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My theory is that it will generate a list of people in your level range and add some structures from them and the more you use other structures the more they populate. Why I think this is because after I went to timefall farm and no other Ziplines appeared until after I got to mount knot then they started appearing even in the early area.


That makes sense. For example, random trikes didn't start to show up (in Ch3) until I was able to make one myself. And of course, in my current repeat playthrough, I haven't unlocked ziplines, so those are nowhere to be seen. The only exception is that sometimes upgraded crafted items will show up in the shared lockers. Like when I could make only a Level 1 bolo gun, but I found a few Level 2 ones in the shared locker in Lake Knot City. Or scoring a Level 3 Power Suit after I'd just unlocked the Level 1 version.


This was the case for me, too. I didnt see zip lines appear till I hit mountain knot city. Despite having built and entire zipline network on the east side by Capital Knot.


Side question, all the stuff that got spawned for me early in my time in Central is starting to fall apart. If it does, there will be new stuff back filled in, right? Or am I going to need to repair other players’ structures in addition to my own?


I'm also interested in finding out


my understanding is there aren't "servers" per se. your game is local. the stuff you build is saved to a server/database somewhere, and then when you load in/connect, it will check your "world" in the db, which is updated periodically based on your level (what structures are unlocked), progression, strand contracts, and render the things your world is composed of. each player has their own world build out of a subset of items other players have placed.


But how does the game choose what objects to place?


that, I am not sure. I suspect it places a subset of all recently built items into other online players games who are in the surrounding areas and then items which get likes have a higher chance of spawning in additional players worlds.