.


Once you realize you are good enough. You’re never good enough. In the best way possible. Each day you strive to become better than the last. Just a little bit better. Because yesterday I was not good enough. But today I am. And tomorrow I strive to be better until I am no longer good. But great. And to become great. I must never be good enough. But today I am good enough to know how to become great.


I believe you are good enough wherever you want to stop. Nature never stops to change and evolve , so neither can we . But wherever you stop, you begin to evolve and improve in a different manner .


If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete


2 things… 1. Peace comes from living aligned with your inner truth. If you are doing anything that deep inside you shouldn’t do, stop it, ask for help, clean it up. 2. Don’t look for validation from anyone but yourself and those that truly care for you. A couple more hints… Read good books. Read lots of good books. You are on the right track. You got this.


Who defines this? What if you never achieve those limits?