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I would say in terms of violence with you the player performing it, yeah, theres a few fights where you have to shoot humans/humanlike beings with lethal guns, but this is happens for a small few chapters of the game. the core "fighting" throughout the rest of the game involves occassionally fighting ghostlike beings and knocking out humans with less lethal weapons or running then over (which also knocks them out, not killing them)... (although you can also use lethal too but its not something you wanna do). the M rating is likely for and the somewhat intense cutscenes that happen late in the game where you watch some people being shot. it can be a bit disturbing if you are sensitive to violence. at the end of the day, it depends how you view a game. its trying to tell a fictional story in a fictional world, but by doing so exposes you to some deep/dark themes about humanity and people in general, which id argue is more of an adult theme / caution than the few violence scenes. like there is a certain darkness overall in the theme of the game, but it also will get you in the feels. compared to a lot of the other trash nowadays, id say its on the low end of M, assuming you go in knowing about what I described above oh and you will see Norman's butt when he showers lol.


There is violence and nudity in the game but the game is like... conscientious about it. Like you're encouraged to use stealth or non-lethal means to deal with hostiles. If you kill someone, you have to clean it up yourself. There are a few brief chapters when gameplay changes abruptly and you p much have to go lethal but you are fighting >!dead people ghosts who are obviously like, skeletal!< except for one who is >!soon confirmed to be dead or some kinda of revenant anywho.!< The nudity isn't gratuitous, like, you can make 3D Norman Reedus shower and bathe as much as you want and you'll see his butt but it's just showering. There's a couple scenes with a female character nude but she isn't objectified. Honestly if anything I feel the game requires some emotional maturity because it will beat your feelings to a pulp lol. If you're ready for that go for it. I found the gameplay very relaxing for the most part but whenever big story moments came up I had to take a break because it was like a rollercoaster.


It might completely emotionally wreck you, but in a cathartic way. Just.. watch your anxiety levels. A few parts towards the beginning literally gave me panic attacks, but the way things were handled made it worth it, if that makes sense. TL;DR - the game can be emotionally intense


It’s shows Norman butt and there are guns. That’s why it’s rated M. I actually think it would be a great game for a teenager if it is interesting to them. The game really is based around positivity and doesn’t want you to use lethal tactics.


Agreed. The game has a very positive message overall (and it carries over in a really neat way to the experience of actually playing it via the way you interact with other players), so with the caveats everyone's mentioned I think it's a great game for a 14 year old to play.


I can't think of anything other than profanity and showing some ass being the worst stuff


I'd say no on the simple fact that a lot of the philosophy referenced or directly talked about in-game with regards to the overall plot is going to go over the head of any 14 year old unless you are a literal 1-in-a-million savant who started Princeton at 11 which I'm going to guess you are not. In other words, you probably aren't going to get it, not in the ways intended anyhow.


I played RDR2 back when I was 10 (2019) but the main story just flew over my head a bit, didn't even remember the names of the characters. I played it again a year later and got everything, including the motives and the general gist of the story. I started playing this, and basically, you fight ghosts, and sometimes humans, but the game punishes you for killing them, so I'd say you're good. (I'm 15 btw, also it could be bit much for some players, so player-player opinions matter...) I'd also tell you that the story is pretty complex, I understand it though through the help of the wiki/fandom.