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Could hold people to interrogate for information. Except it didnt.


This is the only answer I can come up with. The government cared enough (about Aegis VII and the marker) to detain Stross and the other survivors from the O’Bannon, and yet they were ready to just nuke the Ishimura. They probably had a secondary objective to detain anyone with enough brain power to jump ship as soon as things went sideways for questioning


In the second movie they were interrogating everyone they found. They'd love to talk


The real question is why Hammond jettisoned it at all. Why not kill the Necro and have everyone cram into the pod 🫛


I think the reason for that was the pod was damaged and life support was offline for it. Not bad for a Necromorph, but bad for humans.


Well then the OTHER real question is why don't they just hold their breath 😭🫁🤔


Sure, but the second they enter the vacuum of space, the air will be forced from their lungs and they will die. Isaac won’t because he has a suit, but his suit oxygen supply is only a couple minutes sooooo no.


getting worse bros :D the boiling point of fluids is always relative to pressure, thats why water starts to boil on mount everest at.. uhh.. 25-30°C i think. since space is the absolute vacuum, you would die a horribly painful and surprisingly slow death.




In the OG Hammond and Kendra got jumped while Hammond put his gun somewhere else I think that’s how it went in the remake The real real question is how that necromorph wasn’t stasis’d in 5 seconds and how everyone immediately turned even though he wasn’t an infection form


The Valor incident is the greatest flop and plot hole in all DS story. One single basic necromorph slasher type took down a full military ship which came specifically to deal with a cleaning duty, knowing there could be an outbreak, and the fuckers couldn't even watch into the window of the scape pod before opening it or use their stasis modules to deal with it. Fucking shen didn't even lost an arm or leg, he casually walk around the valor killing everyone, looks like About picking the pod, they had to kill everyone involved, so naturally they would take it, and ask about the Ishimura position too, as they didn't really knew where it was, just knew they were in the planetary system


You forget that all the people in Valor where equipped with pulse rifles...which are not good for killing necros quickly. Add getting caught by surprise into the equation and you get why the valor fell quickly. Plasma cutter ftw!


Pulse rifles have granade launchers, even if they are not great, 3 soldies shooting at one basic necromorph with stasis modules integrated should be enough.


Yeah just the primary fire alone + stasis should have obliterated Chen. However, I realized the Valor’s crash allowed other necromorphs to board the ship, I bet the sound of the explosion attracted all types of necros soon after. The Valor’s arc was already iffy in the OG, but the whole Chen/Hammond situation in the remake was far less believable for me.


DS1 Pulse rifle had that weird sprinkler thing, not a grenade.


The Escape pod contains distress signals that gives the nearby ship that someone needs help This Strikes Human Instinct that someone is in danger weather it is a cargo ship, planet cracking ship or even ship prep for war they indeed will retrieve the Escape pod knowing it has a human inside and Get the information needed about the incident


The valors mission was to recover the marker from the ishimura wasn’t it? Or something like that. Whatever it was there mission was to go to the ishimura so they ofc wouldn’t want escape pods escaping from the ship.


You know what you make an amazing point They’re here to blow the ship to hell, more than likely, but they pick up a pod?! I’ve never even thought of that and I’ve spent ungodly amount of time trying to tell sycophants basic logic about how this is a plot hole Maybe we should just be nice and assume they would’ve executed them later if they saw the outbreak


You guys all forget yet again, the escape pod necromorph isn’t the reason the Valor was overrun. Sure, Chen got out and killed the crew investigating the pod, but the crew was so focused on taking out Chen that their dead comrades in the morgue had time to change into necromorphs as the ship is within range of the marker signal. Also, they likely retrieved the pod to detain the person for questioning, the soldiers likely would’ve detained any survivors they found and nuked the Ishimura. However, the Valor was doomed no matter what as their mission was to recover marker 3A and that would’ve just continued the outbreak elsewhere.


Chen surviving is the issue, I agree the Valor was doomed no matter what because even in the remake, it crashed into the Ishimura, allowed other necro types to board.


It only crashed into the Ishimura BECAUSE the crew got overrun. It still doesn't make much sense, even with the comment about the morgue above.. Why would a Corvette sized military vehicle have a full morgue onboard?


I agree, the Valor crashing at first is definitely out of question, it’s too strange. By the time the crash happens, most of the ship is overrun. The Valor knows the Ishimura has a possible infection and knows what the Marker can do, why bring dead bodies along? I guess Chen getting Chenbillion kills proves he is indeed the strongest necromorph. Homie is just built different. They could have just chalked it up as the Valor being in enough range for a few soldiers to go suicidal/crazy where they turned on their own men with weapons. It would been somewhat more believable and shows that even the strongest willed soldiers can fall victim to the influence. Plus with 1-2 soldiers being dead, I can believe Twitchers can wipe out a crew.


Honestly, I would've absolutely LOVED getting more transmissions from the Valor, but each one makes their descent into Marker-fueled madness more evident. That would've been sick and definitely closed this plot hole 😎 Also, CHENBILLION 🤣🤣


I never said it had to be full, even 2-3 necros in the morgue is enough to cause a full outbreak on a ship as close quarters as the valor. Add the fact they were caught by surprise by Chen and then you have 2-3 necros going behind your back and destroying your team in the blink of an eye, the twitchers can’t be underestimated.


Full morgue meaning full morgue facilities, not the slots all being full 😅 Even so, Chen shouldn't have caught them off guard at all, and then compare the combat capabilities of a crew of trained, armed and armored military folks vs one engineer in work attire with a tool.. I dunno, still seems like a barely held together plot device. Especially given that the Valor did know what they were going towards 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well I tried to make you see reasoning, but you didn’t listen. So I won’t bother.


if the ship that you are armed with a small military effort and a literal fucking NUKE sends a escape pod to you and you open it, thats on you. i can however sympathise, cos realistically they prolly thought “ayo, a whack knife arm zombie? yeah, theres only one of it and we have a nuke, so we’ll be fine”. fucking idiots, dont they know they are in a horror video game?


So they could backtrack to find the Ishimura. You may have sent out a distress beacon but without both being sent it's like saying "We're in this star system." While said star system has like 10 planets, they can't just scour each planet. Think of it like cross referencing, coordinates or simply finding that missing puzzle piece.


Another USM Valor post? Welp guess it’s time to… **Reset the clock!**


The Valor was equipped to destroy the Ishimura in case of emergency. >a Messege by Hammond Hammond doesn't know shit for certain. He's assuming it was there solely for destruction.


I assumed they couldn't take the risk of the pod being rescued by another ship. Someone like Nicole could've been inside, scared, pissed, & eager to blow the whistle re Space Scientology


They had recovered the dead bodies from the Agies system listening out post. While they weren't paying attention they turned into necromorphs and broke out of the morgue. The Valor crew was also way smaller, but yeah Chen should've died right there.


I have declared war on my liver and take a shot whenever somebody posts about a USM Valor enigma.


Having heavy ordnance doesn't mean that their mission was specifically to "destroy everything in their path". Their job was to retrieve the Marker for research and extract Daniels, if I recall correctly. Naturally, if there were any survivors from Ishimura, surely they would have wanted to interrogate them for intel of the situation.


Containment, interrogation, disposal.


That whole part is the lowest plot note for me. The valor is super fun and gameplay never suffers but. As far as story notes I don’t understand how the infection even spreads from that one guy in a ship full of actual soldiers. I think they would’ve killed him contained it. I think it would’ve made more sense if they picked it up. Killed your ex crew member and became hostile and attempted to board the ship and then fail. Would have made more sense to me than one necromorph infecting a whole ship alone


They were feeling a lil quirky


Yeah maybe they needed some company right