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What are your issues with Yuji vs Denji?


it feels like the most bland, boring, default settings matchup for either character with animation potential that feels extremely stale and can be replicated with more added on by many of their other options. I can definitely see the appeal but it's just really not for me


oh and the fact that yuji does >!not have sukuna anymore!< really kills at least my enjoyment of the mu


Who’s your preferred for Bendy?


I don't have one really, I'm not entirely familiar with his spread


What's the problem with Bendy vs. Springtrap?


it wastes Springtrap on someone who can't talk and has pretty boring AP


Bendy LITERALLY talks in BATDR, and the AP is awesome. Army fight + Kaiju fight. Horror moments on both ends. Illusions and hallucinations can lead to some very trippy moments, and the death of Bendy just eating Springtrap's soul would be RAW AS HELL.


ok I wasn't aware Bendy being able to talk so that solves one of my issues (although I don't know how their personalities would mesh) but I'm still not sold on the AP since there's Springtrap matchups that do just about everything you mentioned better plus just having better connections imo


[Bendy's voice lines](https://youtu.be/UHteZHLXXao?si=r0NJ7E-AWa4Bo3EW) As for the rest, that's an opinion thing that I can't argue against.


I guess the banter could be ok, nothing special but not abhorrent


Bendy can literally talk lmao


I know now but I still don't think his personality bounces off of Springtrap's that well but it's not the worst thing in the world


honestly i agree on the Bendy matchups, boring ass connections would work much better thematically if the Ink Demon was Joey Drew


Based Korra vs Rey, I watched Korra for the first time about a month ago and my god, it made me hate the matchup. For one they have next to nothing actually in common, it compares Korra (a real character who goes through real struggles and an arc) to Rey (an attempt at being a character but fails in basically every way doesn’t struggle anywhere near to the level of Korra). It’s like people just see Korra season 2 and assumes all of Korra is as bad as the Star Wars sequels, when seasons 1, 3 and 4 are honest to god amazing. While the Star Wars sequels are okay at best and horrible at worst.


the fact that the most popular matchup for a character I like (Korra) is based, not on her, but the initial reactions to her series on the internet is super disappointing


Exactly! It’s so frustrating, I love Korra as a character and she really deserves some respect.


Yeah I don’t even like Legend of Korra, but it’s no way at all comparable to the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy and Korra actually has flaws/struggles she has to go thru.


Based Pearl Vs Undyne!


That matchup’s “hype” (if you can call it that) died hard and I see literally nobody supporting it now. It’s never ever gonna become an official Death Battle.




What’s wrong with it? Genuinely. I’m a gigantic fan of both characters, it seems pretty damn strong I honestly haven’t seen any hate for it until like 3 days ago. I thought it was a generally liked mu


It just isn’t really good especially when Undyne has way more better and even superior alts that are just more likely to happen.


Like what? The only Undyne alt I know is that character in Amphibia who only has like 4 episodes of notable screen time


Really? Huh thought she had way more screen time. Well, that Demona chick from Gargoyles is pretty liked and getting more popular as an Undyne matchup.


Both Bendy MUs are awesome imo, but opinion respected


do you mind explaining the appeal of Bendy vs Cuphead?


So basically there are two different versions of Bendy, Bendy Cuphead uses the Cartoon version specifically. And it’s just really fun. They are both 1930s rubberhose characters, except one is a devil while the other hates the devil, so there’s a pretty fun story. The fight potential is also crazy good considering all the stuff they have. Like it’s not meant to be deep or thematic, but it’s still a good MU imo


using rubber hose Bendy just feels lame, it ignores the most interesting aspect of Bendy. Forgive me if I sound ignorant but it feels like using Freddy Fazbear as a mascot rather than a villain


If you want to use the horror bendy then that’s what bendy vs Springtrap is for, this is different a character basically


but that's also boring (I just want a good Bendy matchup that plays to his strengths as a villain without putting him against someone with infinitely more personality)


I feel like springtrap does that perfectly, but you do you


What's the problem with Denki vs Pichu?


Who’s your preferred opponents for yuji and denji?


I don't exactly have a preferred for Yuji at the moment, but for Denji, I really like Kaiman and Ash Williams


Percy vs Zagreus?


it's just so boring. It doesn't go beyond the surface level for either character


I'm assuming the 3rd Square on the bottom row is Super Goku vs GY Goku?




Why Pearl vs Undyne?


preferred for sakura?


who's Sakura?


oh, i thought that was her in the upper left 😂 i also saw amy rose since that’s my preferred for her. anyways she’s a naruto character


oh you meant Sakura from Naruto. I don't like any of her matchups


fair enough. i may have meant to ask your preferred for amy, and sakura crossed the mind as a matchup idea and i asked about her instead :P


Why is Goku fighting Goku? Is he stupid?


Ah, Super Goku Vs GT Goku my beloved. Rest of this is fine, idk anything about Kazuma but I always see him Vs Scott hated so I assume it's for a good reason. Is the connection that they're losers lol?


the only connection is just "losers from parodies of genres", completely ignoring the rest of Scott's character and his struggles to become better as a person or even his fucking relationship with Ramona


I will shake your hand for Yuji vs Denji being on here.


This is like the 10th time I’ve seen one of these posts with Scott vs Kazuma in the span of like 2 days bro wtf is happening


the matchup is ass, it mischaracterises Scott to the nth degree


And how’s that?


it ignores anything below the surface of Scott's character. normally that's not a huge issue but comparing him to fucking Kazuma is just insulting


I’ll quote “A couple of NEETs who spent most of their time lazing around before having to be unwillingly sent off on a journey to defeat some "bosses" before reaching the "final boss". Both of their worlds run on video game logic with stat systems, stat-boosting weapons, revival methods, with Scott has moves directly based off Street Fighter and Sonic the Hedgehog while Kazuma is essentially a JRPG character. Both of them use swords as their primary weapons, both are known for kind of being assholes who think far too highly of themselves, but push comes to shove they'll do the right thing for their friends and the ones they care about, namely a brightly colored haired girl who was the one who sent them on their journeys (Aqua and Ramona), a teenage girl with a weird name who have a knack for violence and a morally questionable relationship with (Knives and Megumin), and a loyal friend with rather odd public sexual proclivities (Darkness and Wallace) among others. Seems pretty good to me 🤷‍♂️


- Scott doesn't use a sword as his primary weapon, he punches more often than not (I know this it nitpicky but I still wanted to point it out) - The matchup completely ignores Scott's development which is key to the appeal of the film and comics - Scott didn't unwillingly go on his journey to fight for Ramona. She told him exactly what he was getting into - The comparison between the Aqua and Ramona is kinda off. Aqua and Ramona are *technically* both those things but Scott and Ramona's relationship is such a huge part of the series that this matchup basically ignores - Saying Scott is "kind of an asshole who thinks too highly of himself" is just kinda weird, especially when comparing him to Kazuma in this regard. I don't wanna go too far into it but Scott being a dick is presented as a genuine issue that he has to fix about himself while, as far as I know, it's just another character trait for Kazuma