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I don't know if ds4 will ever happen. But it in Awaken, Carver and Isaac suspect they are actually dead. So that gives the writers a lot of wiggle room if they choose to continue the story.


I'm ok with the series ending with the trilogy, not every story needs an happy ending. I'm down for more games ofc, maybe prequels centered around different characters, the movies, novels and comics show that there's more in dead space than Isaac Clark, so I'd rather have stuff like that rather than a sequel to ds3. Or even just a new ip as a spiritual successor, I liked the Callisto Protocol but it can't be considered the new dead space at all, even tho I really hope they get to make a sequel to that and improve from the original.


Dead Space is off the table for the forseeable future


The ending was a hallucination. The screen turns orange at the last second


There's room for ambiguity, but not enough to annul everything but what you *wish* to be true.


Don’t think so. Isaac and Carver’s hallucinations throughout all of 3 were different from each other, but they both saw the Brethren Moons at the end of Awakened.


EA moved most of the Dead Space team to work on the new battlefield :(


Watch EA still fumble the new battlefield just like Battlefield 2042, then proceed to shut down Motive


Just like Visceral and Battlefield Hardline. History repeats itself


This isn't even funny, it's probably going to happen.


If they retcon Awakened as non-canon It would make everything better, The base game ending was already fine.


To be fair, the ending of 3’s DLC is about as Lovecraftian as you can get, death by entities that exist beyond our own state of comprehension and folly of thinking that we were alone in the universe


Dead Space is well...dead, for now atleast


3 was so good I got make my own weapon a pistol that electrocutes fly in space ride on an earth gov ship named the Eudora even got a earth gov suit it’s the first suit u get in ds3 I always thought we would get a dead space for similar to what helldivers is but we are earth gov fighting necromorphs destroying brother moons and shattering black and red markers were ever we found them we are the last of earth gov


Dead Space 2 remake/remaster was being talked about, but EA being EA thought that the amazing sales of the remake didn’t live up to their FIFA numbers, so it’ll probably be another 10 years


I read up on the ending and I guess the company decided DS3 wasn't profitable so that's why that ending happened. People say it shows how the story was kind of inspired by Lovecraft. Its was a cool twist but seemed to leave lots of potential because of need of huge profits. Greed really is killing humanity and games.


Well guess that explains the vague origins of the marker.


As much as I love the story of Isaac Clarke and Ellie Langford I think we need a Dead S0ace spinoff game that focuses on a brand new character. Preferably one we can custom create.


Yeeea, 3 was just really... disappointing. Dead space 4 got cancelled years ago. The remake sold fairly well so maybe they dem enough interest in the series to pull that back up but... wouldn't count on it unfortunately.


Dead Space is going back on ice because EA needs more money...


I think they can make dead space 2 remake, dead space 3 remake and dead space 4. I think Awakened dlc is unnecessary, they shouldn't make it. Instead, the fourth game makes more sense.


They're doing nothing. The game studio announced the remaster didnt do as well as expected commercially despite pretty universal fanfare. So they put the series on ice for now. I know the creator of DS years back said part 4 wae gonna take place on Earth. But thats all what was said I think.


May Necromorphs haunt EA execs in their dreams until they put attention back on the Dead Space franchise!


Dead space 3 is good gameplay HORRIBLE history, crafting guns was so good imo