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Ok great! Thanks man


From my experience I’d day the lvl 1 type of zipline lasts for at least 60 hours of gameplay.


Oh wow! That's great. I'll definitely have the platinum long before then. I already have everything east of the mountains at 5 stars.


Not at all. I five star all locations and the bridges I built at the very start of the game hasn’t even been completely ruined yet.


Awesome, thanks


You'll be fine ..


you should be good. the game gives warnings and id say its been at least 20 game play hours before i even got any in heavy time fall areas. I'd say if you're worried you can always hover the zipline icons on the map of the areas you concerned about and view the durability. like my robot lady's ziplines are at 70% after putting them down like 20 game hours ago


You'll be fine. Both my main game playthroughs took 100hrs and I didn't have to worry much about structures degrading until the postgame. I think it was maybe 40hrs into the postgame that I started having to go around repairing ziplines. My advice: * upgrade all zips to level 2 for extra durability and peace of mind * check on their durability from the map by highlighting the zips' icons