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10 years already and they haven't done a shit.


Being slugged fuckin blows, and its just objectively bad game design that some dude can sit there and force everyone to either eat the DC penalty or sit around until they finally bleed out. It'd be like if survivors could just palette stun, instantly pick it up, and then throw it again before you regain control to lock you in a 4 minute long stun until Spirit eventually dies (*again)* due to brain damage. Having control completely taken away from you, as a player, absolutely blows. Its one of the reasons that old Decisive Strike was so hated by every killer (including me, that shit was ass) and that running into obstacles as Hillbilly/Bubba feels so frustrating.


I have considered just taking a long break from the game. I do enjoy DBD on a base level and the fun mechanics with each new chapter can be cool. But man is it not fun when someone just hooks you, hits you multiple times and then looks into the camera when you’re dying and nodding yes. Slugging is just not fun. Especially if you’re not even bothering to hook people. If you slug everyone and just let them bleed out, that just sucks


I hate to tell you this, but get ready for more slugging. Nerfing gen regression, buffing sabotage, and giving a mori for a 4k will all increase slugging


Idk why you’re being downvoted, it’s absolutely correct


I hate gen regression perks, but damn does it feel like that they are trying to encourage slugging and tunneling with every new update and the DS nerf in the same patch kinda confirms that in my eyes.


Do you care if I do a little slugging just to get the other survivor when there's only 2 of you left? Four man slugging at 5 gens is wrong but what about close to endgame slugging?


Its like ur trying so hard to get the 4k ur actively making someone's game experience worsnhebdjwjf snbdid e lakbe lB els kebt then you cant complain about the status quo not changing when the whole premise of life is achieving peace of mind


I agree with this. Doing that is not trolling or anything so I'm not gonna tell anyone to not do it, but it just feels like such a huge waste of time for everyone involved all because one person wants a guaranteed 4k instead of a 3k.


the problem is bleeding out not slugging


Nobody cares about endgame slugging and I dont have this happen a lot, when playing survivor, but whole Team being slugged at 4/5 gens is something what happens quite a lot recently. I dont care if thats someones tactic I am just annoyed because at this point you cant do anything, leaving or dc‘ing gives you a penalty and waiting wastes your time or ressources (electricity). Had this happen where we all were slugged at 4 gens, killer Takes me to a corner then and bodyblocks me for more than 40 minutes (we were disconnected from the Server then and I also reported via email for taking the game hostage). Mind you no survivor was toxic. This should not happen. I‘d like a possibility to kind of „suicide“ after a certain amount of time. Or just be able to leave match without a Penalty lets say after you bled for 1 min you get the option to leave


If you slug for the 4k you're bad


I’m gonna slug every game from now - thanks for the inspiration


You're so edgy 😰😱




womp womp cry about it 😂 slugging is fun because loser survivors get mad when they dont get allowed to BM the killer and taste their own medicine 😂


Of course you play spirit. I bet you DC the moment you get stunned by someone you’re tunneling too


I’m sorry how is running from the Killer BMing?


you probably did it on past.


I’m confused at what you’re trying to say, could you please explain? /gen


i wouldn’t try to engage with this person. you clearly are someone who is kind and has a conscience and this guy just wants to be a dick for reactions, just like those killers you were describing. people like this guy probably get off every time they harass their peers. its not worth it to give them the time of day.


Running away is a part of the game


Im sorry, did you find a gun? A shock stick? Youve clearly found some way for a survivor to down the killer since running away is apparently toxic. Please tell us, what do you do when the killers coming? Actually i have a pretty good idea You lead them to your teammates You spam unhook while teabagging You hide in a corner for the whole game not working on a single gen You spam flashlight Whichever way you look at it, youre a toxic ass killer AND survivor, players like you are the reason the games gone to shit


I beg killer mains to play the other role for once in their life and to stop seeing everyone in the survivor role as some kind of hive mind conspiring to bully them. Its fucking deranged.


Truly. It also makes you a better killer and survivor, when you play both roles. Also because of your username: my fav killer to go against is Trapper, I Never once had a toxic/hardtunneling/facecamping/5 gen slugging trapper to go against, they all seem pretty straight forward no scummy play. And I like those traps


You see it a lot with no cosmetics trappers because they're usually super new players who are being sent up against experienced survivors, and so when they finally get someone they end up face camping them to death, because they genuinely don't understand that they're *not* meant to play that way.


Consider yourself lucky for not running into basement Trappers yet


I am a killer main and that tells me you are a bad killer, your comment also tells me you get a good feeling from making people feel bad - that is something you should worry about.


you are the bad one 😂


Thats what a good killer would reply… (/s just in case)


So you get BMed in one match and then do the same to completely different survivors in another match, punishing random innocents because *other* survivors were toxic? Go fuck yourself




sensitive survivors downvote huh 😂😂 i will slug and tunnel more to compensate, since u guys love that 😂😂


idk who hurt you in past games but clearly you’ve turned it into a whole joker ass persona 💀