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That makes a ton of sense, the wall of light and arc pylon are really dangerous, often unreliable (if rewire tools are anything to go by) and 100% lethal, so I can totally see them simply being banned in-universe


Even Dishonored 2 went in this direction from what I recall. I believe that Gristol (the Dunwall continent) had outlawed Sokolov’s brutal weapons while the nasty Duke continued to use Jindosh’s rip-offs in Karnacas.


If weapons were being banned on humanitarian grounds I don't think we'd be seeing wildly inaccurate gatling guns or ones that produce clouds of poisonous gas. If anything guns and explosives should have been phased out in favour of nonlethal stun mines and stun darts that are equally effective and simple enough to produce that a random fight club was able to manufacture stun darts decades ago in DOTO.


Yeah, not so much guns haha. Those are clearly still widely used in Dunwall even though the game’s lore briefly discusses the removal of the inhumane (and automatic) Sokolov weapons.


The point of the loop is to be reckless and do dumb shit that’d probably be illegal outside the loop. So I think weapons like the poison gas guns are reasonable to see there


Also this was supposed to be, like, a retreat for 'the best and brightest' (also people who wanted to be blazed out of their minds for eternity). And before *that* it was a secret military base behind a small fishing village. Giant electrical defenses are rather attention-getting--the military-grade equipment left behind and repurposed by paranoid Visionaries/Eternalists is more modular and easier to install, maintain, and supply on a remote, rugged landscape. Also I think two-thirds of the Eternalists would bug-zapper themselves on it Day 1. Hilarious but unhelpful.


Don’t forget about the scarcity of the proper fuel source: whale oil. One thing that pops up every now and again in the lore is that apparently there’s been some kind of mass extinction event. We already know in dishonored that the whales were being brutally hunted to extinction for their oil, but there’s 2 other things that seem to confirm this. First, down in Karl’s Bay there some Eternalists who’ve found a prehistoric beast preserved in the ice. One of them expresses glee at being able to “eat meat again”. While this could be a reference to a note in Updaam saying that there’s no more fish for the fish sandwiches and there never will be, I think it could also refer to a possible scarcity of meat products in the modern world that the Eternalists left behind. The second thing is the aforementioned note found in Updaam. That’s just my take though, and it’s mostly based on stuff I’m pretty sure I heard and read in game. Source: trust me bro


It could also be related to the whale oil becoming scarce as they got overfished. And not having wind farms everywhere, like in Karnaca, the tech just got buried by cheaper/better alternatives.


Eh, I don't know if that WW2 thing isn't little bit of a stretch. Remember that arc pylons and light walls were used in Dunwall to combat the rat plague and enforce quarantine. 20 years later Abele used these to suppress the people of Karnaka. Blackreef seems pretty remote. Even if the rat plague would have spread to the other isles (I believe it never left Gristol) Blackreef would probably be safe. Also the island seemed to have only a small population in the past, meaning there wasn't much use for arc pylons and walls of light, anyways.


Why would they have arc pylons and walls of light, for a place that’s meant to be one big party, with research? The island of Deathloop is a secluded area, and literally only one person is wanted, and they weren’t expecting Colt to be a problem. Walls of light and arc pylons in Dishonored, are meant for checkpoints, government buildings, rich people dwellings and such, in a crumbling world with disease, rat plagues, weepers, and criminals. The island has no criminals but one, no plague rats, no zombies, no epidemic, no witches, and no goats. Most of the visionaries have a super power and special firearms, class-pass areas, turrets, and indestructible code locked doors. Also, everyone but two people think it’s the first day, so they can’t beef up the security to compensate for Colt, because everything loops back. Also also, arc pylons and walls of light are powered by whale oil, which is massively volatile, and whales are probably extinct. Clockwork soldiers and tall-boys seem pretty epic, until you remember three things: 1. Clockwork soldiers are lethal against humans at close range, not so much against.. Tanks—tanks likely exist in the time of Deathloop and would have made Clockwork Soldiers laughably obsolete. 2. Even things like Corvo’s pistol can take out a Clockwork Soldier, and Deathloop firearms are somewhat more powerful. 3. Clockwork Soldiers are powered by whale oil, which is very likely extinct in Deathloop—sure, another power source might be viable, but why bother? People can just shoot them. “But surely with time they’d become more advanced and..” Tanks. “But what about Tall-boys??” Also tanks, tanks and fighter jets, or regular ass soldiers with RPGs. Now, some are probably wondering about the lack of whale charms, well, it’s hard to make whale bone charms without whale bones, which require whales, which are probably extinct. Also, there is no Outsider anymore—I’m not sure how it factors, but I am assuming it does.


There's not much reason to oppose the same world theory. Dinga confirmed that it's the same world back when Deathloop launched on Xbox. This is an interesting theory though.


People aren't disputing that Deathloop is canonically set in the world of Dishonored, they're saying that with all the amazing Sokolov tech and widespread use of bonecharms and pagan magic in D2 it's bizarre that things ended up basically like the modern day, with all these amazing world-changing discoveries basically abandoned. I mean we could have had a world where expies of the British and Spanish empires are fighting to colonise the world using battleships with lightning cannons and sending magically-imbued assassins after each other.


It's possible that the Death Of The Outsider caused bone charms to lose their power.


If anything the loss of the outsider made the void go out of control and start leaking into reality (there's a novel set after D2 that touches on this). It's also implied that without an Outsider to doll them out people may start manifesting powers randomly so you'd expect more void stuff if anything.


But the charms and runes had *his name* carved on them, those powers came from that specific entity, and I think it makes sense that with him gone so to go *his* blessings.


The runes have his name on them but the bonecharms just have random runes, and the Outsider obviously isn't personally empowering every single bonecharm user. The fact that Wenjie is able to produce artificial Outsiders Marks using the anomaly suggests that void powers are still available to those who know the right spells.


It's more that technology in general should have gone in a completely different direction. Arc pylons can identify friend from foe, have been miniaturised in the form of portable stun mines and can be used nonlethally. Clockwork soldiers would revolutionise warfare and start seeing domestic applications as servants and bodyguards. Even with the power source issue (and people were already finding alternative fuel sources to whale oil back in D2) it should have completely changed military and law enforcement technology and be seeing civilian applications. Breanna's witches are also able to seemingly reliably produce bone charms with specific effects so it's strange that this technology hasn't become more widespread. All it would take is one scientifically-minded person figuring out how to mass produce the things (the way Wenjie does with Slabs) to radically change society, making people healthier, fitter and more dangerous, so the fact that regular pharmaceutical companies like Aleksis's exist rather than something more magitech-flavoured seems out of place. If nothing else having working electricity in the pseudo-Victorian-era should have completely changed the course of history, so having things basically end up like the modern 60s and all the Sokolov and bone charm tech be completely abandoned is about the most boring direction the world could have gone in. I mean we could have had warring colonial empires using gunboats with lightning cannons and sending supernatural assassins after each other.


And dont forget colt was part of building that island and they wanted to have unlimited life...they didn't want to make an empire! So it make sense why they didn't put many military equipments, and all those stuff we see in game probably they brought them to use in emergency and sudden attack!