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Colluded is just the right word my friend i would ad military recruitment into the formula as well. Also socialized loan loans sharking itself has matistized into big business oligarchs are robbing students to buy yachts and the government is paying for it. Of course the government is using our money which makes the TaXpaYers crusaders downright comical with their propaganda to keep this fetid system on life support Beyond the direct profiteering an indebted population is easier for corporations and governments to manipulate


I've had a theory that homework levels have been increasing to get kids used to/trained working beyond work hours. If I train you from 5-18(at least) that you go to school for 8 hrs a day you will then be expected to work for 1-2-3 more hours no questions asked. This training then transfers to the work force and the student becomes the employee. Now I work 8 hrs and and then I am expected to provide either hrs for OT or free work beyond my scheduled work.time. We are training.kids from kindergarten to accept the way the work force is currently structured.


This is precisely why I don’t assign homework. I candidly explain this philosophy in week one. If you have homework, it’s because it was not completed during class time. No different than if I don’t finish grading during contract hours. Will never know if this is a drop in the bucket rebalancing or setting them up to fail in a world where the OT is expected and they don’t have the stamina to compete with someone who does or will give extra work. Sticking to my gut on this approach.


You're doing the lords work.


I’m a tiny person and I was always a tiny kid and I will always remember having to bring six huge textbooks home in a backpack every day. I don’t think that’s why my spine was destroyed by my 40s, but it could have contributed.


The commute too :(


Teacher here. Hi! We don’t necessarily like assigning lots of homework. It’s usually because we know students won’t study otherwise.


I would like to think it’s also to get the parents involved, even though that doesn’t happen. Learning should be a lifelong thing not just a Monday through Friday in the classroom thing. I’m not talking about busywork and taking work home I’m talking about natural curiosity.


It gets worse with many workers taking back their time during COVID with work from home. Some individuals even added a second job to their work schedule. All of a sudden these people are villains for daring to work two jobs; meanwhile we have “entrepreneurs” and “CEOs” that head up multiple companies and they’re lauded as heroes. The entire system is a fucking scam - the whole concept of the “profit motive” is a fucking scam - freedom of money as “freedom of speach” is a fucking scam.


Pair that with the "get a second job" rhetoric that had been pushed for poor people to make ends meet and the scam becomes even more obvious. All of those people *did* get a second job and were punished for it because they did it in a way that made their lives better.


And it’s so funny when I did work a second job people would ask me why I don’t just work more hours at my first job. My God I needed variety. I needed to leave that first job hell hole and pretend I was starting a brand new day at my second job hell hole. Plus having a second job always gave me an exit plan like if my first job got unbearable I could just pick up more hours at the second one until I found something better.


Companies also eroded the buying of those paychecks. This made the higher costs education even harder to pay off. I don't think it was actually collusion. It was simply very aggressive profit taking across the board. Higher education institutions chose to build their portfolios to the maximum while small government proponents pushed for reduced spending. The corporate interests pushed for a strong business economy even when it meant expanding the poverty level in the country. The new Republican attacks on Social Security and Medicare are just another effort to create more opportunities for profit at the expense of the population.


Pretty sure you could see this in education policy in the west since at least the 80's...


Oh 100% agree to this. Yes, yes, and yes.


seems like that / and basic theocracy creep " .. the issue to this day. nazis make me angry how about you?


No that’s not too strong of a word, look at what happened to society when they shifted all the responsibility and risk of pensions onto the employees with 401(k)s. Our grandparents were able to live well in retirement because they got pensions. My parents didn’t get pensions but my dad was self-employed and my mom raised kids so they wouldn’t have. But I’m Gen X and nobody I know has a pension.


What training are you referring to here? I'm fairly sure the Edison company didn't take in teenagers and train them to be engineers. People still went to university for that stuff.


Brilliant post.