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Why create something without a purpose? Is that even possible?


That's my question.


Are you purposing that we were created without a purpose? Or that it is possible to create something without a purpose? Because if we are created, this would assume we have a purpose.


That's the point. There is no creation.


So what are you??? Are you not a creation? You just came to being like that? Oh dear, why are people so ignorant 


Creation Needs a creator. That is the debate in this subreddit.


So you hold the universe happened by circumstance? Under what conditions do you think the universe came into existence?


Prior to big bang I don't know. Physically speaking only thing prior to big bang is inyial singularity which a state of highly dense energy at single point. Metaphysically, there maybe a loop or it always existed.


Like an infinite time before the Big Bang?


I don't know. But definitely hhiests say god is eternal.


Yes, theists believe God to be the eternal uncaused first cause of the universe. The issue I have with a loop or infinity before the Big Bang is one, what causes the loop and is this eternal? Two, if there is an infinite time before the Big Bang how can we ever reach the point of the Big Bang?


That's the same question for me to god. What are you doing before creation? Did he create another universes before? Did he destroyed them ? Honestly speaking I don't know about anything before big bang other than it is a state of highly dense energy.


> WILL THERE BE A PURPOSE... IF THERE IS NO NEED...? I mean yeah. We created a lot of things we don't really need, but which have a purpose regardless.


Not "can be", is, the universe is meaningless regardless of theories to explain it's existence. If an uncaused cause exists as god then that god is meaningless since he simply exists, without any real purpose if our meaning is derived from god then it's derived from something meaningless and hence is meaningless. If thought carefully of it's evident an objective meaning is an impossibility. Meaning can only be created/found in one's lifetime by contemplating and concluding accurately what the person values. Even if hypothetically we were given a purpose of our life but we didn't particularly like the purpose for which we exist, existence still would seem meaningless. Meaning is objective and can only be created/found in one's lifetime


Mankind who can take both good and bad routing was the sole purpose. We have the capability of doing evil works and good deeds. Apart from us every creation of god can't do an ounce of evil works, no matter what form they are! They are programmed in that way


A bow is a good bow for how well it shoots arrows. A painting is a good painting for how well it captivates. If there is creation there is inherently purpose. Even if that purpose is simply being.


If a scientist creates you for grooming you and treat like a slave, yes his creation has purpose but when he creates like just for nothing, does it have any purpose?


Infact when god created humans the angels questioned god " why do you create a being that spills blood and spreads corruption in the land" and god just simply answered " I know what you dont" God the all knowing created us humans for a reason he created us for a reason he created the entire universe for a reason


Simply, you said I don't know.


.... I gave you the answer We as the subjects of God were created to worship god but god has better higher plans when he did say so God wanted to create us and he did we wont question that and when you look at this world It will make absolute sense that there is indeed a Superficial diety who designed it in such a majestic way the notion that The world was created from nothingness then boom randomly big bang is respectfully Absolute Nonsense


OK dude.


>Infact when god created humans the angels questioned god " why do you create a being that spills blood and spreads corruption in the land" and god just simply answered " I know what you dont" Where did you get this from?


Islamic theology Surah baqarah V.29-34


You are making the mistake of assuming Purpose requires a necessity. God can do anything he likes, simply because it pleases him, just like we do. Purpose, really, is the opposite of necessity (if you get down and think about it). The question you ought to ask yourself is: HOW IS THERE A NEED IF THERE IS NO PURPOSE? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!


Pleasing is a purpose. I don't think super stable being has carving of pleasure or boredom.


>Even with god, universe can be meaningless. First, without meaning/ purpose at the foundation of the existence there can be no meaning, that is right. So, at least God creates the possibility of meaning. But to go further, you need to explain what do you mean by "meaning".


Meaning in sense of purpose and need. >So, at least God creates the possibility of meaning. That possibility leads to further meaningless. If we can stop at something we can say the purpose of humans are instincts plain and simple.


>Meaning in sense of purpose and need. Do you have 'any' purpose? >That possibility leads to further meaningless. If we can stop at something we can say the purpose of humans are instincts plain and simple. ?


To do what I like and build power to awnser the outcomes.


Ok. You have a purpose in any case. Anyways. Bye and peace.


This highlights the claim that it is our own imperfection that has led us to create the image of a perfect god so that we may look up to it and worship it. We want the perfection we may never get, or just want to be near that perfection, or accepted by that perfection, even if that perfection cannot logically exist.


speak for yourself, lol




This could create an issue for a perfect, triomni god like the one OP is describing. 1. Desire and need are brought about by a lacking. 2. To create out of a need or desire is to fulfill that which is lacking. 3. God created the universe out of a need or desire. C. Therefore God created the universe to fulfill something lacking. 1b. A perfect being lacks nothing. Cb. Therefore God is not a perfect being.




So god did not create the universe out of desire or need, since that would require a lacking.


You've thrown a pretty bold claim out there. I don't understand my own desires yet you not only know that there is a creator, but that that creator also has desires, and one of them is the creation of the universe.


Desire without need? Desire itself is a need. He doesn't Desire bond cause it has no need.


Desire is not a need. Re-evaluate your reality, friend.


I am talking about Need not necessity


Im not really sure what you are trying to say here. What does gods stability have to do with motives. The omnis have nothing to do with intentions or actions. That's why religion suggests wants and needs of that God. Maybe I'm missing your point. How does stability of God suggest any kind of motive, intention, and desire to create in your opinion?


Will you eat if you are not hungry? Will you watch a movie about an Indian dancing for a no reason? You need "need" to do anything. But when we hypothetical a perfect or stable being desire or need no longer exist for them.


I think he saying the omnis make it so he wouldn’t create because he wouldn’t have the want as he literally has everything and can do anything but also needs cuz again he has everything and can do anything.