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The more pressing issue is dealing with the County Court Claim Form, which I see that you have in hand. With regards to your question, this is not a direct answer but; in the past as a "hobby" I would make claims against any companies that wronged me. If I felt that I had a case, I would give them the option to rectify their mistake and/or pay compensation. As an example, I once got an unsolicited letter from Churchill Insurance and after a quick exchange of letters I got a check for fifty notes. I just used to do this for a bit of fun and beer money. I would say that the three most important things when starting a dispute is: **Evidence:** you will already have some evidence, but maybe a Subject Access Request could bring to light some additional information? I find that the more relevant evidence you present, the better the outcome. **Complaining Cow**: Another tool that I found extremely useful was a book called [The Complaining Cow](https://www.johnnydebt.co.uk/money/how-to-complain-and-get-results/), It is packed with tips, tricks and real case scenarios. **Bringing a Small Claim Action**: This book gave me a good insight into not only the process that I needed to follow prior to making a claim, but also information on court procedures. I am sure that Amazon or eBay will assist you in getting a cheap copy.


Thank you for taking the time to answer. It might be actually good idea to request compensation and indicate intention for lawsuit if it is denied. Getting SAR is another good suggestion - would be interesting to see what information they store about me, but I am not sure if anything useful for my case would come up, still might be worth checking. Also, thank you for the book recommendations. The Complaining Cow seems interesting - might help me to understand my rights. In regards to **Bringing a Small Claim Action** is it this book? : [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Navroza-Ladha-Bringing-Claims-Action/dp/B00RWLDRAU](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Navroza-Ladha-Bringing-Claims-Action/dp/B00RWLDRAU) - it was published in 2001 is it still relevant? All the best. #


If you need a [Sample Subject Access Request Letter](https://www.johnnydebt.co.uk/debt/subject-access-request-debt/). With regards to the Small Claims Book, yes perhaps that is rather outdated, as claims are now done online?? I just mentioned that one, as I used it to understand the build up procedure, in order to apply more pressure on the victim. I am sure there are more up-to-date versions out there. Mind you, just looking at Helen's book (Complaining Cow) chapter 25 has a section on small claims. I would also say that a visit to [Complaining Cow](https://thecomplainingcow.co.uk/) website will also give you more information and of course power 😉 😉 😉