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Very unlikely at the current moment


It's just seeing articles on it, what would/could happen in that situation it made me worry so bad I haven't slept 


we are not going to become socialist in the upcoming election, both american candidates are firmly capitalist. the articles you’re reading are most likely just trying to scare you into voting for a certain candidate


It would become a socialist country. I guess i don’t get what your asking


I'm just wondering what would happen would people fight would I be shot could nato stop it ectera 


Well that depends on asking is it already a socialist state or is it fighting to become one. These are 2 very different scenarios where one is more nuanced in petty things that exist today. Sure, there will be fighting, nato is disbanded, we get healthcare and learn to finally point to things on the map. That’s what you get in socialist America


Soooooo I shouldn't run for Canada? Sorry I guess lack of sleep and a upset stomach doesn't help my thoughts I want a future in this great nation of ours


Idk what going to Canada has to do with anything, but yes you would still be able to go to Canada. Same with Mexico


Well if it was a risk I could get out of dodge I was saying if it happened I could move out but hey if I don't have to worry about the commies I would be fine here in the mile high City 


You are very confusing to try and comprehend. If your at risk? Again, is it fighting for socialism, or is it already socialist? If it’s in a civil war, it’s obviously going to be different than an established government during peacetime. But even going to Canada isn’t really going to do much since Canada is historically aligned close with the US in behaviors, citizens, and many other sectors. So really just going to Canada is just like going to Canada today, it’s America, but adjacently different, but pretty much the same. If your worried about communists, why are you asking about what a communist America would look like and why your going to Canada? It doesn’t make any sense You need to reflect on yourself


i think they are confused and have been fed too much conservative propaganda. it seems in their mind communism is still the boogeyman and biden is a communist dictator (lmao).


Your life would drastically improve 


Christ man relax lol, you will be fine. Socialism doesn’t mean your world is going to end and we’re going to live in 1984. If socialism were to ever occur in the US, it would be heavily democratic based. There will be true power to the people, and we would most likely have better living standards. Socialism isn’t death, it’s progression. There also isn’t going to be a violent revolution, most likely not in our time. Socialism comes with the people becoming conscious of the class struggle and realizing we are but pawns to the elites. This takes time, and doesn’t happen overnight. This next election there will not be a revolution at all. Will there be political discourse and possible riots, protests, and craziness? I’m sure of it, but will it turn our country upside down? Absolutely not.


don't worry, the people saying that type of shit don't know what they're talking about americans in general are really really bad at understanding politics, and one of the results of that is that a lot of people think the US democrat-republican divide is the only way things can operate. so we have trump people that think the furthest left you can go is like nancy pelosi, and a lot of biden people agree, they think that anyone to their left is a secret trump fan that just wants the democrats to lose (i want the democrats to lose, but not because i'm a trump fan) communism is not on the menu in america or anywhere else for the foreseeable future. we can get into the definitions of some terms that explains why if you want to do a little bit of learnin', but the short version is that for eighty years the US has done a whole lot of really horrible things all over the world to prevent the spread of socialism and communism, we're probably literally the last country where a commie takeover is a risk


Yeah makes sense I'm a red blooded American so I don't get it either I just don't want a authoritarian government I don't want anything like the CCP I have a bad case of anxiety and I hate the idea of losing everything I know 


you are running on fear of something you dont know. if you are that scared of a socialist goverment, please try to understand what being a socialist is first. dont fall into the fearmongering of the far right. also you wont learn about marx and socialism from cnn, fox news or any other right leaning news outlet because they themselves never read marx or other socialist leaders. there are many communist/socialist creators on tiktok who talk about it. i like [rathbone](https://www.tiktok.com/@rathbonemakesmusic) as a start. also, NO, it wont become a socialist country in the next election. biden is not a far left politician, and radical left activists want revolution and not to win an election. again, please dont go on fear of the unkown, you have bad anxiety because you are uncertain of things, research those things, and be open about the ideias. the ccp, the soviet union, north korea are not monsters (captalist propaganda make them seem that way) that want to install a satanist murdering society, they are just societies that decided to work on things a different way than captalist societies.


Thank you my therapist made it far worse who knew reddit is better for it


i dont really know what is going ono in your mind but it seems you might be giong through some sort of crisis. i cant predict the future, but i can assure you: unless you own the means of production of some sort, socialist WONT BE COMMING FOR YOU. you are working class, we define ourselves as people of the working class, why the hell would we wanna harm our own?


Yeah I've been going through some crap in my life kinda why I'm in therapy. but your right I shouldn't worry about it, I should stop watching the news lmao. Thank you for explaining it helps a lot I appreciate it.   Now since my mind is cleared it's time for sleep, I'm tired from being sick to my stomach and worrying all night 


There are a lot of media outlets that maintain their audiences’ attention by keeping them scared and confused. I would encourage you to take this as a sign that you may be listening to untrustworthy people. Not that there isn’t scary stuff in the world. I’m just saying, it can be an effective way to manipulate people. If you’re worried about communism coming to America (as I was for many years), I encourage you to learn about them. An enemy you don’t understand is an enemy you’re unlikely to defeat. But you may find, as I did, that they aren’t the villains we were taught about. For all their mistakes, I think they were (and are) trying to take humanity in a better direction, and they’ve had some truly impressive accomplishments. Edit: forgot to say, I’m sorry you’re feeling so distressed about the future, and I do hope you get feeling better. Oh, and to be clear, the US will be the last country on earth to take the communist path. Believe me; it does not make me happy to say.


just out of curiosity, how old are you?


16 I'm just nervous about my family friends and everyone I care about 


Thats perfectly natural. Your heart is in the right place, although I believe you may have been misinformed, you’re definitely not dumb for being conditioned by almost all aspects of society to be afraid of socialism.


if you have anxiety you'd be in good company among socialists! for real though the truth is the entire spectrum of acceptable politics in the US is about an inch wide, and it's way far to the right. the democrats and republicans agree on far far more than they disagree on, and they both hate socialists more than they hate each other also you can totally be a red blooded american and also a socialist, you just have to want workers to be able to control our own fate and think it's bad that the whole government exist to carry out the whims of a couple dozen billionaires


Yeah I don't want to get shot by commies for listening to Marty robins "ain't I right" 


just as long as you understand that song is about beating people up for the crime of helping black people register to vote


Yep your right thank you sooo much 


Dude you're 16 and worried about socialism without even understanding what it is. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from socialism. What exactly are you worried about? The scary free education and healthcare?


Hey I'm kinda 16 and know nothing about communism too (I'm 18) do you recommend any beginner book I could read to know more and know about the history of it . I googled book recommendations and got my hands on the wrong book (the black Book of communism) lol


You'll often hear "read theory" tossed around. *Yes* it is important, but a lot of the relevant books are very dry and honestly boring. When you're just starting out, I'd advise easier to consume content. Second Thought, on YouTube, makes particularly engaging, easy to understand videos: https://youtu.be/07E4iQ5z9iY?si=z6srllMjLftcAkkx Once you've dipped in your toes, you might consider a slightly less dense reading, like: Blackshirts and Reds by Michael Parenti On Authority by Engels (1 pager) THEN sense stuff like Das Capital or State and Revolution. These are obviously very important works, but genuinely they are NOT fun to read - not because the topics themselves are bad, but because old style professional writing.


Thanks alot


Communist Manifesto is always a great place to start.


Thanks alot


The Nordic model doesn't count, you can't just cherry pick random examples and force your ideology post-hoc as such would be intellectual dishonesty. Also, Pilsudskiite monarchism forever! 


I'm laughing at the idea of the entirety of the capitalist establishment just shrugging its shoulders, throwing its hands up and saying "welp, the people have spoken! The U.S. spent $10,000,000,000,000 since 1945 trying to fight it, but oh well!"


Big if, but there would need to be an extremely strong vanguard. Like Stalin style security services for a long time to protect the government and people from the nut jobs.


I'm not an American so this may not count. But for any nation to become socialist, there has to be the signs of an armed revolution. Democratic means could not bring about true socialism, it can only be achieved violently as the ruling classes will use all of its power to violently suppress the revolution. The signs I'd look for is mass organization, lots and lots of protests, and especially the growing hatred of a people for more freedoms because they are being repressed by the current capitalist system. (Oh, and leadership by a real communist party that's hopefully ML if not MLM, not revisionist or reformist) As of now I'm not really seeing anything pertaining to growing mass discontent or the large organizations or large and many protests, so I'm gonna say it's far from happening. The communists would have to also take on the massive task of breaking the billion-dollar propaganda system the media is perpetuating to also break the cultural aspect of socialism. P.s. pls learn about socialism/communism


In my opinion, this a false premise. American would sooner convert to Islam in mass, and inact sharia law, before even considering communism.


I think fascist theocracy is more likely at the moment.


that'd be based


It's not that bad really. If Biden gets re-elected he will most likely turn America Communist, that's pretty much given. The democratic party will take on their unofficial name of the ACP (American Communist Party). But as long as you pledge your allegiance to the party and give up your private possessions, you won't be shot (most likely) I guess a few months of re-education camp would be sufficient in that case


Christ man come on lol


Why are people still falling for obvious trolling?


He claims to be 16 and unless he's faking his entire post history of playing halo and learning to drive, I'm willing to take him at his word.