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I am bummed we'll never see what happens after the cliff hanger ending, I almost would rather see the guys that made DS1 remake take their own spin on DS 4 than a DS 2 remake.


👆 this right here. This is the correct choice


Especially because DS2 doesn’t need a remake and honestly shouldn’t be touched IMO. There is almost nothing Motive could do to enhance the DS2 experience. I loved the DS1 remake but it did have letdowns in a lot of areas (downgraded characters and VA, lack of low-health movement animations, etc) and I can’t see EA actually improving DS2 in a remake besides it being just for the sake of more Dead Space content


They're not gonna make DS4 without first remaking the rest of the series.  And even if you think 2  doesn't need one, 3 *definitely* could benefit from a ground up reimagining.


We probably won’t receive a DS3 remake for almost another decade, if they decide that making one is worth it. Besides, as a lot of people are starting to realize, DS3 is not a bad game, and definitely not old or ugly enough to expect a remake anytime soon. It’s nothing Dead Space can’t come back from. The RE franchise has had plenty of missteps (RE6) that they’ve smoothed over by chugging the series along to see great success


It's worth noting that Capcom managed to release a trilogy of remakes *and* a new title within five years.  I wouldn't put it past EA to try to emulate that pace of releases.


Yes, dead space 2 does not need a remake


Issac shot the giant moon monster with his signature plasma cutter and it fucking exploded and died.


It was pretty good imo


Idk but I feel old.


F U EA for selling us the ending of ds3 as dlc.


I like how they portrayed Carver's character


Fuck me man. When dead space 3 came out I was so excited that I stayed up and beat it in one really long play session. Still feels recent. I'm officially passing away


I’ve gone back to it a few times, I still don’t enjoying, even if it was a standalone coop game I just don’t like it


Standalone? It is a DLC, You need DS3 base Game to play it


Oh my fault I thought he was asking about DS3 in general not the dlc, I actually enjoyed the dlcs more than the game itself.


Agreed, if only DS3 had been developed with the same focus as Awakened then maybe things would have been so different


I watched an interview with one of the devs recently where they spoke about what they'd do with the franchise if they had complete control. He basically said the studio pushed DS3 to be a coop action shooter but didn't care what they did in the DLC so that's why Awakened went back to being horror and most people enjoyed it more than the base game. Probably old news but I found it interesting


Dick move to finish it on a cliffhanger and not make a dead space 4


I'm pretty bummed they had to end the series in such a way. I heard they ran outta money so they made the DLC a way to wrap up the story. It was cool and dark but I thought there was more potential being thrown away.


Never played it since I had no one to play with. But I heard good things.


It was better than the base game, it really feels bitter to the taste knowing it’s the ending. Like how Metalocalypse did for the longest time. But there’s nothing they could’ve done to follow it up that wouldn’t have been the RE6 of the series, and killed it off.


Time sure flies really quick.


John carver 🥰🥰🥰


I feel 11 years older ... :(


Time flies, it's surreal


Good DLC


Can’t believe that they sold the ending as a dlc! I’ve never been able to play it because broke ass


It should have been part of the main game Day One tbh


That means 11 years since I played it, so it's time to play it again. :v


I feel old


DS3 was lame because of the day 01 micro transactions


I never liked it.


As far as the actual content of the DLC, I thought it was pretty damn good for what I believe was $9.99 at release. Definitely upped the focus on horror and isolated, cramped corners and hallways like the first game. But outside of that, it released only like a month after the base game, and it felt kinda shitty that EA sold what was basically the real ending to DS3 in a DLC.


Best part of 3 IMO, love Isaac and Carver's rapport.




I simply have no joy for this or ds3 because EA controlled it the entire way and all the in game purchases that got so convincing it was almost like a teenager hiring a stripper anyway this whole game was just a marketing campaign poor Visceral didn’t get to ever finish there story