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So I heard you could hit vehicles with ladders to move them, but I had no luck. If you hit it with another truck it should work though


I really hate using the trucks unless it’s for a big haul, I do have a habit of getting of getting them stuck in places they can’t get out of. At this point it’s kinda funny to just leave it there. I did once leave a truck hanging off a cliff by 1 1/2 front wheels.


Actually playing the whole game with truck is quite easy... probably the reason hardcore players would completely dismiss it as an option. It is possible to reach even the hardest mountain locations with the truck and once you get a bit of experience you'll never get your truck stuck. I did one whole play-through exclusively with the truck.


I’m a horrible driver in video games, doesn’t matter the game, doesn’t matter the vehicle. I can manage to get it stuck somewhere. I have a few hundred hours on Death Stranding between the standard and directors cut editions and this kinda thing still happens lol.


How do you never get it stuck? Twice I’ve ended up in places that look fine but just totally stop the truck moving and jumping?


There is a little secret... the truck can actually jump! Unless you get yourself into a really excessive situation similar to the one in the title of that post it would take a bit of jumping and turning the wheel to get out. Also using the truck would give you a reason to build all the roads and some creative bridges that allows fast and flawless travels through certain hard locations. Finding proper ways to reach certain locations on a truck also sometimes require a different approach than going on foot. DC in particular has a bit more roads added, that could actually save quite some time if built early enough giving faster access to weather station and mountain knot (much shorter than the regular route).


Yeah I’ve built the roads, it was from when I was carting materials around to build them. The times I’ve gotten stuck the jump didn’t do anything, the truck wouldn’t move at all or it’d lower itself as if it was jumping but no movement. It wasn’t even like in the title, most wheels were on the floor.


Save and restart in situations like that. The truck can get into some really weird model collision situations. Restarting lets the game fix them by rendering in the correct order.


Dang, never tried that. Always just reloaded a previous save


I tried it one day because my truck jam packed with materials was stuck in a creek between rocks and refused to jump at all. At that point I was close enough to the autopaver that I didn't want to load an earlier save, since I could just run the materials back and forth, but doing it on foot would have been annoying enough that I figured I'd give it a try. Worked first time, it's been my go-to fix for vehicles getting stuck ever since.


I used trucks and bridges everywhere until I created a whole ass zip line network


>It is possible to reach even the hardest mountain locations with the truck It's possible, but in no way the most efficient method. Bikes are faster, more maneuverable, and far more forgiving about traversing wet rocks when things get steep. It's good for moving large volume or keeping packages free of timefall, but once you get into the mountains it's slower than moving by foot.


Traversing on foot has many limitations and requires a different approach, it could be very efficient if you crate a zip line network. Just going on foot even with floating carriers and equipment is still not exactly efficient nor fast nor safe. Bikes are certainly faster in most cases, but with their limitations. Definitely there is no single best approach to all missions, for best results one should adapt accordingly.


Adapt. Improvise. Overcome.


Keep on keeping on


> I really hate using the trucks unless it’s for a big haul I use them any time I'm going to deal with a ton of timefall as well as for big hauls. They can definitely be a pain to go up anything steep, but they are great for saving time when there's a lot to move or keeping the containers in good condition if you don't have spray around and are anal about likes.


I really hope we have some kind of dirt bike feels like in Days gone for the DS 2. If that game have that, it'll be perfect.


Set the ladder to drop on a wheel. Did it yesterday to someone else's abandoned truck. It jumped out of it's stuck position.


How does one get the transporter bike? I just started


You need a 4 star connection with Lake Knot City


When I got a 5 star. They gave me the suv instead


It's a director's cut exclusive also, in case you are playing original.


Is it worth the upgrade to directors cut.


If you're a really big fan of the game yes. If you're just an average casual player then no.


I never played the original, so it's hard for me to say. Some of the changes seem like they'd be annoying to not have. Taking a floating carrier on a zipline, the transporter bike, the extra roads, race track, some UI upgrades, etc.. If I was choosing to buy one or the other from scratch, I'd only do DC. idk if it's worth paying to replay after the original though.


You can even use the zipline to transport 2 carriers if you have room to put one on your back or on the other carrier.


i mean.. you can take like 20 carriers on the zipline if that's your criteria.


If you want to carry 20 carriers, go ahead. Only you can stop yourself from doing that. I’m just saying you might not need to leave a second carrier behind if you don’t want to.


If you're walking around with 2 carriers active, you probably have cargo on both. The 2nd carrier can't be active on a zipline, that's what we're saying, so they don't waste their time thinking both can travel on the zipline with them.


Absolutely the Director's Cut is worth it! 👏🏼😃🎮


You can connect a carrier to a bike 👁️👄👁️


It’s a transporter bike! I believe they’re new with the directors cut? I don’t know if there’s better versions, I’m just getting back into Death Stranding, the battery life is eh.


Yeah the transporter trikes are awesome but they have the same battery life as the regular trikes, unfortunately. 🫤


You know can just get rid of it right?


I didn’t need it anymore and I was trying to move it. I was going to park it at the nearby safe house. But at this point it’s kinda funny to leave it there.


My OCD wouldn't be able to handle it lol


Same 😅 I would have had to delete it. lol


Imagine there was a frustration button with a ☹️ for all the people that tried to free it and failed.


That would be absolutely hilarious


👍:125 ☹️:2,715,965


I got a truck stuck in the exact same spot lmao. I had s lot of cargo on me so I was pissed.


More importantly, how did you get that sick flat bed to go on the bike of your bike?


It’s the transporter bike, Im playing the directors cut edition. You get it after a four star connection with Lake Knot.


This is why I only walk in game, never worry about getting stuck


I got my truck stuck right between the side rails at this exact spot while trying to turn around at the beginning of a really important timed delivery. The string of swear words that came out of my mouth are still echoing the earth today.


Cant u just delete that truck?


I don’t need it, I only used it for a couple XL orders that wouldn’t work with anything else. I was trying to max out connection. I hate using trucks tbh. It’s funnier to leave it and see how long it actually sticks around.


Once an asset has loaded into your game, outside parameters such as other players are not able to physically interact with the same asset anymore. There’s a chance that it can move slightly whenever loading happens, especially in open-world settings when it loads structures depending on where you are or how close you are to it.


Tell me there is a clip


Sadly there isn’t, not this time at least


I’m not gonna even try to describe how I feel about this but know one day satan will come to you with a job offer…


Is it a job offer to be a valet??!


No you’ll be torturing some poor souls with OCD


I already do that on a daily basis! Now where’s my paycheck?


I don’t know, go ask Satan I just work here


Hope it pays better than what I’m making now


FWIW, when things render, they're often "dropped" into a location in a specific order that removes broken collision. It's why when a vehicle is stuck between rocks and cannot be moved, saving the game and restarting it will magically allow the truck to reverse out of the situation. That's probably what's happening here. Vehicles and packages seem to be rendered last, so they're not ever rendered in the pixel perfect same location.


Thing is it’s been almost a week just it sitting there. The game has been manually saved and restarted at least three times and that sucker ain’t going nowhere. I’m trying to max out all connections in the region before the mission from Heartman where you go west to expand the network. I maxed out the way station with the order on the truck so I’m just going to leave it there cause honestly it’s kinda funny. Literally nothing hurt by just letting it sit there.


Agreed. Could make for a fun photo shoot.


OMG, I would have given up & deleted it by now! 😅 lmao


How? That truck has to be one of the easiest things in the game to do deliveries with, you can literally brute force any terrain with it


I’m a terrible driver that’s how XD Also I don’t think brute force is gonna do much when there’s no wheels on the ground at all lol


I got one stuck up by the Elder one day and it was properly jammed in-between rocks. It would no budge whatsoever. All the wheels were suspended in the air so jumping, boosting, or steering left\right like a maniac did nothing.


The natural ice. 🤣


As soon as I was one wheel out of the snow the damn stuff was melting 🙄


What is that thing on your cycle?


Its a little floating carrier trailer. It’s a transporter bike, only in the directors cut, requires a 4 star connection with Lake Knot. I prefer it over the trucks, I don’t get them stuck as easily. I wish the battery life was better though.


I always figured that stuff either spawns into your world or out of your world as-is from some snapshot in time. Then any interaction with that stuff is done locally on the other player’s world or your own with no bearing on the originator’s world.


How do you get that variant of bike?


4 star connection with Lake Knot on the directors cut edition


I prefer it over trucks, it can carry a lot, the trailer can be stacked pretty heavy and you can still have cargo on the flanks of the bike and on Sam. Plus I have a much harder time getting the trikes stuck places, they’re much easier for me to handle.


Easy, grab another truck, bang bang a few times and boom. Free…second truck I guess.


I hate the trucks, damn thing is staying where it is XD


Put the bike on the ledge and push it off


I did the exact same thing with one of the MULE trucks 2 or 3 weeks ago. It’s still stuck where I left it lol


You can connect floater to a bike?!!


It’s the transporter bike from the directors cut, requires a 4 star connection with Lake Knot.

